Enjoy the show Share.  I watched it long enough to have an opinion - what does 
that say about me?  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

 turq didn't at all sound like a big fan of the show to me.

 On Thursday, November 7, 2013 12:08 PM, "emilymaenot@..." <emilymaenot@...> 
   God bless it, I'm so slow sometimes. I was just about to tell her to "dig 
deep." Lucky for me, I try to be anonymous. Smile.   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Shhh, Emily. She has to love the show so she can pander to Barry. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emilymaenot@...> wrote:

 Oh God, Share.  "Real love?"  In my humble opinion, both characters are very 
shallowly and superficially presented and developed in the show, particularly 
in terms of their "relationship." (Yes, I've seen it, but it bores me).   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

 Emily, I don't really find the Rick Castle character fascinating until he 
starts to feel and exhibit real love for Kate Beckett. 

 On Thursday, November 7, 2013 10:21 AM, "emilymaenot@..." <emilymaenot@...> 
   Share:  You continue to be fascinated by men who are "douche's".  Here is 
Nathan Fillion talking about his character.  


 Nathan Fillion: Hmm, a good question. Ah, you know what? I'll put Richard 
Castle up againstDr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog's Captain Hammer. Here he is, 
he's a guy who--he's fairly into himself. He's quite vain. He thinks very 
highly of himself anyway, and whereas Captain Hammer is a bit stupid, Castle is 
rather just a bit childlike. He lacks a bit of a filter, where some of us might 
say, "Ooh, you know, this might be true but I'm not going to say it." Castle 
would say it.
 TV.com: Yeah. Don't take this the wrong way, but you play pompous characters 
very well.
 Nathan Fillion: You know what? It's something I like to do for fun with my 
friends [to play] pompous. I like to pretend I'm pompous often. I think it's 
funny because it's also fun to take that pompous guy down. It's not so easy to 
play stupid when you're pompous, because you just play that you don't know that 
you're stupid.
 TV.com: With a lot of the characters that fans know you for, you're pretty 
much a leading man, or the rough-and-ready type of guy. But in Castle you take 
a backseat to Stana's character who--you know, she wears the gun. Is it a nice 
change of pace to play the non-hero?
 Nathan Fillion: Absolutely! And I think that that's real life. I mean in real 
life, I don't know a whole lot of go-to guys. So if the chips were really down, 
and something was really actually important and dangerous and there were guns 
involved, I don't know a lot of the guys that you would turn to, "Hey, I need 
your help on this one." And Castle is certainly not that guy. That's Kate 
Beckett. Kate Beckett's ready to go. She's trained. She knows what to do. She's 
 Castle's--he's not the go-to guy. [laugh] He's a bit of a douche. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

 Ok, turq, here's a question for you: what goes to battle with ego? Being? 
Truth? Love? I don't think so. Other egos? Hmmm...I'd guess yes. But that's 
just my opinion. 

 Once again I don't understand why you get so het up about people having and 
sharing opinions. It's what we all do. Especially after we've survived our 
midlife crisis!

 I think most people share opinions for the purpose of benefiting others. If 
they're misguided in that, well, there's obviously a learning curve involved. 
And maybe wanting to benefit others is the last stronghold of the ego. Hmmm...


 And really, if you added up all your writing online, I bet you'd get close to 
500 pages (-:

 About character development, I'm making my way through the 5 previous seasons 
of Castle and it's so gratifying to watch the unfolding of all the different 
characters. But of course especially Castle and Beckett as they realize their 
love for each other more and more.

 On Thursday, November 7, 2013 2:26 AM, TurquoiseB <turquoiseb@...> wrote:
   ...and the most ego. I found this chart interesting, in that the longest 
Ph.D. dissertations seem to be in the fields most subject to opinion -- 
history, antrhopology, political science, communication, english, sociology, 
and education. It's almost as if the grad students in those fields are already 
preparing for an academic life characterized by the belief that the more they 
say about their opinions, the more they can pretend they aren't opinion. 

The chart reminds me of an old college professor of mine who had a big rubber 
stamp that he would wield mercilessly on papers he thought deserved it. It was 
the letters "B.S." -- always stamped in red over offending paragraphs or pages. 
When asked what the initials stood for, he would smile and say, "Bloated 


This said, I disagree with whoever suggested that Stephen King "needs editing." 
I find reading his latest work a refreshing throwback to the days in which 
writers didn't pander to attention spans shortened by a lifetime's exposure to 
"sound bites" and artificially shortened exposition. 

The thing I like most about him as a writer is that he *takes his time* 
creating characters, so that the reader gets to feel that he *knows* them, 
before he does  something with them in the plot. In "The Stand," King lovingly 
spent the first third of the book creating a character who was the 
quintessential great guy. And then he killed him, suddenly and unexpectedly, as 
the result of a mindless act of terrorism. You FELT that. You FELT the loss, 
almost as if it had been a great guy you knew personally. I am not convinced 
that this would have happened if he had given the character buildup short 
shrift the way most writers do these days. 

But that's just opinion, too. At least I didn't require 500 pages to express 
it.  :-)










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