[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-08-06 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill"  wrote:

Dear Emptybill: I just began to read through this post of yours, answering as I 
went along, not knowing where you would be going. But then I got to our 
Kentucky Bourbon moment, and the floor kind of gave out from under me. I could 
go no further. You will see the sudden transition I had to make, a transition 
which made me reluctant to go beyond the Bourbon. And therefore, somewhat 
arbitrarily, to ignore the last half of your post. (Read, but not answered; you 
will see why.)

Robin's Message 315852

 Robin1: Because, you see, emptybill, my intentions here on FFL, they are far 
more morally driven than your disgust and aversion to what I am doing.

EB2: No disgust, no aversion … not even disquiet. Admiration rather, since now 
I understand. You are just displaying your performance art - although seemingly 
bereft of quietude or contemplation. In truth, you appear as the blessed bitch 
of your totem-daimon, like a good and dutiful servant. Why you must certainly 
see your performances as confessional addendums to "Truly, truly, I say unto 
thee …". Aren't they literal prayers to have your efforts recognized as 

Robin2: No, Emptybill, I am as interested in "quietude" and "contemplation" as 
you are. I am my own "blessed bitch"--bitch to myself, that is. Where do you 
get some sense of a distinct entity/muse other than myself speaking my words? I 
consider any sources of inspiration other than my own waking state self to be 
anathema. Especially after experiencing myself 'instrumentally' for those ten 

You seek to impute my motives here to some desperate cry for recognition, or 
acknowledgement; whereas I view my posting at FFL in strictly selfish terms: I 
want to clarify and strengthen my own understanding of how my philosophy 
applies to my life. Fielding the different and clashing points of view on 
FFL--not to mention the different and clashing personalities (first-person 
ontology differentials!)--has been experimentally proven to me to be useful for 
my own--let me genuflect before the East for a moment--evolution.

Performance art for the sake of performance art: that does not describe my 
intention, nor, I believe, Emptybill, if you see how I interact with someone 
like Share Long, or Emily, or Raunchydog, or PaliGap, or Feste37, my acts here 
in the form of posts at FFL.
Robin1: You don't like it and would have me acting perhaps as a more antic 
version of Lear's Fool—or the cosmic harlequin whose nimble acrobatics are to 
seduce some would-be inamorato.

EB2: Oh not so, not so. (See footnote 1)

Robin2: Emptybill, I did not know you were an author. I suppose I will have to 
see if I can speed-read that book before I say much else, since you obviously 
have a pretty coherent and carefully-thought out view of reality and the human 
soul. Of course I cannot know what you mean in your comment here without 
looking through your book. Would you recommend my reading it?

I do think, however, you have hit upon a truth there: I consider enlightenment 
to be a form of abject slavery. And I am happy to have escaped from the Big 
Plantation of the Self.

Robin1: I conceive of acting in love—however differently it is perceived by you 
and a strong contingent of critics sympathetic to what you have said here.

EB2: Isn't this the mark of Plato's true lover? Or is it rather the stamp of a 
Platonic motherfucker – a lost soul coupling with prima  materia? Isn't the 
Dark Lord a better lover of your deity than you? (See note 2)

Robin2: Emptybill, I would have the Personal God for my lover--but he is not to 
be found. Therefore I am on my own. And everything I say is said from entirely 
within the existential intention to own it through my own experimental 
knowledge of life, even, if I may say it, the universe itself. There is no 
deity, then, for me; and certainly no guru. No philosophy even that would make 
me its exponent. You mistake me, Emptybill, I am a loner. I take responsibility 
for existing as a created being whose only resource apart from my own faculties 
and life history, is *reality* itself--what I make of my transactions with her. 
Which are never abstract, and are always first-person ontological [as you would 
expect. :-)]

Like right now, Emptybill. There is no mediator between what you have said and 
my own heart. I would have life physical-supernatural rather than 
mental-mystical. Life for me is about what it was like to be McKayala Maroney 
last night after failing to land her dismount on her second vault attempt--or 
the sensation Usain Bolt felt in his body in running 9:63 in the 100 metre 
final. Or Emptybill in this very moment wondering how to answer this post. :-) 
Enlightenment is so far away from where I choose to live my life, 
Emptybill--and did I tell you? *I've been there*. I am more of an 
Aristotelian-Thomistic fathermucker than the other.

Robin1:  I will assume, however, that in having done s

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-08-05 Thread emptybill

Robin's Message 315852

  Robin sez:

Because, you see, emptybill, my intentions here on FFL, they are far
more morally driven than your disgust and aversion to what I am doing.

Emptybill sez:

No disgust, no aversion … not even disquiet. Admiration rather,
since now I understand. You are just displaying your performance art -
although seemingly bereft of quietude or contemplation. In truth, you
appear as the blessed bitch of your totem-daimon, like a good and
dutiful servant. Why you must certainly see your performances as
confessional addendums to "Truly, truly, I say unto thee …".
Aren't they literal prayers to have your efforts recognized as

  Robin sez:

You don't like it and would have me acting perhaps as a more antic
version of Lear's Fool—or the cosmic harlequin whose nimble
acrobatics are to seduce some would-be inamorato.
Emptybill sez:
Oh not so, not so. (See footnote 1)


I conceive of acting in love—however differently it is perceived by
you and a strong contingent of critics sympathetic to what you have said
Emptybill sez:
Isn't this the mark of Plato's true lover? Or is it rather the
stamp of a Platonic motherfucker – a lost soul coupling with prima 
materia? Isn't the Dark Lord a better lover of your deity than you?
(See note 2)

  Robin sez:

I will assume, however, that in having done so you will go about the
rest of your day satisfied you have struck a blow for truth—whether
your own truth, the truth of the Self, or the truth of something even

   Emptybill sez:

Contrary to you, I consider subjectivity as a human invariant but not a
proof for an invariant personal identity. I have seen enough of my most
recent past lifetime (along with other ones) to examine its workings,
achievements and deceptions. (see note 3)

  Robin sez:

I am sure, however, as I sit in this Starbucks, that were you able to
join me, we might have some great conversation. I am nicer in person
than I am on this forum.

Emptybill sez:

Yep, it would probably be worth our time around the table. However, I
would chose something other than Starbucks fare. I rather think
Woodford's Select Kentucky Bourbon would better fluidize the wheels
of conversation. It might even warm the ontological heart of a Northern

  "This universe is a stream of unbroken perceptions of Brahman. In
all respects, it is nothing but Brahman. In all conditions, see Brahman
with inner vision and a peaceful mind. As those with eyes see forms all
around, thus the knowers of Brahman see nothing other than Brahman."
Adi Shankara, Vivekachudamini, verse 522

1 This point is carefully explained in my pseudonymous book -

Slavery is the Highest Enlightenment: the story of "O"m.

by Anarkhia Sophos, Hierodule Publications, 2009 ed.

