Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-07 Thread vox_9
Apparently she lied to the public, to Congress, and to the FBI.

---In,  wrote :

 I know she's a liar and you lie to cover for hers.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   Read the article, and see if you can find anything in it that isn't true.

 Again: You got *nothing* other than innuendo.

---In,  wrote :

 Oh goodie, a *Saloon* article! Now that will be objective, won't it?

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

   You, Bhairitu, Vox_9, and Cardemaister are all victims of right-wing 
brainwashing and are suffering from Hillary Derangement Syndrome.

 This is an excellent summary of just how you've been brainwashed:

 Press, lies and Hillary’s campaign: Years of smears have created a fictional 
version of Clinton. They’re also a disservice to voters.
 Press, lies and Hillary’s campaign: Years of smears...
 Many Americans think Clinton is a congenital liar — that's because of the 
right and the media, not her

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Al Gore and John Kerry were victims of the same kind of smearing, albeit for 
not nearly as long as Hillary has been. But as with Hillary, the right wing 
created fictional versions of these three politicians--and too many voters 
aren't discerning enough to tell the difference.

 The media is complicit because it needs a horse race to capture eyeballs, so 
fairness goes out the window. As Digby notes, however, some in the media are 
beginning to fight back. Let's hope more do.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Are you naive or just lying for a fellow  liar?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Ollie and Awoelf thank you for salvaging this thread, bringing it back from 
over the edge name-calling and now taking to higher spiritual ground as to 
bringing it back into a spiritual perspective of a more subtle spirituality 
above this otherwise mundane topic that was fished here. 

 Though generally, *Truthfulness* evidently has a relative impact on the subtle 
physiology in human beings and where it is manifestly manipulated as 
untruthfulness this can have and leave enduring hurtful mark in people in their 
subtle energy systems.  

To this extent Authfriend has a good point and sensibility here below about 
truthfulness and spirituality.  The rest of the contending in this thread seems 
to have gone on to endless loop of mundane partisan bickering over the original 
troll that was cast in here.  Some obviously got caught taking it 
hook-line-sinker. That contending is plenty common elsewhere on the internet. 

 Here the contending has gone on sufficiently long enough to have descended off 
into name-calling.. Example of FFL’s version of Godwin, that as consideration 
within subject threads on the inernet goes on the odds increase that a 
contending will devolve into exchange of abusive and demeaning ad hominem. 

---In,  wrote :

 By posting this, I am a paragon of spirituality, the alpha and omega, the ne 
plus ultra of spirituality, the cat's meow of spirituality...Trump however 
remains a mean-spirited idiot, clogging the airwaves with toxic sludge. :-)
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

 Perfectly put. But, are you sure you are being "spiritual" enough in posting 
---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.

 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You and the other Hillary-haters here won't read it, because you don't want to 
have your fantasies disturbed. But this essay (it's long) by John Dean (you 
remember Dean, right?) busts the GOP cabal (including Comey) who are trying to 
smear Hillary with perjury charges: 

 Here's the final paragraph to give you a little taste of what you're missing:


 Ironically, there are more false statements in the letter from chairmen 
Goodlatte and Chaffetz to the Department of Justice, which are clearly 
intentional, than the hours upon hours of testimony given by Secretary Clinton. 
If these men were ordinary citizens, they could be arrested for making false 
statements to law enforcement. They lied and played it for a one-day headline, 
and in doing so performed at the level of banana-republic legislators, if not 
lower. Sadly their actions are consistent with the thinking of the new 
Republican Party leader, Donald Trump, who would be proud of their effort to 
“Lock her up, Lock her up.”




 ---In,  wrote :

 You really are just out of your gourd with this. 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Nearly everything she has said about her e-mails is a lie.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   But the media has never been "in her pocket"--to the contrary. You may be 
ignorant enough to believe that, but she isn't.

 She hasn't lied about the emails, and there's ZERO evidence she was trying to 
obstruct justice. Again, it's all just right-wing innuendo, no smoking gun.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Ya know, common sense should tell you her "fairy tale" about her Bosnia trip 
was pretty obviously not a lie. A lie is when you say something you know isn't 
true. She isn't so stupid that she would fabricate what happened on a trip 
witnessed by many other people and recorded by news cameras, knowing the lie 
would be exposed
 Yeah, this is why she's not *the smartest* woman in the world. She lied and 
got caught. Probably didn't think the media would make anything of it since 
they tend to be in her pocket and was only intended as a cute little story to 
make things interesting. A real Brian Williams news worthy story. Now lets talk 
about lying about more than thirty thousand e-mails, purposely deleted, to 
obstruct justice! 

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

   Gettin' really hard up, ain'tcha, Bhairitu? Having to dig up crap from 20 
years ago...


 Memory is a funny thing. It's not like a news camera; it doesn't always record 
what actually happened. Many things can interfere with an accurate recording. 
Eyewitness accounts at criminal trials are no longer considered to be 
unimpeachable evidence because they've turned out in so many cases to be 
unreliable (especially when the witness was under stress at the time, which 
Hillary was during the Bosnia landing).



 ---In,  wrote :

 Oh yeah, what about this lie or "tale tale" which CBS exposed:
 LOL, I think if Hillary said 2+2=5 you'd believe her.  Maya is a bitch.
 On 09/06/2016 07:46 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   She is not a liar, Mike, proven or otherwise. It's a lie to say she is.
 Republicans and alt-righters have been trying for *decades* to catch her in 
corruption, and have failed *every single time*. All they have is innuendo, and 
it's making them insane. She is and always has been an honest woman committed 
to public service.
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You really are just out of your gourd with this. 



 ---In,  wrote :

 Nearly everything she has said about her e-mails is a lie.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   But the media has never been "in her pocket"--to the contrary. You may be 
ignorant enough to believe that, but she isn't.

 She hasn't lied about the emails, and there's ZERO evidence she was trying to 
obstruct justice. Again, it's all just right-wing innuendo, no smoking gun.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Ya know, common sense should tell you her "fairy tale" about her Bosnia trip 
was pretty obviously not a lie. A lie is when you say something you know isn't 
true. She isn't so stupid that she would fabricate what happened on a trip 
witnessed by many other people and recorded by news cameras, knowing the lie 
would be exposed
 Yeah, this is why she's not *the smartest* woman in the world. She lied and 
got caught. Probably didn't think the media would make anything of it since 
they tend to be in her pocket and was only intended as a cute little story to 
make things interesting. A real Brian Williams news worthy story. Now lets talk 
about lying about more than thirty thousand e-mails, purposely deleted, to 
obstruct justice! 

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

   Gettin' really hard up, ain'tcha, Bhairitu? Having to dig up crap from 20 
years ago...


 Memory is a funny thing. It's not like a news camera; it doesn't always record 
what actually happened. Many things can interfere with an accurate recording. 
Eyewitness accounts at criminal trials are no longer considered to be 
unimpeachable evidence because they've turned out in so many cases to be 
unreliable (especially when the witness was under stress at the time, which 
Hillary was during the Bosnia landing).



 ---In,  wrote :

 Oh yeah, what about this lie or "tale tale" which CBS exposed:
 LOL, I think if Hillary said 2+2=5 you'd believe her.  Maya is a bitch.
 On 09/06/2016 07:46 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   She is not a liar, Mike, proven or otherwise. It's a lie to say she is.
 Republicans and alt-righters have been trying for *decades* to catch her in 
corruption, and have failed *every single time*. All they have is innuendo, and 
it's making them insane. She is and always has been an honest woman committed 
to public service.
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" mailto:authfriend@...[FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

   I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, 
so I can't respond in those terms.
 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you ha

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Your view of this country is cynical beyond words, and so uninformed. That the 
American people would willingly elect and support this virtual subhuman, as 
Hillary Clinton is painted to be by those depressed and hopeless enough to 
believe so, is a real smear on this nation. 

Another common smear by the GOP, started by "Papa" Reagan, is that the federal 
government is a bunch of lowest common denominators, with a handful of brain 
cells between them. How ironic that Reagan ended up with Alzheimer's, as a 
suitable complement to his crap attitude about this country and hatred for 
those less fortunate. 

These are lies told by a bankrupt Republican party, with a loser candidate, and 
a record of doing nothing. What do they have to lose, except another eight 
years, because they haven't the sense to propose anything balanced, or in line 
with American thinking? More and more, the GOP selects nut jobs like Trump and 
Pence, signaling that they are completely out of touch. I don't think there 
will be a national Republican Party in another 30 years. Zero vision, too many 
bad decisions, and incredible fiscal recklessness.

 ---In,  wrote :

 I'll agree with your first sentence, no comparison.
 A liar who lied her way to just below the *glass ceiling* and accomplished 
nothing positive in her positions at or near the top. Just one *f* up after 

 Trump , executor of a a multi-billion dollar business that employs thousands 
of people.

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   It really is not possible to compare the two candidates. One has 
successfully held senior positions in the government of the most powerful 
country on earth. The other has just acted like a spoiled, churlish, insecure 
prick for his entire life. I fail to see the benefit of Trump - rather than a 
savior, he is representative of the very worst this country can produce, a 
classless, insecure slob, with mush for brains. 

