[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-26 Thread doctordumbass
Reminds me of the Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."

The global political situation still looks like a great big yin-yang symbol to 
me. Nothing to be concerned about. Technology shrinks space and speeds up time, 
and inflates dynamics, and, now, is literally in our faces, every day. 

But that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong, currently, more than at any 
past time, just a greater and greater contrast between the stillness within, 
and the racing infinity, outside. Maybe it all just churns itself into butter 
eventually. Who knows?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Break out those anti-war signs because Obombie wants his war goaded on 
> by the NeoCon devils.  Oh the chatter here about is it "Kali Yuga" or 
> "Sat Yuga".  Let's see:
> We have a possibility of WWIII.
> We have a possibility of human extinction in 13 years (or less).
> We have Fukushima radioactive water going into the Pacific Ocean and 
> poisoning it.
> Yup, must be Sat Yuga.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-26 Thread John

Obama may not have a choice.  It now depends on what the UN wants to do with 
Assad.  If the UN wants him out, then you'll see the American troops in Syrian 
soil sooner than you may think.

According to Shri Yukteshwar, we're now in the Dwapara Yuga.  Is humanity more 
evolved now to avoid WWIII?  We'll find out soon.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Break out those anti-war signs because Obombie wants his war goaded on 
> by the NeoCon devils.  Oh the chatter here about is it "Kali Yuga" or 
> "Sat Yuga".  Let's see:
> We have a possibility of WWIII.
> We have a possibility of human extinction in 13 years (or less).
> We have Fukushima radioactive water going into the Pacific Ocean and 
> poisoning it.
> Yup, must be Sat Yuga.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-26 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Break out those anti-war signs because Obombie wants his war goaded on
> by the NeoCon devils.  Oh the chatter here about is it "Kali Yuga" or
> "Sat Yuga".  Let's see:
> We have a possibility of WWIII.
> We have a possibility of human extinction in 13 years (or less).
> We have Fukushima radioactive water going into the Pacific Ocean and
> poisoning it.
> Yup, must be Sat Yuga.

Even more telling, this is what people in Maharishi's "Sat Yuga"
want to know about:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Obombie wants his war
You're sounding more and more like a Libertarian
every day!

> Break out those anti-war signs 
Something tells me you won't be voting for Hillary
in the next election.

> because Obombie wants his war goaded on by the 
> NeoCon devils.
That's it - blame it on the Jewish Cabal. It's
probably just a false flag event, but who really
lobbed the WMD in Syria the other day?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > That's it - blame it on the Jewish Cabal. It's
> > probably just a false flag event, but who really
> > lobbed the WMD in Syria the other day?
> >
> The NeoCon crime syndicate was out in force on Sunday 
> trying to sell another war. 
John Kerry is a Dem - go figure. 

> Who gives a fuck which religion they are.
Everyone knows that the NeoCon syndicate is a Jewish 
cabal, you just said so - the Syrians are Islamists 
fighting a civil war. 

So, how would it benefit the Israelis to have a civil
war in Syria? You're not making any sense.

> They're war criminals!
So, where are the anti-war protestors now? George Bush 
lied about the WMD! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-26 Thread doctordumbass
Yeah, the implications of the Internet are still unfolding. Pretty cool 
machine! Funny how some may dislike the openness of the Internet, even as they 
profit from the access to each individual, as a separate market, for ideas and 

You probably remember in the late '80's/early '90's, every year was going to 
be, **The Year Of The LAN**!!! It eventually happened, and then came the 

Ironic, too, how the shared data that we give away through credit and debit 
card purchases, was suddenly, and temporarily, seen as so much more private, 
once people realized the gub'mint was looking at it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> You are indeed correct that the Internet has shrunk the world to a 
> nanosecond.  The powers at be hate this. They want to take away the 
> Internet or rule it.  They could do this with a false flag cyberattack.  
> However that would also cripple a lot of their cronies.
> One thing we know is that capitalism when you have a large population 
> creates disorder and inequities.  The unscrupulous wind up ruling.
> On 08/26/2013 10:08 AM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> >
> > Reminds me of the Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."
> >
> > The global political situation still looks like a great big yin-yang 
> > symbol to me. Nothing to be concerned about. Technology shrinks space 
> > and speeds up time, and inflates dynamics, and, now, is literally in 
> > our faces, every day.
> >
> > But that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong, currently, more 
> > than at any past time, just a greater and greater contrast between the 
> > stillness within, and the racing infinity, outside. Maybe it all just 
> > churns itself into butter eventually. Who knows?
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > , Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > Break out those anti-war signs because Obombie wants his war goaded on
> > > by the NeoCon devils. Oh the chatter here about is it "Kali Yuga" or
> > > "Sat Yuga". Let's see:
> > >
> > > We have a possibility of WWIII.
> > > We have a possibility of human extinction in 13 years (or less).
> > > We have Fukushima radioactive water going into the Pacific Ocean and
> > > poisoning it.
> > >
> > > Yup, must be Sat Yuga.
> > >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-26 Thread Seraphita

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Break out those anti-war signs because Obombie wants his war goaded on
> by the NeoCon devils.  Oh the chatter here about is it "Kali Yuga" or
> "Sat Yuga".
Is the Sat Yuga over-rated?
Hindus believe that civilization degenerates spiritually during the Kali
Yuga - the Dark Age.
But who would want to live in age before they had modern medicine and
anaesthetics, or modern bathrooms with showers and flushing toilets, or
home entertainment like this laptop I'm typing on, my colour TV and
digital radio, . . . the list goes on and on. Think how cities - and
people - really stank before modern hygiene, and recall the unrelenting
poverty our ancestors lived in. I'm really glad to have avoided that
If that seems a bit materialistic then note that no generation in
history has ever been as free as we modern westerners. Our ability to
openly speak our minds would have left our forebears gob-smacked.
OK, so maybe our distant parents were all walking around permanently
blissed-out and at one with the Real - bully for them. For those of us
born since WWII, the Kali Yuga - the Dark Age - seems pretty tolerable
And isn't the Kali Yuga narrative in flat contradiction with the Age of
Aquarius? : "When the Moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns
with Mars then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the
stars". Actually Jupiter aligns with Mars several times a year and the
moon is in the 7th House for two hours every day but ignoring that
baloney isn't it supposed to be love & peace we have to look forward to?
(Totally with you on the war question. Let's not get involved in a
Syrian civil war - no one is going to "win" this one; there are no
possible happy endings. Let's do the best we can on the humanitarian aid

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some
> discrete polling


> and found out that Americans are more
> outraged by the use of poison gas than they are by artillery
> pointed at apartment buildings.

Share, are you familiar with the term "weapons of mass
destruction"? Trust me, nobody needs to do any polling
on how Americans feel about chemical attacks. Or how
almost anyone in the world feels about chemical attacks.
Outrage and opposition is pretty much universal.

I guess you haven't been reading the news lately, huh?
You might want to start with this:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread sharelong60
Judy, I was addressing what Doc brought up: why the outrage about gas and not 
about artillery. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some
> > discrete polling
> ("discreet")
> > and found out that Americans are more
> > outraged by the use of poison gas than they are by artillery
> > pointed at apartment buildings.
> Share, are you familiar with the term "weapons of mass
> destruction"? Trust me, nobody needs to do any polling
> on how Americans feel about chemical attacks. Or how
> almost anyone in the world feels about chemical attacks.
> Outrage and opposition is pretty much universal.
> I guess you haven't been reading the news lately, huh?
> You might want to start with this:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/27/world/middleeast/blasts-in-the-night-a-smell-and-a-flood-of-syrian-victims.html
> http://tinyurl.com/nx7yk8d

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Barack Hussein Obama needs a war to
> > scar all the eyeballs away from his many
> > scandals. Dems need a war to have any
> > hope for getting out of the great recession.
> > 
> > Blame it on Bush ... of course.
> >
> Blame it on the arseholes who voted for Bush - TWICE!!! 
> Glad I'm in Canada, that's for damn sure.
Oh Yeah, blame it on Bush, from Texas. Yeah, and blame
it on Obama, that black guy born over in Kenya.

Don't you just hate those people that get born anywhere
else but up in Canada where you and Robin were born! 

Who would want to go in and help some poor people born 
over in Syria?


"After Syria chemical allegations, Obama considering 
limited military strike."

> > > I am personally really curious why poison gas use is 
> > > the magical tipping point on getting the US into this 
> > > - the moral outrage, over night. This guy has been 
> > > pointing artillery at apartment buildings, and
> > > pulling the trigger, for months. What IS the difference?
> > >
> > > More an ugly waiting game to see which of the larger 
> > > powers will claim Syria's resources, and trying to get 
> > > the whole pie, if possible. When this thing started, I 
> > > recall reading about Syria's strategic position in
> > > the Mid-East.
> > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

Share Long:
> Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did 
> some discrete polling and found out that Americans 
> are more outraged by the use of poison gas than 
> they are by artillery pointed at apartment buildings.
According to what I've read, the vast majority of voting 
Americans are opposed to the U.S. using force in Syria. 

