--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , Richard Williams <willytex@>
> wrote:
> >
> > > > Houston we have a big F'n problem here.
> > > >
> > Judy wrote:
> > > If we spend all our energy deconstructing Sarah
> > > while neglecting to do the same for McCain,
> > > those who are moved to protest our treatment of
> > > her by voting for the Republican ticket won't have
> > > been given any reason *not* to.
> > >
> > Sarah Palin has more exuctive experience than Joe
> > Biden and she probably has better judgement as well.
> >
> > Biden voted *against* gulf war 1 and the U.S. won
> > the war. If we had listened to Joe Biden, Saddam
> > would be in control of Kuwait and probably Saudi
> > Arabia as well - Saddam would be the head of OPEC
> > by now.
> I agree with you, of course, Richard.
> But one thing we have to admit: if the mass-murdering freedom-
> violating dictator Saddam had, indeed, been left to his own devices
> and was, today, in control of both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, as you
> hypothesize above, 50% of the populations of both of those countries
> would be freer -- MUCH freer -- than they are today.
> I'm talking of course, about the women of those two countries.  For
> all his murderous faults, Saddam was for equality of the sexes and
> for the elimination of pretty much all those horrible things that
> middle eastern countries are known for vis a vis mistreating their
> women.
> This is a legitimate point to make because it is the Bush
> Administration that keeps reminding us -- and rightly so -- how much
> that they have done for the women of Afghanistan, freeing them from
> the misogynistic suppression of the Taliban.
> Well, folks, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
> Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the Taliban are all pretty much equal-
> opportunity repressors of women...and Saddam would no doubt have made
> the lot of women much, much better in both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia,
> just as he did in Iraq.>>

Wow, Shemp, you're telling us what we have been telling you for years.
There was more freedom under Saddam than under the American regime

Well done, you finally woke up. Too late for the hundreds of  thousands
children killed and mutilated, millions of people displaced, and all
resemblence of modern civilized society wiped off the face of the map by
the invasion. But hey, who cares if Iraq is now an ungovernable zone,
free for rapists and women-oppressors to roam, and a breeding zone for
American hating fanatics.

Saddam may have been an oppressor, but no-one else was able to control
that region and America is trillion in debt, while the Iraqi government
officials are holding on to an 80 billion surplus until the Americans
leave, then they will appropriate it for their own personal use.

Good job BushSheep.


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