---In,  wrote :

 Y'know, trying to make Hillary sound worse, *doesn't*, somehow, make Trump any 
better. The guy is a loser
Oh, she is worse, without a doubt. FBI proven liar, failure as a Senator and 
even bigger failure as Secretary of State. Left the world in turmoil with wars 
all over the Middle East, North and Central Africa and Russia invading Georgia 
and Ukraine. 

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 10:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

   , and will prove it in a couple months. Despite the MSM trying to make this 
a horse race, Trumps loses 95% or more of the time in the polls, so it is only 
news when he "pulls even", because he does it so rarely. Clinton remains ahead, 
as usual, in the polls, and will until election day, when she is elected 
president. Trump is so out of his depth, it is bizarre. Nothing at all to back 
up anything he says, except his faux banana republic dictator shtick. Phooey.

---In,  wrote :

 Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?
 The American people will not elect an irresponsible liar who is *brain 
damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security training or signed a 
 Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most votes cast, will be *against* 
Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with selective memory loss and 
*brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.

 BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll



 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

   I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I know she's a liar and you lie to cover for hers.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    Read the article, and see if you can find anything in it that isn't true.
Again: You got *nothing* other than innuendo.

---In,  wrote :

Oh goodie, a *Saloon* article! Now that will be objective, won't it?

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 You, Bhairitu, Vox_9, and Cardemaister are all victims of right-wing 
brainwashing and are suffering from Hillary Derangement Syndrome.
This is an excellent summary of just how you've been brainwashed:
Press, lies and Hillary’s campaign: Years of smears have created a fictional 
version of Clinton. They’re also a disservice to voters.
|  |
|  | |  | Press, lies and Hillary’s campaign: Years of smears... Many 
Americans think Clinton is a congenital liar — that's because of the right and 
the media, not her |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

  Al Gore and John Kerry were victims of the same kind of smearing, albeit for 
not nearly as long as Hillary has been. But as with Hillary, the right wing 
created fictional versions of these three politicians--and too many voters 
aren't discerning enough to tell the difference.
The media is complicit because it needs a horse race to capture eyeballs, so 
fairness goes out the window. As Digby notes, however, some in the media are 
beginning to fight back. Let's hope more do.

---In,  wrote :

Are you naive or just lying for a fellow  liar?

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 The right wing has done a magnificent job of brainwashing you, Mike.

---In,  wrote :

Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?The American people will not elect an irresponsible 
liar who is *brain damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security 
training or signed a document.Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most 
votes cast, will be *against* Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with 
selective memory loss and *brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.
BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll

  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her 
*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions 
to investigate her intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in the 
American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the obvious 
choice of a political party and not screw up an election?Do I believe 
everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A lot of it 
revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But Comey has 
proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. Any 
negativity coming her

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]

|   ||


Trey Gowdy Grills James Comey
   |   |




  From: Mike Dixon 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

|   ||


Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut
 Hillary Clinton 2015 vs FBI Director James Comey 2016 Subscribe to Reason TV 
for daily content like this: http:/...  |   |




  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    "In so many words" as "translated" by right-wingers. Comey has never 
actually accused her of lying.
And she didn't blame what she didn't remember on "brain damage."

---In,  wrote :

James Comey didn't insinuate anything. He said, in so many words, that she is a 
liar. Once proven a liar, no one has any obligation to believe anything else 
that person says.She *may* have told the FBI the truth in their investigation, 
although she couldn't *remember* 39 things that they asked. Playing like you 
have brain damage and can't remember, sure beats perjuring your self. 
Hillary is no dummy. She's a trained lawyer and knows how to lie and spin.

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 Didja notice this column (by right-winger Glenn Reynolds) contains nothing but 
innuendo, no smoking gun?

---In,  wrote :

"The new FBI information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally 
incompetent or both." - Glenn Harlan Reynolds
'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away: Glenn Reynolds
|  |
|  | |  | 'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away:... The new FBI 
information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally incompetent or 
both. |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

  ---In,  wrote :

Are you naive or just lying for a fellow  liar?

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This The right wing has 
done a magnificent job of brainwashing you, Mike.
---In,  wrote :

Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?The American people will not elect an irresponsible 
liar who is *brain damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security 
training or signed a document.Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most 
votes cast, will be *against* Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with 
selective memory loss and *brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.
BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll

  #yiv6351682935 -- #yiv6351682935ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]

|   ||


Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut
 Hillary Clinton 2015 vs FBI Director James Comey 2016 Subscribe to Reason TV 
for daily content like this: http:/...  |   |




  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    "In so many words" as "translated" by right-wingers. Comey has never 
actually accused her of lying.
And she didn't blame what she didn't remember on "brain damage."

---In,  wrote :

James Comey didn't insinuate anything. He said, in so many words, that she is a 
liar. Once proven a liar, no one has any obligation to believe anything else 
that person says.She *may* have told the FBI the truth in their investigation, 
although she couldn't *remember* 39 things that they asked. Playing like you 
have brain damage and can't remember, sure beats perjuring your self. 
Hillary is no dummy. She's a trained lawyer and knows how to lie and spin.

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 Didja notice this column (by right-winger Glenn Reynolds) contains nothing but 
innuendo, no smoking gun?

---In,  wrote :

"The new FBI information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally 
incompetent or both." - Glenn Harlan Reynolds
'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away: Glenn Reynolds
|  |
|  | |  | 'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away:... The new FBI 
information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally incompetent or 
both. |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

  ---In,  wrote :

Are you naive or just lying for a fellow  liar?

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This The right wing has 
done a magnificent job of brainwashing you, Mike.
---In,  wrote :

Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?The American people will not elect an irresponsible 
liar who is *brain damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security 
training or signed a document.Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most 
votes cast, will be *against* Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with 
selective memory loss and *brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.
BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll

  #yiv2084151615 #yiv2084151615 -- #yiv2084151615ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2084151615 
#yiv2084151615ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv2084151615 
#yiv2084151615ygrp-mkp #yiv2084151615hd 
0;}#yiv2084151615 #yiv2084151615ygrp-mkp #yiv2084151615ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2084151615 #yiv2084151615ygrp-mkp .yiv2084151615ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv2084151615 #yiv2084151615ygrp-mkp .yiv2084151615ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv2084151615 #yiv2084151615ygrp-mkp .yiv2084151615ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2084151615 #yiv2084151615ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2084151615ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv2084151615 
#yiv2084151615ygrp-sponsor #yiv2084151615ygrp-lc #yiv2084151615hd {margin:10px 
#yiv2084151615ygrp-sponsor #yiv2084151615ygrp-lc .yiv2084151615ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv2084151615 #yiv2084151615actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv2084151615 
 #yiv2084151615activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv2084151615 
#yiv2084151615activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv2084151615 #yiv2084151615activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2084151615 #yiv2084151615activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv2084151615 #yiv2084151615activity span 
.yiv2084151615underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv2084151615 
0;width:400px;}#yiv2084151615 .yiv2084151615attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2084151615 .yiv2084151615attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv2084151615 .yiv2084151615attach label 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Nearly everything she has said about her e-mails is a lie.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    But the media has never been "in her pocket"--to the contrary. You may be 
ignorant enough to believe that, but she isn't.
She hasn't lied about the emails, and there's ZERO evidence she was trying to 
obstruct justice. Again, it's all just right-wing innuendo, no smoking gun.

---In,  wrote :

Yaknow, common sense should tell you her "fairy tale" about her Bosniatrip was 
pretty obviously not a lie. A lie is when you say something youknow isn't true. 
She isn't so stupid that she would fabricate whathappened on a trip witnessed 
by many other people and recorded by newscameras, knowing the lie would be 
Yeah, this is why she's not *the smartest* woman in the world. She lied and got 
caught. Probably didn't think the media would make anything of it since they 
tend to be in her pocket and was only intended as a cute little story to make 
things interesting. A real Brian Williams news worthy story. Now lets talk 
about lying about more than thirty thousand e-mails, purposely deleted, to 
obstruct justice! 
  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 Gettin' really hard up, ain'tcha, Bhairitu? Having to dig up crap from 20 
years ago...
Memory is a funny thing. It's not like a news camera; it doesn't always record 
what actually happened. Many things can interfere with an accurate recording. 
Eyewitness accounts at criminal trials are no longer considered to be 
unimpeachable evidence because they've turned out in so many cases to be 
unreliable (especially when the witness was under stress at the time, which 
Hillary was during the Bosnia landing).

---In,  wrote :

Oh yeah, what about this lie or "taletale" which CBS exposed:

LOL, I think if Hillary said 2+2=5 you'd believe her.  Maya is abitch.

