this guy out of San Francisco is doing some
real good jyotish readings and daily podcasts.
he expects more "water damage" this week...
according to the planetary set-up.
so, just keep meditating!
george d.
----- Original Message -----
From: sadasiva
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 2:34 PM
Subject: Yet another hurricane

Moon will pass through Ardra on Saturday and just like the last 3 times, we are looking at another Massive hurricane when it does.

here is a dalogue i had w/ someone on another list about this:

he asked:

"Are you saying that it is the combination of NNode in Pisces, along with Saturn in Cancer being squared by Mars (Sidereal) that is so virulent?"

I replied:
Yes I am.

* Two of the three water signs have a slow moving malefic

* Saturn is weak in cancer and aspected by a VERY powerful Mars in Aries. IN Vedic they are also in sambandha, mutual aspect, as Mars casts a 4th house aspect forward and Saturn a 4th house backward (by Sign) SO Saturn (and therefore Cancer) gets the worst of it

* North Node is a windy planet, (vata nature) and creates - so each time the Moon has entered Ardra (ruled by the NOrth node don't forget) the last 3 months we have had an event. pretty incredible. A hurricane is Hot Water and wind growing into a monstrous form. Mars, North node and Saturn maniplutaing / harming through water. (the signs)

*Katrina happened when Jupiter and Venus (two water PLANETS) were also harmed in Virgo (Jupiter in enemy's sign - Venus Debilitated)

* Rita happened after Venus left debility and was in Libra, (her own signs) thus not as bad as expected.

* Wilma is now happening and Venus is in Scorpio, (ruled by a powerful Mars - the other water sign) so look out. The Sun is also Debilitated and Jupiter is combust and in Libra. (not a strong sign)

In Jyotish, it is quite clear - at least to me it is.

I predicted water troubles early this year, but i suspected terrorist, poisoning the water supply or something. (as the north node also rules poisons and radiation) Instead we have had these hurricanes. Which BTW, have led to major water concerns and poisoning. I knew there would be some major water problems, i was just not seeing the obvious, hurricanes - Weather patterns.

This is a new type of Astorlogy for me to be learning about.

he asked:
"Is Mars actually in close square to Saturn right now, in Sidereal astrology? Tropically, they are no where near a close square. "

I replied:
Well technically by exact degree perhaps not yet, but given that Mars is retrograding TOWARD Saturn (the point of square by orb) the intensity is increased. I would not say "nowhere near" a close square though, considering every 90 degrees a square is formed, they are close to 10 degrees of orb and one planet is retro toward the square, Tropically or sidereally, the math is the same. But don't worry, that exact square is coming soon, a few times as Mars will retro then go direct over it. We have several looming threats of terrorism (notice the alerts increasing?) - avian flu, all kinds of other stuff possible when the EXACT orb hits.

Sorry is this seems ominous and gloomy - welcome to life! -- It is all Mother nature doing her thing -- yet it is hard to see these tragedies - we all must keep prayers in our heart because these are dangerous times and there are more to come for a while,, IMO.

BTW - I am not just saying these things now, but i cited the same things a month and a half ago when john posted about why this happened and that in Western Astrology there was no real good reason for it, (I am paraphrasing of course) the posting is in here somewhere. - if anyone cares to look,,

I cited Node in PIsces, Saturn in cancer, Mars in Aries Soon to be retro. Jup and Venus harmed, Ardra Nakshatra.

Since then 2 more times, astoundingly! - right now the Moon is 3 days from Ardra, so in 3 days (saturday) we will be dealing w/ massiva amounts of water and flooding - probably starting the day before as happened w/ Rita.. Mars's Nakshatra Mrgashira is he day before Ardra.

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