In 2001 Taliban had vandalized 2 very tall Buddha statues  in Afghanishtan. The 
Taliban have done it again, this time around they hv vandalized a Buddha statue 
in Swat Valley, Pakistan.
  In a replay of the vandalism that destroyed the Bamiyan Buddha statues in 
Afghanistan in 2001, pro-Taliban militants have now damaged a 40-metre tall 
carving of Buddha in the Swat valley in north-western Pakistan.The Buddha 
statue’s head, shoulders and feet have been destroyed. The militants have now 
threatened a third and final attack on the statue to reduce it to rubble. The 
statue is believed to be dating back to the second century BC. Considered the 
largest in Asia after the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan, the militants had 
attacked the statue in August-September as well.“This was the only giant Buddha 
statue after Bamiya. On September 29 extremists had tried to destroy it but the 
first attack on it was made on August 12. Archeologists say that it is 
difficult to protect the statues. People in the area still live in fear of 
other possible reprisals,” Dawn News correspondent Hamid Ullah Khan told 
CNN-IBN.Swat, which is 200 km northwest of Islamabad, has practically
 been overrun by Islamic fundamentalists led by Mullah Fazlullah. The 
Harmarajika stupa in Taxila and Butkarha stupa in Swat were among the earliest 
stupas of Gandhara — an ancient kingdom consisting of modern-day Peshawar, 
Taxila, Swat and, according to some historians, parts of Kashmir. These stupas 
had been erected on the orders of Emperor Ashoka and contained real relics of 
the Buddha. The Gandhara school is credited with the first representation of 
the Buddha in human form.

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