On 09/06/2016 07:46 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]wrote:

  She is not a liar, Mike, proven or otherwise.It's a lie to say she is.
Republicans andalt-righters have been trying for *decades* to catch herin 
corruption, and have failed *every single time*. Allthey have is innuendo, and 
it's making them insane. Sheis and always has been an honest woman committed 
topublic service., wrote :

Youhave chosen to believe and put your *faith* in aproven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it'sher own karma coming back. Jim Comey's 
pressconference and his testimony before Congress,prove she lied to the 
American public in regardsto her E-mail situation. And the lies keep comingand 
getting worse! She even lies about herlies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll 
alwayshave that reputation.Comeydidn't indict her because he couldn't know 
her*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, henever asked her any questions 
to investigate herintent". This could/would have opened up a wholenew can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously,this was Comey's *way out* of being the one tothrow a wrench in the 
American elections. How doyou indict, or recommend indictment,  of theobvious 
choice of a political party and not screwup an election?DoI believe everything 
being said *out there* aboutHillary? Of course not. A lot of it revolvesaround 
political hyperbole in a politicalcampaign. But Comey has proven to the public 
thatHillary is a liar and not to be trusted. Anynegativity coming her way, is 
her own creation.Being *aware* is a far higher spiritual quality!Denial of 
reality is not.

  From:"authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent:Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
Subject:[FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun ReadingThis

 I don't know what"providential immanence" or"fished on the group" means,so I 
can't respond in thoseterms.
I have always feltthat telling the truth is themost basic and most 
importantspiritual value. That's wherespirituality *starts*. If youtell 
malicious lies aboutanother person, you have nospiritual credibilitywhatsoever. 
Hillary Clinton isconstantly being liedabout--including by severalmembers of 
this supposedlyspiritual group--in a bid forpolitical advantage, and Ithink 
that's disgraceful.

---In Fairf!,wrote :

Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Read the article, and see if you can find anything in it that isn't true. 

 Again: You got *nothing* other than innuendo.



---In,  wrote :

 Oh goodie, a *Saloon* article! Now that will be objective, won't it?

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   You, Bhairitu, Vox_9, and Cardemaister are all victims of right-wing 
brainwashing and are suffering from Hillary Derangement Syndrome.

 This is an excellent summary of just how you've been brainwashed:

 Press, lies and Hillary’s campaign: Years of smears have created a fictional 
version of Clinton. They’re also a disservice to voters.
 Press, lies and Hillary’s campaign: Years of smears...
 Many Americans think Clinton is a congenital liar — that's because of the 
right and the media, not her

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Al Gore and John Kerry were victims of the same kind of smearing, albeit for 
not nearly as long as Hillary has been. But as with Hillary, the right wing 
created fictional versions of these three politicians--and too many voters 
aren't discerning enough to tell the difference.

 The media is complicit because it needs a horse race to capture eyeballs, so 
fairness goes out the window. As Digby notes, however, some in the media are 
beginning to fight back. Let's hope more do.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Are you naive or just lying for a fellow  liar?

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

   The right wing has done a magnificent job of brainwashing you, Mike.




 ---In,  wrote :

 Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?
 The American people will not elect an irresponsible liar who is *brain 
damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security training or signed a 
 Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most votes cast, will be *against* 
Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with selective memory loss and 
*brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.

 BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll



 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

   I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
"In so many words" as "translated" by right-wingers. Comey has never actually 
accused her of lying. 

 And she didn't blame what she didn't remember on "brain damage."



 ---In,  wrote :

 James Comey didn't insinuate anything. He said, in so many words, that she is 
a liar. Once proven a liar, no one has any obligation to believe anything else 
that person says.
 She *may* have told the FBI the truth in their investigation, although she 
couldn't *remember* 39 things that they asked. Playing like you have brain 
damage and can't remember, sure beats perjuring your self. 

 Hillary is no dummy. She's a trained lawyer and knows how to lie and spin.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   Didja notice this column (by right-winger Glenn Reynolds) contains nothing 
but innuendo, no smoking gun?



 ---In,  wrote :

 "The new FBI information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally 
incompetent or both." - Glenn Harlan Reynolds

 'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away: Glenn Reynolds
 'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away:...
 The new FBI information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally 
incompetent or both.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Are you naive or just lying for a fellow  liar?

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   The right wing has done a magnificent job of brainwashing you, Mike.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?
 The American people will not elect an irresponsible liar who is *brain 
damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security training or signed a 
 Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most votes cast, will be *against* 
Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with selective memory loss and 
*brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.

 BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
But the media has never been "in her pocket"--to the contrary. You may be 
ignorant enough to believe that, but she isn't. 

 She hasn't lied about the emails, and there's ZERO evidence she was trying to 
obstruct justice. Again, it's all just right-wing innuendo, no smoking gun.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Ya know, common sense should tell you her "fairy tale" about her Bosnia trip 
was pretty obviously not a lie. A lie is when you say something you know isn't 
true. She isn't so stupid that she would fabricate what happened on a trip 
witnessed by many other people and recorded by news cameras, knowing the lie 
would be exposed
 Yeah, this is why she's not *the smartest* woman in the world. She lied and 
got caught. Probably didn't think the media would make anything of it since 
they tend to be in her pocket and was only intended as a cute little story to 
make things interesting. A real Brian Williams news worthy story. Now lets talk 
about lying about more than thirty thousand e-mails, purposely deleted, to 
obstruct justice! 

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   Gettin' really hard up, ain'tcha, Bhairitu? Having to dig up crap from 20 
years ago...


 Memory is a funny thing. It's not like a news camera; it doesn't always record 
what actually happened. Many things can interfere with an accurate recording. 
Eyewitness accounts at criminal trials are no longer considered to be 
unimpeachable evidence because they've turned out in so many cases to be 
unreliable (especially when the witness was under stress at the time, which 
Hillary was during the Bosnia landing).



 ---In,  wrote :

 Oh yeah, what about this lie or "tale tale" which CBS exposed:
 LOL, I think if Hillary said 2+2=5 you'd believe her.  Maya is a bitch.
 On 09/06/2016 07:46 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   She is not a liar, Mike, proven or otherwise. It's a lie to say she is.
 Republicans and alt-righters have been trying for *decades* to catch her in 
corruption, and have failed *every single time*. All they have is innuendo, and 
it's making them insane. She is and always has been an honest woman committed 
to public service.
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" mailto:authfriend@...[FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

   I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, 
so I can't respond in those terms.
 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.
 ---In Fairf!, 
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 Okay so you two are contend

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Oh goodie, a *Saloon* article! Now that will be objective, won't it?

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    You, Bhairitu, Vox_9, and Cardemaister are all victims of right-wing 
brainwashing and are suffering from Hillary Derangement Syndrome.
This is an excellent summary of just how you've been brainwashed:
Press, lies and Hillary’s campaign: Years of smears have created a fictional 
version of Clinton. They’re also a disservice to voters. 
||||   Press, lies and Hillary’s campaign: Years of 
smears...  Many Americans think Clinton is a congenital liar — that's because 
of the right and the media, not her||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|

   Al Gore and John Kerry were victims of the same kind of smearing, albeit for 
not nearly as long as Hillary has been. But as with Hillary, the right wing 
created fictional versions of these three politicians--and too many voters 
aren't discerning enough to tell the difference.
The media is complicit because it needs a horse race to capture eyeballs, so 
fairness goes out the window. As Digby notes, however, some in the media are 
beginning to fight back. Let's hope more do.

---In,  wrote :

Are you naive or just lying for a fellow  liar?

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 The right wing has done a magnificent job of brainwashing you, Mike.

---In,  wrote :

Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?The American people will not elect an irresponsible 
liar who is *brain damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security 
training or signed a document.Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most 
votes cast, will be *against* Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with 
selective memory loss and *brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.
BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll

  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her 
*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions 
to investigate her intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in the 
American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the obvious 
choice of a political party and not screw up an election?Do I believe 
everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A lot of it 
revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But Comey has 
proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. Any 
negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far higher 
spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
James Comey didn't insinuate anything. He said, in so many words, that she is a 
liar. Once proven a liar, no one has any obligation to believe anything else 
that person says.She *may* have told the FBI the truth in their investigation, 
although she couldn't *remember* 39 things that they asked. Playing like you 
have brain damage and can't remember, sure beats perjuring your self. 
Hillary is no dummy. She's a trained lawyer and knows how to lie and spin.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 12:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    Didja notice this column (by right-winger Glenn Reynolds) contains nothing 
but innuendo, no smoking gun?

---In,  wrote :

"The new FBI information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally 
incompetent or both." - Glenn Harlan Reynolds
'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away: Glenn Reynolds
|  |
|  | |  | 'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away:... The new FBI 
information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally incompetent or 
both. |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

  ---In,  wrote :

Are you naive or just lying for a fellow  liar?

