Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Acropolis Now!

2015-07-07 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I don't know how they deal with this now.  I was last active with the 
TMO in the early 1980s.  As for the TM-Sidhis, I could already sit in 
full lotus by the time I took those but I seldom flew using the pose. I 
think they just selected people who could use full lotus for publicity 
photos. Can't imagine it being mandated.

On 07/07/2015 03:26 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

*Re "No.  However the real purpose of many of the yoga asanas is to 
prepare one to sit in either half-lotus or full lotus.":*

Thanks. But don't you have to adopt full- or half-lotus to do the 
"hopping" sidhi?

And if a TM teacher hadn't taken the sidhi courses wouldn't he/she be 
sending out a message to newbies that those advanced courses aren't 
such a big deal?


---In,  wrote :

On 07/06/2015 04:32 PM, s3raphita@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Re "Would like to try meditating there though - nice and quiet
when you get to an isolated spot.":

I take it you can do the full lotus posture. I never got beyond
the sitting-in-a-chair stage. Do you have to be able to do the
cross-legged bit to qualify as a teacher of TM?

No.  However the real purpose of many of the yoga asanas is to
prepare one to sit in either half-lotus or full lotus.*

I see there's a book showing how to master the position.

Re the fall-out from the Greek fiasco: I'd wager serious money
that it ends up with the Fed having to supply lines of credit to
Europe! Another Marshall Plan and we'll see if Europe's
politicians can get it right this time around . . .

  wrote :

 wrote :

How could you do TMSP on the beach? Inflatable life raft or some

LOL, no this was long before my life as a TMer. Would like to try
meditating there though - nice and quiet when you get to an
isolated spot. The trouble with sitting still on a beach is that
insects find you, there are some mighty big and fast spiders out
there, not conducive to deep relaxation.

What we need is one of these:

Could go yogic flying down the beach, that'd raise some eyebrows!

*From:* salyavin808 

*Sent:* Monday, July 6, 2015 5:57 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Acropolis Now!

The Greeks vote for an end to the "austerity" politics that the
EU and IMF have imposed on them since they had to be rescued from
bankruptcy. Be interesting to see what happens next, some of them
might have to delay retirement past the age of 50, and other

They should never have been allowed to join the Euro anyway, all
these poor countries playing on a level field with Germany and
France, it was bound to end in tears. So they might as well get
it over with and go back to the Drachma. But with all money
connected worldwide we'll all feel the effects of a break-up in
the Euro.

Interestingly the UK has similar levels of public debt, the
difference with us is our creditors still think we might be able
to pay it back if we destroy more public services and sell the
remains to the private sector so the people we owe money to can
make even more out of us.

It's all gone horribly wrong somewhere, the banks wreck society
and have to be bailed out by the government who say they don't
have that sort of money lying around so the banks say don't
worry, we'll lend it to you. £1.5 trillion later and we still
don't know what's going to be required to sort it out. But pity
the Greeks, their biggest export is strained yoghurt and there's
only a few of them who pay tax, the rest work for the government

I had the best summer ever living on beaches on Greek islands, I
got all Jason and the Argonauts cooking fish and potatoes over an
open fire every night. Once a week we'd go to a taverna and drink
in the culture with dancing and ouzo then watch the stars come
out over the sea. All rather excellent. I'd do it again in a
heartbeat but I don't know if it's still possible now everything
is Euro-legal. Are people allowed to just sleep rough on beaches
anywhere? Sleep on the decks of ferries to save money? Loads of
European kids used to do it for a cheap summer holiday in
paradise, nowadays most are too worried about how dossing about
will look on their CV's. Fucking politicians ruin everything..

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Acropolis Now!

2015-07-06 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 07/06/2015 04:32 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Re "Would like to try meditating there though - nice and quiet when 
you get to an isolated spot.":

I take it you can do the full lotus posture. I never got beyond the 
sitting-in-a-chair stage. Do you have to be able to do the 
cross-legged bit to qualify as a teacher of TM?

No.  However the real purpose of many of the yoga asanas is to prepare 
one to sit in either half-lotus or full lotus.*

I see there's a book showing how to master the position.

Re the fall-out from the Greek fiasco: I'd wager serious money that it 
ends up with the Fed having to supply lines of credit to Europe! 
Another Marshall Plan and we'll see if Europe's politicians can get it 
right this time around . . .

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

How could you do TMSP on the beach? Inflatable life raft or some such?

LOL, no this was long before my life as a TMer. Would like to try 
meditating there though - nice and quiet when you get to an isolated 
spot. The trouble with sitting still on a beach is that insects find 
you, there are some mighty big and fast spiders out there, not 
conducive to deep relaxation.

What we need is one of these:

Could go yogic flying down the beach, that'd raise some eyebrows!

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Monday, July 6, 2015 5:57 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Acropolis Now!

The Greeks vote for an end to the "austerity" politics that the EU and 
IMF have imposed on them since they had to be rescued from bankruptcy. 
Be interesting to see what happens next, some of them might have to 
delay retirement past the age of 50, and other horrors.

They should never have been allowed to join the Euro anyway, all these 
poor countries playing on a level field with Germany and France, it 
was bound to end in tears. So they might as well get it over with and 
go back to the Drachma. But with all money connected worldwide we'll 
all feel the effects of a break-up in the Euro.

Interestingly the UK has similar levels of public debt, the difference 
with us is our creditors still think we might be able to pay it back 
if we destroy more public services and sell the remains to the private 
sector so the people we owe money to can make even more out of us.

It's all gone horribly wrong somewhere, the banks wreck society and 
have to be bailed out by the government who say they don't have that 
sort of money lying around so the banks say don't worry, we'll lend it 
to you. £1.5 trillion later and we still don't know what's going to be 
required to sort it out. But pity the Greeks, their biggest export is 
strained yoghurt and there's only a few of them who pay tax, the rest 
work for the government

I had the best summer ever living on beaches on Greek islands, I got 
all Jason and the Argonauts cooking fish and potatoes over an open 
fire every night. Once a week we'd go to a taverna and drink in the 
culture with dancing and ouzo then watch the stars come out over the 
sea. All rather excellent. I'd do it again in a heartbeat but I don't 
know if it's still possible now everything is Euro-legal. Are people 
allowed to just sleep rough on beaches anywhere? Sleep on the decks of 
ferries to save money? Loads of European kids used to do it for a 
cheap summer holiday in paradise, nowadays most are too worried about 
how dossing about will look on their CV's. Fucking politicians ruin 