>From Glenn Greenwald (a progressive who supported
Obama in the primary and a constitutional lawyer)
in Salon.com:

The Obama DOJ's embrace of Bush's state secrets
privilege in the Jeppesen (torture/rendition) case 
generated substantial outrage, and rightly so.  But 
it's now safe to say that far worse is the Obama 
DOJ's conduct in the Al-Haramain case -- the only 
remaining case against the Government with any real 
chance of resulting in a judicial ruling on the 
legality of Bush's NSA warrantless eavesdropping 

...One of the worst abuses of the Bush 
administration was its endless reliance on vast 
claims of secrecy to ensure that no court could 
ever rule on the legality of the President's 
actions....Secrecy claims of that sort -- to block 
judicial review of the President's conduct, i.e., 
to immunize the President from the rule of law -- 
provoked endless howls of outrage from Bush 

Yet now, the Obama administration is doing exactly 
the same thing....Why is the Obama administration 
so vested in...ensuring that Presidents continue to 
have the power to invoke extremely broad secrecy 
claims in order to block courts from ruling on 
allegations that a President has violated the 

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