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This The right wing has 
done a magnificent job of brainwashing you, Mike.
---In,  wrote :

Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?The American people will not elect an irresponsible 
liar who is *brain damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security 
training or signed a document.Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most 
votes cast, will be *against* Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with 
selective memory loss and *brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.
BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll  #yiv6189628159 #yiv6189628159 -- 
#yiv6189628159ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 
0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6189628159 #yiv6189628159ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;}#yiv6189628159 #yiv6189628159ygrp-mkp #yiv6189628159hd 
0;}#yiv6189628159 #yiv6189628159ygrp-mkp #yiv6189628159ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv6189628159 #yiv6189628159ygrp-mkp .yiv6189628159ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv6189628159 #yiv6189628159ygrp-mkp .yiv6189628159ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv6189628159 #yiv6189628159ygrp-mkp .yiv6189628159ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6189628159 #yiv6189628159ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv6189628159ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv6189628159 
#yiv6189628159ygrp-sponsor #yiv6189628159ygrp-lc #yiv6189628159hd {margin:10px 
#yiv6189628159ygrp-sponsor #yiv6189628159ygrp-lc .yiv6189628159ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv6189628159 #yiv6189628159actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv6189628159 
 #yiv6189628159activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv6189628159 
#yiv6189628159activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv6189628159 #yiv6189628159activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6189628159 #yiv6189628159activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv6189628159 #yiv6189628159activity span 
.yiv6189628159underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv6189628159 
0;width:400px;}#yiv6189628159 .yiv6189628159attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv6189628159 .yiv6189628159attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv6189628159 .yiv6189628159attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv6189628159 .yiv6189628159attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv6189628159 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv6189628159 .yiv6189628159bold 
.yiv6189628159bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv6189628159 dd.yiv6189628159last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv6189628159 dd.yiv6189628159last p 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Notice that Bhairitu has no response other than a silly, empty comment. 



 ---In,  wrote :

 Dream on, Judy.  :-D
 Keep making excuses for your lousy candidate.  Hillary's limo:
 Judy will probably say that's an ice cream truck (and believe it too).
 On 09/06/2016 09:39 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Gettin' really hard up, ain'tcha, Bhairitu? Having to dig up crap from 20 
years ago...
 Ya know, common sense should tell you her "fairy tale" about her Bosnia trip 
was pretty obviously not a lie. A lie is when you say something you know isn't 
true. She isn't so stupid that she would fabricate what happened on a trip 
witnessed by many other people and recorded by news cameras, knowing the lie 
would be exposed.
 Memory is a funny thing. It's not like a news camera; it doesn't always record 
what actually happened. Many things can interfere with an accurate recording. 
Eyewitness accounts at criminal trials are no longer considered to be 
unimpeachable evidence because they've turned out in so many cases to be 
unreliable (especially when the witness was under stress at the time, which 
Hillary was during the Bosnia landing).
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

 Oh yeah, what about this lie or "tale tale" which CBS exposed:
 LOL, I think if Hillary said 2+2=5 you'd believe her.  Maya is a bitch.
 On 09/06/2016 07:46 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   She is not a liar, Mike, proven or otherwise. It's a lie to say she is.
 Republicans and alt-righters have been trying for *decades* to catch her in 
corruption, and have failed *every single time*. All they have is innuendo, and 
it's making them insane. She is and always has been an honest woman committed 
to public service.
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, 
so I can't respond in those terms.
 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.
 ---In Fairf!, 
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 
 mailto:authfriend@... wrote :
 ---In, wrote :
 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.  
 Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain w! hy I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I tol

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You, Bhairitu, Vox_9, and Cardemaister are all victims of right-wing 
brainwashing and are suffering from Hillary Derangement Syndrome. 

 This is an excellent summary of just how you've been brainwashed:

 Press, lies and Hillary’s campaign: Years of smears have created a fictional 
version of Clinton. They’re also a disservice to voters.
 Press, lies and Hillary’s campaign: Years of smears...
 Many Americans think Clinton is a congenital liar — that's because of the 
right and the media, not her
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 
Al Gore and John Kerry were victims of the same kind of smearing, albeit for 
not nearly as long as Hillary has been. But as with Hillary, the right wing 
created fictional versions of these three politicians--and too many voters 
aren't discerning enough to tell the difference.

 The media is complicit because it needs a horse race to capture eyeballs, so 
fairness goes out the window. As Digby notes, however, some in the media are 
beginning to fight back. Let's hope more do.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Are you naive or just lying for a fellow  liar?

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   The right wing has done a magnificent job of brainwashing you, Mike.




 ---In,  wrote :

 Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?
 The American people will not elect an irresponsible liar who is *brain 
damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security training or signed a 
 Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most votes cast, will be *against* 
Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with selective memory loss and 
*brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.

 BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll



 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

   I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is he

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Didja notice this column (by right-winger Glenn Reynolds) contains nothing but 
innuendo, no smoking gun? 



 ---In,  wrote :

 "The new FBI information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally 
incompetent or both." - Glenn Harlan Reynolds

 'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away: Glenn Reynolds
 'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away:...
 The new FBI information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally 
incompetent or both.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Are you naive or just lying for a fellow  liar?

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   The right wing has done a magnificent job of brainwashing you, Mike.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?
 The American people will not elect an irresponsible liar who is *brain 
damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security training or signed a 
 Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most votes cast, will be *against* 
Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with selective memory loss and 
*brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.

 BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Ya know, common sense should tell you her "fairy tale" about her Bosnia trip 
was pretty obviously not a lie. A lie is when you say something you know isn't 
true. She isn't so stupid that she would fabricate what happened on a trip 
witnessed by many other people and recorded by news cameras, knowing the lie 
would be exposed
Yeah, this is why she's not *the smartest* woman in the world. She lied and got 
caught. Probably didn't think the media would make anything of it since they 
tend to be in her pocket and was only intended as a cute little story to make 
things interesting. A real Brian Williams news worthy story. Now lets talk 
about lying about more than thirty thousand e-mails, purposely deleted, to 
obstruct justice! 
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    Gettin' really hard up, ain'tcha, Bhairitu? Having to dig up crap from 20 
years ago...
Memory is a funny thing. It's not like a news camera; it doesn't always record 
what actually happened. Many things can interfere with an accurate recording. 
Eyewitness accounts at criminal trials are no longer considered to be 
unimpeachable evidence because they've turned out in so many cases to be 
unreliable (especially when the witness was under stress at the time, which 
Hillary was during the Bosnia landing).

---In,  wrote :

Oh yeah, what about this lie or "taletale" which CBS exposed:

LOL, I think if Hillary said 2+2=5 you'd believe her.  Maya is abitch.

On 09/06/2016 07:46 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]wrote:

  She is not a liar, Mike, proven or otherwise.It's a lie to say she is.
Republicans andalt-righters have been trying for *decades* to catch herin 
corruption, and have failed *every single time*. Allthey have is innuendo, and 
it's making them insane. Sheis and always has been an honest woman committed 
topublic service., wrote :

Youhave chosen to believe and put your *faith* in aproven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it'sher own karma coming back. Jim Comey's 
pressconference and his testimony before Congress,prove she lied to the 
American public in regardsto her E-mail situation. And the lies keep comingand 
getting worse! She even lies about herlies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll 
alwayshave that reputation.Comeydidn't indict her because he couldn't know 
her*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, henever asked her any questions 
to investigate herintent". This could/would have opened up a wholenew can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously,this was Comey's *way out* of being the one tothrow a wrench in the 
American elections. How doyou indict, or recommend indictment,  of theobvious 
choice of a political party and not screwup an election?DoI believe everything 
being said *out there* aboutHillary? Of course not. A lot of it revolvesaround 
political hyperbole in a politicalcampaign. But Comey has proven to the public 
thatHillary is a liar and not to be trusted. Anynegativity coming her way, is 
her own creation.Being *aware* is a far higher spiritual quality!Denial of 
reality is not.

  From:"authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent:Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
Subject:[FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun ReadingThis

 I don't know what"providential immanence" or"fished on the group" means,so I 
can't respond in thoseterms.
I have always feltthat telling the truth is themost basic and most 
importantspiritual value. That's wherespirituality *starts*. If youtell 
malicious lies aboutanother person, you have nospiritual credibilitywhatsoever. 
Hillary Clinton isconstantly being liedabout--including by severalmembers of 
this supposedlyspiritual group--in a bid forpolitical advantage, and Ithink 
that's disgraceful.

---In Fairf!,wrote :

Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread?,wrote :, wrote :

Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell andgot a concussionat her age. 
Especiallyif I had beencalled on thecarpet by theFBI to explainw! hy I 
deleted30,000 emailfrom the publicrecord, withoutauthorization,and I told 
theFBI "I can'trecall" fortytimes in lessthan one hourtrying toexplain why Ihad 
passedclassifiedmaterial to athird partyusing myBlackberry.
Right.But none

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread vox_9
"The new FBI information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally 
incompetent or both." - Glenn Harlan Reynolds

 'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away: Glenn Reynolds
 'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away:...
 The new FBI information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally 
incompetent or both.
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 Are you naive or just lying for a fellow  liar?

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   The right wing has done a magnificent job of brainwashing you, Mike.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?
 The American people will not elect an irresponsible liar who is *brain 
damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security training or signed a 
 Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most votes cast, will be *against* 
Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with selective memory loss and 
*brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.

 BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Are you naive or just lying for a fellow  liar?

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    The right wing has done a magnificent job of brainwashing you, Mike.

---In,  wrote :

Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?The American people will not elect an irresponsible 
liar who is *brain damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security 
training or signed a document.Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most 
votes cast, will be *against* Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with 
selective memory loss and *brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.
BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll

  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her 
*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions 
to investigate her intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in the 
American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the obvious 
choice of a political party and not screw up an election?Do I believe 
everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A lot of it 
revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But Comey has 
proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. Any 
negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far higher 
spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.
I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.

---In,  wrote :

Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age. 
Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.
Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.

Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In FairfieldLife@

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread vox_9
What I want to know is, who is the engineer that erased the electronic email 
files on the Clinton hosted server at the Denver tech firm.  

 Everyone knows about the congressional inquiry into the 2012 attacks in 
Benghazi, Libya. According to what I've read, four Americans were killed. A 
formal order was issued on March 3, 2015, directing everyone involved to 
preserve all the records. 

 Otherwise they would be charged with obstructing justice. 
---In,  wrote :

 This is what you call a Straw-man argument. Neither Vox nor me give a crap 
about her cough. The *bitch*( I don't mean to insult female dogs) is a proven 
liar, reckless,irresponsible and in general,untrustworthy. Not the kind of 
person that leads the free world. Who would ever believe her? How does a 
Senator and former President, who lost his license to practice law due to 
perjury and left the White House *broke*, accumulate 200 million in personal 
wealth?  Speaking fees? Please.

 . Instead we have people like Mike and vox thinking the fact that Hillary has 
a cough is somehow worse than Trump having exhibited nothing but conceit and 
espousing bullshit his entire life. Fascinating but it is getting old and I 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Gettin' really hard up, ain'tcha, Bhairitu? Having to dig up crap from 20 years 

 Ya know, common sense should tell you her "fairy tale" about her Bosnia trip 
was pretty obviously not a lie. A lie is when you say something you know isn't 
true. She isn't so stupid that she would fabricate what happened on a trip 
witnessed by many other people and recorded by news cameras, knowing the lie 
would be exposed.

 Memory is a funny thing. It's not like a news camera; it doesn't always record 
what actually happened. Many things can interfere with an accurate recording. 
Eyewitness accounts at criminal trials are no longer considered to be 
unimpeachable evidence because they've turned out in so many cases to be 
unreliable (especially when the witness was under stress at the time, which 
Hillary was during the Bosnia landing).



 ---In,  wrote :

 Oh yeah, what about this lie or "tale tale" which CBS exposed:
 LOL, I think if Hillary said 2+2=5 you'd believe her.  Maya is a bitch.
 On 09/06/2016 07:46 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   She is not a liar, Mike, proven or otherwise. It's a lie to say she is.
 Republicans and alt-righters have been trying for *decades* to catch her in 
corruption, and have failed *every single time*. All they have is innuendo, and 
it's making them insane. She is and always has been an honest woman committed 
to public service.
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" mailto:authfriend@...[FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, 
so I can't respond in those terms.
 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.
 ---In Fairf!, 
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 
 mailto:authfriend@... wrote :
 ---In, wrote :
 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.  
 Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain w! hy I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.
 Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.
 Yes, I'd be very concerned.

 ---In, wrote :
 The NFL is very conc

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Well Trump did say something that I've been saying for years: the 
American economy is artificial.

The American economy is based on credit and people buying stuff they 
can't afford.  However people seem to be slowing their spending that's 
why companies are laying people off and stores closing.  If people don't 
have money to spend the economy ain't gonna grow (or even just stay afloat).

In the meantime Hillary coughs on:

On 09/06/2016 09:07 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

"...a meanie with no government experience...". Isn't that enough?? 
Also throw in there that he is a failure as a businessman, and that 
the "meanie"-ness, includes racism, sexism and a general dislike of 
the poor. He is also generally incoherent.

Nope! Not when you want *real* change. The less direct experience with 
government the better. The whole government is corrupt. A failed 
businessman doesn't put together a *business empire* like Trump has. 
Successful businessmen have some failures over time. Trump's successes 
far outweigh his failed businesses.
Trump has never been called a *racist* until he ran against Hillary. 
This is common liberal logic, if you don't agree with them and their 
policies and solutions, then you're a *racist*. That's wearing pretty 
thin these days
BTW, *Mexican* isn't a race. I guess he *dislikes* the poor because he 
tells them that the Democrats have done nothing to relieve their 
poverty and asks "what do you have to lose by voting for him, you 
already have nothing".

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Tuesday, September 6, 2016 10:32 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

It will become clear enough that NOBODY wants Donald l'Orange for 
prez. Nobody. I will be shocked if he gets 30% of the popular vote in 
November. Most of those supporting him now will change their tune soon 
enough, as he sells them out with his inconsistencies, vulgarity, and 
gross obsession with being the center of attention.

The American people will look back on his aberrant candidacy with a 
shudder, and a sigh of relief that we were smart enough to show this 
childish lunatic the door.

---In,  wrote :

Well, so far the media hasn't made much about *Trump lies*. If it were 
an issue, it would be front page news, discussed in the media like it 
is discussed about Hillary.

It is front ! page news for Hillary and has been.
Hillary is an FBI proven, irresponsible, liar with *brain damage* that 
can't remember anything. She also has a record as a failure, nothing 
as a Senator and a world in chaos as Secretary of State.
All Hillary supporters can point out is that Trump is a *meanie* 
without government experience.

*From:* feste37 
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 6, 2016 9:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

According to "The Mind of Donald Trump," an article in the June 2016 
issue of The Atlantic, PolitiFact states that only 9 percent of 
Trump's campaign statements are "true" or "mostly true." 75 percent of 
his statements are either "mostly false (15 percent)," "false" (42 
percent), or "pants on fire" (18 percent).

In other words, you cannot believe a word this man says.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy 
lies constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and 
doesn't care. He is the least accountable candidate who has ever run 
for president, and doesn't care. You know why?! He has done *nothing* 
in the area of government. Some less intelligent Republicans are 
supposedly having a field day with Hillary Clinton's record, but that 
is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and egomaniac who has done 
exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, ever. He is 
divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when he 
gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. 
What a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

Perfectly put. But, are you sure you are being "spiritual" enough in 
posting this?

---In,  wrote :

You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If 
she is constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim 
Comey's press confe

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I'll agree with your first sentence, no comparison.A liar who lied her way to 
just below the *glass ceiling* and accomplished nothing positive in her 
positions at or near the top. Just one *f* up after another.
Trump , executor of a a multi-billion dollar business that employs thousands of 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    It really is not possible to compare the two candidates. One has 
successfully held senior positions in the government of the most powerful 
country on earth. The other has just acted like a spoiled, churlish, insecure 
prick for his entire life. I fail to see the benefit of Trump - rather than a 
savior, he is representative of the very worst this country can produce, a 
classless, insecure slob, with mush for brains. 

---In,  wrote :

Y'know, trying to make Hillary sound worse, *doesn't*, somehow, make Trump any 
better. The guy is a loser
Oh, she is worse, without a doubt. FBI proven liar, failure as a Senator and 
even bigger failure as Secretary of State. Left the world in turmoil with wars 
all over the Middle East, North and Central Africa and Russia invading Georgia 
and Ukraine. 
  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 10:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 , and will prove it in a couple months. Despite the MSM trying to make this a 
horse race, Trumps loses 95% or more of the time in the polls, so it is only 
news when he "pulls even", because he does it so rarely. Clinton remains ahead, 
as usual, in the polls, and will until election day, when she is elected 
president. Trump is so out of his depth, it is bizarre. Nothing at all to back 
up anything he says, except his faux banana republic dictator shtick. Phooey.

---In,  wrote :

Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?The American people will not elect an irresponsible 
liar who is *brain damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security 
training or signed a document.Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most 
votes cast, will be *against* Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with 
selective memory loss and *brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.
BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll

  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her 
*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions 
to investigate her intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in the 
American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the obvious 
choice of a political party and not screw up an election?Do I believe 
everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A lot of it 
revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But Comey has 
proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. Any 
negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far higher 
spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.

  From: "authfriend

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
. Instead we have people like Mike and vox thinking the fact that Hillary has a 
cough is somehow worse than Trump having exhibited nothing but conceit and 
espousing bullshit his entire life. Fascinating but it is getting old and I 
This is what you call a Straw-man argument. Neither Vox nor me give a crap 
about her cough. The *bitch*( I don't mean to insult female dogs) is a proven 
liar, reckless,irresponsible and in general,untrustworthy. Not the kind of 
person that leads the free world. Who would ever believe her? How does a 
Senator and former President, who lost his license to practice law due to 
perjury and left the White House *broke*, accumulate 200 million in personal 
wealth?  Speaking fees? Please.
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 10:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

---In,  wrote :

Y'know, trying to make Hillary sound worse, *doesn't*, somehow, make Trump any 
better. The guy is a loser, and will prove it in a couple months. Despite the 
MSM trying to make this a horse race, Trumps loses 95% or more of the time in 
the polls, so it is only news when he "pulls even", because he does it so 
rarely. Clinton remains ahead, as usual, in the polls, and will until election 
day, when she is elected president. Trump is so out of his depth, it is 
bizarre. Nothing at all to back up anything he says, except his faux banana 
republic dictator shtick. Phooey.
I have never seen anything quite like it. It seems inconceivable to me that 
there is one single human on this planet that can't see through Trump just by 
taking a 5 minute look and listen to him. Add to that, the amount of historical 
data you can find and read about him from many, many sources should seal the 
deal on determining that this cretin is nothing more than a greedy, 
power-hungry narcissist whose sole purpose in life has been to lie to, step on 
the backs of and profit off of others. Because he has no political history on 
which to draw negative conclusions, he is at an advantage. If people were 
discriminating enough to realize his shady business practices were exactly how 
he would try and run the country they would start to get a cluewait for the day 
Hillary wipes him off the map when the election results come in. That day can't 
come soon enough.
---In,  wrote :

Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?The American people will not elect an irresponsible 
liar who is *brain damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security 
training or signed a document.Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most 
votes cast, will be *against* Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with 
selective memory loss and *brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.
BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll

  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her 
*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions 
to investigate her intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in the 
American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Your comments about "intent" crack me up. If she's such a terrible liar, what 
answers would you expect from her to questions from Comey about her intent?