This is NOT News:

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — Syria on Tuesday said U.S. 
Secretary of State John Kerry was lying when he stated 
there was "undeniable" evidence of a large-scale 
chemical attack likely launched by Damascus, accusing 
him of disregarding the work of U.N. investigators

'Syria accuses Kerry of lying, disregarding UN'
Associated Press:

> > I am personally really curious why poison gas use is 
> > the magical tipping point on getting the US into 
> > this...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sharelong60"  wrote:
> Judy, I was addressing what Doc brought up: why the outrage about gas and not 
> about artillery.

Yes, Share, I know, that's what I was addressing. Not
sure what your confusion is here.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some
> > > discrete polling
> > 
> > ("discreet")
> > 
> > > and found out that Americans are more
> > > outraged by the use of poison gas than they are by artillery
> > > pointed at apartment buildings.
> > 
> > Share, are you familiar with the term "weapons of mass
> > destruction"? Trust me, nobody needs to do any polling
> > on how Americans feel about chemical attacks. Or how
> > almost anyone in the world feels about chemical attacks.
> > Outrage and opposition is pretty much universal.
> > 
> > I guess you haven't been reading the news lately, huh?
> > You might want to start with this:
> > 
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/27/world/middleeast/blasts-in-the-night-a-smell-and-a-flood-of-syrian-victims.html
> > 
> > http://tinyurl.com/nx7yk8d
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

Share Long:
> Judy, I was addressing what Doc brought up: why the 
> outrage about gas and not about artillery. 
Here we go again - WMD in the Middle East. You think
the Funny Farm was bat-shit crazy before, Share - just
wait until the minions, Pips and MG get started when
they back Hillary in the next presidential election.

Don't get them started - you have been warned!

> > > Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some
> > > discrete polling
> > 
> > ("discreet")
> > 
> > > and found out that Americans are more
> > > outraged by the use of poison gas than they are by artillery
> > > pointed at apartment buildings.
> > 
> > Share, are you familiar with the term "weapons of mass
> > destruction"? Trust me, nobody needs to do any polling
> > on how Americans feel about chemical attacks. Or how
> > almost anyone in the world feels about chemical attacks.
> > Outrage and opposition is pretty much universal.
> > 
> > I guess you haven't been reading the news lately, huh?
> > You might want to start with this:
> > 
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/27/world/middleeast/blasts-in-the-night-a-smell-and-a-flood-of-syrian-victims.html
> > 
> > http://tinyurl.com/nx7yk8d

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > > That's it - blame it on the Jewish Cabal. It's
> > > > probably just a false flag event, but who really
> > > > lobbed the WMD in Syria the other day?
> > > >
> > > The NeoCon crime syndicate was out in force on Sunday
> > > trying to sell another war.
> > >
> > John Kerry is a Dem - go figure.
> >
> The Democrats have sold out too.
Everyone knows by now that you voted Dem in the last
elections. You voted for a guy that ran on a platform
promising to bring the troops home. You made a big
mistake, I guess - so why not get some smarts this 
time around? 

> > > Who gives a fuck which religion they are.
> > >
> > Everyone knows that the NeoCon syndicate is a Jewish
> > cabal, you just said so - the Syrians are Islamists
> > fighting a civil war.
> >
> > So, how would it benefit the Israelis to have a civil
> > war in Syria? You're not making any sense.
> >
> The NeoCons are about American Imperialism at YOUR EXPENSE!
You are sounding more like a Libertarian every day!

10 instances when America has intervened, sometimes 
without authorization from the United Nations:

> Wouldn't you rather have good bridges and highways 
> than burning up your tax dollars in some foreign land?
> > > They're war criminals!
> > >
> > So, where are the anti-war protestors now?
> >
> Appearing soon at your local street corner.
> BTW, how's your Ruski?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Got it, Judy, you're confused about my alleged confusion. You
> focused on WMD but Doc was talking about outrage over that
> RATHER THAN outrage over artillery. And that's what I
> commented on.

LOL. What I was focusing on was the idiocy of your thinking
anybody needed to take a poll to find out whether Americans
would be more outraged about artillery, or poison gas:

"Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some discrete polling and 
found out that Americans are more outraged by the
use of poison gas than they are by artillery pointed at apartment buildings."

>  From: authfriend 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 8:57 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sharelong60"  wrote:
> >
> > Judy, I was addressing what Doc brought up: why the outrage about gas and 
> > not about artillery.
> Yes, Share, I know, that's what I was addressing. Not
> sure what your confusion is here.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some
> > > > discrete polling
> > > 
> > > ("discreet")
> > > 
> > > > and found out that Americans are more
> > > > outraged by the use of poison gas than they are by artillery
> > > > pointed at apartment buildings.
> > > 
> > > Share, are you familiar with the term "weapons of mass
> > > destruction"? Trust me, nobody needs to do any polling
> > > on how Americans feel about chemical attacks. Or how
> > > almost anyone in the world feels about chemical attacks.
> > > Outrage and opposition is pretty much universal.
> > > 
> > > I guess you haven't been reading the news lately, huh?
> > > You might want to start with this:
> > > 
> > > http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/27/world/middleeast/blasts-in-the-night-a-smell-and-a-flood-of-syrian-victims.html
> > > 
> > > http://tinyurl.com/nx7yk8d
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Duveyoung
Argues the case that the gas attacks were false flag operations.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> BTW, the "conspiracy theorists" have been reporting that something was 
> up for the military come the end of August or September.  Perhaps they 
> aren't really theorists either, just investigative reporters.
> A friend back in 1999 told me his cousin who was Naval intelligence said 
> the US was gearing up for a war in the Middle East.  All it took was a 
> little "Pearl Harbor like event" to get the American sheep dip behind it.
> On 08/26/2013 06:59 PM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> >
> > Yeah, the implications of the Internet are still unfolding. Pretty 
> > cool machine! Funny how some may dislike the openness of the Internet, 
> > even as they profit from the access to each individual, as a separate 
> > market, for ideas and cash.
> >
> > You probably remember in the late '80's/early '90's, every year was 
> > going to be, **The Year Of The LAN**!!! It eventually happened, and 
> > then came the spam...lol
> >
> > Ironic, too, how the shared data that we give away through credit and 
> > debit card purchases, was suddenly, and temporarily, seen as so much 
> > more private, once people realized the gub'mint was looking at it.
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > , Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > You are indeed correct that the Internet has shrunk the world to a
> > > nanosecond. The powers at be hate this. They want to take away the
> > > Internet or rule it. They could do this with a false flag cyberattack.
> > > However that would also cripple a lot of their cronies.
> > >
> > > One thing we know is that capitalism when you have a large population
> > > creates disorder and inequities. The unscrupulous wind up ruling.
> > >
> > > On 08/26/2013 10:08 AM, doctordumbass@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Reminds me of the Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."
> > > >
> > > > The global political situation still looks like a great big yin-yang
> > > > symbol to me. Nothing to be concerned about. Technology shrinks space
> > > > and speeds up time, and inflates dynamics, and, now, is literally in
> > > > our faces, every day.
> > > >
> > > > But that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong, currently, more
> > > > than at any past time, just a greater and greater contrast between 
> > the
> > > > stillness within, and the racing infinity, outside. Maybe it all just
> > > > churns itself into butter eventually. Who knows?
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > 
> > > > , Bhairitu  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Break out those anti-war signs because Obombie wants his war 
> > goaded on
> > > > > by the NeoCon devils. Oh the chatter here about is it "Kali Yuga" or
> > > > > "Sat Yuga". Let's see:
> > > > >
> > > > > We have a possibility of WWIII.
> > > > > We have a possibility of human extinction in 13 years (or less).
> > > > > We have Fukushima radioactive water going into the Pacific Ocean and
> > > > > poisoning it.
> > > > >
> > > > > Yup, must be Sat Yuga.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Argues the case that the gas attacks were false flag
> operations.
Yeah, I knew it only a matter of hours before the
pipsqueak conspiracy pundits piped up. Maybe it's about
time for some apologies to be passed around, now that
YOUR GUY is claiming WMD in Syria. Go figure.

