Title: Pranayama
From Ken Hassman:

In this monster 3400 page book im indexing, Handbook of Psychophysiology, it says: (ignore the purple tags, those are the embedded locators I'm inserting)

There is little evidence that breathing pattern, so long as it supplies sufficient oxygen, affects cognitive activity. The exception to this statement is a maneuver called “955.150bforced unilateral breathing.” This exercise originated in yogic training and several studies have demonstrated that occlusion of the left or right nostril alters cognitive function.f955.150 This is an interesting, varied and surprisingly large literature. Werntz, Bickford and Shannahoff-Khalsa (1987) found that occlusion of the left or right nostril produces increased EEG amplitudes in the contralateral hemisphere. Contrary to most interpretations of increased EEG amplitude, this finding was interpreted as increased cortical activity and was used to account for behavioral differences associated with the “activated” hemisphere. A different study (Block, Arnott, Quigley, & Lynch, 1989), examined this breathing style on verbal test performance and spatial tasks finding effects for both gender, nostril and task. Males in this study performed spatial tasks better when breathing through the right nostril and the opposite response was found for women. A slightly more recent study by Jella and Shannahoff-Khalsa (1993) found that both men and women both showed improved performance during left nostril breathing contradicting the earlier effect in males. While inconsistent, the preponderance of the literature suggests that right nostril breathing is associated with better verbal performance and left nostril breathing is associated with better spatial performance. These findings have been interpreted as being the result of increased activation in the hemisphere contralateral to the nostril with airflow. Recently, this idea has been extended to research on emotional tones in a dichotic listening paradigm

Ken Hassman, Owner

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