[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope: Cultivating Consciousness is NOT the same thing as Morality.

2014-01-24 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Acquiring virtue. Did you know that hard-boiling eggs in water with some salt 
sprinkled in the boiling water helps make shucking the egg shells off easier? 
When did you acquire that particular lesson in life? From whom? You were born 
with that knowledge? When have you learned otherwise about spiritual virtue? 
The role of Civic virtue in spirituality? At school from teachers and books? 
From Parents? Guru or spiritual treacher? Church? A pastor? FFL list guidelines 
and moderators? Yahoo-groups guidelines? Just wondering, should we expect that 
developing consciousness would cultivate virtue? In the subtle bodies it seems 
that sin directly obstructs expansion of consciousness as spirituality. Virtue 
then in the human form develops the more pure spiritual experience of the 
Unified Field as the source of large nature. “Never do that which we know to be 
wrong.” “Don''t be unkind” and “love thy neighbor” hold powerful spiritual 
field effects that are fundamental to essential spiritual growth for 
individuals and communities. Rating people and groups against a scale of 
kindness and love is something we all do. Clearly some individuals do groups 
better than other other people and some groups are more spiritual than others. 
Are the virtues of kindness and loving learned and acquired in spiritual 
practice or innate coming with the DNA? What is your experience with virtue as 
spiritual practice and progress? Which comes first, spirituality or virtue? 
 TM it seems never really quite equates expansion of consciousness with 
development of morality necessarily. There is some assertion about improved 
moral reasoning from the science research but not really moral development. TM 
seems to stay away from that equation. After this (1974) TM publication, 
morality and consciousness it seems never really run close together. Moral 
reasoning and consciousness yes, but not development of morality or virtue in 
the soul of character as consciousness development necessarily. The TM moral 
instruction at best was, Meditate twice a day, act and “Never do that which you 
know to be wrong”. 
 Maharishi and the Pope evidently felt a similar way about consciousness, 
ethics and morality. 
 Well, obviously there is virtue and there is vice, and there are our spiritual 
practice of discipline to free our soul of those indentations of the sheaths of 
the subtle system created of vice. Spiritually then, those Vāsanā of spiritual 
vice, usually given as wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony or 
in morality of 10 commandments. 
 Unfortunately some people are brought up badly. Fortunate are those whom have 
good teachers who knew better and can give spiritual help. Then evidently in 
life service to others is the great virtue as it undoes vice. Seek good 
company. Do good. Come to a group transcending meditation near you. So says the 
 By the Pope's spiritual description quoted as authority in the 1974 TM 
publication, consciousness development is quite evidently different from 
morality development. One could certainly contend by enumeration of long 
experience that in practice this is so, that moral reasoning is some set 
different from virtue as to the implementation of necessary spiritual morality 
in the development of consciousness. Though these two are evidently intertwined 
as spiritual practice. 
 Future theologians of the Unified Field of next generations will sit with this 
as they review the virtue of moral leadership of our past and present TM.Org . 
I do hope for the best judgment and redemption even to all, -Buck in the Dome 
 “This study was designed to investigate whether a positive relationship exists 
between the practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique and moral 
reasoning,” Paper 91, A Study of the Relationship of the Transcendental 
Meditation Program to Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Reasoning. 
 Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program
 Collected Papers,
 Volume I,
 pp 727
 The whole purpose of life is to gain enlightenment. Nothing else is
significant compared to that completely natural, exalted state of consciousness.
So always strive for that. Set your life around that goal. Don't get caught up
in small things, and then it will be yours. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
 “When you speak of consciousness, you do not refer to the moral conscious: the 
very rigor of your methods ensures that you do not leave the strictly 
scientific domain which belongs to you. What you have in mind exclusively is 
the same faculty of perceiving and of reacting to perception, that is to say, 
the psychophysiological concept which constitutes one of the accepted meanings 
of the word 'consciousness.'” -(Pope Paul VI addressing a gathering of 
Scientists for the study of Brain and Conscious Experience, Rome 1964). 
 Excerpt, The Psychobiology of Transcendental Meditation A Literature Review 
Kanellakos and Lukas 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope: Cultivating Consciousness is NOT the same thing as Morality.

2014-01-22 Thread dhamiltony2k5

 TM it seems never really quite equates expansion of consciousness with 
development of morality necessarily. There is some assertion about improved 
moral reasoning from the science research but not really moral development. TM 
seems to stay away from that equation. After this (1974) TM publication, 
morality and consciousness it seems never really run close together. Moral 
reasoning and consciousness yes, but not development of morality or virtue in 
the soul of character as consciousness development necessarily. The TM moral 
instruction at best was, Meditate twice a day, act and “Never do that which you 
know to be wrong”. 
 Maharishi and the Pope evidently felt a similar way about consciousness, 
ethics and morality. 
 Well, obviously there is virtue and there is vice, and there are our spiritual 
practice of discipline to free our soul of those indentations of the sheaths of 
the subtle system created of vice. Spiritually then, those Vāsanā of spiritual 
vice, usually given as wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony or 
in morality of 10 commandments. 
 Unfortunately some people are brought up badly. Fortunate are those whom have 
good teachers who knew better and can give spiritual help. Then evidently in 
life service to others is the great virtue as it undoes vice. Seek good 
company. Do good. Come to a group transcending meditation near you. So says the 
 By the Pope's spiritual description quoted as authority in the 1974 TM 
publication, consciousness development is quite evidently different from 
morality development. One could certainly contend by enumeration of long 
experience that in practice this is so, that moral reasoning is some set 
different from virtue as to the implementation of necessary spiritual morality 
in the development of consciousness. Though these two are evidently intertwined 
as spiritual practice. 
 Future theologians of the Unified Field of next generations will sit with this 
as they review the virtue of moral leadership of our past and present TM.Org . 
I do hope for the best judgment and redemption even to all, -Buck in the Dome 
 “This study was designed to investigate whether a positive relationship exists 
between the practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique and moral 
reasoning,” Paper 91, A Study of the Relationship of the Transcendental 
Meditation Program to Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Reasoning. 
 Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program
 Collected Papers,
 Volume I,
 pp 727
 The whole purpose of life is to gain enlightenment. Nothing else is
significant compared to that completely natural, exalted state of consciousness.
So always strive for that. Set your life around that goal. Don't get caught up
in small things, and then it will be yours. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
 “When you speak of consciousness, you do not refer to the moral conscious: the 
very rigor of your methods ensures that you do not leave the strictly 
scientific domain which belongs to you. What you have in mind exclusively is 
the same faculty of perceiving and of reacting to perception, that is to say, 
the psychophysiological concept which constitutes one of the accepted meanings 
of the word 'consciousness.'” -(Pope Paul VI addressing a gathering of 
Scientists for the study of Brain and Conscious Experience, Rome 1964). 
 Excerpt, The Psychobiology of Transcendental Meditation A Literature Review 
Kanellakos and Lukas 1974 Benjamin, Inc. pp 158