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — Syria on Tuesday said U.S.
Secretary of State John Kerry was lying when he stated
there was "undeniable" evidence of a large-scale chemical
attack likely launched by Damascus, accusing him of
disregarding the work of U.N. investigators

'Syria accuses Kerry of lying, disregarding UN'
Associated Press:

> > BTW, the "conspiracy theorists" have been reporting
> > that something was up for the military come the end
> > of August or September.  Perhaps they aren't really
> > theorists either, just investigative reporters.
> >
> > A friend back in 1999 told me his cousin who was Naval
> > intelligence said the US was gearing up for a war in
> > the Middle East.  All it took was a little "Pearl
> > Harbor like event" to get the American sheep dip
> > behind it.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Duveyoung


America gave Sarin gas to Iraq to kill Iranians -- we got detailed reports 
about the gas attacks from Iraq.  We mass murdered with weapons of mass 
destruction using the Iraq army to do the deed.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"  
> Duveyoung:
> > Argues the case that the gas attacks were false flag
> > operations.
> >
> Yeah, I knew it only a matter of hours before the
> pipsqueak conspiracy pundits piped up. Maybe it's about
> time for some apologies to be passed around, now that
> YOUR GUY is claiming WMD in Syria. Go figure.
> DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — Syria on Tuesday said U.S.
> Secretary of State John Kerry was lying when he stated
> there was "undeniable" evidence of a large-scale chemical
> attack likely launched by Damascus, accusing him of
> disregarding the work of U.N. investigators
> 'Syria accuses Kerry of lying, disregarding UN'
> Associated Press:
> http://tinyurl.com/mcpxdam 
> > > BTW, the "conspiracy theorists" have been reporting
> > > that something was up for the military come the end
> > > of August or September.  Perhaps they aren't really
> > > theorists either, just investigative reporters.
> > >
> > > A friend back in 1999 told me his cousin who was Naval
> > > intelligence said the US was gearing up for a war in
> > > the Middle East.  All it took was a little "Pearl
> > > Harbor like event" to get the American sheep dip
> > > behind it.
> > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 08/27/2013 09:53 AM, authfriend wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > (Reuters) - Americans strongly oppose U.S. intervention in 
> > > Syria's civil war and believe Washington should stay out
> > > of the conflict even if reports that Syria's government
> > > used deadly chemicals to attack civilians are confirmed,
> > > a Reuters/Ipsos poll says.
> >
> > Um, non sequitur with regard to my exchange with Share.
> Not really.  Share talked about polling.  The article was about 
> polls taken.  A bit confused today?

No, that would be you, actually. More confused even than
Share, perhaps. Do you believe all polls ask the same
question? Do you know what question Share's hypothetical
poll would have asked? Is it the same question your poll
asked? Do you think it would have made any sense to take
the poll she imagined? Would it have asked the same
question as what was puzzling DrD? Was DrD really even
asking a question?

This is not, you should pardon the expression, rocket science.
It's basic reading comprehension.

> BTW, there were other polls taken which also showed that
> Americans by far do not support intervention in Syria.  Only
> around 10% support intervention (must be MIC stockholders).

This is good. Still a non sequitur with regard to my exchange
with Share.

> > http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/25/us-syria-crisis-usa-poll-idUSBRE97O00E20130825
> > >
> > > On 08/27/2013 04:28 AM, Share Long wrote:
> > > > Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some 
> > > > discrete polling and found out that Americans are more
> > > > outraged by the use of poison gas than they are by
> > > > artillery pointed at apartment buildings.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ----------------------
> > > > *From:* "doctordumbass@" 
> > > > *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>
> > > > *Sent:* Monday, August 26, 2013 9:15 PM
> > > > *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
> > > >
> > > > I am personally really curious why poison gas use is the 
> > > > magical tipping point on getting the US into this - the
> > > > moral outrage, over night. This guy has been pointing 
> > > > artillery at apartment buildings, and pulling the
> > > > trigger, for months. What IS the difference?
> > > >
> > > > More an ugly waiting game to see which of the larger
> > > > powers will claim Syria's resources, and trying to
> > > > get the whole pie, if possible. When this thing
> > > > started, I recall reading about Syria's strategic position
> > > > in the Mid-East.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread raunchydog
Who the hell cares what the polls say about bombing the hell out of Syria? 
That's supposed be somehow better than the people suffering at the hands of 
Assad or equally blood thirsty rebels? Obama certainly doesn't care about polls 
and neither did Bush concerning Iraq. Polls are a diversion just so you can 
impotently rant how awful war is while the war machine ramps up to do what it's 
hell-bent to do...kill people. The real question we should be asking is where 
is the proof that Assad and not the Rebels used chemical weapons? Why on earth 
would the Assad government celebrate the arrival of UN inspectors by unleashing 
chemical weapons just a few miles from the inspectors' hotel?  Not since Adlai 
Stevenson presented proof at the UN of Russian missiles in Cuba have we seen 
anyone in our government make a case for war that wasn't based on fake 
evidence. Colin Powell's fake mobile chemical weapons and fake yellow cake and 
Condi Rice's mushroom cloud...remember that? I don't believe a damn thing the 
media Wurlitzer spins while we bend over to take it. The fix is in...polls or 
no polls. Here's your big WTF of the day: The UN inspection team is only 
mandated to determine whether chemical weapons were deployed but not by who.   


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > On 08/27/2013 09:53 AM, authfriend wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > (Reuters) - Americans strongly oppose U.S. intervention in 
> > > > Syria's civil war and believe Washington should stay out
> > > > of the conflict even if reports that Syria's government
> > > > used deadly chemicals to attack civilians are confirmed,
> > > > a Reuters/Ipsos poll says.
> > >
> > > Um, non sequitur with regard to my exchange with Share.
> > 
> > Not really.  Share talked about polling.  The article was about 
> > polls taken.  A bit confused today?
> No, that would be you, actually. More confused even than
> Share, perhaps. Do you believe all polls ask the same
> question? Do you know what question Share's hypothetical
> poll would have asked? Is it the same question your poll
> asked? Do you think it would have made any sense to take
> the poll she imagined? Would it have asked the same
> question as what was puzzling DrD? Was DrD really even
> asking a question?
> This is not, you should pardon the expression, rocket science.
> It's basic reading comprehension.
> > BTW, there were other polls taken which also showed that
> > Americans by far do not support intervention in Syria.  Only
> > around 10% support intervention (must be MIC stockholders).
> This is good. Still a non sequitur with regard to my exchange
> with Share.
> > > http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/25/us-syria-crisis-usa-poll-idUSBRE97O00E20130825
> > > >
> > > > On 08/27/2013 04:28 AM, Share Long wrote:
> > > > > Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some 
> > > > > discrete polling and found out that Americans are more
> > > > > outraged by the use of poison gas than they are by
> > > > > artillery pointed at apartment buildings.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > *From:* "doctordumbass@" 
> > > > > *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>
> > > > > *Sent:* Monday, August 26, 2013 9:15 PM
> > > > > *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
> > > > >
> > > > > I am personally really curious why poison gas use is the 
> > > > > magical tipping point on getting the US into this - the
> > > > > moral outrage, over night. This guy has been pointing 
> > > > > artillery at apartment buildings, and pulling the
> > > > > trigger, for months. What IS the difference?
> > > > >
> > > > > More an ugly waiting game to see which of the larger
> > > > > powers will claim Syria's resources, and trying to
> > > > > get the whole pie, if possible. When this thing
> > > > > started, I recall reading about Syria's strategic position
> > > > > in the Mid-East.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 08/27/2013 02:27 PM, authfriend wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > On 08/27/2013 09:53 AM, authfriend wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>
> > > > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > (Reuters) - Americans strongly oppose U.S. intervention in
> > > > > Syria's civil war and believe Washington should stay out
> > > > > of the conflict even if reports that Syria's government
> > > > > used deadly chemicals to attack civilians are confirmed,
> > > > > a Reuters/Ipsos poll says.
> > > >
> > > > Um, non sequitur with regard to my exchange with Share.
> > >
> > > Not really. Share talked about polling. The article was about
> > > polls taken. A bit confused today?
> >
> > No, that would be you, actually. More confused even than
> > Share, perhaps. Do you believe all polls ask the same
> > question? Do you know what question Share's hypothetical
> > poll would have asked? Is it the same question your poll
> > asked? Do you think it would have made any sense to take
> > the poll she imagined? Would it have asked the same
> > question as what was puzzling DrD? Was DrD really even
> > asking a question?
> You still don't get it.  All I was doing was providing a
> link to Share on a poll of Americans taken about Syrian 
> intervention**for here information.  Not sure why you
> bother to say it is a non sequitur. *It doesn't matter
> and nobody here cares! *

It was for Share's benefit, actually, not yours, Bhairitu.
She's been very confused about the whole polling issue, 
thinking Obama would need to take a poll to determine
whether Americans would be more outraged by Assad shelling
apartment houses, or bombing suburbs with poison gas.

You don't have a lot of experience dealing with her
thinking processes, but they're just incredibly convoluted.
Her misunderstanding that I was addressing is several
layers deep. I didn't want her adding yet another layer
by thinking that the poll you mentioned had anything to do
with her hypothetical poll either way.