2 One tradition says: "We are true the others false or we are
esoteric the others are exoteric" - yet the other traditions claim
the opposite.

  Perhaps they should just fight each other unto oblivion to establish
domination – like the fierce battles between jews and muslims or
christians and muslims. After all, this is what Shakti does – she
dances this Lila for the entertainment of her Lord.

  This is why yogins claim that "all bhoga comes from bhaga"
– all experience comes from a vagina. So can we genuinely claim this
or is it rather that "all pleasure and pain comes from a

  Which brings up another point about yoga. According to the Samkhya-Yoga
synthesis, the procreatrix (prakriti) dances for her spectator (drishta)
and will continue until she feels she is adequately seen and
appreciated. Only then will she retire her dance and take a rest.
Isn't that good ol' tricky trixy for you. Always on stage.

Hmm … sound familiar?

  Likewise, for those traditions that worship "Vishnu only", in
reality there is only one Purusha (literally "the male"). He is
Narayana, Vishnu, Krishna and everything else is the opposite of him.
Therefore, a soul is always female (a yoni-jiva). That means we are all
yoni-s without regard to our physical gender. That also means we are all
yoni-s or receptacles waiting to be filled with god's creative and
procreative effluence. In Western parlance, we call this effluence
seminal-raisons or logoi-spermatikoi.


  Conclusion 1: All meditation/contemplation/prayer is only about
ultimate divine union because females such as we (the yoni-jivas) can
never be satisfied by anything other than a god.

  Conclusion 2: Tantra, such as Gurudev performed to worship Shri
Lakshmi, is a form of noetic and yogic etiquette defining the right view
and right conduct towards the goddess-powers (devi-shaktis) who manifest
and actualize this whole cosmos.

  Conclusion 3: we are all a bunch of pussies waiting to be filled by a


  This explains why I am bitch-slapped daily by the guna-s of Trixy the
procreatrix to keep me in my place. This would also explain the
high-indifference of god/gods to the sufferings in this world.

  Or as his eminenc

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-31 Thread Robin Carlsen
Dear Empty Bill,

I didn't make a peep for twenty-five years, empty bill—but once I got started, 
I couldn't stop myself.

The uncanny thing about your post here, empty bill, is how smoothly and 
elegantly you have transcended your own first-person ontology.

If you could tell me, however, if there was anything other than frustration and 
irritation as the motive of your post, this would interest me, emptybill.

You seriously misunderstand me: I want to be nice and loving all the time; but 
when the mockers come out and play dirty the niceness and lovingness, why, it 
turns to irony and brio—*but* you have to believe me, empty bill, the moment I 
can sense something other than mere bluffing, bravado, desperation, and yes, 
even hatred—then suddenly I will remember Saint Francis and the birds. But when 
the crows are making a racket and trying to steal those lovely little blue eggs 
in the nest, then I pretend I am an eagle, and I swoop and strut—much in the 
manner you describe here so equably, soberly.

Will your words here, empty bill, assuage your unhappy feelings? I certainly 
hope so. But what you have neglected to think through carefully enough is: What 
does *Robin* think he is doing by all his mock dissembling and sarcasm? If you 
read *my* motives in this, emptybill, I would then have to take your very 
seriously indeed. Because, you see, emptybill, my intentions here on FFL, they 
are far more morally driven than your disgust and aversion to what I am doing.

For me, that is the ultimate trick in polemics of this kind—polemics, that is, 
which descend to the level of personal insult: Whose context, you or your 
opponent's is getting a firmer grip on reality (the ultimate adjudicator 
always—and will be at our death: both of us, you and me, emptybill, we have to 

I have performed my act on FFL. You don't like it and would have me acting 
perhaps as a more antic version of Lear's Fool—or the cosmic harlequin whose 
nimble acrobatics are to seduce some would-be innamorato. But you get me wrong, 
emptybill: for I would only feel you had touched me in what you said here if 
your sincerity in doing so equalled my own in my performance. I conceive of 
acting in love—however differently it is perceived by you and a strong 
contingent of critics sympathetic to what you have said here.

Meanwhile I will console myself in the knowledge that I am answerable for all 
my actions, and I continue to believe that in your post here you hardly do me 
justice; you only, truly, emptybill, give yourself the satisfaction of having 
rid yourself of some intense feelings.

I will assume, however, that in having done so you will go about the rest of 
your day satisfied you have struck a blow for truth—whether your own truth, the 
truth of the Self, or the truth of something even higher.

I am sure, however, as I sit in this Starbucks, that were you able to join me, 
we might have some great conversation. I am nicer in person than I am on this 

And I am sure you are too.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill"  wrote:
> Yep, that's you.
> Truth-mocking, double-ironist and dissembler extrordinaire.
> Discursive conjurer continually on stage like any actor needing an
> audience.
> Will your totem-daimon ever recognize your feats so you can retire?
> Or like most stage actors will you need to keep it new to feel alive?
> First-person ontology?
> Searle notwithstanding -
> nothing but "I am talking".
> Better yet, revelation , revelation ...
> "I have subjectivity ... please believe I'm real."
> Ain't that always the mask wearer's plea?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > RESPONSE: Beyond Monty Python. There's irony, there's inadvertent
> irony, and then there's double-irony: in the latter case a person
> simulates outrage and bitterness, meanwhile (if you examine the subtext
> carefully) mocking the very existence of sincerity or innocence. Or even
> truth.
> >
> > One makes oneself vulnerable by believing in and feeling there is such
> a thing as truth. But if one wants to have the entirety of one's
> consciousness subject only to the secret delight of malice one makes
> certain one never commits oneself to believing anything—Not at least
> so as to become influenced by the objective demands that that truth
> would make upon us.
> >
> > The person who wrote this gives the appearance of believing in what he
> or she has said. But if you follow the meaning to its logical conclusion
> (becoming susceptible to its subtext) then one has the edifying
> spectacle of someone mocking the very idea there is something called
> truth.
> >
> > And the proof of this? There will never be any attempt to answer this
> post [MZ's] so as to contradict its categorical judgment.
> >
> > And, dear readers of FFL, you realize it would only take slightest
> nuance of feeling to utterly refute me. What is that feeling?
> >
> > Something that or

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-31 Thread emptybill
Yep, that's you.

Truth-mocking, double-ironist and dissembler extrordinaire.
Discursive conjurer continually on stage like any actor needing an
Will your totem-daimon ever recognize your feats so you can retire?
Or like most stage actors will you need to keep it new to feel alive?

First-person ontology?
Searle notwithstanding -
nothing but "I am talking".

Better yet, revelation , revelation ...
"I have subjectivity ... please believe I'm real."

