nablusoss1008 wrote:
> --- In, "Alex Stanley"
> <j_alexander_stan...@...> wrote:
>> Tomatoes: God's gift to humanity or Great Satan?
>> Inquiring minds want to know!
> Avoid tomatoes, they make your blood acidic and could raise your pitta to
> dangerous levels leading to heart-attacks.
> But not for you obviously; if you don't get a heart-attack from kindeling
> your animal-nature when killing and eating other animals you're probably
> safe. I'm sure it's completely safe for you to eat tomatoes day and night and
> healthy also as you need an agressive pitta to be able to digest an animal.
> Regardless of Dosha, TriGuna always adviced everyone to stay away from
> tomatoes altogether. He probably did not include killers.
Tell that to 90 year old Italians. Should get quite a laugh. Pizza
...... yummm. Spaghetti..... yummm. Effect: line draawn on air.