I was talking about CLutes' suggestion about 3/3, it doesn't justify (or make 
un-sinful) what most scriptures condemn.  It may explain the condition, but 
even so, as I recall Mr. Lutes said it was 'willfulness' that created the 
imbalance, that's the whole story.

 How could *I* be gay if there is NO such thing! The real *I* is a sexless soul 
having a human experience in alternating bodies, both male and female. By gay 
if you mean by behavior, then I would say no.

 A person isn't Gay or Straight, that merely refers to their behavior NOT who 
they are inside. FWIW.

 God already makes the Judgments or right and wrong, so should we, unless we 
want to be like the rudderless ship soon to break upon the rocks of ignorance.

 I think I do know what is God's plan, don't YOU? after all of these years of 
meditation and exploration? Really?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

 BillyG wrote: 
 > I don't understand your question, what do you mean, "has to be justified"?

 You said that being born gay doesn't justify being gay. So what justifies your 
being straight? (If you are?)
 >, we are born with the proclivities we have created and deserve, period, 
 >nobody (God) hoists them upon us 
 > for some sick reason.
 I don't believe I suggested that.
 > If there are any mistakes, largely they are ours, it's called personal 
 > responsibility.
 Right. Maybe we have the responsibility to leave the judgments of what is a 
mistake and what isn't to God.
 > This isn't our first life, we've lived many before and ultimately we will 
 > graduate from this lesson school.
 > God HAS a plan, it's called by MMY the "Divine Plan".
 But you don't know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

 BillyG wrote:
 > CLutes expressed that opinion/view of the 3/3 lifetimes Man/Woman, it may be 
 > true, doesn't justify 
 > homosexuality or the view, "I was just born gay", there is nothing 
 > inherently wrong with an effeminate man, 
 > per se.

 As you know, BillyG, many gay men are not the least bit effeminate, so that's 
a non sequitur.

 And weren't you "just born straight"? Would you call that a "view" that has to 
be justified?


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