Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is TM a New Religion? The Federal District Court

2016-05-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I read a lot of the TM-free site last year and I can understand why some people 
feel the way they do in regard to MMY and his latter years’ emphasis upon it 
being essential to have such things as the correct architecture for “a man to 
be right” when originally all that was needed was the do the meditation 
practice regularly. To me, it perhaps demonstrates that just because a human 
has learnt meditation and has practiced it in close communion with masters, it 
does not mean that he is free from bias and human error.
 But I also think that the TM-free people have missed the beauty of the finer 
results of the practice of meditation, and in so doing they have become 
somewhat obsessed because this finer reality of regular meditation is missing – 
and I’m not confining this to TM or TM-Siddhis.
 When I apply my attention to “that which does not change”, I begin to see that 
it is actually “that which does not change” which is really doing the observing 
while my attention “disappears” or is seen as temporary. “That which does not 
change” is like a fine invisible “mist” that permeates everything, me, others 
and all, but it is the “mist” which sees and no longer whoever I thought was 
observing. i.e. “me”. It is very nice to be “mist”. I know some people say that 
Being has no attributes but I have to say that it has the attribute of being 
all-satisfaction. I believe this is just a human experience and the "mist" is 
the basis for something far more tangible and real yet to be revealed.

 So this is why I come to the conclusion that the TM-free people haven’t found 
the satisfaction of “I Am Being-ness” or else they could not be brought to make 
some of the statements I have read. I suppose this sounds crazy-talk to them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is TM a New Religion? The Federal District Court

2016-05-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Upfronter; Nice post.  Brave words to write and post.
 I would doubt that you are alone in this feeling.  Ollie raised the similar 
observation too about larger spiritual experience or the lack there of within 
the Tony Nader thread here relative to some of the Anti-TM’ing on the internet. 

---In,  wrote :

 I read a lot of the TM-free site last year and I can understand why some 
people feel the way they do in regard to MMY and his latter years’ emphasis 
upon it being essential to have such things as the correct architecture for “a 
man to be right” when originally all that was needed was the do the meditation 
practice regularly. To me, it perhaps demonstrates that just because a human 
has learnt meditation and has practiced it in close communion with masters, it 
does not mean that he is free from bias and human error.
 But I also think that the TM-free people have missed the beauty of the finer 
results of the practice of meditation, and in so doing they have become 
somewhat obsessed because this finer reality of regular meditation is missing – 
and I’m not confining this to TM or TM-Siddhis.
 When I apply my attention to “that which does not change”, I begin to see that 
it is actually “that which does not change” which is really doing the observing 
while my attention “disappears” or is seen as temporary. “That which does not 
change” is like a fine invisible “mist” that permeates everything, me, others 
and all, but it is the “mist” which sees and no longer whoever I thought was 
observing. i.e. “me”. It is very nice to be “mist”. I know some people say that 
Being has no attributes but I have to say that it has the attribute of being 
all-satisfaction. I believe this is just a human experience and the "mist" is 
the basis for something far more tangible and real yet to be revealed.

 So this is why I come to the conclusion that the TM-free people haven’t found 
the satisfaction of “I Am Being-ness” or else they could not be brought to make 
some of the statements I have read. I suppose this sounds crazy-talk to them.