
Namaste - Siddhis come as a matter of course - but development of Siddhis is 
not what 
the path is about - it is about entering the Best of the Siddhis which is 
Realization where all conditioned knowledge is at an end. Siddhis are signposts 
along the 
way. Maha Shanti OM 

the best siddhi combined with grace - is samadhi :) 


Om Namo Narayan - the best siddhi is Realization - go beyond lower samadhi's. 
Maha Shanti OM 0

New Post


I've never had any negative experiences with meditation and kundalini, yours 
sounds far 
more like migraine, epilepsy or a brain tumour although you did recover.
You do read of others but your negative parts do seem to be more than most. The 
are more to be expected, but I do wonder what positive experiences and 
abilities you've 
had since your guru fixed you up as you haven't mentioned them and would be the 
signs of a kundalini awakening.

Response Siddhananda:

 Your comments display extreme ignorance about kundalini and a true spiritual 
awakening. My Guru did not 'fix me up' as you say, but offered a light so that 
this one 
could find the way to freedom. 

and now because of the Guru's compassion and grace, realization has been 
entered. This 
one has absolutely no abilities that can speak of or care about, so am certain 
you will not 
be impressed. 

So, what positive experiences can be spoken of? The suffering me mentality, the 
sense of 
separateness, the internal drama, the illness, the depression, the anxiety, the 
kriyas, the 
lights, phenomena have settled down and died, and what remains is emptiness, 
peace, stillness and vast beauty - the eternal, unchanging, constant God 
that wouldn't trade for any abilities. 

So, here it is - the end of the story and beginning of pure life. 

Come find that which
you have always been
not two, not two

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