9 min video begins with a summary of Sam Harris' position (no free will), then 
attempts to methodically undermine the arguments against FW by bringing in some 
concepts from Any Rand.  A central idea in the rebuttal to Harris revolves upon 
agent causation originating in the mind.  Drawing upon the work of many quantum 
physicists and geniuses such as John H. Conway, evidence is presented showing 
that the universe is fundamentally indeterminate and that making choices cannot 
be reduced to determinism.  Furthermore (says the speaker), it's incumbent on 
determinists to provide evidence for it, not for the "Libertarians" to disprove 
determinism.  Numerous physicists weigh in on the subject, with an overall 
conclusion that QM undermines determinism and that agent causation arising in 
the mind can't be reducible to it.
 The video is followed by another called "How Free Will Works".

 The Case for Free Will https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCwY36a19aQ
 The Case for Free Will https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCwY36a19aQ To help 
support this ministry click here: http://www.patreon.com/inspiringphilosophy 
What does Alvin Plantinga, Ayn Rand, and Michio Kaku have in common? The...
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