So relax. It wasn't *about* you, at least not until you,
not having followed my exchange with her, accused *me*
of being confused because you and she were both talking
about polls, which is pretty hilarious under the
circumstances (unlike the situation in Syria, which is
God-awful, and the situation in Washington, which is also
God-awful in a different way).

> > This is not, you should pardon the expression, rocket science.
> > It's basic reading comprehension.
> >
> > > BTW, there were other polls taken which also showed that
> > > Americans by far do not support intervention in Syria. Only
> > > around 10% support intervention (must be MIC stockholders).
> >
> > This is good. Still a non sequitur with regard to my exchange
> > with Share.
> >
> FYI, again nobody cares whether it is a non sequitur.
> >
> > > > 
> > http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/25/us-syria-crisis-usa-poll-idUSBRE97O00E20130825
> > > > >
> > > > > On 08/27/2013 04:28 AM, Share Long wrote:
> > > > > > Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some
> > > > > > discrete polling and found out that Americans are more
> > > > > > outraged by the use of poison gas than they are by
> > > > > > artillery pointed at apartment buildings.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --
> > > > > > *From:* "doctordumbass@" 
> > > > > > *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>
> > > > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>
> > > > > > *Sent:* Monday, August 26, 2013 9:15 PM
> > > > > > *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I am personally really curious why poison gas use is the
> > > > > > magical tipping point on getting the US into this - the
> > > > > > moral outrage, over night. This guy has been pointing
> > > > > > artillery at apartment buildings, and pulling the
> > > > > > trigger, for months. What IS the difference?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > More an ugly waiting game to see which of the larger
> > > > > > powers will claim Syria's resources, and trying to
> > > > > > get the whole pie, if possible. When this thing
> > > > > > started, I recall reading about Syria's strategic position
> > > > > > in the Mid-East.
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> dear Bhairitu, here's my confession:

This isn't a "confession," Share. There's no need to
exalt yourself here.

> all this recent talk about West Wing had me remembering
> various bits of various episodes. When I read Doc's comments,
> I remembered an episode when the president's people took a
> discrete

The word is "discreet," not "discrete."

> poll to find out how the nation would feel about a certain
> issue.

You still don't understand what was wrong with your
hypothetical poll on Syria, do you? (I mean, aside
from the fact that the administration would be highly
unlikely to bomb Syria in this present situation on
the basis of the results of a poll.) Now, *that* would
be a confession.

> I thought Doc asked some good questions and that was the
> first response that came to my mind, that they took a poll.

He did ask a good question, but it was more rhetorical
than information oriented. It made the point that there
*should* have been outrage months ago about the shelling
of apartment buildings. And your hypothetical poll was 
in no way a response to that point.

> I think Xeno is right, I do tend to be more intuitive than
> linear in my thinking. But mainly I tend to make connections.

"Intuitive" sounds better than "sloppy." You just make any
old connection that crosses your mind in order to have
something to say, Share. You don't bother to think things
through, so your connections rarely add value.

> Anyway, thanks for your intelligent comments and article. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Ann
Authfriend, your beautiful mind is wasted on her.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > dear Bhairitu, here's my confession:
> This isn't a "confession," Share. There's no need to
> exalt yourself here.
> > all this recent talk about West Wing had me remembering
> > various bits of various episodes. When I read Doc's comments,
> > I remembered an episode when the president's people took a
> > discrete
> The word is "discreet," not "discrete."
> > poll to find out how the nation would feel about a certain
> > issue.
> You still don't understand what was wrong with your
> hypothetical poll on Syria, do you? (I mean, aside
> from the fact that the administration would be highly
> unlikely to bomb Syria in this present situation on
> the basis of the results of a poll.) Now, *that* would
> be a confession.
> > I thought Doc asked some good questions and that was the
> > first response that came to my mind, that they took a poll.
> He did ask a good question, but it was more rhetorical
> than information oriented. It made the point that there
> *should* have been outrage months ago about the shelling
> of apartment buildings. And your hypothetical poll was 
> in no way a response to that point.
> > I think Xeno is right, I do tend to be more intuitive than
> > linear in my thinking. But mainly I tend to make connections.
> "Intuitive" sounds better than "sloppy." You just make any
> old connection that crosses your mind in order to have
> something to say, Share. You don't bother to think things
> through, so your connections rarely add value.
> > Anyway, thanks for your intelligent comments and article.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams
> Authfriend, your beautiful mind is wasted on her.
Does it bother anyone else that the mime is talking?

It won't be long now and we'll know who is the real leader
of the free world. What if Obama is wrong, and it turns
out that Assad didn't use WMD, or that he has no WMD?

We already know that George W. Bush was a liar, and that
John Kerry is too, so we've been down this road before.

If it took us 10 years to get out of Afghanistan, it would
probably take 20 to get out of Syria, if ever. Go figure.

The question is, will punishing Assad end the civil war in
Syria? No.

So, is Russia irrelevant?

"If there's any doubt about the answer, consider two
numbers: 8,500 and 1."

'The Guns of August'

'Why It's a Mistake to Ignore Russia'

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > dear Bhairitu, here's my confession:
> >
> > This isn't a "confession," Share. There's no need to
> > exalt yourself here.
> >
> > > all this recent talk about West Wing had me remembering
> > > various bits of various episodes. When I read Doc's comments,
> > > I remembered an episode when the president's people took a
> > > discrete
> >
> > The word is "discreet," not "discrete."
> >
> > > poll to find out how the nation would feel about a certain
> > > issue.
> >
> > You still don't understand what was wrong with your
> > hypothetical poll on Syria, do you? (I mean, aside
> > from the fact that the administration would be highly
> > unlikely to bomb Syria in this present situation on
> > the basis of the results of a poll.) Now, *that* would
> > be a confession.
> >
> > > I thought Doc asked some good questions and that was the
> > > first response that came to my mind, that they took a poll.
> >
> > He did ask a good question, but it was more rhetorical
> > than information oriented. It made the point that there
> > *should* have been outrage months ago about the shelling
> > of apartment buildings. And your hypothetical poll was
> > in no way a response to that point.
> >
> > > I think Xeno is right, I do tend to be more intuitive than
> > > linear in my thinking. But mainly I tend to make connections.
> >
> > "Intuitive" sounds better than "sloppy." You just make any
> > old connection that crosses your mind in order to have
> > something to say, Share. You don't bother to think things
> > through, so your connections rarely add value.
> >
> > > Anyway, thanks for your intelligent comments and article.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

> I'm still waiting to hear the *big lie* Bush told...
That's what I'm sayin'!

That the Saddham regime had WMD and that's why we had
to invade Iraq. At least 95% of our congress believed 
Saddham had WMD - including Clinton, Kerry, Tenet and 

It was probably the liberal Bill Moyers who first 
claimed Bush lied about the WMD. 

There probably were WMD in Iraq but they got shipped 
off to Syria! 

You know there's a liberal in the White House when the 
New York Times has a headline like this:

'Bomb Syria, Even if It Is Illegal'
New York Times:

Mike Dixon:
> I'm still waiting to hear the *big lie* Bush told. If it was that Iraq had 
> WMD's, that is what he was told and assured of by George Tenet, head of the 
> CIA and appointed to that position by  William Jefferson Clinton. If you say 
> something that is not true, it's not a lie if you believed it was true. You 
> were just wrong. Lying is intended deception. Saddam Hussein gave just about 
> every intelligence agency in the world the belief that he had WMD's, and was 
> moving them around and hiding them. Saddam wanted people to believe he had 
> them because he used them against his own people, the Kurds and against the 
> Iranians and he kept Shiites under control with that lie.
>  From: Richard J. Williams 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 7:07 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
> Ann:
> > Authfriend, your beautiful mind is wasted on her.
> >
> Does it bother anyone else that the mime is talking?
> It won't be long now and we'll know who is the real leader 
> of the free world. What if Obama is wrong, and it turns 
> out that Assad didn't use WMD, or that he has no WMD? 
> We already know that George W. Bush was a liar, and that 
> John Kerry is too, so we've been down this road before. 
> If it took us 10 years to get out of Afghanistan, it would 
> probably take 20 to get out of Syria, if ever. Go figure.
> The question is, will punishing Assad end the civil war in 
> Syria? No. 
> So, is Russia irrelevant?
> "If there's any doubt about the answer, consider two 
> numbers: 8,500 and 1."
> 'The Guns of August'
> http://tinyurl.com/ndaqpgn 
> 'Why It's a Mistake to Ignore Russia'
> http://tinyurl.com/ocs72fg 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > dear Bhairitu, here's my confession:
> > > 
> > > This isn't a "confession," Share. There's no need to
> > > exalt yourself here.
> > > 
> > > > all this recent talk about West Wing had me remembering
> > > > various bits of various episodes. When I read Doc's comments,
> > > > I remembered an episode when the president's people took a
> > > > discrete
> > > 
> > > The word is "discreet," not "discrete."
> > > 
> > > > poll to find out how the nation would feel about a certain
> > > > issue.
> > > 
> > > You still don't understand what was wrong with your
> > > hypothetical poll on Syria, do you? (I mean, aside
> > > from the fact that the administration would be highly
> > > unlikely to bomb Syria in this present situation on
> > > the basis of the results of a poll.) Now, *that* would
> > > be a confession.
> > > 
> > > > I thought Doc asked some good questions and that was the
> > > > first response that came to my mind, that they took a poll.
> > > 
> > > He did ask a good question, but it was more rhetorical
> > > than information oriented. It made the point that there
> > > *should* have been outrage months ago about the shelling
> > > of apartment buildings. And your hypothetical poll was 
> > > in no way a response to that point.
> > > 
> > > > I think Xeno is right, I do tend to be more intuitive than
> > > > linear in my thinking. But mainly I tend to make connections.
> > > 
> > > "Intuitive" sounds better than "sloppy." You just make any
> > > old connection that crosses your mind in order to have
> > > something to say, Share. You don't bother to think things
> > > through, so your connections rarely add value.
> > > 
> > > > Anyway, thanks for your intelligent comments and article.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"  

