Motto: Let your fancy flow! (Jimi Hendrix, Up from the Skies).

In Finnish the word 'rikki' means 'broken' (well, a homonymic
word also means 'sulphur'...). 'Snap, Crackle, Pop' in Finnish
is 'Riks, Raks, Poks'.

So, e.g. 'riks' in Finnish is an onomatopoetic word for the 
sound of something shattering: mennä (to go) rikki (broken).

"Thus", the word 'Rk' is an auditive "descripition", on
the vaikharii level of speech,  of the
spontaneous sequential symmetry breaking that produces
the manifest, "material" world (maayaa) "from" the unmanifest
"immaterial" existense (sat).

Now, 'paramo vyomaa' (locative: parame vyoman[i] - *in* paramo 
vyomaa) in the terminology of modern physics prolly corresponds
to quantum vacuum state or somesuch. 

I guess it's a well known fact that quantum vacuum state 
constantly produces, or whatever, pairs of virtual particles
(a particle and its antiparticle?) that usually immediately
annihilate each other. Perhaps one might say that a miniscule
"portion" of the quantum vacuum state breaks, so to speak,
for a unbelievably short moment of time but is immeditely 
"healed" (made whole).

So, the Rk-s naturally exist in a holistict state (akSara: not-kSara),
but due to some peculiar conditions (according to Stephen
Hawking, the nearness(?) of miniature black holes) they 
can manifest (kSara of A) to be annihilited during a pralaya, mahaa or
otherwise...blah, blah, blah...

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