Ain't that always the mask wearer's plea?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" 
> RESPONSE: Beyond Monty Python. There's irony, there's inadvertent
irony, and then there's double-irony: in the latter case a person
simulates outrage and bitterness, meanwhile (if you examine the subtext
carefully) mocking the very existence of sincerity or innocence. Or even
> One makes oneself vulnerable by believing in and feeling there is such
a thing as truth. But if one wants to have the entirety of one's
consciousness subject only to the secret delight of malice one makes
certain one never commits oneself to believing anything—Not at least
so as to become influenced by the objective demands that that truth
would make upon us.
> The person who wrote this gives the appearance of believing in what he
or she has said. But if you follow the meaning to its logical conclusion
(becoming susceptible to its subtext) then one has the edifying
spectacle of someone mocking the very idea there is something called
> And the proof of this? There will never be any attempt to answer this
post [MZ's] so as to contradict its categorical judgment.
> And, dear readers of FFL, you realize it would only take slightest
nuance of feeling to utterly refute me. What is that feeling?
> Something that originates in sincerity.
> I am beginning to see why there is such a thing as having to die.
> For even the consummate practitioner of double-irony meets there a
context of reality which transcends irony—and all of this reality
bears down upon us with its almightiness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-31 Thread emptybill
You mean she couldn't bear the bare on FFL?
How do you know what you know?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:39 PM, feste37 wrote:
> > We can agree to differ. If, as you suggest, Stupid Sal may be
> > lurking here, she is free to delurk and reveal her stupidity and
> > nastiness once more so we can all marvel at it. I brought her up
> > because she came to mind as such a stark contrast to our newly
> > arrived Saint Share, and I liked the alliterative ring of Saint
> > Share vs. Stupid Sal.
> IIRC "Saint Share" actually was the person who ran the Fairfield
> Kiosk email list, set up as an alternative to the negativity of FFL.
> No negativity was allowed on this list and I believe it was moderated
> by her. At the time, apparently FFL was just to negative to bear.
> Needless to say, this sattvic alternative to FFL never took off -
> (must have been the artificial sweetners). And look who showed up

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-31 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> >
> > I'm sure that would be an interesting discussion, Robin, and 
> > any number of folks here would be glad to have it with you.
> Especially the ones who are trying to score points
> with their attention vampire mistress. If they can
> get you to respond to them, she gives them a pat
> on the back and a free bottle of True Attention. :-)
> The attempts to do exactly this have been pretty 
> obvious since she's returned from her week of 
> stupidity-induced silence, haven't they? It's like 
> the minions felt so starved without her viciousness 
> that they had to invent some of their own. 
> Sal must be laughing her ass off if she really is
> lurking here, to see how threatened people *still*
> are by her. 
> > What I wrote to Feste was both simple and clear; there's 
> > no need to reiterate or argue.
> Not unless you're a vampire who needs to feed. :-)

RESPONSE: Beyond Monty Python. There's irony, there's inadvertent irony, and 
then there's double-irony: in the latter case a person simulates outrage and 
bitterness, meanwhile (if you examine the subtext carefully) mocking the very 
existence of sincerity or innocence. Or even truth. 

One makes oneself vulnerable by believing in and feeling there is such a thing 
as truth. But if one wants to have the entirety of one's consciousness subject 
only to the secret delight of malice one makes certain one never commits 
oneself to believing anything—Not at least so as to become influenced by the 
objective demands that that truth would make upon us.

The person who wrote this gives the appearance of believing in what he or she 
has said. But if you follow the meaning to its logical conclusion (becoming 
susceptible to its subtext) then one has the edifying spectacle of someone 
mocking the very idea there is something called truth.

And the proof of this? There will never be any attempt to answer this post 
[MZ's] so as to contradict its categorical judgment. 

And, dear readers of FFL, you realize it would only take slightest nuance of 
feeling to utterly refute me. What is that feeling?

Something that originates in sincerity. 

I am beginning to see why there is such a thing as having to die.

For even the consummate practitioner of double-irony meets there a context of 
reality which transcends irony—and all of this reality bears down upon us with 
its almightiness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-31 Thread feste37
I like you too. You are playful and smart. I'm glad you've stuck around. I 
never knew you in person because I arrived at MIU a year or so after you had 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater  wrote:
> There have been a few posts you have made that make me think I quite like you 
> Feste. You strike me as your own person, a true individual. Always high marks 
> in my book. And you're quite feisty. Maybe it should be Feisty37.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > I stand by my comment. Stupid Sal was the nastiest poster on this forum by 
> > a country mile, and she was a careless, incompetent reader of the posts of 
> > others.  
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Why on earth would you gratuitously malign Sal, who no longer posts here, 
> > > but who very well might continue to follow the posts on this forum? She 
> > > was manifestly neither stupid nor nasty. Though she could be sharp in her 
> > > comments, she was far less so than a couple of serial posters who are 
> > > still here.
> > > 
> > > ***
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here 
> > > > at FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God 
> > > > as a replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. 
> > > > (Saint Share, you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was 
> > > > renowned for being not only, well, stupid, but also for the sheer 
> > > > nastiness of her posts.) 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what 
> > > > > inspired you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt 
> > > > > anyone's "tender feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting 
> > > > > over myself.  It had to happen sometime.  
> > > > > 
> > > > > No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many 
> > > > > emotions, many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame 
> > > > > attacks for some of the things I posted - I work to get over myself - 
> > > > > it's not really all about "me."  My posts never seemed to phase 
> > > > > anyone else and often the exact right post would turn up to get me 
> > > > > out of myself, my drama, etc. and give me a little perspective.  Or, 
> > > > > they would pass into oblivion where they belonged.  As I say to 
> > > > > myself..."no need to personalize everything."  Far to tiring an MO. 
> > > > >  All in a days work, so to speak.  So, I stopped taking myself 
> > > > > quite so seriously and stopped worrying so much. Just scenes in a 
> > > > > play really.  FFL may seem like a tough place, but really, not so 
> > > > > much.  Child's play.  
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > >  From: Share Long 
> > > > > To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> > > > > Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> > > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> > > > >  
> > > > > 
> > > > >   
> > > > > This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have 
> > > > > hurt.  I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.  And I'm doing 
> > > > > my best to develop so that I don't continue hurting people knowingly 
> > > > > or unknowingly.  
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have thought?!
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-31 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:39 PM, feste37 wrote:
> > We can agree to differ. If, as you suggest, Stupid Sal may be  
> > lurking here, she is free to delurk and reveal her stupidity and  
> > nastiness once more so we can all marvel at it. I brought her up  
> > because she came to mind as such a stark contrast to our newly  
> > arrived Saint Share, and I liked the alliterative ring of Saint  
> > Share vs. Stupid Sal.
> IIRC "Saint Share" actually was the person who ran the Fairfield  
> Kiosk email list, set up as an alternative to the negativity of FFL.  
> No negativity was allowed on this list and I believe it was moderated  
> by her. At the time, apparently FFL was just to negative to bear.
> Needless to say, this sattvic alternative to FFL never took off -  
> (must have been the artificial sweetners). And look who showed up here.

