The Masters' role by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 9
March 2013
For many years, We, the Masters, have been preparing Ourselves for the
time of Emergence, the time, now near, when We will, in group formation,
live openly in the everyday world. For Some it will be an experience
altogether new. Many, as Masters, have spent all Their time within the
Hierarchy and must now learn to work in entirely new ways. Even the use
of speech has to be learned and practised, since telepathy has long been
the mode used by Us.

At first, and for some considerable time, Our contact will have to be
restricted to senior disciples in the various fields of work and to
trained personnel involved in the practical fields of administration,
especially in food distribution. Many Masters are specialists in
administration, while Others engage more readily in teaching. The aim is
to work as closely as possible in every field, and as soon as possible
with the general public. It is important to emphasise that the
Masters' aim is to stimulate and guide humanity as needed, but to
safeguard the essential freewill of men.

Gradually the location of the various Mystery Schools, preparatory and
advanced, will become known and many thousands of striving disciples
will gravitate to them. There they will receive the training for the
first two initiations, and enter the Sanctuary of Hierarchy.

In the beginning We must expect some opposition to the Masters'
presence and ideas, but eventually, even the most diehard fundamentalist
of any religion or creed will find it difficult to fault the
harmlessness of man's Elder Brothers.

In due course, the cities of the world will be beautified and
transformed. The new Science of Light will transform industry and
travel, and the movement of people will bring Unity to the world. People
of all nations will work in teams together in service to all. The advice
of the Masters will be available, guiding men wisely with a gentle hand.

The presence of even a few Masters among them will have an electrifying
effect on thousands of people anxious to serve the needs of the world,
and the idea of service will become a new life aim for many. In this way
it can be seen that an enormous transformation can be accomplished in a
relatively very short period of time. A mass programme of aid to the
poor will achieve miracles in countries in Africa and South America, for
example. An altogether new sense of the need for haste to rectify the
wrongs of the past will ensure an intensity of help unknown today.
Inspired by Maitreya and His group, hundreds of thousands of men and
women will find their vocation in this way.

We, the Masters, aim only to teach and guide, to show the way for men
and protect them from harm. War in all its forms must become a thing of
the past but the decision to make it so must be man's alone. I
repeat, Our task is to show the way, to outline the plans, but men alone
must embrace each step of the way. Have no fear; all will be achieved.
The life ahead for men could not be more bright.

(Read more articles by this Master)

"The future of mankind is bright"

- His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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