 But there are no "cans of worms," except in the fevered right-wing imagination.



 ---In,  wrote :

 LIAR, she's a damned Liar. Proven by James Comey. She even has selective 
memory, must be caused by brain damage or just more lying.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 9:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   She is not a liar, Mike, proven or otherwise. It's a lie to say she is.

 Republicans and alt-righters have been trying for *decades* to catch her in 
corruption, and have failed *every single time*. All they have is innuendo, and 
it's making them insane. She is and always has been an honest woman committed 
to public service.



 ---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.

 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.  

 Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.

 Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.



 Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In,  wrote :

 The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary doesn't 
seem to be concerned,

 ---In,  wrote :


 The NFL is very concerned about players who receive multiple concussions and 
aren't treated properly for them. Hillary has had one concussion and was 
treated for it extensively. No parallel here, and the writer knows it.

 although she said she didn't "recall", forty times, during her FBI interview 
and didn't even remember getting security briefings about handling classified 


 How many of these alleged forty times referred to things she was asked about 
that took place prior to her concussion?



 So, how can she be the most qualified, but can't recall important security 
briefings? Can she be both at the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The right wing has done a magnificent job of brainwashing you, Mike. 




 ---In,  wrote :

 Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?
 The American people will not elect an irresponsible liar who is *brain 
damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security training or signed a 
 Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most votes cast, will be *against* 
Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with selective memory loss and 
*brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.

 BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll



 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.

 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.  

 Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.

 Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.



 Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In,  wrote :

 The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary doesn't 
seem to be concerned,

 ---In,  wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]

 "...a meanie with no government experience...". Isn't that enough?? Also throw 
in there that he is a failure as a businessman, and that the "meanie"-ness, 
includes racism, sexism and a general dislike of the poor. He is also generally 

Nope! Not when you want *real* change. The less direct experience with 
government the better. The whole government is corrupt. A failed businessman 
doesn't put together a *business empire* like Trump has. Successful businessmen 
have some failures over time. Trump's successes far outweigh his failed 
Trump has never been called a *racist* until he ran against Hillary. This is 
common liberal logic, if you don't agree with them and their policies and 
solutions, then you're a *racist*. That's wearing pretty thin these days
BTW, *Mexican* isn't a race. I guess he *dislikes* the poor because he tells 
them that the Democrats have done nothing to relieve their poverty and asks 
"what do you have to lose by voting for him, you already have nothing".
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 10:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
It will become clear enough that NOBODY wants Donald l'Orange for prez. Nobody. 
I will be shocked if he gets 30% of the popular vote in November. Most of those 
supporting him now will change their tune soon enough, as he sells them out 
with his inconsistencies, vulgarity, and gross obsession with being the center 
of attention. 

The American people will look back on his aberrant candidacy with a shudder, 
and a sigh of relief that we were smart enough to show this childish lunatic 
the door.

---In,  wrote :

Well, so far the media hasn't made much about *Trump lies*. If it were an 
issue, it would be front page news, discussed in the media like it is discussed 
about Hillary.It is front page news for Hillary and has been.Hillary is an FBI 
proven, irresponsible, liar with *brain damage* that can't remember anything. 
She also has a record as a failure, nothing as a Senator and a world in chaos 
as Secretary of State.
All Hillary supporters can point out is that Trump is a *meanie* without 
government experience.

  From: feste37 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 9:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 According to "The Mind of Donald Trump," an article in the June 2016 issue of 
The Atlantic, PolitiFact states that only 9 percent of Trump's campaign 
statements are "true" or "mostly true." 75 percent of his statements are either 
"mostly false (15 percent)," "false" (42 percent), or "pants on fire" (18 

In other words, you cannot believe a word this man says. 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.
Perfectly put. But, are you sure you are being "spiritual" enough in posting 

---In,  wrote :

You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her 
*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions 
to investigate her intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in the 
American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the obvious 
choice of a political party and not screw up an election?Do I believe 
everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Oh yeah, what about this lie or "tale tale" which CBS exposed:

LOL, I think if Hillary said 2+2=5 you'd believe her.  Maya is a bitch.

On 09/06/2016 07:46 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

She is not a liar, Mike, proven or otherwise. It's a lie to say she is.

Republicans and alt-righters have been trying for *decades* to catch 
her in corruption, and have failed *every single time*. All they have 
is innuendo, and it's making them insane. She is and always has been 
an honest woman committed to public service.

---In,  wrote :

You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If 
she is constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim 
Comey's press conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she 
lied to the American public in regards to her E-mail situation. And 
the lies keep coming and getting worse! She even lies about her 
lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always have that reputation.
Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey 
Gowdy says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to 
investigate her intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new 
can of worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a 
wrench in the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend 
indictment,  of the obvious choice of a political party and not screw 
up an election?
Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of 
course not. A lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a 
political campaign. But Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is 
a liar and not to be trusted. Any negativity coming her way, is her 
own creation. Being *aware* is a far higher spiritual quality! Denial 
of reality is not.

*From:* "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" 
means, so I can't respond in those terms.

I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most 
important spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you 
tell malicious lies about another person, you have no spiritual 
credibility whatsoever. Hillary Clinton is constantly being lied 
about--including by several members of this supposedly spiritual 
group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think that's disgraceful.

---In Fairf!,  wrote :

Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual 
Yahoo-Group over politics again. What do either of you feel is a 
spiritual import or relationship of providential immanence in this 
evidently mundane political material that was fished on the group and 
you are contending in this thread?

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.

Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain w! 
hy I deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without 
authorization, and I told the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less 
than one hour trying to explain why I had passed classified material 
to a third party using my Blackberry.

Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.

Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In,  wrote :

The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary 
doesn't seem to be concerned,

---In,  wrote :

The NFL is very concerned about players who receive multiple 
concussions and aren't treated properly for them. Hillary has had one 
concussion and was treated for it extensively. No parallel here, and 
the writer knows it.

although she said she didn't "recall", forty times, during her FBI 
interview and didn't even remember getting security briefings about 
handling classified communications.

How many of these alleged forty times referred to things she was asked 
about that took place prior to her concussion?

So, how can she be the most qualified, but can't recall important 
security briefings? Can she be both at the same time?

It's just not all that difficult to operate a Blackberry and keep your 
email secure!

---In,  wrote :

It is pretty obvious from the primaries and the eight years under 
Obama, that the Republicans collectively would have a tough time 
running a gas station. Just like the Trump campaign if you can call it 
that, they would rather have the Democrats do all the work and gain 
all the experience, while they sit back and complain, and toss out 
lies about their opposition. It is not a winning strategy, but it is 
all they have.

---In Fairfield

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It really is not possible to compare the two candidates. One has successfully 
held senior positions in the government of the most powerful country on earth. 
The other has just acted like a spoiled, churlish, insecure prick for his 
entire life. I fail to see the benefit of Trump - rather than a savior, he is 
representative of the very worst this country can produce, a classless, 
insecure slob, with mush for brains. 
---In,  wrote :

 Y'know, trying to make Hillary sound worse, *doesn't*, somehow, make Trump any 
better. The guy is a loser
Oh, she is worse, without a doubt. FBI proven liar, failure as a Senator and 
even bigger failure as Secretary of State. Left the world in turmoil with wars 
all over the Middle East, North and Central Africa and Russia invading Georgia 
and Ukraine. 

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 10:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   , and will prove it in a couple months. Despite the MSM trying to make this 
a horse race, Trumps loses 95% or more of the time in the polls, so it is only 
news when he "pulls even", because he does it so rarely. Clinton remains ahead, 
as usual, in the polls, and will until election day, when she is elected 
president. Trump is so out of his depth, it is bizarre. Nothing at all to back 
up anything he says, except his faux banana republic dictator shtick. Phooey.

---In,  wrote :

 Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?
 The American people will not elect an irresponsible liar who is *brain 
damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security training or signed a 
 Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most votes cast, will be *against* 
Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with selective memory loss and 
*brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.

 BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll



 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

   I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.

 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Y'know, trying to make Hillary sound worse, *doesn't*, somehow, make Trump any 
better. The guy is a loser
Oh, she is worse, without a doubt. FBI proven liar, failure as a Senator and 
even bigger failure as Secretary of State. Left the world in turmoil with wars 
all over the Middle East, North and Central Africa and Russia invading Georgia 
and Ukraine. 
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 10:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    , and will prove it in a couple months. Despite the MSM trying to make this 
a horse race, Trumps loses 95% or more of the time in the polls, so it is only 
news when he "pulls even", because he does it so rarely. Clinton remains ahead, 
as usual, in the polls, and will until election day, when she is elected 
president. Trump is so out of his depth, it is bizarre. Nothing at all to back 
up anything he says, except his faux banana republic dictator shtick. Phooey.