Sharalyn did the kiosk group. Saint Share is not Sharalyn.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-31 Thread Vaj

On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:39 PM, feste37 wrote:

We can agree to differ. If, as you suggest, Stupid Sal may be  
lurking here, she is free to delurk and reveal her stupidity and  
nastiness once more so we can all marvel at it. I brought her up  
because she came to mind as such a stark contrast to our newly  
arrived Saint Share, and I liked the alliterative ring of Saint  
Share vs. Stupid Sal.

IIRC "Saint Share" actually was the person who ran the Fairfield  
Kiosk email list, set up as an alternative to the negativity of FFL.  
No negativity was allowed on this list and I believe it was moderated  
by her. At the time, apparently FFL was just to negative to bear.

Needless to say, this sattvic alternative to FFL never took off -  
(must have been the artificial sweetners). And look who showed up here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> I'm sure that would be an interesting discussion, Robin, and 
> any number of folks here would be glad to have it with you.

Especially the ones who are trying to score points
with their attention vampire mistress. If they can
get you to respond to them, she gives them a pat
on the back and a free bottle of True Attention. :-)

The attempts to do exactly this have been pretty 
obvious since she's returned from her week of 
stupidity-induced silence, haven't they? It's like 
the minions felt so starved without her viciousness 
that they had to invent some of their own. 

Sal must be laughing her ass off if she really is
lurking here, to see how threatened people *still*
are by her. 

> What I wrote to Feste was both simple and clear; there's 
> no need to reiterate or argue.

Not unless you're a vampire who needs to feed. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread marekreavis
I'm sure that would be an interesting discussion, Robin, and any number of 
folks here would be glad to have it with you.

What I wrote to Feste was both simple and clear; there's no need to reiterate 
or argue.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen"  wrote:
> Dear Marek,
> I have had some unsatisfying exchanges with the person who is the object of 
> this controversy, and yet I understand the general principle of not speaking 
> ill of others—especially if they are not present to defend themselves. 
> However, I note that you are determined to conceal the specific persons whom 
> you deem, by implication, far more malicious and prejudiced than the person 
> who has not posted for some time now.
> What I think dishonest and in bad faith is your refusal to take 
> responsibility for naming the persons whom you believe deserve greater 
> censure on this forum than the person whose name has been brought up. I think 
> it cowardly for you to insinuate who these persons might be [I for one do not 
> know to whom you are referring; I assume you have a more lengthy history at 
> FFL than I do, and therefore a more seasoned perspective on the matter of who 
> at FFL is nasty and who is not nasty] without actually naming them.
> And if someone is going to malign a person whom you feel does not deserve to 
> be maligned, then either you make your judgments known (about who on FFL is 
> worse than this person who remains silent and who is being maligned) or you 
> make certain that in your reference to those who are greater offenders in 
> this regard you avoid making it clear to certain posters on FFL just whom you 
> mean. 
>  I sense you are getting away with something here which is undercutting the 
> purported moral stand you have taken against the derogatory comments made by 
> one poster here. I question whether you are, in good conscience, prepared to 
> stand behind your judgment publicly. After all, you said you were the peace 
> and love kind of guy to me, very scrupulously avoiding any sort of disclosure 
> of those persons at FFL whom you believe harbour and express a violence that, 
> in another context, can even lead to crime, including murder.
> I accuse you openly of refusing to come clean on this matter because of the 
> personal politics of this affair—Your party loyalties, which, as it would 
> happen, do not entirely accord with a disinterested and objective 
> determination of who is nasty and who is not nasty on FFL.
> If you were innocently and sincerely convinced that your predilections in 
> this matter were subject only to a judgment independent of your implied 
> friendship with certain persons on this forum, then you would be much more 
> careful about making what are obvious insinuations, insinuations that the 
> party to which you are loyal can infer exculpate them from being in that very 
> category, and in fact feed their own assumptions—misplaced as they are—about 
> their own immunity to a judgment of being nasty and violent.
> Would you be interested in thrashing out this matter, or perhaps making your 
> argument in the form of a legal brief? I will be the prosecutor, you will 
> argue for the innocence of your client—you being the that client.
> I would like to believe I am wrong about this, Marek, but I think you are 
> double-dealing here and I don't like it.
> Robin
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> >
> > Why on earth would you gratuitously malign Sal, who no longer posts here, 
> > but who very well might continue to follow the posts on this forum? She was 
> > manifestly neither stupid nor nasty. Though she could be sharp in her 
> > comments, she was far less so than a couple of serial posters who are still 
> > here.
> > 
> > ***
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > >
> > > It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here 
> > > at FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God as 
> > > a replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. (Saint 
> > > Share, you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was renowned for 
> > > being not only, well, stupid, but also for the sheer nastiness of her 
> > > posts.) 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what 
> > > > inspired you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt 
> > > > anyone's "tender feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting over 
> > > > myself.  It had to happen sometime.  
> > > > 
> > > > No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many 
> > > > emotions, many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame 
> > > > attacks for some of the things I posted - I work to get over myself - 
> > > > it's not really all about "me."  My posts never seemed to phase anyone 
> > > > else and oft

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread Robin Carlsen

Dear Marek,

I have had some unsatisfying exchanges with the person who is the object of 
this controversy, and yet I understand the general principle of not speaking 
ill of others—especially if they are not present to defend themselves. However, 
I note that you are determined to conceal the specific persons whom you deem, 
by implication, far more malicious and prejudiced than the person who has not 
posted for some time now.

What I think dishonest and in bad faith is your refusal to take responsibility 
for naming the persons whom you believe deserve greater censure on this forum 
than the person whose name has been brought up. I think it cowardly for you to 
insinuate who these persons might be [I for one do not know to whom you are 
referring; I assume you have a more lengthy history at FFL than I do, and 
therefore a more seasoned perspective on the matter of who at FFL is nasty and 
who is not nasty] without actually naming them.

And if someone is going to malign a person whom you feel does not deserve to be 
maligned, then either you make your judgments known (about who on FFL is worse 
than this person who remains silent and who is being maligned) or you make 
certain that in your reference to those who are greater offenders in this 
regard you avoid making it clear to certain posters on FFL just whom you mean. 

 I sense you are getting away with something here which is undercutting the 
purported moral stand you have taken against the derogatory comments made by 
one poster here. I question whether you are, in good conscience, prepared to 
stand behind your judgment publicly. After all, you said you were the peace and 
love kind of guy to me, very scrupulously avoiding any sort of disclosure of 
those persons at FFL whom you believe harbour and express a violence that, in 
another context, can even lead to crime, including murder.