> You know there's a liberal in the White House when the 
> New York Times has a headline like this:
> 'Bomb Syria, Even if It Is Illegal'
> New York Times:
> http://tinyurl.com/onmw6sy

As you know, that is the title of an op-ed piece, which does
not reflect the Times' editorial stance. And there have been
several other opinion pieces strongly opposing U.S.

Today's editorial (by the Times editorial board) is deeply 
skeptical of the appropriateness of intervention, saying
Obama hasn't made a case for it yet.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-26 Thread Bhairitu

On 08/26/2013 02:07 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

> Obombie wants his war
You're sounding more and more like a Libertarian
every day!

> Break out those anti-war signs
Something tells me you won't be voting for Hillary
in the next election.

> because Obombie wants his war goaded on by the
> NeoCon devils.
That's it - blame it on the Jewish Cabal. It's
probably just a false flag event, but who really
lobbed the WMD in Syria the other day?

The NeoCon crime syndicate was out in force on Sunday trying to sell 
another war.  Who gives a fuck which religion they are.  They're war 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
You are indeed correct that the Internet has shrunk the world to a 
nanosecond.  The powers at be hate this. They want to take away the 
Internet or rule it.  They could do this with a false flag cyberattack.  
However that would also cripple a lot of their cronies.

One thing we know is that capitalism when you have a large population 
creates disorder and inequities.  The unscrupulous wind up ruling.

On 08/26/2013 10:08 AM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com wrote:

Reminds me of the Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."

The global political situation still looks like a great big yin-yang 
symbol to me. Nothing to be concerned about. Technology shrinks space 
and speeds up time, and inflates dynamics, and, now, is literally in 
our faces, every day.

But that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong, currently, more 
than at any past time, just a greater and greater contrast between the 
stillness within, and the racing infinity, outside. Maybe it all just 
churns itself into butter eventually. Who knows?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
, Bhairitu  wrote:

> Break out those anti-war signs because Obombie wants his war goaded on
> by the NeoCon devils. Oh the chatter here about is it "Kali Yuga" or
> "Sat Yuga". Let's see:
> We have a possibility of WWIII.
> We have a possibility of human extinction in 13 years (or less).
> We have Fukushima radioactive water going into the Pacific Ocean and
> poisoning it.
> Yup, must be Sat Yuga.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-26 Thread Bhairitu

On 08/26/2013 05:02 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

> > That's it - blame it on the Jewish Cabal. It's
> > probably just a false flag event, but who really
> > lobbed the WMD in Syria the other day?
> >
> The NeoCon crime syndicate was out in force on Sunday
> trying to sell another war.
John Kerry is a Dem - go figure.

The Democrats have sold out too.

> Who gives a fuck which religion they are.
Everyone knows that the NeoCon syndicate is a Jewish
cabal, you just said so - the Syrians are Islamists
fighting a civil war.

So, how would it benefit the Israelis to have a civil
war in Syria? You're not making any sense.

The NeoCons are about American Imperialism at YOUR EXPENSE! Wouldn't you 
rather have good bridges and highways than burning up your tax dollars 
in some foreign land?

> They're war criminals!
So, where are the anti-war protestors now?

Appearing soon at your local street corner.

BTW, how's your Ruski?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
BTW, the "conspiracy theorists" have been reporting that something was 
up for the military come the end of August or September.  Perhaps they 
aren't really theorists either, just investigative reporters.

A friend back in 1999 told me his cousin who was Naval intelligence said 
the US was gearing up for a war in the Middle East.  All it took was a 
little "Pearl Harbor like event" to get the American sheep dip behind it.

On 08/26/2013 06:59 PM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com wrote:

Yeah, the implications of the Internet are still unfolding. Pretty 
cool machine! Funny how some may dislike the openness of the Internet, 
even as they profit from the access to each individual, as a separate 
market, for ideas and cash.

You probably remember in the late '80's/early '90's, every year was 
going to be, **The Year Of The LAN**!!! It eventually happened, and 
then came the spam...lol

Ironic, too, how the shared data that we give away through credit and 
debit card purchases, was suddenly, and temporarily, seen as so much 
more private, once people realized the gub'mint was looking at it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
, Bhairitu  wrote:

> You are indeed correct that the Internet has shrunk the world to a
> nanosecond. The powers at be hate this. They want to take away the
> Internet or rule it. They could do this with a false flag cyberattack.
> However that would also cripple a lot of their cronies.
> One thing we know is that capitalism when you have a large population
> creates disorder and inequities. The unscrupulous wind up ruling.
> On 08/26/2013 10:08 AM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> >
> > Reminds me of the Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."
> >
> > The global political situation still looks like a great big yin-yang
> > symbol to me. Nothing to be concerned about. Technology shrinks space
> > and speeds up time, and inflates dynamics, and, now, is literally in
> > our faces, every day.
> >
> > But that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong, currently, more
> > than at any past time, just a greater and greater contrast between 

> > stillness within, and the racing infinity, outside. Maybe it all just
> > churns itself into butter eventually. Who knows?
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

> > , Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > Break out those anti-war signs because Obombie wants his war 
goaded on

> > > by the NeoCon devils. Oh the chatter here about is it "Kali Yuga" or
> > > "Sat Yuga". Let's see:
> > >
> > > We have a possibility of WWIII.
> > > We have a possibility of human extinction in 13 years (or less).
> > > We have Fukushima radioactive water going into the Pacific Ocean and
> > > poisoning it.
> > >
> > > Yup, must be Sat Yuga.
> > >
> >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Share Long
Hillary?! Richard, I thought it was gonna be Elizabeth Warren (-:

 From: Richard J. Williams 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war


Share Long:
> Judy, I was addressing what Doc brought up: why the 
> outrage about gas and not about artillery. 
Here we go again - WMD in the Middle East. You think
the Funny Farm was bat-shit crazy before, Share - just
wait until the minions, Pips and MG get started when
they back Hillary in the next presidential election.

Don't get them started - you have been warned!

> > > Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some
> > > discrete polling
> > 
> > ("discreet")
> > 
> > > and found out that Americans are more
> > > outraged by the use of poison gas than they are by artillery
> > > pointed at apartment buildings.
> > 
> > Share, are you familiar with the term "weapons of mass
> > destruction"? Trust me, nobody needs to do any polling
> > on how Americans feel about chemical attacks. Or how
> > almost anyone in the world feels about chemical attacks.
> > Outrage and opposition is pretty much universal.
> > 
> > I guess you haven't been reading the news lately, huh?
> > You might want to start with this:
> > 
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/27/world/middleeast/blasts-in-the-night-a-smell-and-a-flood-of-syrian-victims.html
> > 
> > http://tinyurl.com/nx7yk8d


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Share Long
Got it, Judy, you're confused about my alleged confusion. You focused on WMD 
but Doc was talking about outrage over that RATHER THAN outrage over artillery. 
And that's what I commented on.

 From: authfriend 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 8:57 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sharelong60"  wrote:
> Judy, I was addressing what Doc brought up: why the outrage about gas and not 
> about artillery.

Yes, Share, I know, that's what I was addressing. Not
sure what your confusion is here.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some
> > > discrete polling
> > 
> > ("discreet")
> > 
> > > and found out that Americans are more
> > > outraged by the use of poison gas than they are by artillery
> > > pointed at apartment buildings.
> > 
> > Share, are you familiar with the term "weapons of mass
> > destruction"? Trust me, nobody needs to do any polling
> > on how Americans feel about chemical attacks. Or how
> > almost anyone in the world feels about chemical attacks.
> > Outrage and opposition is pretty much universal.
> > 
> > I guess you haven't been reading the news lately, huh?
> > You might want to start with this:
> > 
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/27/world/middleeast/blasts-in-the-night-a-smell-and-a-flood-of-syrian-victims.html
> > 
> > http://tinyurl.com/nx7yk8d
> >


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Bhairitu

We ought to send Israel the bill for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

On 08/27/2013 11:08 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
And don't think Israel isn't going to take advantage of any war and 
not attack Iran.