---In,  wrote :

Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?The American people will not elect an irresponsible 
liar who is *brain damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security 
training or signed a document.Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most 
votes cast, will be *against* Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with 
selective memory loss and *brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.
BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll

  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her 
*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions 
to investigate her intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in the 
American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the obvious 
choice of a political party and not screw up an election?Do I believe 
everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A lot of it 
revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But Comey has 
proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. Any 
negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far higher 
spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.
I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.

---In,  wrote :

Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Y'know, trying to make Hillary sound worse, *doesn't*, somehow, make Trump any 
better. The guy is a loser, and will prove it in a couple months. Despite the 
MSM trying to make this a horse race, Trumps loses 95% or more of the time in 
the polls, so it is only news when he "pulls even", because he does it so 
rarely. Clinton remains ahead, as usual, in the polls, and will until election 
day, when she is elected president. Trump is so out of his depth, it is 
bizarre. Nothing at all to back up anything he says, except his faux banana 
republic dictator shtick. Phooey.

 I have never seen anything quite like it. It seems inconceivable to me that 
there is one single human on this planet that can't see through Trump just by 
taking a 5 minute look and listen to him. Add to that, the amount of historical 
data you can find and read about him from many, many sources should seal the 
deal on determining that this cretin is nothing more than a greedy, 
power-hungry narcissist whose sole purpose in life has been to lie to, step on 
the backs of and profit off of others. Because he has no political history on 
which to draw negative conclusions, he is at an advantage. If people were 
discriminating enough to realize his shady business practices were exactly how 
he would try and run the country they would start to get a clue. Instead we 
have people like Mike and vox thinking the fact that Hillary has a cough is 
somehow worse than Trump having exhibited nothing but conceit and espousing 
bullshit his entire life. Fascinating but it is getting old and I can't wait 
for the day Hillary wipes him off the map when the election results come in. 
That day can't come soon enough.
---In,  wrote :

 Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?
 The American people will not elect an irresponsible liar who is *brain 
damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security training or signed a 
 Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most votes cast, will be *against* 
Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with selective memory loss and 
*brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.

 BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll



 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 I don't know what "providential immane

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
"...a meanie with no government experience...". Isn't that enough?? Also throw 
in there that he is a failure as a businessman, and that the "meanie"-ness, 
includes racism, sexism and a general dislike of the poor. He is also generally 

It will become clear enough that NOBODY wants Donald l'Orange for prez. Nobody. 
I will be shocked if he gets 30% of the popular vote in November. Most of those 
supporting him now will change their tune soon enough, as he sells them out 
with his inconsistencies, vulgarity, and gross obsession with being the center 
of attention. 

The American people will look back on his aberrant candidacy with a shudder, 
and a sigh of relief that we were smart enough to show this childish lunatic 
the door.
---In,  wrote :

 Well, so far the media hasn't made much about *Trump lies*. If it were an 
issue, it would be front page news, discussed in the media like it is discussed 
about Hillary.
 It is front page news for Hillary and has been.
 Hillary is an FBI proven, irresponsible, liar with *brain damage* that can't 
remember anything. She also has a record as a failure, nothing as a Senator and 
a world in chaos as Secretary of State.

 All Hillary supporters can point out is that Trump is a *meanie* without 
government experience.


 From: feste37 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 9:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   According to "The Mind of Donald Trump," an article in the June 2016 issue 
of The Atlantic, PolitiFact states that only 9 percent of Trump's campaign 
statements are "true" or "mostly true." 75 percent of his statements are either 
"mostly false (15 percent)," "false" (42 percent), or "pants on fire" (18 

In other words, you cannot believe a word this man says. 


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

 Perfectly put. But, are you sure you are being "spiritual" enough in posting 
---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.

 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Y'know, trying to make Hillary sound worse, *doesn't*, somehow, make Trump any 
better. The guy is a loser, and will prove it in a couple months. Despite the 
MSM trying to make this a horse race, Trumps loses 95% or more of the time in 
the polls, so it is only news when he "pulls even", because he does it so 
rarely. Clinton remains ahead, as usual, in the polls, and will until election 
day, when she is elected president. Trump is so out of his depth, it is 
bizarre. Nothing at all to back up anything he says, except his faux banana 
republic dictator shtick. Phooey.
---In,  wrote :

 Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?
 The American people will not elect an irresponsible liar who is *brain 
damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security training or signed a 
 Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most votes cast, will be *against* 
Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with selective memory loss and 
*brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.

 BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll



 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
   I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.

 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.  

 Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without aut

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Well, so far the media hasn't made much about *Trump lies*. If it were an 
issue, it would be front page news, discussed in the media like it is discussed 
about Hillary.It is front page news for Hillary and has been.Hillary is an FBI 
proven, irresponsible, liar with *brain damage* that can't remember anything. 
She also has a record as a failure, nothing as a Senator and a world in chaos 
as Secretary of State.
All Hillary supporters can point out is that Trump is a *meanie* without 
government experience.

  From: feste37 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 9:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    According to "The Mind of Donald Trump," an article in the June 2016 issue 
of The Atlantic, PolitiFact states that only 9 percent of Trump's campaign 
statements are "true" or "mostly true." 75 percent of his statements are either 
"mostly false (15 percent)," "false" (42 percent), or "pants on fire" (18 

In other words, you cannot believe a word this man says. 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.
Perfectly put. But, are you sure you are being "spiritual" enough in posting 

---In,  wrote :

You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her 
*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions 
to investigate her intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in the 
American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the obvious 
choice of a political party and not screw up an election?Do I believe 
everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A lot of it 
revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But Comey has 
proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. Any 
negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far higher 
spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.
I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.

---In,  wrote :

Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age. 
Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified m

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
LIAR, she's a damned Liar. Proven by James Comey. She even has selective 
memory, must be caused by brain damage or just more lying.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 9:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    She is not a liar, Mike, proven or otherwise. It's a lie to say she is.
Republicans and alt-righters have been trying for *decades* to catch her in 
corruption, and have failed *every single time*. All they have is innuendo, and 
it's making them insane. She is and always has been an honest woman committed 
to public service.

---In,  wrote :

You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her 
*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions 
to investigate her intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in the 
American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the obvious 
choice of a political party and not screw up an election?Do I believe 
everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A lot of it 
revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But Comey has 
proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. Any 
negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far higher 
spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.
I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.

---In,  wrote :

Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age. 
Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.
Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.

Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In,  wrote :

The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary doesn't 
seem to be concerned,
---In,  wrote :

The NFL is very concerned about players who receive multiple concussions and 
aren't treated properly for them. Hillary has had one concussion and was 
treated for it extensively. No parallel here, and the writer knows it.
although she said she didn't "recall", forty times, during her FBI interview 
and didn't even remember getting security briefings about handling classified 

How many of these alleged forty times referred to things she was asked about 
that took place prior to her concussion?

So, how can she be the most qualified, but can't recall important security 
briefings? Can she be both at the same time?

It's just not all that difficult to operate a Blackberry and keep your email 

---In,  wrote :

It is pretty obvious from the primaries and the eight years under Obama, that 
the Republicans collectively would have a tough time running a gas station. 
Just like the Trump campaign if you can call it that, they would rather have 
the Democrats do all the wo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Once a liar, always a liar. Hillary is a proven liar, proven to lie to the 
American people by the FBI and she even lies about her lying. How can anyone 
ever trust a thing she says?The American people will not elect an irresponsible 
liar who is *brain damaged* and can't remember if she ever had security 
training or signed a document.Some people will be voting *for* Trump but most 
votes cast, will be *against* Hillary because she's an irresponsible liar with 
selective memory loss and *brain damage* and is freaking corrupt to the core.
BTW, Trump up by 2 in CNN poll

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

---In,  wrote :

You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her 
*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions 
to investigate her intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in the 
American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the obvious 
choice of a political party and not screw up an election?Do I believe 
everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A lot of it 
revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But Comey has 
proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. Any 
negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far higher 
spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.
I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.

---In,  wrote :

Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age. 
Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.
Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.

Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In,  wrote :

The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary doesn't 
seem to be concerned,
---In,  wrote :

The NFL is very concerned about players who receive multiple concussions and 
aren't treated properly for them. Hillary has had one concussion and was 
treated for it exten

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
She is not a liar, Mike, proven or otherwise. It's a lie to say she is. 

 Republicans and alt-righters have been trying for *decades* to catch her in 
corruption, and have failed *every single time*. All they have is innuendo, and 
it's making them insane. She is and always has been an honest woman committed 
to public service.



 ---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.

 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.  

 Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.

 Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.



 Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In,  wrote :

 The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary doesn't 
seem to be concerned,

 ---In,  wrote :


 The NFL is very concerned about players who receive multiple concussions and 
aren't treated properly for them. Hillary has had one concussion and was 
treated for it extensively. No parallel here, and the writer knows it.

 although she said she didn't "recall", forty times, during her FBI interview 
and didn't even remember getting security briefings about handling classified 


 How many of these alleged forty times referred to things she was asked about 
that took place prior to her concussion?