I accuse you openly of refusing to come clean on this matter because of the 
personal politics of this affair—Your party loyalties, which, as it would 
happen, do not entirely accord with a disinterested and objective determination 
of who is nasty and who is not nasty on FFL.

If you were innocently and sincerely convinced that your predilections in this 
matter were subject only to a judgment independent of your implied friendship 
with certain persons on this forum, then you would be much more careful about 
making what are obvious insinuations, insinuations that the party to which you 
are loyal can infer exculpate them from being in that very category, and in 
fact feed their own assumptions—misplaced as they are—about their own immunity 
to a judgment of being nasty and violent.

Would you be interested in thrashing out this matter, or perhaps making your 
argument in the form of a legal brief? I will be the prosecutor, you will argue 
for the innocence of your client—you being the that client.

I would like to believe I am wrong about this, Marek, but I think you are 
double-dealing here and I don't like it.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> Why on earth would you gratuitously malign Sal, who no longer posts here, but 
> who very well might continue to follow the posts on this forum? She was 
> manifestly neither stupid nor nasty. Though she could be sharp in her 
> comments, she was far less so than a couple of serial posters who are still 
> here.
> ***
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> >
> > It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here at 
> > FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God as a 
> > replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. (Saint 
> > Share, you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was renowned for 
> > being not only, well, stupid, but also for the sheer nastiness of her 
> > posts.) 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> > >
> > > Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what 
> > > inspired you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt 
> > > anyone's "tender feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting over 
> > > myself.  It had to happen sometime.  
> > > 
> > > No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many 
> > > emotions, many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame 
> > > attacks for some of the things I posted - I work to get over myself - 
> > > it's not really all about "me."  My posts never seemed to phase anyone 
> > > else and often the exact right post would turn up to get me out of 
> > > myself, my drama, etc. and give me a little perspective.  Or, they would 
> > > pass into oblivion where they belonged.  As I say to myself..."no need 
> > > to personalize everything."  Far to tiring an MO.  All in a days work, 
> > > so to speak.  So, I stopped taking myself quite so seriously and stopped 
> > > worrying so much. Just scenes in a play really.  FFL may seem like a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread seventhray1

As far as FFL goes, I think you could have stopped after your first two

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater 
>> Never apologize in advance. It can put you at a distinct disadvantage
and deprive others of responsibility. Here I better put one of these :-)
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > From: feste37 feste37@
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 3:54 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern
> >
> >
> > Â
> > It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model
here at FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by
God as a replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement.
(Saint Share, you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was
renowned for being not only, well, stupid, but also for the sheer
nastiness of her posts.)
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn 
> > >
> > > Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm
not sure what inspired you to write this, but you seem the least likely
to hurt anyone's "tender feelings."  Personally, mine are just me
getting over myself.  It had to happen sometime. ÂÂ
> > >
> > > No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many
emotions, many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame
attacks for some of the things I posted - I work to get over myself -
it's not really all about "me."  My posts never seemed to phase
anyone else and often the exact right post would turn up to get me out
of myself, my drama, etc. and give me a little perspective.  Or,
they would pass into oblivion where they belonged.  As I say to
myself..."no need to personalize everything."  Far to tiring an
MO.  All in a days work, so to speak.  So, I stopped
taking myself quite so seriously and stopped worrying so much. Just
scenes in a play really.  FFL may seem like a tough place, but
really, not so much.  Child's play. ÂÂ
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > > From: Share Long 
> > > To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com" fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com
> > > Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> > >
> > >
> > > ÂÂ
> > > This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may
have hurt.  I'm willing to do what I can to make amends. 
And I'm doing my best to develop so that I don't continue hurting people
knowingly or unknowingly.ÂÂ
> > >
> > >
> > > sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread awoelflebater
There have been a few posts you have made that make me think I quite like you 
Feste. You strike me as your own person, a true individual. Always high marks 
in my book. And you're quite feisty. Maybe it should be Feisty37.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> I stand by my comment. Stupid Sal was the nastiest poster on this forum by a 
> country mile, and she was a careless, incompetent reader of the posts of 
> others.  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> >
> > Why on earth would you gratuitously malign Sal, who no longer posts here, 
> > but who very well might continue to follow the posts on this forum? She was 
> > manifestly neither stupid nor nasty. Though she could be sharp in her 
> > comments, she was far less so than a couple of serial posters who are still 
> > here.
> > 
> > ***
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > >
> > > It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here 
> > > at FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God as 
> > > a replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. (Saint 
> > > Share, you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was renowned for 
> > > being not only, well, stupid, but also for the sheer nastiness of her 
> > > posts.) 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what 
> > > > inspired you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt 
> > > > anyone's "tender feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting over 
> > > > myself.  It had to happen sometime.  
> > > > 
> > > > No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many 
> > > > emotions, many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame 
> > > > attacks for some of the things I posted - I work to get over myself - 
> > > > it's not really all about "me."  My posts never seemed to phase anyone 
> > > > else and often the exact right post would turn up to get me out of 
> > > > myself, my drama, etc. and give me a little perspective.  Or, they 
> > > > would pass into oblivion where they belonged.  As I say to 
> > > > myself..."no need to personalize everything."  Far to tiring an MO. 
> > > >  All in a days work, so to speak.  So, I stopped taking myself quite 
> > > > so seriously and stopped worrying so much. Just scenes in a play 
> > > > really.  FFL may seem like a tough place, but really, not so much. 
> > > >  Child's play.  
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >  From: Share Long 
> > > > To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> > > > Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> > > >  
> > > > 
> > > >   
> > > > This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have 
> > > > hurt.  I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.  And I'm doing my 
> > > > best to develop so that I don't continue hurting people knowingly or 
> > > > unknowingly.  
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have thought?!
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> An awful lot of people are projecting their positivity onto me!  It's a very 
> odd experience.  As for my apology, it was meant in general, just in case I 
> had hurt someone's feelings.  Really glad if it wasn't necessary.  
> St. Shareji (-:

Never apologize in advance. It can put you at a distinct disadvantage and 
deprive others of responsibility. Here I better put one of these :-)
>  From: feste37 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 3:54 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern
> It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here at 
> FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God as a 
> replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. (Saint Share, 
> you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was renowned for being not 
> only, well, stupid, but also for the sheer nastiness of her posts.) 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> >
> > Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what 
> > inspired you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt anyone's 
> > "tender feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting over myself. 
> >  It had to happen sometime.  
> > 
> > No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many 
> > emotions, many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame 
> > attacks for some of the things I posted - I work to get over myself - it's 
> > not really all about "me."  My posts never seemed to phase anyone else 
> > and often the exact right post would turn up to get me out of myself, my 
> > drama, etc. and give me a little perspective.  Or, they would pass into 
> > oblivion where they belonged.  As I say to myself..."no need to 
> > personalize everything."  Far to tiring an MO.  All in a days work, 
> > so to speak.  So, I stopped taking myself quite so seriously and stopped 
> > worrying so much. Just scenes in a play really.  FFL may seem like a 
> > tough place, but really, not so much.  Child's play.  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: Share Long 
> > To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> > Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have 
> > hurt.  I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.  And I'm doing my 
> > best to develop so that I don't continue hurting people knowingly or 
> > unknowingly.  
> > 
> > 
> > sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have thought?!
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread Emily Reyn
You've set a high bar St. Shareji - all this unconditional love and stuff.  
It's simply shocking.  Perhaps the ho'oponopono magic is working.  I mean Barry 
actually wrote the word "apologize" - it's a first in my addled memory.  Don't 
worry though, if a little negativity seeps in, or you hurt my feelings, I, for 
one, will forgive you on the spot.  Thank you for being here.  