*From:* Bhairitu 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:45 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
What if it's a "setup"?  What if the US setup the chemical attack as a 
false flag so that it could have an excuse to wage a war? Remember 
Gulf of Tonkin?  Well at least Willy, John McCain and that NeoCon Dick 
Cheney will be going over the Syria to fight the war. :-D 
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-23845800 On 08/27/2013 09:28 
AM, Share Long wrote:
Bhairitu, it's sad to read about the backlash that this article 
suggests is occurring. I think people just don't believe what the 
govt tells them any more. AND they want the focus to be on helping 
Americans rather than helping Syrians. Sad that it's seen as an 
either or situation.

*From:* Bhairitu mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

*Sent:* Tuesday, August 27, 2013 11:22 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
(Reuters) - Americans strongly oppose U.S. intervention in Syria's 
civil war and believe Washington should stay out of the conflict even 
if reports that Syria's government used deadly chemicals to attack 
civilians are confirmed, a Reuters/Ipsos poll says. 
On 08/27/2013 04:28 AM, Share Long wrote:
Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some discrete 
polling and found out that Americans are more outraged by the use of 
poison gas than they are by artillery pointed at apartment buildings.

*From:* mailto:doctordumb...@rocketmail.com 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

*Sent:* Monday, August 26, 2013 9:15 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
I am personally really curious why poison gas use is the magical 
tipping point on getting the US into this - the moral outrage, over 
night. This guy has been pointing artillery at apartment buildings, 
and pulling the trigger, for months. What IS the difference? More an 
ugly waiting game to see which of the larger powers will claim 
Syria's resources, and trying to get the whole pie, if possible. 
When this thing started, I recall reading about Syria's strategic 
position in the Mid-East. --- In 
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "John" mailto:jr_esq@... 
wrote: > > > > --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, 
"Richard J. Williams"  wrote: > > > > > > > > Break out 
those anti-war signs because Obombie > > > > wants his war goaded on 
by the NeoCon devils... > > > > > > John jr_esq: > > > Obama may not 
have a choice. It now depends on > > > what the UN wants to do with 
Assad. If the UN > > > wants him out, then you'll see the American > 
> > troops in Syrian soil sooner than you may think. > > > > > 
Maybe, but who could we count on to help the U.S. > > in Syria? > > 
I don't believe the US should intervene in Syria without the support 
of the other allied countries within the UN. If nothing is done, 
this will give Assad more confidence to do more atrocities against 
the rebel troops. > > > > > So, if we help the Islamists depose the 
dictator, > > what have we got left to deal with? al Qaeda or > > 
the Hezbollah? That's the question. > > These are the tough 
questions that the UN and the allied countries will have to answer. 
IMO, neither one should be in Syria if Assad is gone. The government 
of a new Syria should govern its own people. > > > > > > Can we deal 
with an al Qaeda controlled Syria > > with a nuclear Iran backed by 
Russia and China? > > > > Al Qaeda should not be there period. They 
don't represent the people of Syria. They are an occupying force in 
this country and elsewhere. > > > > > Go figure. > > > > And, what 
would the U.S. gain? Respect in the > > Arab Islamic world - not 
likely. > > It's the international law that's at stake. If Assad has 
broken the law by using chemical weapons, then he should be punished 
for it by the UN. > > > > > So, what would be left of the Middle 
East - the > > Brotherhood, Hezbollah, and Hamas? > > The sovereign 
people of Syria should rule their own land. They should not be 
governed by any of these organizations. > > > > > > > > > > > 'The 
Failed Grand Strategy in the Middle East' > > Wall Street Journal: > 
> http://tinyurl.com/lw54qe2 <http://tinyurl.com/lw54qe2> > > >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Mike Dixon
Of course, and we'll pay it for them as part of our foreign aid package.


 From: Bhairitu 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
We ought to send Israel the bill for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.  On 
08/27/2013 11:08 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:  
>And don't think Israel isn't going to take advantage of any war and not attack 
>From: Bhairitu mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:45 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
>What if it's a "setup"?  What if the US setup the chemical attack as a false 
>flag so that it could have an excuse to wage a war? Remember Gulf of Tonkin?  
>Well at least Willy, John McCain and that NeoCon Dick Cheney will be going 
>over the Syria to fight the war. :-D  
>http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-23845800  On 08/27/2013 09:28 AM, 
>Share Long wrote:  
>>Bhairitu, it's sad to read about the backlash that this article suggests is 
>>occurring. I think people just don't believe what the govt tells them any 
>>more. AND they want the focus to be on helping Americans rather than helping 
>>Syrians. Sad that it's seen as an either or situation. 
>>From: Bhairitu mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net
>>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>>Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 11:22 AM
>>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
>>(Reuters) - Americans strongly oppose U.S. intervention in Syria's civil war 
>>and believe Washington should stay out of the conflict even if reports that 
>>Syria's government used deadly chemicals to attack civilians are confirmed, a 
>>Reuters/Ipsos poll says.  
>>  On 08/27/2013 04:28 AM, Share Long wrote:  
>>>Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some discrete polling and 
>>>found out that Americans are more outraged by the use of poison gas than 
>>>they are by artillery pointed at apartment buildings. 
>>>From: mailto:doctordumb...@rocketmail.com mailto:doctordumb...@rocketmail.com
>>>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>>>Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 9:15 PM
>>>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
>>>I am personally really curious why poison gas use is the magical tipping 
>>>point on getting the US into this - the moral outrage, over night. This guy 
>>>has been pointing artillery at apartment buildings, and pulling the trigger, 
>>>for months. What IS the difference?  More an ugly waiting game to see which 
>>>of the larger powers will claim Syria's resources, and trying to get the 
>>>whole pie, if possible. When this thing started, I recall reading about 
>>>Syria's strategic position in the Mid-East.  --- In 
>>>mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "John" mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:  > > 
>>>>  > --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
>>> wrote:  > >  > >  > > > > Break out those anti-war signs 
>>>because Obombie  > > > > wants his war goaded on by the NeoCon devils...  > 
>>>> > > > > John jr_esq:  > > > Obama may not have a choice. It now depends on 
>>>> > > what the UN wants to do with Assad. If the UN > > > wants him out, 
>>>then you'll see
 the American  > > > troops in Syrian soil sooner than you may think.  > > >  > 
> Maybe, but who could we count on to help the U.S. > > in Syria?  >  > I don't 
believe the US should intervene in Syria without the support of the other 
allied countries within the UN. If nothing is done, this will give Assad more 
confidence to do more atrocities against the rebel troops.  >  >  >  > > So, if 
we help the Islamists depose the dictator,  > > what have we got left to deal 
with? al Qaeda or > > the Hezbollah? That's the question.  >  > These are the 
tough questions that the UN and the allied countries will have to answer. IMO, 
neither one should be in Syria if Assad is gone. The government of a new Syria 
should govern its own people.  >  >  > >  > > Can we deal with an al Qaeda 
controlled Syria  > > with a nuclear Iran backed by Russia and Chi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Bhairitu

On 08/27/2013 02:27 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
<mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>, Bhairitu  wrote:

> On 08/27/2013 09:53 AM, authfriend wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

> > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > (Reuters) - Americans strongly oppose U.S. intervention in
> > > Syria's civil war and believe Washington should stay out
> > > of the conflict even if reports that Syria's government
> > > used deadly chemicals to attack civilians are confirmed,
> > > a Reuters/Ipsos poll says.
> >
> > Um, non sequitur with regard to my exchange with Share.
> Not really. Share talked about polling. The article was about
> polls taken. A bit confused today?

No, that would be you, actually. More confused even than
Share, perhaps. Do you believe all polls ask the same
question? Do you know what question Share's hypothetical
poll would have asked? Is it the same question your poll
asked? Do you think it would have made any sense to take
the poll she imagined? Would it have asked the same
question as what was puzzling DrD? Was DrD really even
asking a question?

You still don't get it.  All I was doing was providing a link to Share 
on a poll of Americans taken about Syrian intervention**for here 
information.  Not sure why you bother to say it is a non sequitur. *It 
doesn't matter and nobody here cares! *

This is not, you should pardon the expression, rocket science.
It's basic reading comprehension.

> BTW, there were other polls taken which also showed that
> Americans by far do not support intervention in Syria. Only
> around 10% support intervention (must be MIC stockholders).

