The existence hasn't been letting me sleep for more than 2 hours for the
past several days. I took a break from listening music and absorbed on
my beloved to glorify the divine mother energy - Ravi Yogi.

The Divine mother, the existential energy, shakti has 3 forms. The whole
purpose of the divine mother energy for a sadhak (spiritual aspirant) is
her ability to provide moksha (liberation, enlightenment,
self-realization) by transforming the shadow energies to the pure
creative energy.

Mother Kali - the slayer, the provocateur.

Kali works on the Shadripus - the six defects that give rise to the
false self (ego), the siz defects of Kaama (lust), Krodha (anger), Lobha
(greed), Moha (attachment), Mada (pride) and Matsarya (jealousy).

Kali provokes, attacks the spiritual aspirant so the shadripus can rise
to the surface so she can quickly, metaphorically slay the shadow
energy. She sucks the shadow energy, transforms into the higher, pure
creative energy. Hindu scriptures denote the rabid energy of  Mother
Kali that sucks the negativity, transforms into bliss. Mother Kali fumes
and rages in bliss till she is subdued by Lord Shiva, the Guru.

Hence the importance of a Guru in Moksha.

She is also resident in the subtle body, hidden deep in the Muladhara
Chakra (the sex center).

Mother Durga - the unconditional love

Durga is the unconditional love energy of the divine mother, pure,
white, bright, radiant, smiling.

Mother Mohini - the beatiful, playful enchantress

Mohini is the form of the enchantress, that through her sheer beauty and
sexuality attracts the demons - the stupid and the arrogant ones.

The 2 strategies of the divine mother.

The Kali - Durga move.

To provide spiritual progress and moksha to true sadhaks.

Kali provokes, abuses, punishes the sadhak so that the shadow energies
surface for her to slay. As the sadhak is stunned by this violent,
ecstatic energy of Kali, the energy turns into Durga, the unconditional
love to soothe, caress and love the sadhak.

The Mohini - Kali move.

Is for the dull minded demons, metaphorically the stupid and the
arrogant, deeply steeped in their ignorance and layers of deception.

The Mohini, enchantress tempts the demons, talks and praises the demons
so they get attracted to her. As they bask in the attention and start
glowing with their pride, Mohini dramatically transforms to Kali, the
slayer, she then humiliates and insults the demons so they may progress
to the level of a saadhak.

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