 From: Share Long 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

An awful lot of people are projecting their positivity onto me!  It's a very 
odd experience.  As for my apology, it was meant in general, just in case I had 
hurt someone's feelings.  Really glad if it wasn't necessary.  
St. Shareji (-:

 From: feste37 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 3:54 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here at FFL. 
My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God as a replacement 
for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. (Saint Share, you may not 
be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was renowned for being not only, well, 
stupid, but also for the sheer nastiness of her posts.) 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what inspired 
> you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt anyone's "tender 
> feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting over myself.  It had to 
> happen sometime.  
> No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many emotions, 
> many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame attacks for some of 
> the things I posted - I work to get over myself - it's not really all about 
> "me."  My posts never seemed to phase anyone else and often the exact right 
> post would turn up to get me out of myself, my drama, etc. and give me a 
> little perspective.  Or, they would pass into oblivion where they belonged. 
>  As I say to myself..."no need to personalize everything."  Far to tiring 
> an MO.  All in a days work, so to speak.  So, I stopped taking myself quite 
> so seriously and stopped worrying so much. Just scenes in a play really. 
>  FFL may seem like a tough place, but really, not so much.  Child's play.  
>  From: Share Long 
> To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have hurt.  
> I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.  And I'm doing my best to 
> develop so that I don't continue hurting people knowingly or unknowingly.  
> sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have thought?!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread Share Long
An awful lot of people are projecting their positivity onto me!  It's a very 
odd experience.  As for my apology, it was meant in general, just in case I had 
hurt someone's feelings.  Really glad if it wasn't necessary.  
St. Shareji (-:

 From: feste37 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 3:54 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here at FFL. 
My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God as a replacement 
for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. (Saint Share, you may not 
be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was renowned for being not only, well, 
stupid, but also for the sheer nastiness of her posts.) 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what inspired 
> you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt anyone's "tender 
> feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting over myself.  It had to 
> happen sometime.  
> No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many emotions, 
> many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame attacks for some of 
> the things I posted - I work to get over myself - it's not really all about 
> "me."  My posts never seemed to phase anyone else and often the exact right 
> post would turn up to get me out of myself, my drama, etc. and give me a 
> little perspective.  Or, they would pass into oblivion where they belonged. 
>  As I say to myself..."no need to personalize everything."  Far to tiring 
> an MO.  All in a days work, so to speak.  So, I stopped taking myself quite 
> so seriously and stopped worrying so much. Just scenes in a play really. 
>  FFL may seem like a tough place, but really, not so much.  Child's play.  
>  From: Share Long 
> To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have hurt.  
> I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.  And I'm doing my best to 
> develop so that I don't continue hurting people knowingly or unknowingly.  
> sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have thought?!


[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> We can agree to differ. If, as you suggest, Stupid Sal may be lurking here, 
> she is free to delurk and reveal her stupidity and nastiness once more so we 
> can all marvel at it. I brought her up because she came to mind as such a 
> stark contrast to our newly arrived Saint Share, and I liked the alliterative 
> ring of Saint Share vs. Stupid Sal.

It should be noted, by the way, that Feste and I are hardly
the only folks here who do not have a high opinion of Sal.
Sal typically sided with Barry and his groupies, which may
give the newbies here a general idea of what kind of person
she was.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> >
> > Your opinion is your own and everyone's personal opinion guides their 
> > interactions with others, or their lack of interaction with others, as the 
> > case may be. You and I disagree in our opinions re Sal; my remark was 
> > prompted by the fact that you brought Sal up for no purpose other than to 
> > bash her on this forum where she hasn't participated for quite some time 
> > and where many new folks, who have joined after she left, have no knowledge 
> > of her whatsoever . . . except, of course, now your malicious potshot at 
> > her in her absence.
> > 
> > I was astonished at that.
> > 
> > ***
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I stand by my comment. Stupid Sal was the nastiest poster on this forum 
> > > by a country mile, and she was a careless, incompetent reader of the 
> > > posts of others.  
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Why on earth would you gratuitously malign Sal, who no longer posts 
> > > > here, but who very well might continue to follow the posts on this 
> > > > forum? She was manifestly neither stupid nor nasty. Though she could be 
> > > > sharp in her comments, she was far less so than a couple of serial 
> > > > posters who are still here.
> > > > 
> > > > ***
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model 
> > > > > here at FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, 
> > > > > by God as a replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an 
> > > > > improvement. (Saint Share, you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, 
> > > > > but she was renowned for being not only, well, stupid, but also for 
> > > > > the sheer nastiness of her posts.) 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what 
> > > > > > inspired you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt 
> > > > > > anyone's "tender feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting 
> > > > > > over myself.  It had to happen sometime.  
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many 
> > > > > > emotions, many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame 
> > > > > > attacks for some of the things I posted - I work to get over myself 
> > > > > > - it's not really all about "me."  My posts never seemed to phase 
> > > > > > anyone else and often the exact right post would turn up to get me 
> > > > > > out of myself, my drama, etc. and give me a little perspective. 
> > > > > >  Or, they would pass into oblivion where they belonged.  As I say 
> > > > > > to myself..."no need to personalize everything."  Far to tiring an 
> > > > > > MO.  All in a days work, so to speak.  So, I stopped taking 
> > > > > > myself quite so seriously and stopped worrying so much. Just scenes 
> > > > > > in a play really.  FFL may seem like a tough place, but really, 
> > > > > > not so much.  Child's play.  
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > >  From: Share Long 
> > > > > > To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> > > > > > Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> > > > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> > > > > >  
> > > > > > 
> > > > > >   
> > > > > > This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have 
> > > > > > hurt.  I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.  And I'm 
> > > > > > doing my best to develop so that I don't continue hurting people 
> > > > > > knowingly or unknowingly.  
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have thought?!
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread feste37