This is good. Still a non sequitur with regard to my exchange
with Share.

FYI, again nobody cares whether it is a non sequitur.

> > 

> > >
> > > On 08/27/2013 04:28 AM, Share Long wrote:
> > > > Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some
> > > > discrete polling and found out that Americans are more
> > > > outraged by the use of poison gas than they are by
> > > > artillery pointed at apartment buildings.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --------------
> > > > *From:* "doctordumbass@" 
> > > > *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

> > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>
> > > > *Sent:* Monday, August 26, 2013 9:15 PM
> > > > *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
> > > >
> > > > I am personally really curious why poison gas use is the
> > > > magical tipping point on getting the US into this - the
> > > > moral outrage, over night. This guy has been pointing
> > > > artillery at apartment buildings, and pulling the
> > > > trigger, for months. What IS the difference?
> > > >
> > > > More an ugly waiting game to see which of the larger
> > > > powers will claim Syria's resources, and trying to
> > > > get the whole pie, if possible. When this thing
> > > > started, I recall reading about Syria's strategic position
> > > > in the Mid-East.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Bhairitu

It's all about the money.

On 08/27/2013 04:03 PM, raunchydog wrote:

Who the hell cares what the polls say about bombing the hell out of 
Syria? That's supposed be somehow better than the people suffering at 
the hands of Assad or equally blood thirsty rebels? Obama certainly 
doesn't care about polls and neither did Bush concerning Iraq. Polls 
are a diversion just so you can impotently rant how awful war is while 
the war machine ramps up to do what it's hell-bent to do...kill 
people. The real question we should be asking is where is the proof 
that Assad and not the Rebels used chemical weapons? Why on earth 
would the Assad government celebrate the arrival of UN inspectors by 
unleashing chemical weapons just a few miles from the inspectors' 
hotel? Not since Adlai Stevenson presented proof at the UN of Russian 
missiles in Cuba have we seen anyone in our government make a case for 
war that wasn't based on fake evidence. Colin Powell's fake mobile 
chemical weapons and fake yellow cake and Condi Rice's mushroom 
cloud...remember that? I don't believe a damn thing the media 
Wurlitzer spins while we bend over to take it. The fix is in...polls 
or no polls. Here's your big WTF of the day: The UN inspection team is 
only mandated to determine whether chemical weapons were deployed but 
not by who.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
<mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>, "authfriend" 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
<mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>, Bhairitu  wrote:

> >
> > On 08/27/2013 09:53 AM, authfriend wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>, Bhairitu  

> > > >
> > > > (Reuters) - Americans strongly oppose U.S. intervention in
> > > > Syria's civil war and believe Washington should stay out
> > > > of the conflict even if reports that Syria's government
> > > > used deadly chemicals to attack civilians are confirmed,
> > > > a Reuters/Ipsos poll says.
> > >
> > > Um, non sequitur with regard to my exchange with Share.
> >
> > Not really. Share talked about polling. The article was about
> > polls taken. A bit confused today?
> No, that would be you, actually. More confused even than
> Share, perhaps. Do you believe all polls ask the same
> question? Do you know what question Share's hypothetical
> poll would have asked? Is it the same question your poll
> asked? Do you think it would have made any sense to take
> the poll she imagined? Would it have asked the same
> question as what was puzzling DrD? Was DrD really even
> asking a question?
> This is not, you should pardon the expression, rocket science.
> It's basic reading comprehension.
> > BTW, there were other polls taken which also showed that
> > Americans by far do not support intervention in Syria. Only
> > around 10% support intervention (must be MIC stockholders).
> This is good. Still a non sequitur with regard to my exchange
> with Share.
> > > 

> > > >
> > > > On 08/27/2013 04:28 AM, Share Long wrote:
> > > > > Doc, as to the difference, my guess is *they* did some
> > > > > discrete polling and found out that Americans are more
> > > > > outraged by the use of poison gas than they are by
> > > > > artillery pointed at apartment buildings.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > *From:* "doctordumbass@" 
> > > > > *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

> > > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>
> > > > > *Sent:* Monday, August 26, 2013 9:15 PM
> > > > > *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
> > > > >
> > > > > I am personally really curious why poison gas use is the
> > > > > magical tipping point on getting the US into this - the
> > > > > moral outrage, over night. This guy has been pointing
> > > > > artillery at apartment buildings, and pulling the
> > > > > trigger, for months. What IS the difference?
> > > > >
> > > > > More an ugly waiting game to see which of the larger
> > > > > powers will claim Syria's resources, and trying to
> > > > > get the whole pie, if possible. When this thing
> > > > > started, I recall reading about Syria's strategic position
> > > > > in the Mid-East.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-27 Thread Share Long
dear Bhairitu, here's my confession: all this recent talk about West Wing had 
me remembering various bits of various episodes. When I read Doc's comments, I 
remembered an episode when the president's people took a discrete poll to find 
out how the nation would feel about a certain issue. I thought Doc asked some 
good questions and that was the first response that came to my mind, that they 
took a poll. I think Xeno is right, I do tend to be more intuitive than linear 
in my thinking. But mainly I tend to make connections. Anyway, thanks for your 
intelligent comments and article. 

 From: Bhairitu 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

On 08/27/2013 02:27 PM, authfriend wrote:

>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> On 08/27/2013 09:53 AM, authfriend wrote:
>> >
>> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>> > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> > >
>> > > (Reuters) - Americans strongly oppose U.S.
  intervention in 
>> > > Syria's civil war and believe Washington
  should stay out
>> > > of the conflict even if reports that
  Syria's government
>> > > used deadly chemicals to attack civilians
  are confirmed,
>> > > a Reuters/Ipsos poll says.
>> >
>> > Um, non sequitur with regard to my exchange with
>> Not really. Share talked about polling. The article
  was about 
>> polls taken. A bit confused today?
You still don't get it.  All I was doing was providing a link to Share on a 
poll of Americans taken about Syrian interventionfor here information.  Not 
sure why you bother to say it is a non sequitur.  It doesn't matter and nobody 
here cares!  


>This is not, you should pardon the expression, rocket
>It's basic reading comprehension.
>> BTW, there were other polls taken which also showed
>> Americans by far do not support intervention in
  Syria. Only
>> around 10% support intervention (must be MIC
>This is good. Still a non sequitur with regard to my
>with Share.
FYI, again nobody cares whether it is a non sequitur.


>> > >
>> > > On 08/27/2013 04:28 AM, Share Long wrote:
>> > > > Doc, as to the difference, my guess is
  *they* did some 
>> > > > discrete polling and found out that
  Americans are more
>> > > > outraged by the use of poison gas than
  they are by
>> > > > artillery pointed at apartment
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > > *From:* "doctordumbass@"
>> > > > *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>> > <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>
>> > > > *Sent:* Monday, August 26, 2013 9:15
>> > > > *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie
  wants his war
>> > > >
>> > > > I am personally really curious why
  poison gas use is the 
>> > > > magical tipping point on getting the
  US into this - the
>> > > > moral outrage, over night. This guy
  has been pointing 
>> > > > artillery at apartment buildings, and
  pulling the
>> > > > trigger, for months. What IS the


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-28 Thread Mike Dixon
I'm still waiting to hear the *big lie* Bush told. If it was that Iraq had 
WMD's, that is what he was told and assured of by George Tenet, head of the CIA 
and appointed to that position by  William Jefferson Clinton. If you say 
something that is not true, it's not a lie if you believed it was true. You 
were just wrong. Lying is intended deception. Saddam Hussein gave just about 
every intelligence agency in the world the belief that he had WMD's, and was 
moving them around and hiding them. Saddam wanted people to believe he had them 
because he used them against his own people, the Kurds and against the Iranians 
and he kept Shiites under control with that lie.


 From: Richard J. Williams 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 7:07 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
> Authfriend, your beautiful mind is wasted on her.
Does it bother anyone else that the mime is talking?

It won't be long now and we'll know who is the real leader 
of the free world. What if Obama is wrong, and it turns 
out that Assad didn't use WMD, or that he has no WMD? 

We already know that George W. Bush was a liar, and that 
John Kerry is too, so we've been down this road before. 

If it took us 10 years to get out of Afghanistan, it would 
probably take 20 to get out of Syria, if ever. Go figure.

The question is, will punishing Assad end the civil war in 
Syria? No. 

So, is Russia irrelevant?

"If there's any doubt about the answer, consider two 
numbers: 8,500 and 1."