 So, how can she be the most qualified, but can't recall important security 
briefings? Can she be both at the same time?


 It's just not all that difficult to operate a Blackberry and keep your email 

---In,  wrote :

 It is pretty obvious from the primaries and the eight years under Obama, that 
the Republicans collectively would have a tough time running a gas station. 
Just like the Trump campaign if you can call it that, they would rather have 
the Democrats do all the work and gain all the experience, while they sit back 
and complain, and toss out lies about their opposition. It is not a winning 
strategy, but it is all they have.
---In,  wrote :

 If only Garrison Keillor's radio show was as funny as his opinion commentary 
in the Chicago Tribune! 

 Speaking of Chicago, why is it that most large cities run by Democrats are 
such cesspools of crime and corrupt

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread feste37
According to "The Mind of Donald Trump," an article in the June 2016 issue of 
The Atlantic, PolitiFact states that only 9 percent of Trump's campaign 
statements are "true" or "mostly true." 75 percent of his statements are either 
"mostly false (15 percent)," "false" (42 percent), or "pants on fire" (18 

In other words, you cannot believe a word this man says. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

 Perfectly put. But, are you sure you are being "spiritual" enough in posting 
---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.

 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.  

 Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.

 Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.



 Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In,  wrote :

 The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary doesn't 
seem to be concerned,

 ---In,  wrote :


 The NFL is very concerned about players who receive multiple concussions and 
aren't treated properly for them. Hillary has had one concussion and was 
treated for it extensively. No parallel here, and the writer knows it.

 although she said she didn't "recall", forty times, during her FBI interview 
and didn't even remember getting security briefings about handling classified 


 How many of these alleged forty times referred to things she was asked about 
that took place

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
By posting this, I am a paragon of spirituality, the alpha and omega, the ne 
plus ultra of spirituality, the cat's meow of spirituality...Trump however 
remains a mean-spirited idiot, clogging the airwaves with toxic sludge. :-)
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

 Perfectly put. But, are you sure you are being "spiritual" enough in posting 
---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.

 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.  

 Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.

 Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.



 Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In,  wrote :

 The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary doesn't 
seem to be concerned,

 ---In,  wrote :


 The NFL is very concerned about players who receive multiple concussions and 
aren't treated properly for them. Hillary has had one concussion and was 
treated for it extensively. No parallel here, and the writer knows it.

 although she said she didn't "recall", forty times, during her FBI interview 
and didn't even remember getting security briefings about handling classified 


 How many of these alleged forty times referred to things she was asked about 
that took place prior to her concussion?



 So, how can she be the most qualified, but can't recall important security 
briefings? Can she be both at the sa

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.

 Perfectly put. But, are you sure you are being "spiritual" enough in posting 
---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.

 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.  

 Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.

 Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.



 Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In,  wrote :

 The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary doesn't 
seem to be concerned,

 ---In,  wrote :


 The NFL is very concerned about players who receive multiple concussions and 
aren't treated properly for them. Hillary has had one concussion and was 
treated for it extensively. No parallel here, and the writer knows it.

 although she said she didn't "recall", forty times, during her FBI interview 
and didn't even remember getting security briefings about handling classified 


 How many of these alleged forty times referred to things she was asked about 
that took place prior to her concussion?



 So, how can she be the most qualified, but can't recall important security 
briefings? Can she be both at the same time?


 It's just not all that difficult to operate a Blackberry and keep your email 

---In,  wrote :

 It is pretty obvious from the primaries and the eight years under Obama, that 
the Republicans collectively would have a tough time

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I am surprised you can write this with a straight face. The Trump guy lies 
constantly, and doesn't care. He flip flops constantly, and doesn't care. He is 
the least accountable candidate who has ever run for president, and doesn't 
care. You know why? He has done *nothing* in the area of government. Some less 
intelligent Republicans are supposedly having a field day with Hillary 
Clinton's record, but that is because *she has one*. Trump is an oaf and 
egomaniac who has done exactly ZERO in the public interest, and has no clue, 
ever. He is divisive, unethical, and an all around sleaze. I will be glad when 
he gets soundly trounced in a couple of months and he can just fade away. What 
a complete mistake he is, a true embarrassment for the country.
---In,  wrote :

 You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.
 Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her *intent*. As Trey Gowdy 
says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions to investigate her 
intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of worms with the 
Clinton Foundation.

 Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in 
the American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the 
obvious choice of a political party and not screw up an election?
 Do I believe everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A 
lot of it revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But 
Comey has proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. 
Any negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far 
higher spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.


 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
 I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, so 
I can't respond in those terms.

 I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age.  

 Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.

 Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.



 Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In,  wrote :

 The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary doesn't 
seem to be concerned,

 ---In,  wrote :


 The NFL is very concerned about players who receive multiple concussions and 
aren't treated properly for them. Hillary has had one concussion and was 
treated for it extensively. No parallel here, and the writer knows it.

 although she said she didn't "recall", forty times, during her FBI interview 
and didn't even remember getting security briefings about handling classified 


 How many of these alleged forty times referred to things she was asked about 
that took place prior to her concussion?



 So, how can she be the most qualified, but can't recall important security 
briefings? Can she be both at the same time?


 It's just not all that difficult to operate a Blackberry and keep your email 

---In,  wrote :

 It is pretty obvious from the primaries and the eight years under Obama, that 
the Republicans collectively would have a tough time running a gas station. 
Just like the Trump campaign if you can call it that, they would rather have 
the Democrats do all the work and gai

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This

2016-09-06 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
You have chosen to believe and put your *faith* in a proven LIAR. If she is 
constantly lied about, it's her own karma coming back. Jim Comey's press 
conference and his testimony before Congress, prove she lied to the American 
public in regards to her E-mail situation. And the lies keep coming and getting 
worse! She even lies about her lies.Once you're known as a liar, you'll always 
have that reputation.Comey didn't indict her because he couldn't know her 
*intent*. As Trey Gowdy says, "how could he, he never asked her any questions 
to investigate her intent". This could/would have opened up a whole new can of 
worms with the Clinton Foundation.
Obviously, this was Comey's *way out* of being the one to throw a wrench in the 
American elections. How do you indict, or recommend indictment,  of the obvious 
choice of a political party and not screw up an election?Do I believe 
everything being said *out there* about Hillary? Of course not. A lot of it 
revolves around political hyperbole in a political campaign. But Comey has 
proven to the public that Hillary is a liar and not to be trusted. Any 
negativity coming her way, is her own creation. Being *aware* is a far higher 
spiritual quality! Denial of reality is not.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Had Fun Reading This
    I don't know what "providential immanence" or "fished on the group" means, 
so I can't respond in those terms.
I have always felt that telling the truth is the most basic and most important 
spiritual value. That's where spirituality *starts*. If you tell malicious lies 
about another person, you have no spiritual credibility whatsoever. Hillary 
Clinton is constantly being lied about--including by several members of this 
supposedly spiritual group--in a bid for political advantage, and I think 
that's disgraceful.

---In,  wrote :

Okay so you two are contending with each other on a spiritual Yahoo-Group over 
politics again. What do either of you feel is a spiritual import or 
relationship of providential immanence in this evidently mundane political 
material that was fished on the group and you are contending in this thread? 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Yes, I would be very concerned if I fell and got a concussion at her age. 
Especially if I had been called on the carpet by the FBI to explain why I 
deleted 30,000 email from the public record, without authorization, and I told 
the FBI "I can't recall" forty times in less than one hour trying to explain 
why I had passed classified material to a third party using my Blackberry.
Right. But none of this happened with Hillary. It's just made up.

Yes, I'd be very concerned.

---In,  wrote :

The NFL is very concerned about players and concussions, but Hillary doesn't 
seem to be concerned,
---In,  wrote :

The NFL is very concerned about players who receive multiple concussions and 
aren't treated properly for them. Hillary has had one concussion and was 
treated for it extensively. No parallel here, and the writer knows it.
although she said she didn't "recall", forty times, during her FBI interview 
and didn't even remember getting security briefings about handling classified 

How many of these alleged forty times referred to things she was asked about 
that took place prior to her concussion?

So, how can she be the most qualified, but can't recall important security 
briefings? Can she be both at the same time?

It's just not all that difficult to operate a Blackberry and keep your email 

---In,  wrote :

It is pretty obvious from the primaries and the eight years under Obama, that 
the Republicans collectively would have a tough time running a gas station. 
Just like the Trump campaign if you can call it that, they would rather have 
the Democrats do all the work and gain all the experience, while they sit back 
and complain, and toss out lies about their opposition. It is not a winning 
strategy, but it is all they have.

---In,  wrote :

If only Garrison Keillor's radio show was as funny as his opinion commentary in 
the Chicago Tribune! 
Speaking of Chicago, why is it that most large cities run by Democrats are such 
cesspools of crime and corruption? How long has it been since Chicago had a 
Republican mayor? Go figure.

---In,  wrote :

For all of you who have a brain and a smidgeon of discrimination read it and 
   #yiv2766184246 #yiv2766184246 -- #yiv2766184246ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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