This was the case 3 time in at least geologic past for that ocean so a  
return to more normal times for that region. The region is recovering from our  
last ice age. I note 14 to 22 thousand years ago Buffalo was inder more 
than a  mile of ice & may be again some time just a normal course of events so 
we  must adjust as we have in the past.
In a message dated 9/11/2009 4:02:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Studies of the Arctic Suggest a Dire Situation
By Bryan Walsh Saturday, Sep. 05, 2009


Icebergs that have broken away from the Jacobshavn  glacier in Greenland. 
Ashley Cooper / Corbis

Climate change is happening everywhere, but nowhere faster than in the  
Arctic, where annual temperatures in the far North are warming twice as fast  
as the rest of the globe. Sea ice on the polar cap is shrinking and 
permafrost  is melting, putting animals like the polar bear — and the Arctic 
who  depend on them — in increasing danger.While there's no doubt that the  
Arctic is warming — year after year, it becomes more clearly visible — it is 
 actually a new phenomenon. In a new study published in the Sept. 4  
Science, researchers led by Darrell Kaufman at Northern Arizona  University and 
the National Center for Atmospheric Research constructed a  climate record of 
the Arctic over the past 2,000 years, and found that the  region had been 
cooling for almost all of that time period. 

Summer  temperatures in the Arctic cooled by an average of 0.2 degrees C 
each thousand  years, thanks chiefly to wobbles in the Earth's orbit around 
the sun that  gradually reduced the amount of sunlight hitting the Arctic. 
Left unchecked,  the Arctic would have continued that slow cooling for 
thousands of more years,  until the Earth's orbit wobbled again. _(See pictures 
the effects of global warming.)_ 
But then something else happened — us. The Science researchers found  that 
during the 20th century, as human beings began pouring greenhouse gases  
into the atmosphere, the Arctic stopped cooling and started warming. Even  
though the Arctic is still gradually getting less sunlight, it's still getting  
hotter — summer temperatures in the Arctic are 1.4 degrees C higher than 
they  would have been if the cooling had continued unabated, according to the 
study.  The most recent decade recorded — from 1999 to 2008 — was the 
warmest of the  past 2,000 years. The recent warming trend has been so strong 
researchers  say it might have even kept the Earth from slipping into a new 
Ice Age —  although now, of course, the world needs to deal with the 
opposite  problem. 
Another study released this week by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) examines  
that problem and its potential future effects — and it's not pretty. The 
WWF  researchers found that Arctic sea ice is melting at a faster rate than  
expected, and that the massive land sheets in Greenland and parts of 
Antarctic  are vulnerable. The report predicts that global sea level will rise 
than  3 ft. by 2100, significantly higher than scientists had previously 
believed.  "What we're finding is truly sobering," says Martin Sommerkorn, the 
senior  adviser for the WWF's Arctic Program. _(See the top 10 green ideas 
of 2008.)_ 
The study also found that the methane locked in Arctic permafrost is  
increasingly at risk of being released if warming continues — a positive  
feedback cycle that would accelerate climate change. But the impacts of a  
Arctic go beyond that. The WWF study found that as the Arctic warms, it  
could alter weather patterns beyond its borders, affecting temperature and  
patterns in Europe and North America. "The Arctic is the global  
refrigerator for the climate system," says Sommerkorn. "Change it, and you  
might see 
even more dry summers in the Southwest and wetter winters in the  
Mediterranean." It's another reminder that in this season of climate change  
we're running out of time to make a  

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