>From my local weekly. Whaddya know, a whole bunch of
pseudofeminist *males*, whining about violence against
women! What wimps.

Watch out for exploding heads on FFL...

Male students walk to end violence against women
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes at Monmouth U part of global initiative 


Thirty male students strapped on stilettos, slipped
on pumps and paraded along a mile-long path at 
Monmouth University to take part in the Walk a Mile 
in Her Shoes campaign. 

The Nov. 4 walk, attended by an estimated 300 
people, was held in conjunction with the global 
White Ribbon Campaign, a program for men that aims 
to end violence against women and girls. 

"It was really impressive," Monmouth University 
Residence Hall Director Chris McKittrick said last 

"I was hoping for maybe 20 to 30 people to show up, 
and we had 300," McKittrick said. "It was impressive 
to see that solid line of folks from the Wilson Hall 
steps all the way to the underpass [below Cedar 
Avenue]. That's about one-fifth of a mile of just 

The two separate initiatives, the Walk a Mile in Her 
Shoes and White Ribbon campaigns, both seek to raise 
awareness of violence against women by men, 
McKittrick said. 

The mission of the White Ribbon Campaign 
(www.whiteribbon.ca), a worldwide initiative, is to 
end violence against women perpetrated by men, 
McKittrick explained.... 

"A lot of colleges and universities are bringing the 
White Ribbon Campaign to student groups for men to 
help encourage men on campus to stand up and end 
violence against women," McKittrick explained....

At the point where the walk ended, a sign explained
that for each step participants took, one woman would
die as a result of domestic violence this year....

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