Möller de la Rouvière






1) To be a Humanist in the fullest sense of the word, is to embrace 
both the potential and direct experience of non-duality or wholeness 
as an integral aspect of human life.  


2) The non-dual truth of the living moment is contained as potential 
within all aspects of human experience, and therefore does not exist 
as a metaphysical Self, Brahman, Godhead, or any other Unifying 
factor - all which are projected as having Their presumed existence 
both prior to, and after, the appearance of human life.


3) Wholeness or non-duality is neither the experience of one nor two. 


4) Wholeness or non-duality is the mere sense of non-dual reality 
which remains alive as a human experience when the inner, fragmented 
and alienated sense of `I'-consciousness has been recognized as 
fundamentally false, and transcended through right practice and right 


5) The word `spiritual' in the term `Spiritual Humanism' reflects the 
total field of subtle human experiences such as love, compassion, 
wholeness or non-duality, intelligence, pure emotional response-
ability, emotional equanimity, reasonableness, softness of heart, 
human warmth, altered states of conscious awareness, insight, 
intuition and  deep states of inner absorption.  It further includes 
the appropriate use of instruments such as memory, attention, the 
sense of awareness and rational thinking in their relation to the 
diversity of that which appears in the human field of present 


6)  No sustainable emotional equanimity or the functioning of the 
deeper intelligence associated with the non-dual revelation is 
possible without addressing and transcending the deep emotional 
shadow material which fundamentally controls and prejudices 
intelligent human behavior in general and, more specifically, 
responsive and dependable  human relationships .


7) No sustainable intelligent and creative interaction with the world 
is possible without observing and transcending mental conditioning 
which projects and transfers itself onto the simplicity of human 


8) Non-duality is not to be found as an exclusive property 
somewhere `within' the bodymind.  Non-duality or wholeness is the 
complete identification between the sense of being aware and the 
content which appears as form within this awareness.  In this regard, 
no distinction could be made between the content of awareness and the 
awareness of content.


9) In the human context, there is no such experience as content-less 
awareness. Awareness can therefore not be an object of inner 
contemplation, neither can it contemplate itself.


10) Awareness is not a `thing' to be come upon `inwardly' or anywhere 
else.  Awareness is the mere sense of being aware, which makes it a 
process and not the Ultimate Unifying Principle (or Great 
Metaphysical Thing) as projected by traditional Advaita Vedanta.


11) Meditation is a gradual movement through the disorder of the 
fragmented, conditioned and emotionally scarred human psyche to the 
unfolding of the natural non-dual potential within human nature.


12)  Human life itself is the path, the practice and the fulfillment 
of the practice.  The completion of spiritual life reflects the 
fulfillment of human life as a whole, and nothing Else.  


13) A re-look at, and a radical re-cognition of,  the entire process 
of the spiritualization of human life are required to free this 
enquiry from the binding and distorting  dogmas of traditional 
religious and spiritual conformity.


14)  A new, truly Humanistic vision of spiritual life, based on 
nothing but the unfolding and development of humankind's deepest 
potential for integral living, has to be explored as a matter of 
profound urgency.


15) God, as the ultimate projection of human well-being, order, 
beauty and happiness, should no longer, in any form whatsoever, be  
the basis of an uncompromisingly humanistic enquiry into the inherent 
spiritual nature of human existence.  


16) Mind as the slayer of truth, is nothing other that the 
indiscriminate, conditioned, habitual and uninspected use of human 
faculties such as attention, thought, emotional response and the 
functioning of awareness in relation to these.


17) The `I'-conscious state is fundamental to fragmented living and 
many other forms of inner and outer disorder. As mere self-projection 
and self-focus this presumed inner entity creates a distinct and 
clearly observable destiny of suffering in its attempts to minimize 
the felt dis-ease of its own supposed separateness – both from itself 
and life in general.


18)  The path is a conscious  inversion upon every aspect of inner 
contraction within the body-mind, and not a projected movement 
towards that which is presumed to exist as an Ultimate State 
eternally free, and thus fundamentally separate from, human life.


19) Human life is as real as every aspect of present human 
experience, whether pleasurable or painful. There is nothing more 
Real than human life itself. Both delusion and truth are functions of 
human existence and are perfectly real in themselves.


20)  The false is real until re-cognized as such.  The false can only 
be seen as the false in the light of the true.  


21) Humankind has never fallen from Grace.  Those who struggle in the 
web of self-created destiny, have simply never been anywhere else.  
The truth of non-duality lies dormant, as potential only,  within the 
living experience of every moment or present arising, until allowed 
to become self-evident through appropriate practice and correct 


22)  The truth of non-dual present arising cannot be destroyed by any 
human activity.  It can only be obscured.


23) There is no Other.  There is only This.  And `This' is always, 
and only, nothing but perfectly, and simply, human.




Warm regards,

Moller de la Rouviere



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