Title: Second letter from a Purusha friend
Kerala - December 2005

My journey through central and northern Kerala began at Fort Cochin, one of the finest towns in India. My first stop was Kaladi, the birthplace of Shankara. Just being in this town brought Shankara to my awareness and my experience with him was two fold. First I felt that by making the effort to come here, I had fulfilled a small part of my journey which started with my first experience of Shankara in Trotakacharayas cave over a year and a half ago to this point in time where I stood at his birthplace. I just felt I had completed a requirement that was asked of me.

Within me and all of us, is a transcendental level of Pure Innocence. I've experienced this level many times in my life, especially during my 30 + years of meditating. But it has always been on the transcendental level. While I was in Shankara’s town, this transcendental level of Pure Innocents came right to the surface and stayed there. It was no longer just transcendental, it was my life, I was that field of Innocents. For me, at this time, I could not have received a more precious gift. The parable from the bible that is closest to my heart is the story of the Lily of the Fields. This level of consciousness is what I want and on this day I had it.

It's interesting that with this experience still with me, my next stop, which was just up the road, was to visit the mountaintop where Saint Thomas spent time in meditation. I wanted to visit this place because Saint Thomas choose it for meditation and it had a well that was said the water from the well had divine powers for healing.

It was a 2 km hike straight up the mountain through the forest. It would not have been difficult except it was hot and humid which made it a tough one. My heart kept me going while my mind continually questioned my sanity.

Saint Thomas did pick a perfect place for meditating. There was a silence and peacefulness to the forest and hilltop that was greater then what you would expect to experience in a forest. Even I, covered in sweat and out of breath could feel it. When I finally reached the top, I was too tired to meditate. I just reclined against the side of the chapel and enjoyed the atmosphere and view. I then pulled me up a bucket of divine water from the well, soaked my head and face then drank a little. I really enjoyed this mountaintop.

Next stop was further back into the hills and forest of Kerala to visit the Athirappalli Vazxhachal water falls. I reclined at the top of the waterfall, meditated and just took in the beauty of Kerala.

Next to one of the most sacred temples in Kerala, the Guruvayoor temple of Lord Krishna, a very strict Hindu only temple. I knew it was Hindu only and was not going to make any attempt to enter. I just wanted to get as close as I could to the front door and meditate. As one enters the temple grounds there is about a 300 foot covered walkway that leads to the temple. White people are allowed to enter this part of the temple. As I entered the walkway, I spontaneously began to recite out loud the Maha Mrityunjay mantra. I was told I should repeat this mantra 10,000 times. I'm afraid I have a long ways to go. This is the mantra:

Om Shiva, Full of Fragrance
Who nourishes all beings
May he liberate me from death
For the sake of immortality
As a ripe cucumber is severed from bondage.

As I was walking down the walkway, almost shouting this mantra, something within my perception opened and I could actually see the nourishing quality of God within me and within very single person around me, everyone! everyone! I could see God nourishing everyone. This experience was not overshadowing for it seemed very natural. I just kept walking and shouting all the way to the front door of the temple. There I said howdy to Krishna and sat next to a pillar and meditated.  Upon leaving I again went to the front door and said goodbye, all the time seeing the nourishing quality of God in everyone.

My driver then took me to the place where the temple elephants are kept. I spent about an hour walking through a heard of 65 elephants. No fences or walls. Each elephant just had a chain around one leg tied to a post. One of the most incredible experiences of my life - being surrounded by 65 elephants!

I must stop now. In my next story I'll tell you about the women I met.

Love you
Jai Guru Dev

Kerala Part Two – December 2005

Now for the women in my life!

