--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u" <anitaoaks4u@> wrote:
> >
> > Right on JR, but I don't think our resident liberal,
> > Judy, would agree! I don't know what her views are on
> > gay-marriage but I could probably guess. Liberals don't
> > have a problem with anal intercourse and in fact,
> > indirectly encourage it, they even call it 'love'.
> I personally don't like gay-marriage.  But, here in
> California, if the US Supreme Court forces us to enact
> it, I can live with it.

Now that you've both checked in on the idea of love,
especially that Bad kind, where a person falls in love
with someone of the opposite sex, how do you stand on
polyamory? That's where a number of people form loving
relationships -- primarily heterosexual -- but not limited
to monogamy?

I ask because today I find myself a fly on the wall in
a household full of laughing, amazing well-adjusted and
well-loved children. The four people I live with -- two
women and one child -- are being visited by one of the
women's other boyfriends and his three kids. Tomorrow
the other boyfriend of one of the other women may show
up with his two kids.

With regard to Billy's in-quotes 'love'...there is more
of it in this household than in any monogamous marriage
or relationship I have ever encountered.

However, when same-sex marriage is finally adopted as
normal all around the world, it will still take YEARS
before governments and churches will accept polyamory.
That's not hyperbole; that's just the honest truth.

It's been an interesting experiment for me, as kind of a
loner, living with a polyamorous family for the last year.
I am neither romantically nor sexually involved with
either of the two women, and Roland definitely isn't my
type. :-) I don't really ask about their relationships with
each other, or with their occasional other partners, and
I don't really care. All I know is that in my immediate
"extended family" these three people do as fine a job of
loving each other and their daughter Maya as I have ever
seen done on this planet. They'd all love to be legally
married. But no way. That won't happen until decades
after people can no longer remember why there was any
furor over gay marriage.


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