USA: Vastu Coordinators Training Course completes first Phase II for
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    Translate This Article
27 April 2010

Two Deputy Ministers of Architecture of the Global Country of World
Peace <> 
recently taught the first Phase II programme of the Vastu Coordinators
Training Course
>  for architects, builders, and developers.

Phase II was held in Maharishi Vedic City
<> , Iowa, USA. It was a followup to Phase
I, which has been completed by over 800 people around the world, who are
now bringing the knowledge of Vedic Architecture, Maharishi Sthapatya
<> ,
to their own countries.

Deputy Minister Dr Christian Schweitzer; Deputy Minister Dr Vojtek
Skalski, a Vedic architect from Finland; and Dr Jon Lipman, AIA,
director of Fortune-Creating Buildings
<> , who recently completed a
tour of the Western United States
709> , led the course.

Describing the course on the Maharishi Channel
<> ,* Dr Schweitzer said it was the first
time he had visited the area. He showed photographs
<>  of many of the
approximately 500 Vastu
rchitecture>  buildings in Maharishi Vedic City and nearby
Fairfield—the largest collection of such buildings in the world.

The Vastu Coordinators Course consisted of theory about Maharishi
Sthapatya Veda and also the practice of visiting the many Vastu
buildings and seeing how the rules of Vastu were actually applied to a
variety of structures. Participants spoke with owners of the houses
about their experiences living in the buildings; and also visited new
construction sites to see the principles in action.

Dr Schweitzer commented that practising the Transcendental Meditation
<>  and Transcendental
Meditation Sidhi Programme
<> , including Yogic
Flying <> , with the
large group of almost 2,000 Yogic Flyers now participating in the
Invincible America Assembly
<>  in Fairfield was a
very rich and deep experience for him.

He also very much enjoyed attending the Yagya
<>  performances of the
1,000 Maharishi Vedic Pandits <>  currently
living in Maharishi Vedic City. These Pandits
<>  are participating in
the Invincible America Assembly, making a special contribution to
creating invincibility <>  for America and
peace for the world through their special peace-creating Vedic

* Dr Schweitzer spoke on the 26 April Maharishi Global Family Chat
<> , which is broadcast
daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel
<> , Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily
Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic
download, via an RSS feed
<> .

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