Re: [FairfieldLife] dear everyone on FFL

2013-01-12 Thread Emily Reyn
Dear Share, whatever are you talking about?  Seriously, it's probably my 
memory, but I have no idea what you are saying - I swear we don't speak the 
same language!  I am sniping nastily at you?  What?  Can you do me a favor 
and send me the posts where I am doing that?  

Do you think it is condescending of you to assume that my position towards you 
has something to do with what went down personally between you and Robin?  My 
gripe with you in 2012 had to do with the way you treated me and the others you 
assigned to the cult Share.  Remember? You assigned me to a cult and called me 
all kinds of names and made assumptions about my intentions that were totally 
incorrect?  And, then, after launching the attacks, one after another, you 
pretended that you weren't, and that we were all abusing you, and then you ran 
away and stuck your tongue out at us (and me in particular, as I was trying 
desperately to resolve the situation with you like a good FFL-adult), from 
behind Steve's back?  Remember?  Am I missing something?    

Here you go again, Share.  Your MO from the beginning has been to launch 
missiles and run.  And then, get angry and launch more missiles and run's an endless karmic cycle, from what I can see and I have detached 
fully from letting your behavior bother me in any way. You must have had a bad 
day today.  People who are in denial that they have negative feelings project 
them sideways and then cover them up with sticky sweetness.  Pretty simple and 
you are a classic example of this.  Sorry, but this is an easy one.  

I hold no animosity towards you at all for your treatment of me.  None. Really 
- believe me.  I let it all go Share.  I am not being ironic here.  In fact, 
I've been finding your posts refreshingly you, of late, and I told you just 
this.  Did you think I was making fun of you in a mean and nasty way when I 
said that?  

Share, you have and continue to try to control people and aspects of this forum 
that you don't understand.  If you don't understand something, just ask.  No 
need to translate whatever it is into something negative that you can then put 
down and reject.  You dissed me fully for playing with your name and that's all 
you've done recently to others.  Just a teensy-weensy bit hypocritical on just 
that one behavior, don't you think? You try to control responses to your posts 
by tagging the subject line back to who you want to correspond with - not 
happening on a public forum, sweet pea.  You have some real fear-based control 
issues Share.  Your sense of humor is very literal - you don't understand and 
therefore misinterpret much of the humor that crosses this forum that isn't 
literal in nature.  Do you recognize that you do this?  Is this an accurate 
assessment of you Share?  Is this confrontational enough for you?  

Is it possible that you have misinterpreted both my intention and the words 
I've written in my posts?  Is it possible that the obvious assumptions you have 
outlined below are inaccurate?  Is it possible that you have incorrectly 
intuited anything here?   I assure you that you have mischaracterized me 
completely and I am so sorry that you think I think so negatively of you.  So 
not true Share.  I forgave you - did I forget to tell you?  

I am no more confrontational with you than with anyone and in fact, I think 
accusing me of being confrontational is a judgment on your part - don't own up 
to it though.  And remember Share...running out of money is a non-statement - 
maybe I just need to catch up on some paperwork and sell some more stock.  We 
all have different comfort zones when it comes to money.  If you think that I 
am stupid enough to allow you to take up time in my real world that I would be 
spending looking for work, think again, Share.  Your statement below tying my 
purported financial situation to wasting time and energy on carrying a grudge 
towards you is simply irrational and untrue. I don't tell you how to waste your 
time - don't tell me how to waste mine.  You are behaving in a judgmental way 
again.  There, was that confrontational enough?  

Warm milk with honey to you m'dear.  

 From: Share Long
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 9:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] dear everyone on FFL

During my Christmas vacation I realized that if I'm lucky, I have about 30 
more years on this planet.  I intend to use that time as juicily and joyfully 
as possible, and hopefully at the exact same time add to or at least support 
the enjoyment of others.

As part of this, and perhaps some of you have noticed, I've decided to not 
reply to certain kinds of posts to me.  I have felt so much better since 
beginning to do this.  And FFL has seemed more fun too.

As far as I'm concerned the new year is the time to begin anew and to drop 
conflicts from the past year.  I'm so

[FairfieldLife] dear everyone on FFL

2013-01-11 Thread Share Long
During my Christmas vacation I realized that if I'm lucky, I have about 30 more 
years on this planet.  I intend to use that time as juicily and joyfully as 
possible, and hopefully at the exact same time add to or at least support the 
enjoyment of others.

As part of this, and perhaps some of you have noticed, I've decided to not 
reply to certain kinds of posts to me.  I have felt so much better since 
beginning to do this.  And FFL has seemed more fun too.

As far as I'm concerned the new year is the time to begin anew and to drop 
conflicts from the past year.  I'm so grateful because it seems that Judy and 
Ravi and I have begun anew.  Maybe Raunchy and I a little bit too.  I hope so.  

But Ann and Emily have continued at just about every opportunity to snipe 
nastily at me.  They continue to have a confrontational tone towards me, even 
on the most mundane of topics.  Weird!  Plus they ignore it when I do post a 
positive reply to them.   

You would think that Ann with her full life and Emily with her running out of 
money situation would have better things to do with their time and energy and 
attention than to nastily carry a grudge against me into the new year.  Plus 
their grudges began with an upset between me and Robin!  So IMO there's 
something decidedly wacky about their carrying this grudge into the new year.  
And I won't be a part of it.  


I will continue to reply to them such as I have been doing.  But I will not 
reply to any posts that are nasty, condescending, confrontational, snide, etc.  
In other words, grudgy!  Who does such exchanges benefit?  NO ONE!   

OTOH thank you to everyone who's made FFL so enjoyable during the holidays and 
even more recently.  You all have shown me that it's possible to have great 
discussions and good humor without being nasty.  

love and hugs 
