you can get vegan DHA now that comes straight from the algae

--- In, "matrixmonitor"
> IMO, Life Extension Foundation:
> The most popular Fructo-Oligosaccharide is simply "FOS", 
> perfectly safe.
>  My favorite suppliers for supplements:
> Swanson's Health Foods in Fargo, ND , and
> Vitacost
> in Florida.
> In regard to brain nutrients, I assume that everybody reading this is 
> taking their DHA which may be obtained from fish oil. (a 
> significant   part of the brain is made up of DHA).
> To maximize the benefits of DHA, this should be taken along with PS, 
> Phosphatidylserice.
> But there are three "phosphatidyl's" of importance:
> 1. PS
> 2. PC (PhosphatidylCholine
> 3. GPC: GlyceroPhospoCholine
> Information on these important brain nutrients may be found  at
> Also, I'm mentioning these nutrients since there are many supplements 
> of value that are not "Vedic".
> Some are Vedic but have Western names, for example, Gojij, a powerful 
> red/orange berry that grows in the Himalayas.

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