thanks for aiding our digestion!

--- In, Dick Mays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Forwarded from a friend:
> Dear Friends,
> Bevan managed to connect to us this morning 
> (20th).  It was evening in India and he was in a 
> car going through the streets of Allahabad on his 
> way to a meeting.  As he spoke we could hear the 
> sounds of India - many honking car  horns and at 
> one point a lot of noise he told us was for a 
> wedding procession that was passing by. It all 
> made us feel we were right there with him, but 
> from the comfort and safety of home -- he was 
> also sneezing a lot from the fumes!
> He told us of the last part of the rites which 
> happened today. Someone sent a report (see 
> below).  Bevan added about 200 Dandi Swamis had 
> been expected, but actually 600 arrived along 
> with many man other Swamis.  (I hope that I got 
> the name right - this was Guru Dev's order - you 
> can tell them as they always carry a staff.) 
> It's amazing how they all got to know - they 
> don't have cell phones! There were also many 
> Indian dignitaries and officials.
> Then the Movement leaders (men only) and all of 
> Purusha (about 150 there Bevan said), met with 
> the Shankaracharya in the Shankarcharya's house 
> which Guru Dev purchased with his "magic money" 
> that would just miraculously appear as needed in 
> a box under his bed.  They all squeezed in the 
> room where Guru Dev had sat on the 
> Shankarcharya's seat.  It must have been amazing, 
> to be there and to talk with the Shakarcharya, 
> who asked them questions about their experiences 
> with TM.
> Afterwards everyone was led to a large Pandal to 
> eat (separate enclosed areas for each class: 
> saints, mortals, and women!). It is customary for 
> the family to feed all those who attend the 
> rites.  Maharishi's close family were there 
> (Girish, Anand and Prakash Shrivastava, plus the 
> eldest member of the family, 96 years old) and, 
> as is their duty, they went around making sure 
> everyone ate fully. Seems it was a very rich 
> full, banquet!
> So read below to find out more about this last rite.
> Jai Guru Dev
> ----------------------------------------------------
> The final part  of the last rites is known as 
> Uthawala and Brahman Bhojan, i.e. Feast (Meal) 
> for the Brahmins.
> On February 20, 2008 under the auspices of the 
> Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, successor to GURU 
> DEV on the Shankaracharya Seat of Jyotir Peeth, 
> Himalayas, the last celebration is performed in 
> Prayag at Maharishi Ashram in Arail
> According to Ayurveda all experiences should be 
> metabolized fully so that no residues (ama) 
> remain back. The end result of full 
> metabolization of food to their most refined 
> state is Ojas or Soma. But experiences must also 
> be fully metabolized in order to produce bliss as 
> their end-result.
> Now we all had the chance to fully metabolize our 
> beloved Maharishi's full transformation (even of 
> the little leshavidya =veil of avidya or 
> ignorance that the restriction of the body 
> somewhat represents ) to Brahman and 
> Maharishi-jis ascent to Heaven and that means 
> everyone should feel now fully at home with the 
> ever blissful -  most intimate to our own 
> innermost self - nature of Maharishi's divine 
> presence now. He is always with us  and having 
> participated in all the ceremonies now we know 
> that even the sanctified remains of his body flow 
> now in the veins and arteries, i.e. rivers of 
> ´Ved Bhumi Bharat, our Motherland India and from 
> there into all the oceans of the world and all 
> the rivers of the world, so that the morsels and 
> atoms of Maharishi's body this way travel into 
> all the rivers, i.e. veins and arteries, of all 
> the 192 countries of the world.
> What remains is Bliss!
> Jai Guru Dev
> =============================================
> "Radiating that same divine influence and that 
> same purity and nobility of thought and action 
> which our forefathers were accustomed to imbibe 
> at the foot of our mighty mountain and on the 
> Sacred banks of our Holy rivers. I say that in 
> the person of Maharishi Bala Brahmachari Mahesh 
> Yogi of Uttarkashi we have secured to ourselves 
> the presence of a blessed soul who has attained 
> an extra-ordinary level of spiritual perfection. 
> A brilliant product of the Allahabad University, 
> His Holiness has taken to the ascetic way of life 
> undergoing a period of training in renunciation 
> and self-abnegation under the great Jagadguru 
> Bhagavan Sankaracharya Swami Brahmananda 
> Saraswati Maharaj of Jyotirmutt, Badarikasram."  
>     Thus was Maharishi formally welcomed by Sri S. 
> Kuttikrishna Menon at the start of the Spiritual 
> Development Conference in Cochin, October, 1955. 
> Significantly, Maharishi was characterized as an 
> "ascetic" who had trained himself in 
> "renunciation and self-abnegation" under the 
> Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math. As a result he had 
> "attained an extra-ordinary level of spiritual 
> perfection" and had been "blessed" with a "divine 
> influence" and a "purity and nobility" akin to 
> that of the "sacred" and "holy" ancestors of 
> Indian culture.
> From Maharishi's Introduction to his comment to the Bhagavad-Gita  
> "It was the concern of Guru Deva, His Divinity 
> Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, to enlighten all men 
> everywhere that resulted in the foundation of the 
> worldwide Spiritual Regeneration Movement in 
> 1958, five years after his departure from us. 
> India is a country where Truth matters most and 
> Indians are a people to whom God matters most. 
> Indian soil has witnessed many times the revival 
> of life's true philosophy. The people of India 
> have never hesitated to return once more to the 
> right path whenever it was convincingly pointed 
> out to them that their way of life had taken a 
> wrong course. This age has, however, been 
> fortunate. It has witnessed the living example of 
> a man inspired by Vedic wisdom in its wholeness 
> and thus able to revive the philosophy of the 
> integrated life in all its truth and fullness - 
> His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, the 
> inspiration and guiding light of this commentary."
> From the Guru Gita:
> Those people are fools who engage in sacrificial 
> rites, vows, penance, japa, charity, and also 
> pilgrimages without knowing the Guru principle.
> Always remember the Guru's form. Constantly 
> repeat the divine name given by the Guru. Always 
> follow the Guru's commands. Think of nothing 
> other than the Guru.
> If Shiva is angry, the Guru saves you, but if the 
> Guru is angry, even Shiva cannot save you. 
> Therefore, with every effort take refuge in Sri 
> Guru.
> I worship the Lord Guru, even a few particles of 
> dust from whose feet form a bridge across the 
> ocean of the world.
> Salutations to Sri Guru, who by imparting the 
> power of Self-knowledge burns up all the karmas 
> acquired through countless lives.
> The root of meditation is the Guru's form. The 
> root of worship is the Guru's feet. The root of 
> mantra is the Guru's word. The root of liberation 
> is the Guru's grace.
> -Sri Guru Gita

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