We can agree to differ. If, as you suggest, Stupid Sal may be lurking here, she 
is free to delurk and reveal her stupidity and nastiness once more so we can 
all marvel at it. I brought her up because she came to mind as such a stark 
contrast to our newly arrived Saint Share, and I liked the alliterative ring of 
Saint Share vs. Stupid Sal.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> Your opinion is your own and everyone's personal opinion guides their 
> interactions with others, or their lack of interaction with others, as the 
> case may be. You and I disagree in our opinions re Sal; my remark was 
> prompted by the fact that you brought Sal up for no purpose other than to 
> bash her on this forum where she hasn't participated for quite some time and 
> where many new folks, who have joined after she left, have no knowledge of 
> her whatsoever . . . except, of course, now your malicious potshot at her in 
> her absence.
> I was astonished at that.
> ***
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > I stand by my comment. Stupid Sal was the nastiest poster on this forum by 
> > a country mile, and she was a careless, incompetent reader of the posts of 
> > others.  
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Why on earth would you gratuitously malign Sal, who no longer posts here, 
> > > but who very well might continue to follow the posts on this forum? She 
> > > was manifestly neither stupid nor nasty. Though she could be sharp in her 
> > > comments, she was far less so than a couple of serial posters who are 
> > > still here.
> > > 
> > > ***
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here 
> > > > at FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God 
> > > > as a replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. 
> > > > (Saint Share, you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was 
> > > > renowned for being not only, well, stupid, but also for the sheer 
> > > > nastiness of her posts.) 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what 
> > > > > inspired you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt 
> > > > > anyone's "tender feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting 
> > > > > over myself.  It had to happen sometime.  
> > > > > 
> > > > > No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many 
> > > > > emotions, many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame 
> > > > > attacks for some of the things I posted - I work to get over myself - 
> > > > > it's not really all about "me."  My posts never seemed to phase 
> > > > > anyone else and often the exact right post would turn up to get me 
> > > > > out of myself, my drama, etc. and give me a little perspective.  Or, 
> > > > > they would pass into oblivion where they belonged.  As I say to 
> > > > > myself..."no need to personalize everything."  Far to tiring an MO. 
> > > > >  All in a days work, so to speak.  So, I stopped taking myself 
> > > > > quite so seriously and stopped worrying so much. Just scenes in a 
> > > > > play really.  FFL may seem like a tough place, but really, not so 
> > > > > much.  Child's play.  
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > >  From: Share Long 
> > > > > To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> > > > > Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> > > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> > > > >  
> > > > > 
> > > > >   
> > > > > This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have 
> > > > > hurt.  I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.  And I'm doing 
> > > > > my best to develop so that I don't continue hurting people knowingly 
> > > > > or unknowingly.  
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have thought?!
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> Your opinion is your own and everyone's personal opinion guides their 
> interactions with others, or their lack of interaction with others, as the 
> case may be. You and I disagree in our opinions re Sal; my remark was 
> prompted by the fact that you brought Sal up for no purpose other than to 
> bash her on this forum where she hasn't participated for quite some time and 
> where many new folks, who have joined after she left, have no knowledge of 
> her whatsoever . . . except, of course, now your malicious potshot at her in 
> her absence.
> I was astonished at that.

It's surprising to me, Marek, that you would object to
Feste's post, given that we haven't heard a peep out of
you when others have been maligned in their absence.

And goodness knows you have no problem casting aspersions
at people you refuse to name even though they're still

> ***
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > I stand by my comment. Stupid Sal was the nastiest poster on this forum by 
> > a country mile, and she was a careless, incompetent reader of the posts of 
> > others.  
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Why on earth would you gratuitously malign Sal, who no longer posts here, 
> > > but who very well might continue to follow the posts on this forum? She 
> > > was manifestly neither stupid nor nasty. Though she could be sharp in her 
> > > comments, she was far less so than a couple of serial posters who are 
> > > still here.
> > > 
> > > ***
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here 
> > > > at FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God 
> > > > as a replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. 
> > > > (Saint Share, you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was 
> > > > renowned for being not only, well, stupid, but also for the sheer 
> > > > nastiness of her posts.) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread marekreavis
Your opinion is your own and everyone's personal opinion guides their 
interactions with others, or their lack of interaction with others, as the case 
may be. You and I disagree in our opinions re Sal; my remark was prompted by 
the fact that you brought Sal up for no purpose other than to bash her on this 
forum where she hasn't participated for quite some time and where many new 
folks, who have joined after she left, have no knowledge of her whatsoever . . 
. except, of course, now your malicious potshot at her in her absence.

I was astonished at that.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> I stand by my comment. Stupid Sal was the nastiest poster on this forum by a 
> country mile, and she was a careless, incompetent reader of the posts of 
> others.  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> >
> > Why on earth would you gratuitously malign Sal, who no longer posts here, 
> > but who very well might continue to follow the posts on this forum? She was 
> > manifestly neither stupid nor nasty. Though she could be sharp in her 
> > comments, she was far less so than a couple of serial posters who are still 
> > here.
> > 
> > ***
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > >
> > > It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here 
> > > at FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God as 
> > > a replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. (Saint 
> > > Share, you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was renowned for 
> > > being not only, well, stupid, but also for the sheer nastiness of her 
> > > posts.) 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what 
> > > > inspired you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt 
> > > > anyone's "tender feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting over 
> > > > myself.  It had to happen sometime.  
> > > > 
> > > > No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many 
> > > > emotions, many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame 
> > > > attacks for some of the things I posted - I work to get over myself - 
> > > > it's not really all about "me."  My posts never seemed to phase anyone 
> > > > else and often the exact right post would turn up to get me out of 
> > > > myself, my drama, etc. and give me a little perspective.  Or, they 
> > > > would pass into oblivion where they belonged.  As I say to 
> > > > myself..."no need to personalize everything."  Far to tiring an MO. 
> > > >  All in a days work, so to speak.  So, I stopped taking myself quite 
> > > > so seriously and stopped worrying so much. Just scenes in a play 
> > > > really.  FFL may seem like a tough place, but really, not so much. 
> > > >  Child's play.  
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >  From: Share Long 
> > > > To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> > > > Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> > > >  
> > > > 
> > > >   
> > > > This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have 
> > > > hurt.  I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.  And I'm doing my 
> > > > best to develop so that I don't continue hurting people knowingly or 
> > > > unknowingly.  
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have thought?!
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> Why on earth would you gratuitously malign Sal, who no longer
> posts here, but who very well might continue to follow the posts
> on this forum? She was manifestly neither stupid nor nasty.

She was manifestly both, Marek. Not always, but
frequently. She had a tendency to be gratuitously
malicious, so she has no right to expect she won't
be gratuitously maligned.

