[FairfieldLife] Walking Away (was Re: 'Jagger with the Stones~ Angie!'...)

2011-07-06 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 By the way, I have never heard the Stones' song mentioned 
 at the beginning of this post. I looked up the lyrics 
 though, and guess what, I can kind of see why Barry likes 
 it. It is not my cup of tea. If he can see spiritual 
 development stages in it, fine. I do not. 

No problem. What I saw in the song was my subjective
experience. I wasn't trying to sell it to anyone. 

But I will explain it a little, because that gives me
the opportunity to bring up a neat topic: Walking Away.
Having run into a forum of former Rama students, some 
of whom walked away from him and others who hung in
there until the end, and had him walk away from them,
I've been reading some of their Walking Away stories
lately. The moments in which the long strange trip that
was studying with Rama ended for them. Angie struck 
me as an appropriate soundtrack for many of these 
heartfelt stories.

There is a bittersweet quality about the moment of 
Walking Away. Such moments have that quality whether
you are walking away from a long-time lover or walking
away from a long-time spiritual teacher. I think that 
Jagger and Richards did an admirable job of capturing
the poignancy of such mutual walking away moments. 


 Oh, I am s not special. I flunked the test. Take pity 
 upon my wretched mundane soul*.

Don't be such a drama queen. No such putdown was ever
intended, nor do I think it even existed. Some hear
a rock song and it has no meaning or emotional loading
for them; some hear it and it clicks a circuit on in
their brains and unlocks a set of memories and emotions
for them. No harm, no foul either way IMO. I mean, there
are probably people on this forum who cannot comprehend
why I don't get all choked up and emotional and bhaktified
when I hear Paul McCartney's Cosmically Conscious. They 
can hear something special in the song, something that 
makes it meaningful to them. I cannot. So even if the 
putdown you imagined were true, in this case I'm the 
person who is not special.  :-)


Then again, Cosmically Conscious has gotten 44,144
hits on YouTube. The two versions of Angie on YouTube
have gotten 15,293,646. Which of those numbers in your 
opinion indicates specialness and which does not?

See? Does not compute. It's not quantifiable. You either 
groove with a song or you don't. Being special has nothing 
to do with it.

[FairfieldLife] Walking Away (was Re: 'Jagger with the Stones~ Angie!'...)

2011-07-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  Oh, I am s not special. I flunked the test. Take pity 
  upon my wretched mundane soul*.
 Don't be such a drama queen. No such putdown was ever
 intended, nor do I think it even existed. Some hear
 a rock song and it has no meaning or emotional loading
 for them; some hear it and it clicks a circuit on in
 their brains and unlocks a set of memories and emotions
 for them. No harm, no foul either way IMO. I mean, there
 are probably people on this forum who cannot comprehend
 why I don't get all choked up and emotional and bhaktified
 when I hear Paul McCartney's Cosmically Conscious. They 
 can hear something special in the song, something that 
 makes it meaningful to them. I cannot. So even if the 
 putdown you imagined were true, in this case I'm the 
 person who is not special.  :-)

Um, no. With regard to Cosmically Conscious, Barry
is special because he *doesn't* like it. And not just
because he doesn't find it meaningful, but because he
thinks it's a horrendously bad song and has made it
crystal clear he believes anyone who disagrees has
terrible taste.

He uses the song as a counterexample in this post because
he knows Xeno wasn't on FFL at the time he was busy
making himself special for excoriating it and those who
liked it (I don't recall anyone here who did, though, as
it happens).

Just for fun, let's recall what Barry said about the
Stones' song:

Great video, Robert. One of my favorite Stones songs, and
a lovely version of it. To some, it might remind them of
various stages of the spiritual development process. Others
may hear only a rock song.

Note that he couldn't just say, It reminds me of various
stages of the spiritual development process. He had to
contrast himself with those poor un-special people who
are not so reminded.

*Of course* it was a putdown. That's how Barry thinks,
always in terms of comparing himself--his opinions, his
behavior, his likes and dislikes--with others. It's
simply not acceptable in his mind for him to be on the
same level as everyone else. If he isn't special, he's

[FairfieldLife] Walking Away

2008-12-31 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltabl...@... wrote:

  no one does that, especially not from a position in which 
  they are respected and perform well. seems he left out many 
  crucial conversations with his bosses at the time.:) 
 Sure they do, a lot of us did. That was one of the things that 
 made leaving for me so poignant. I couldn't deny what I had 
 concluded about Maharishi's teaching, but I was enjoying the 
 fruits of 15 years of dedication to to his programs: more face 
 time with Maharishi, teaching big groups when I wanted.  And I 
 loved teaching TM, so my decision was not easy. It would have 
 been much easier to have been kicked out, believe me.  

I'll chime in here, because on another group
the issue of Walking Away from a long-time
relationship with a spiritual teacher or a 
spiritual group is being discussed, and the
topic is on my mind.

Personally, I would think that a *lot* of the
people here who have Walked Away have done so
quietly and with no fanfare. It was the rare
person who Walked Away from TM with fanfare.
Chopra did, because he was so visible, but me
and Curtis? We were just small cogs in a big
machine. In all likelihood no one noticed I
was gone.

  he was definitely kicked out of the TMO, and will spend the 
  rest of his life trying to make that someone else's fault.
 I don't think so but I didn't know him then. But I will 
 say that when I left many stories like this went around 
 about me and they couldn't have been further from the truth.  
 The movement line is that you MUST have been disgruntled 
 and that something must be wrong with you if you leave.  
 You can't say I don't believe this teaching is true and
 just leave with dignity. 

You can't be *allowed* to say I don't believe this 
teaching is true and just leave. You have committed
heresy and must be made to PAY, even if only in the
form of negative thoughts and wishes aimed at you by
your former friends. 

That's one of the reasons I Walked Away quietly, and
made no fuss about it. The only TMers I ever talked 
to, other than at the occasional party, had *also* 
Walked Away. I think it took six months or more 
before the people I'd previously worked with noticed 
that I never came to the Center any more but still
lived in L.A. and put two and two together and real-
ized that I'd become a heretic and they couldn't be 
seen with me any more.

To be honest, there was *much* more demonization of
me when I Walked Away from the Rama trip. TMers are 
real lightweights when it comes to demonizing a 
former friend turned heretic. 

 The demonization of people leaving groups is one of the 
 creepy qualities of these groups.

The creepiest.

 I know you don't dig Turq but I have never seen any evidence 
 here from people who know him personally that he left the 
 movement for any other reason than his own decisions for 
 his personal growth.

That, and I could not stand to be around the TM
movement any more. It had gone places and done
things I could no longer allow myself to be 
associated with. I went to where people were 
nicer and more ethical, the real world. And in 
retrospect I think it was one of the best things 
I ever did in my whole life, spiritually.

I'm of the opinion that Walking Away from a heavy
spiritual path is one of the most transforming
things that a seeker can do ON a spiritual path.

Yeah, there is a value to sticking to it, no 
matter what, the way some people stick to a bad
marriage for years, but IMO there is a possibly
greater value in realizing when the marriage has
jumped the shark. 

When I realized that my marriage to the TMO had
jumped the shark, I quietly ended the TV series. 
Most of the people I've met who Walked Away from
the TM movement did the same thing, and left
quietly. Think about it...if you're Walking Away
from a smelly old dead shark, do you really want 
to call a lot of people's attention to it?  :-)