After receiving the kind of darshan that only 65 elephants can give, I was then called to Durga and her temple of Thirumandhamkunnu.  This temple sits on top of a small hill with only about a 100 steps to the top.  I arrived in the afternoon, which meant the temple was closed, a very fortunate time for me for there were no pilgrims and just a few administrators, creating a very peaceful environment. I walked around to the backside of the temple and found a large tree that stood at the edge of the hill. I sat under that tree looking out over the valley and enjoyed the longest, most comfortable, deepest and sweetest meditation I’ve experienced in recent memory. Then I had a passing thought that Durga rules the tailbone area and this is his Her temple where I’m sitting so there should be no pain. This thought passed quickly for Durga whose influence I could feel was penetrating my life at this point.

In this long meditation and afterwards as I looked out over the valley, I was given an experience that I can only describe in one word; “Complete”. I was Complete. My life was Complete. I desired nothing. I was Complete…I just sat for the longest time under that tree, at Durga’s temple, absorbed in this Complete experience. Then upon leaving, as I started to descend the stairs, I lost it again and sat on the top of the stairs and just cried, but this time I knew why – deep, deep gratitude to Durga for this experience of Completeness.

After this temple I needed a day to rest from my travels. My driver took me to a resort hotel right on the beach at Kappad Beach. It was at this inauspicious place that Vasco Da Gama landed over 500 years ago. It was also along this coastline, the Malabar Coast, that just about every country that had ships landed here at one time or another. The resort was great and I really wanted to stay there but the cost was far above my budget. As nature would organize, on this day I was the only guest so I received the steep discount I need to stay.

Just up the road was another Durga temple, the Varakkal Devi temple. Parasurama established 108 Durga temples along the coast of Kerala way back in the last yuga. This was the last, number 108. Again the temple was closed, so I just sat myself down right on Her front doorstep and again enjoyed the longest, most comfortable, deepest and sweetest meditation. The feeling of Completeness was still with me, but this time I could feel her darshan surrounding me and I just sat there on Her doorstep and enjoyed the experience.

My last stop in Kerala was a Shiva temple way out in the woods. I sat in front of His door and enjoyed a good meditation.

Then my dear friends, to the temple that I can’t describe in words. To one of the most sacred temple on this earth. The temple of the Divine Mother - Sri Mookambika temple at Kollur in the state of Karnataka. Dr. Raju has suggested people visit this temple for its healing powers.  I will try to describe it and my experience.

The temple itself is located way back in the forest and hills of Karnataka, surrounded by tall hills that are filled with holy temples and caves. Entering the main temple you walk into an open courtyard with the small temple with the Divine Mother in the center. Only pundits are allowed in this temple.  

I first visited the temple about 7 in the evening. My god, how incredibly beautiful and sweet. Hundreds of gee lamps surrounded Her temple. Her darshan was sweeter then sweetness. Kinder then kindness. A softness that just penetrated your heart with love. I sat about 20 feet from Her front door and meditating in the full moon light.  Again it was long and most comfortable……….and then she spoke to me…………..”You’ve come far enough, no need to go any further”……………….My god it was so sweet, so sweet!!! My dear friends, I’m having a difficult time writing about Her. I’m sitting at this Internet café just crying my heart out. People are looking at me, but I don’t care. I’m sure someone will soon offer me some tea -  I could really use a chocolate covered dounut!

The next day I visited Her again at 7 in the evening. In meditation all I could feel was unbounded love. I did not ask for anything. I did not want anything. I just wanted to love Her.  At one point I was thinking about all the stuff I’m going through, my desires and wishes, all that kind of stuff……then from my heart, I spontaneously said out loud: “Non of that matters, I just want to love you.”  My god was that sweet! My god was that sweet!!! It’s interesting that I did not cry at Her temple, but I can’t stop now in front of this dang computer.    

I left the next morning. After Her temple, my trip to Pune, where I am now, was uneventful, but that is my next story.

She said I need go no further. I think of that everyday and it’s becoming clearing what she meant. Since leaving Sri Mookambika, my life has taken a different direction. I still need to fulfill my commitment to visit the 12 Jyotirlingas which will happen within the next week. But then we’ll see what happens.  I’ll tell you all about it once I figure it out.  

I don’t know how to end this email.  I guess, simply to say that I love all of you.  

Jai Guru Dev

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