Q. Could you say what you think Hugo Chavez's influence has been in
Venezuela and Latin America?

A. I would have thought that his influence in Venezuela is fundamental
and long lasting. Other Latin American nations do not have the oil
reserves of Venezuela but the immediate response to Chavez's death
of, for example, Bolivia and Argentina, are sincere and full of promise.

Q. Chavez was popular with most Venezuelans but disliked by the American
establishment; is it true that the US tried to have Chavez assassinated?

A. No.

Q. Do you think that Chavez was one of a group of fairly enlightened and
relatively advanced leaders who have come to power in `recent'
years in Latin America?

A. Yes, clearly so. From his point of evolution he is ahead of most
leaders in the world.

Q. Was Hugo Chavez sometimes inspired by a Master or Maitreya – he
was apparently generous, altruistic and idealistic.

A. Yes, by the Master Jesus.

Q. There are rumours that a lot of money was syphoned off by the Chavez
family from oil reserves. Is this true?

A. Absolutely not. It is anti-Chavez propaganda.

Q. Spring, we hope, is on its way in the northern hemisphere and with it
come the three major spiritual festivals of Easter, Wesak and the Christ
(1) Can we look forward to a significant boost in the spiritual energies
transmitted by the Lord Maitreya and the Masters? (2) Could it be that
the stimulus provided at this time of the year will speed up the needed
changes? Do you think we will see marked changes in 2013 in (3) the
effectiveness of people power, (4) genuine moves towards establishing a
just settlement in the Middle East, especially Palestine, and (5) a
powerful and effective peace movement demanding the end of war?

A. (1) Yes. We are, even now, in a period which the Masters call a
`spiritual push'. (2) Yes. (3) Yes. (4) No. (5) Yes.

Q. With the resignation of the Pope, is it possible and likely that the
Master Jesus will become the new Pope?

A. No.

Q. Do you think that Pope Benedict changed for the better during his

A. Yes.

Q. A 10-meter-diameter meteor recently landed in western Siberia killing
no one; shattered glass caused many injuries but only 50 people were
hospitalised. In more or less the same period a 45-meter asteroid passed
relatively close to the Earth. In 2008 a 4-meter-long rock exploded in
the sky some 37 kilometers above the Nubian Desert in Sudan. The last
large detonation of a 40-meter asteroid was also over an unpopulated
part of Siberia in 1908. Do the Masters of our Spiritual Hierarchy and
the Space Brothers play any role in diverting meteors from landing in
populated parts of the world?

A. Yes.

Q. In the section of `Letters to the Editor' (SI, April 2012
d> ) there was a letter titled `Timely Visit'. In the letter,
the man who was confirmed to be the Master Jesus said: "I think that
this year, 2012, will be a crucial year. An important year. Something is
going to happen. Something positive. It must happen now, otherwise
we're lost. It can't continue as it is. But there's hope.
The people must play their part." I wonder if any positive thing has
already happened? Could this be the marches and other protests for
justice all over the world?

A. Yes, people throughout the world are crying out for change – for
justice and sharing, for jobs, a sense of well-being and peace.

Q. Is it correct that Maitreya forecast the fall of Communism?

A. He forecast the break up of the Soviet Union, which is not the same

Q. I read that the coming time is to be the age of women. I also read
that the Masters were the inspiration behind the Women's Movement.
Will the Masters guide humanity to create a more balanced attitude
towards women?

A. Yes.

Q. The austerity measures in Britain are causing misery, suffering and
deprivation; how is it possible that the British are not out on the
streets in their millions?

A. Perhaps the suffering has not gone far enough yet. The British have a
strong sense of national unity and are slow to demonstrate.

Q. Recently, I have learned that there is a Japanese Non Profit
Organization which "helps" couples who cannot have children because of
wives' physical problem. The way of its assistance is egg donation. A
couple receives an egg from an unrelated donor. The donor gives it for
free. Our government is co-operative to the activity, and no argument or
objection has arisen among people after the donation project was
broadcast through television. The TV program also told about Japanese
women who went to other countries to give their eggs for profit.

Most people may feel that it is too delicate an issue to raise an
objection because they can guess the mind of the woman who wants a child
but cannot have one due to her physical problem. Even so, I think that
it is not only the misuse of technology and money but also selfish and
indiscreet behaviour. The egg donation would generate lots of problems.
If a couple receives an egg from an unrelated woman, doesn't it make the
work of the Lords of Karma more complicated?

Besides that, it causes a real-world problem. Incest has been forbidden
in many cultures for ages. In the near future, it could happen between
people without knowing they are half brother and sister from the same
mother. In ancient Japan, a male and a female who were from the same
father were allowed to marry, while those who were from the same mother
were not permitted. I don't know the reason why incest is taboo, but
there must be esoteric and realistic reasons. Are there any very
critical physical and karmic issues due to incest?

A. The objection would not so much be due to incest possibilities but to
karmic considerations. The practice is therefore not recommended by the

Q. Is the English language eventually going to wipe all the other
languages off the planet? Will there be a day when everyone on this
planet will only speak English? If not how much longer is the English
language's global domination going to last?

A. To enable easy communications between peoples, English is close to
being, and will become, in a simplified form, the lingua franca for the
world. But all existing national languages of course will be retained.

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