It's actually giving her the benefit of the doubt to
call her stupid, rather than assuming her various
distortions and false statements (which she would
never acknowledge, let alone apologize for) were

> Though she could be sharp in her comments, she was far less so
> than a couple of serial posters who are still here.

 You just couldn't resist sneaking in that
"serial," could you?

> ***
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> >
> > It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here at 
> > FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God as a 
> > replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. (Saint 
> > Share, you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was renowned for 
> > being not only, well, stupid, but also for the sheer nastiness of her 
> > posts.) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread feste37

I stand by my comment. Stupid Sal was the nastiest poster on this forum by a 
country mile, and she was a careless, incompetent reader of the posts of 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  wrote:
> Why on earth would you gratuitously malign Sal, who no longer posts here, but 
> who very well might continue to follow the posts on this forum? She was 
> manifestly neither stupid nor nasty. Though she could be sharp in her 
> comments, she was far less so than a couple of serial posters who are still 
> here.
> ***
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> >
> > It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here at 
> > FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God as a 
> > replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. (Saint 
> > Share, you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was renowned for 
> > being not only, well, stupid, but also for the sheer nastiness of her 
> > posts.) 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> > >
> > > Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what 
> > > inspired you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt 
> > > anyone's "tender feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting over 
> > > myself.  It had to happen sometime.  
> > > 
> > > No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many 
> > > emotions, many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame 
> > > attacks for some of the things I posted - I work to get over myself - 
> > > it's not really all about "me."  My posts never seemed to phase anyone 
> > > else and often the exact right post would turn up to get me out of 
> > > myself, my drama, etc. and give me a little perspective.  Or, they would 
> > > pass into oblivion where they belonged.  As I say to myself..."no need 
> > > to personalize everything."  Far to tiring an MO.  All in a days work, 
> > > so to speak.  So, I stopped taking myself quite so seriously and stopped 
> > > worrying so much. Just scenes in a play really.  FFL may seem like a 
> > > tough place, but really, not so much.  Child's play.  
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  From: Share Long 
> > > To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> > > Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> > >  
> > > 
> > >   
> > > This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have 
> > > hurt.  I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.  And I'm doing my 
> > > best to develop so that I don't continue hurting people knowingly or 
> > > unknowingly.  
> > > 
> > > 
> > > sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have thought?!
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread marekreavis
Why on earth would you gratuitously malign Sal, who no longer posts here, but 
who very well might continue to follow the posts on this forum? She was 
manifestly neither stupid nor nasty. Though she could be sharp in her comments, 
she was far less so than a couple of serial posters who are still here.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here at 
> FFL. My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God as a 
> replacement for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. (Saint Share, 
> you may not be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was renowned for being not 
> only, well, stupid, but also for the sheer nastiness of her posts.) 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> >
> > Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what inspired 
> > you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt anyone's "tender 
> > feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting over myself.  It had to 
> > happen sometime.  
> > 
> > No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many 
> > emotions, many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame attacks 
> > for some of the things I posted - I work to get over myself - it's not 
> > really all about "me."  My posts never seemed to phase anyone else and 
> > often the exact right post would turn up to get me out of myself, my drama, 
> > etc. and give me a little perspective.  Or, they would pass into oblivion 
> > where they belonged.  As I say to myself..."no need to personalize 
> > everything."  Far to tiring an MO.  All in a days work, so to speak. 
> >  So, I stopped taking myself quite so seriously and stopped worrying so 
> > much. Just scenes in a play really.  FFL may seem like a tough place, but 
> > really, not so much.  Child's play.  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: Share Long 
> > To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> > Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> >  
> > 
> >   
> > This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have hurt.  
> > I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.  And I'm doing my best to 
> > develop so that I don't continue hurting people knowingly or unknowingly.  
> > 
> > 
> > sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have thought?!
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread Emily Reyn
Maybe she was sending FFL an example of how to apologize.  Tee Hee.  

 From: feste37 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 1:54 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here at FFL. 
My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God as a replacement 
for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. (Saint Share, you may not 
be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was renowned for being not only, well, 
stupid, but also for the sheer nastiness of her posts.) 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what inspired 
> you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt anyone's "tender 
> feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting over myself.  It had to 
> happen sometime.  
> No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many emotions, 
> many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame attacks for some of 
> the things I posted - I work to get over myself - it's not really all about 
> "me."  My posts never seemed to phase anyone else and often the exact right 
> post would turn up to get me out of myself, my drama, etc. and give me a 
> little perspective.  Or, they would pass into oblivion where they belonged. 
>  As I say to myself..."no need to personalize everything."  Far to tiring 
> an MO.  All in a days work, so to speak.  So, I stopped taking myself quite 
> so seriously and stopped worrying so much. Just scenes in a play really. 
>  FFL may seem like a tough place, but really, not so much.  Child's play.  
>  From: Share Long 
> To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have hurt.  
> I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.  And I'm doing my best to 
> develop so that I don't continue hurting people knowingly or unknowingly.  
> sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have thought?!


[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread feste37
It appears that Saint Share has emerged as our idol and role model here at FFL. 
My guess is that she has been sent, somewhat belatedly, by God as a replacement 
for Stupid Sal, which is definitely an improvement. (Saint Share, you may not 
be familiar with Stupid Sal, but she was renowned for being not only, well, 
stupid, but also for the sheer nastiness of her posts.) 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> Dear Share:  You are a gem of a human being.  I'm not sure what inspired 
> you to write this, but you seem the least likely to hurt anyone's "tender 
> feelings."  Personally, mine are just me getting over myself.  It had to 
> happen sometime.  
> No worries...FFL has the ability to absorb many perspectives, many emotions, 
> many points of view.  I used to undergo days long shame attacks for some of 
> the things I posted - I work to get over myself - it's not really all about 
> "me."  My posts never seemed to phase anyone else and often the exact right 
> post would turn up to get me out of myself, my drama, etc. and give me a 
> little perspective.  Or, they would pass into oblivion where they belonged. 
>  As I say to myself..."no need to personalize everything."  Far to tiring 
> an MO.  All in a days work, so to speak.  So, I stopped taking myself quite 
> so seriously and stopped worrying so much. Just scenes in a play really. 
>  FFL may seem like a tough place, but really, not so much.  Child's play.  
>  From: Share Long 
> To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] to whom it may concern
> This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have hurt.  
> I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.  And I'm doing my best to 
> develop so that I don't continue hurting people knowingly or unknowingly.  
> sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.  Who would have thought?!

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-30 Thread sparaig

Compared to most of us who post here, you're at worst, very mild-mannered.

Don't get what you are apologizing for.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart I may have hurt.� 
> I'm willing to do what I can to make amends.� And I'm doing my best to 
> develop so that I don't continue hurting people knowingly or unknowingly.� 
> sigh, FFL is quite the heart workout.� Who would have thought?!