Before the Indo-Europeans arrived in Europe in the late Neolithic
Europe was populated by other people. They got pushed to the margins
and presently the sole surviving remnant seem to be represented by the
Basque people of North West Spain and SW France. See

Since the ancestors of the Basques must have inhabited Europe for a
much longer time than the Indo-European invaders, then according to
the legal precedent set by the UN in creating Israel; Europe should be
awarded to the Basque people.

Likewise all of America should be given back to the native Indians,
and all of Australia to the native Australians. Native Americans even
have legal documents granting them rights over various bits of land,
though every treaty the Indians made with the white settlers was broken. 

Attempting to wind back 2000 years of conquest and reconquest by
creating Israel out of land inhabited by people who had legal proof of
ownership was the most stupid thing the British and the UN ever did.

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