Since I have been accused of having "literary eloquence"
by tr3nity (Michael) in his parting shot, and using it to
dominate this group, I figure I should do what any upstanding 
American does when accused of something complimentary, and 
make a buck from it. :-)

So consider this a "teaser" lesson in my new training course
on how to (in Michael's words) dominate an Internet group
through literary eloquence.

Lesson 1 -- How 2 Write Gud Lyk Me

1. Write. If all you do is lurk, how do you ever expect to
dominate shit? I mean, Duh.

2. Write only when you feel like you've got something to say,
never just because you're bored. Good rants that dominate 
Internet groups "descend" upon one the grace
of God. Catch the wave when this grace appears, and write it
all down as it washes through you with its powerful bubbling

3. Just write and throw it out there. One good edit pass 
before you click Send is good, because everybody makes typos,
but don't spend too much time trying to make it perfect. It
won't be, no matter how hard you try, and let's face it...most
people here are going to skim what you write anyway, so why 
break a sweat trying to make it perfect for them. This is what 
I do, and it seems to have enabled me to dominate this forum, 
so hey! might work for you. 

4. Be yourself. If you're a brilliant philosopher or rocket
scientist, write like a brilliant philosopher or scientist.
Otherwise, write like Just Another Asshole, like the rest of
the people on the forum. In general, the more you are Being 
Yourself, the better people will respond to your posts, and 
the sooner you will be able to dominate them.

5. When you get negative feedback (there are a few misfits
on every Internet group who just don't want to be dominated), 
laugh at them and do your best to help others laugh at them, 
too. They're going to try to sucker you into "defending your-
self" in some head-to-head debate, but why bother? Better to
laugh them off and concentrate on domination IMO.

6. Use the IMO acronym. Use it a LOT, sometimes even spelled
out as "in my opinion." The people giving you negative feed-
back and resisting your domination of them aren't going to,
and so this distinguishes you from them in the minds of the
other posters and lurkers. It's *them* you want to dominate,
not the ones who get in your face. Dominate the others well
enough, and the ones who get in your face will leave anyway,
throwing out one last whiny parting shot as they go. 

7. Every so often, write about something that's fun for you,
and might be fun for others as well. Again, the in-your-face
types don't ever do this (nothing IS fun for them), so you'll
stand out, and that will speed your goal of group domination.

8. Be yourself. Also repeat yourself a lot. It helps, because
the people you're trying to dominate aren't really the sharpest
pencils in the box, and don't have much of an attention span.

9. Don't exceed the posting limits. That's what the in-your-
face types do. Look closely at those who've spent time in the 
FFL "penalty box" for overposting. Has anyone ever accused
*them* of group domination? 'Nuff said.

10. Suck up to Curtis. Everybody likes Curtis, and if you can
get him to like you by complimenting his sucky music or his
taste in women, he'll subconsciously aid you in your attempts
at group domination. 

There are many, many, many more tips like this in store for
you if you take the full Literary Eloquence (TM) Training Course.
These ten points are like the "loss leaders" at K-Mart that are
supposed to get you to drive across town and spend 2 bucks less
for something you don't need so you'll buy all sorts of other 
shit you don't need while you're in the store. 

Believe me, you'll get your money's worth if you sign up for
the full course. I'll have you dominating Internet groups in
5-7 years, absolutely. And I'll even provide a few Advanced
Techniques (at an additional charge, of course) along the way,
techniques for increasing your Evil Shakti (TM). Some of these
Advanced Techniques are going to require equipment, but hey!,
you can find black cats almost anywhere these days.

So don't be a wuss. Learn to dominate today. Sign up and become
the writer of your dreams. Or at least your wet dreams.

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