So you think lying is fine too?

 As I've said before, most folks here are honest. But there are still several 
Bad Apples (fortunately some of the worst ones have left) who have no 
inhibitions about lying--in particular, about other FFL members they don't 
like--and I think that is terribly destructive. It's the essence of unkindness. 
And it's hardly a matter of "old grudges" when it continues to this day.

 I have never been on a Web forum where lying was so complacently tolerated. 
But it breeds mutual disrespect and lowers standards of civility generally. I 
would be willing to bet that if there were less tolerance for lying, there 
would be a lot less unkindness overall.

 As I've said many times before, life is tough enough when everyone is doing 
their absolute damndest to be as honest as they possibly can. There's no excuse 
for making it tougher.

 IMHO, of course.

---In, <> wrote:

 I think people are pretty honest here. The only person who obsesses about 
lying is you. Your question to Buck is of course just a way of sidestepping the 
issue of "perpetual unkindness." I can see why you would want to do that, since 
you are the principal purveyor of it. You need to let go of all these old 
grudges and obsessions. They are negative attachments that do not serve you 


 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 How about the lying? You never mention the lying, Buck. Does that mean you 
think it's OK to lie? 
Buck huffed:

 You can't even hardly invite any civilized person to visit here to FFL with 
what perpetual unkindness has taken over here on this yahoo-group. It is simply 
appalling that this culture of low meanness and unkindness has got going here. 
It is no good to have in our house, But I fear most now for the very life of 
this entire list if this culture of unkindness is not checked.


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