Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-31 Thread Bhairitu
shempmcgurk wrote:
 --- In, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think you're wrong...the democrats want a 1cent increase in the
 sales tax across the board, that affects everybody,and is bad for
 business. We already have one of the highest sales tax across the 

 ...and your income tax rates aren't that pretty, either.

 This is the marginal tax rate that a single, self-employed taxpayer 
 reaches once he has about $38,000 in taxable income:

 25.0%   Marginal Federal Income tax
 15.3%   Payroll tax (FICA)
 08.0%   Marginal California Income tax
 48.3%   TOTAL

 ...and I'm probably leaving out a few little taxes that you have 
 which not living in California I am not aware of.

 Thus, BillyG, once earning a measly $38,000 (which isn't alot) a self-
 employed single taxpayer is essentially giving half of every dollar 
 he earns at this point to various governments and he keeps half (and 
 we haven't even factored in property taxes because property taxes 
 aren't levied on income).

 Where is the incentive to work?
To eat?  To not live under a bridge?  Of course finding a job in 
California is not an easy trick either.

There were proposals on the State Assembly floor to modestly increase 
taxes on the rich and corporations.  The 1 cent sales tax increase has 
been bandied about for a while.  I don't keep up that much on the 
badminton games or the circus in Sacramento.

Someone making $38K a year in California would not be rich by any 
means.  And self employed they can probably come up with enough 
deductions to pay very little tax overall.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-31 Thread Bhairitu
shempmcgurk wrote:

 Reread what I wrote, Bhairitu: I said $38,000 in TAXABLE income.  
 There are NO deductions to taxable income...this is a figure that is 
 arrived at AFTER deductions are taken.  So for the example in 
 question the person would probably have ADJUSTED GROSS income, say, 
 of $46,000 and then have deductions.

 Do you know what taxable income is?
Sorry I missed that but you are making a good case why we should tax the 
rich more and people under $250K less.  :D

I have a CPA do my taxes and I barely understand her worksheet.   I 
think it is an abomination that every citizen of this country has to 
practically be an accountant to not get screwed on taxes.   We need to 
redo the whole tax code and simplify it.  But I think the only way to do 
that is to have another revolution and start over again just as 
Jefferson suggested.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-31 Thread Bhairitu
shempmcgurk wrote:

 I used to think that the flat tax would be the way.

 However, now the thing is the fair tax, which is: elimination of 
 individual income tax, all payroll tax, and corporate tax...and 
 replace it with a value-added tax.

 No filling out income tax forms each year.
A lot of countries (including India) have a VAT.  What are the arguments 
against it?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-30 Thread Bhairitu
BillyG. wrote:

 The Republicans are holding the line *against* new taxes in California
 and getting pounded in the media for it, although Swartzenseems
 like nothing but a R.I.N.O. IMO.
The new taxes would be on wealthier Californians and corporations 
anyway.  Not to an extent they can't handle.  This is a very corrupt 
state in that big business also runs state government and seems to have 
a history of doing so since the capital moved to Sacramento (due to a 
wealthy benefactor). 

BTW, I'll put up with earthquakes over hurricanes any day.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of do.rflex
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 4:40 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-)
was Make that...


I think BillyG took his lead from an unabashedly patriotic Charlie
Lutes who [I believe] was a Republican and who [I know] was somewhat
of homophobe. He often referred to gays as being 'light in the
loafers'. Two lesbians got up and left in tears from one of his
lectures I attended after he made some derogatory comments about gay

Or from MMY, who was supportive of Nixon during the Watergate years, and who
told the Amherst SCI Symposium, in the presence of General Davis, that if
your enemy has the bomb, you should get a bigger bomb. He seems to have
wised up in his later years, with his condemnation of Bush.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread Bhairitu
BillyG. wrote:
 --- In, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BillyG. wrote:
 At first I balked, but after hearing her acceptance speech I was
 immediately on board. She's totally genuine with conservative
 principles AND even if the McCain ticket looses in November (God
 forbid) the Republicans can be proud of their outstanding choice. I'm
 proud to be a registered Republican!!  :-)

 Below is the McCain/Palin/Republican platform:
 You're kidding, right?  If not I would like to know why you vote 
 Republican?  Seems to be a dissonant choice for someone so
 interested in 
 meditation and eastern philosophy.

 Evil, in all of its forms, must be eliminated, (or stood up to)
 whether it is in oneself or the environment in which you live. This is
 true spiritual duty, and the essence of the Bhagavad Gita; standing up
 to the evil Kuravas (sense tendencies of the kama rupa, desire body)
 in oneself and also taking a position of 'righteous duty' (dharma)
 against the evil tendencies in the World. 

 WWII is a great example of  where America was an especially heroic
 Country and truly lived up to its Dharma or righteous duty!
Then you must live in an alternate universe.  Look at what the 
Republicans have wrought in the last 8 years.  If anything they are the 
evil ones.  To me, Bush, Cheney and the neocons are superb examples of 
rakshasas which by modern Hindi definition means wicked person.  They 
are now willing to risk nuclear war with Russia in order to maintain US 
hegemony.  They do not have the support of the American people in this 
activity (certainly not those who are rational).  I would suggest you 
read the writing of a Republican who served in the Reagan White House, 
Paul Craig Roberts, whose articles I link to here on this group.  He is 
not a fan of what the Republican Party has become and especially not a 
fan of the Bush administration.

Your opinion is indeed VERY NAIVE.  But you are welcome to be as naive 
and stupid as you want in this world as well as suffer the consequences 
for it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread Bhairitu
do.rflex wrote:
 I think BillyG took his lead from an unabashedly patriotic Charlie
 Lutes who [I believe] was a Republican and who [I know] was somewhat
 of homophobe. He often referred to gays as being 'light in the
 loafers'. Two lesbians got up and left in tears from one of his
 lectures I attended after he made some derogatory comments about gay
The other night I watched the HBO movie Recount on DVD.  This was the 
critically praised movie about the Florida 2000 election recount.  It 
reminded me so poignantly of how demonic the Bush supporters and the 
Karl Rove operatives were on that occasion.  Rove is still unleashing 
his evil in this world.  We will undoubtedly see more of his crap in the 
next two months.  Maybe we'll be lucky though and he'll choke to death 
on a pretzel (or someone's dick).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread Bhairitu
Rick Archer wrote:
 Or from MMY, who was supportive of Nixon during the Watergate years, and who
 told the Amherst SCI Symposium, in the presence of General Davis, that if
 your enemy has the bomb, you should get a bigger bomb. He seems to have
 wised up in his later years, with his condemnation of Bush.
And I remember the TMO saying glowing things about Reagan when he took 
office and that's when I really decided the movement was run by a bunch 
of goofballs.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of BillyG.
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 5:30 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-)
was Make that...


 Or from MMY, who was supportive of Nixon during the Watergate years,
and who
 told the Amherst SCI Symposium, in the presence of General Davis,
that if
 your enemy has the bomb, you should get a bigger bomb. (snip) I can
confirm that statement by MMY, as I have heard it from a friend
of mine who also made that exact statement! 

So can I 'cause I was there.