'The Guns of August'

'Why It's a Mistake to Ignore Russia'

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > dear Bhairitu, here's my confession:
> > 
> > This isn't a "confession," Share. There's no need to
> > exalt yourself here.
> > 
> > > all this recent talk about West Wing had me remembering
> > > various bits of various episodes. When I read Doc's comments,
> > > I remembered an episode when the president's people took a
> > > discrete
> > 
> > The word is "discreet," not "discrete."
> > 
> > > poll to find out how the nation would feel about a certain
> > > issue.
> > 
> > You still don't understand what was wrong with your
> > hypothetical poll on Syria, do you? (I mean, aside
> > from the fact that the administration would be highly
> > unlikely to bomb Syria in this present situation on
> > the basis of the results of a poll.) Now, *that* would
> > be a confession.
> > 
> > > I thought Doc asked some good questions and that was the
> > > first response that came to my mind, that they took a poll.
> > 
> > He did ask a good question, but it was more rhetorical
> > than information oriented. It made the point that there
> > *should* have been outrage months ago about the shelling
> > of apartment buildings. And your hypothetical poll was 
> > in no way a response to that point.
> > 
> > > I think Xeno is right, I do tend to be more intuitive than
> > > linear in my thinking. But mainly I tend to make connections.
> > 
> > "Intuitive" sounds better than "sloppy." You just make any
> > old connection that crosses your mind in order to have
> > something to say, Share. You don't bother to think things
> > through, so your connections rarely add value.
> > 
> > > Anyway, thanks for your intelligent comments and article.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-29 Thread Mike Dixon
Yes, there was an Iraqi general that said he saw WMD's being shipped in  
stripped-out commercial air craft to Syria from Baghdad. Reports today  are 
saying chemical weapons depots would not be targeted becuase of the danger. 
Must be a lot of them.

 From: Richard J. Williams 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 8:58 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

> I'm still waiting to hear the *big lie* Bush told...
That's what I'm sayin'!

That the Saddham regime had WMD and that's why we had
to invade Iraq. At least 95% of our congress believed 
Saddham had WMD - including Clinton, Kerry, Tenet and 

It was probably the liberal Bill Moyers who first 
claimed Bush lied about the WMD. 

There probably were WMD in Iraq but they got shipped 
off to Syria! 

You know there's a liberal in the White House when the 
New York Times has a headline like this:

'Bomb Syria, Even if It Is Illegal'
New York Times:

Mike Dixon:
> I'm still waiting to hear the *big lie* Bush told. If it was that Iraq had 
> WMD's, that is what he was told and assured of by George Tenet, head of the 
> CIA and appointed to that position by  William Jefferson Clinton. If you say 
> something that is not true, it's not a lie if you believed it was true. You 
> were just wrong. Lying is intended deception. Saddam Hussein gave just about 
> every intelligence agency in the world the belief that he had WMD's, and was 
> moving them around and hiding them. Saddam wanted people to believe he had 
> them because he used them against his own people, the Kurds and against the 
> Iranians and he kept Shiites under control with that lie.
>  From: Richard J. Williams 
> To: mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 7:07 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
> Ann:
> > Authfriend, your beautiful mind is wasted on her.
> >
> Does it bother anyone else that the mime is talking?
> It won't be long now and we'll know who is the real leader 
> of the free world. What if Obama is wrong, and it turns 
> out that Assad didn't use WMD, or that he has no WMD? 
> We already know that George W. Bush was a liar, and that 
> John Kerry is too, so we've been down this road before. 
> If it took us 10 years to get out of Afghanistan, it would 
> probably take 20 to get out of Syria, if ever. Go figure.
> The question is, will punishing Assad end the civil war in 
> Syria? No. 
> So, is Russia irrelevant?
> "If there's any doubt about the answer, consider two 
> numbers: 8,500 and 1."
> 'The Guns of August'
> http://tinyurl.com/ndaqpgn 
> 'Why It's a Mistake to Ignore Russia'
> http://tinyurl.com/ocs72fg 
> > --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > dear Bhairitu, here's my confession:
> > > 
> > > This isn't a "confession," Share. There's no need to
> > > exalt yourself here.
> > > 
> > > > all this recent talk about West Wing had me remembering
> > > > various bits of various episodes. When I read Doc's comments,
> > > > I remembered an episode when the president's people took a
> > > > discrete
> > > 
> > > The word is "discreet," not "discrete."
> > > 
> > > > poll to find out how the nation would feel about a certain
> > > > issue.
> > > 
> > > You still don't understand what was wrong with your
> > > hypothetical poll on Syria, do you? (I mean, aside
> > > from the fact that the administration would be highly
> > > unlikely to bomb Syria in this present situation on
> > > the basis of the results of a poll.) Now, *that* would
> > > be a confession.
> > > 
> > > > I thought Doc asked some good questions and that was the
> > > > first response that came to my mind, that they took a poll.
> > > 
> > > He did ask a good question, but it was more rhetorical
> > > than information oriented. It made the point that there
> > > *should* have been outrage months ago about the shelling
> > > of apartment buildings. And your hypothetical poll was 
> > > in no way a response to that point.
> > > 
> > > > I think Xeno is right, I do tend to be more intuitive than
> > > > linear in my thinking. But mainly I tend to make connections.
> > > 
> > > "Intuitive" sounds better than "sloppy." You just make any
> > > old connection that crosses your mind in order to have
> > > something to say, Share. You don't bother to think things
> > > through, so your connections rarely add value.
> > > 
> > > > Anyway, thanks for your intelligent comments and article.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-29 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 8/29/2013 5:40 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
Yes, there was an Iraqi general that said he saw WMD's being shipped 
in stripped-out commercial air craft to Syria from Baghdad. Reports 
today  are saying chemical weapons depots would not be targeted 
becuase of the danger. Must be a lot of them.

Maybe so. From what I've read, the chemicals and explosives were given
to the Baathist insurgents and the foreign terrorists by Saddam before the
invasion. Tons of chemical weapons may have been moved into Syria.

That was part of Saddam's plan, according to the IAEA.

Read more:

Subject: The missing explosives have been found
Author: Willytex
Forum: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: October 28, 2004

*From:* Richard J. Williams 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Wednesday, August 28, 2013 8:58 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

> I'm still waiting to hear the *big lie* Bush told...
That's what I'm sayin'!

That the Saddham regime had WMD and that's why we had
to invade Iraq. At least 95% of our congress believed
Saddham had WMD - including Clinton, Kerry, Tenet and

It was probably the liberal Bill Moyers who first
claimed Bush lied about the WMD.

There probably were WMD in Iraq but they got shipped
off to Syria!

You know there's a liberal in the White House when the
New York Times has a headline like this:

'Bomb Syria, Even if It Is Illegal'
New York Times:

Mike Dixon:
> I'm still waiting to hear the *big lie* Bush told. If it was that 
Iraq had WMD's, that is what he was told and assured of by George 
Tenet, head of the CIA and appointed to that position by  William 
Jefferson Clinton. If you say something that is not true, it's not a 
lie if you believed it was true. You were just wrong. Lying is 
intended deception. Saddam Hussein gave just about every intelligence 
agency in the world the belief that he had WMD's, and was moving them 
around and hiding them. Saddam wanted people to believe he had them 
because he used them against his own people, the Kurds and against the 
Iranians and he kept Shiites under control with that lie.

> From: Richard J. Williams 
> To: mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 7:07 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
> Â
> Ann:
> > Authfriend, your beautiful mind is wasted on her.
> >
> Does it bother anyone else that the mime is talking?
> It won't be long now and we'll know who is the real leader
> of the free world. What if Obama is wrong, and it turns
> out that Assad didn't use WMD, or that he has no WMD?
> We already know that George W. Bush was a liar, and that
> John Kerry is too, so we've been down this road before.
> If it took us 10 years to get out of Afghanistan, it would
> probably take 20 to get out of Syria, if ever. Go figure.
> The question is, will punishing Assad end the civil war in
> Syria? No.
> So, is Russia irrelevant?
> "If there's any doubt about the answer, consider two
> numbers: 8,500 and 1."
> 'The Guns of August'
> http://tinyurl.com/ndaqpgnÂ
> 'Why It's a Mistake to Ignore Russia'
> http://tinyurl.com/ocs72fgÂ
> Â
> > --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> > > >
> > > > dear Bhairitu, here's my confession:
> > >
> > > This isn't a "confession," Share. There's no need to
> > > exalt yourself here.
> > >
> > > > all this recent talk about West Wing had me remembering
> > > > various bits of various episodes. When I read Doc's comments,
> > > > I remembered an episode when the president's people took a
> > > > discrete
> > >
> > > The word is "discreet," not "discrete."
> > >
> > > > poll to find out how the nation would feel about a certain
> > > > issue.
> > >
> > > You still don't understand what was wrong with your
> > > hypothetical poll on Syria, do you? (I mean, aside
> > > from the fact that the administration would be highly
> > > unlikely to bomb Syria in this present situation on
> > > the basis of the results of a poll.) Now, *that* would
> > > be a confession.
> > >
> > > > I thought Doc asked some good questions and that was the
> > > > first response that came to my mind, that they took a poll.
> > &