Re: official Sticker?

2007-07-07 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Gerold Kassube wrote:


please excuse, is this an official Sticker which can be used, produced
and sell by anyone?

Take a look at

I wonder, because I never saw, that we call it Fedora linux ...

Just a question :-)

No and it is likely a violation of our trademark guidelines to do this. 
If you have a contact address, drop them a mail and point them to the 


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Here are some of my ideas for Fedora 8 and Fedora 9

2007-07-04 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Valent Turkovic wrote:

Sorry if my approach seams a bit rough, but I find english hard to
translate finer points, but as you can guess it is not my mother tongue.

That's ok but this whole discussing has nothing to do with artwork and 
sending such mails to multiple lists is unnecessary. Stick to one list 
and discuss it there. Thanks.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: add new art-work for Fedora 8

2007-07-02 Thread Rahul Sundaram

John Poelstra wrote:

Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Gerold Kassube wrote:

Hi all,

only a question ...
Why a moon-theme for F8?
F7 is named as Moonshine 

maybe we found a name for F8 and than create the themes?!

We wouldn't have time after the name is decided. It is pretty much 
done in the last week or so.

Is there a good reason for why we decide the name at the last minute for 
every release?

Culture. Kind of a Easter Egg that we reveal as a surprise. No technical 


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: add new art-work for Fedora 8

2007-06-30 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Gerold Kassube wrote:

Hi all,

only a question ...
Why a moon-theme for F8?
F7 is named as Moonshine 

maybe we found a name for F8 and than create the themes?!

We wouldn't have time after the name is decided. It is pretty much done 
in the last week or so.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: metacity theme mockup

2007-06-12 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

This metacity reminds Clearlooks 2 found Fedora Core 5. I attached a
variation modifying both minimize and close buttons. Perhaps making
the theme sighly subtle will suffice.

The curved edges in your mockup looks better to me than the square edges 
in Mo's. There are multiple ways to highlight focus including 
indentation, glow, color change (lighter/darker shade or a completely 
different color).

Do we have anyone committed to make the necessary modifications in the 
theme engines? Otherwise all the effort doing the mockups isn't going to 
make a difference.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Don't use trademark images in Grub

2007-06-12 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Matthias Clasen wrote:

You are not listening. No matter how easy it is to split off a
subpackage, legal has asked us to keep all trademarked images in a
single package.

Anyway, there is still an easy way out; just don't use trademarked
images in grub.

That should be pretty easy to do. CC'ing fedora-art list. The plan for 
Fedora 8 is to reduce the branding in the images anyway.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: metacity theme mockup

2007-06-12 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

Rahul Sundaram a écrit :

Do we have anyone committed to make the necessary modifications in the
theme engines? Otherwise all the effort doing the mockups isn't going
to make a difference.


I thought it was a job for Fedora Desktop team. 

It might be but I need specific people to volunteer to do the work 
before go along doing mockups.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: F8 artwork

2007-06-06 Thread Rahul Sundaram

John Baer wrote:


+1 to all of the comments on this thread. But we need to get some 
direction from Red Hat as it's my understanding Red Hat is the owner of 
the desktop artwork.

I'm really pleased on how things are coming around as I see the 
preliminary F8 release schedule is already out!

Mo, can you make an inquiry to the Red Hat desktop team as to what their 
desire is?

Mathias Clasen who started this thread is part of the Red Hat Desktop 
team and has clearly outlined what the desire is. Did you miss that?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Full banner in Brazil

2007-05-31 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Jayme Ayres wrote:

I would like to show this:

Good job. Animated GIF's are pretty nice for quick promo's.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 7 test4 artwork.

2007-04-28 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Wes Armour wrote:

Just a quick e-mail to say I love the balloons theme for fedora 7. In my
opinion it is the best theme and artwork in a fedora release so far.  
The desktop background is fantastic!

Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

[Fwd: Re: icons of latest development openoffice]

2007-04-24 Thread Rahul Sundaram


Something to consider.

On Tue, 2007-04-24 at 19:07 +0200, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
 are the ones provided by openoffice and not the ones usually I got in 
 Is this intended...? I preferred the fedora ones

It looks like the default Fedora GNOME theme is now Fedora which
inherits its icons from Mist, and Mist doesn't have any icons or inherit from one that does. So the fallback is
all the way back to the vanilla OOo icons, bypassing the previous
BlueCurve icons used by that theme and other inheriting themes like

The vanilla icons do look like crap, so hopefully either redhat-artwork
or gnome-themes could be tweaked to use the BlueCurve icons for OOo


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Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: How is the Echo Icon development going on?

2007-03-25 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Mark wrote:

yea still far away, but that time is over faster than you realize ;)
will fedora be delayed when the echo theme isn`t finished? or will 
fedora in that case ship with the fc6 theme and have a full eche theme 
for FC8?

Echo is not a release blocker. Release blockers are described in If the theme isnt in a 
suitable state for default you will get in the next release.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo Cursors - naming spec, description, license, etc.

2007-03-23 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:

Nicu Buculei napsal(a):

Martin Sourada wrote:

Maybe it would be the best. Yet I'll list here some alternatives:

2. GPL [3] - used by Bluecurve, primarily developers license, but
usable for art as well.
3. LGPL [4] - that would allow commercial derivates

GPL also allow commercial derivatives (all the options allow commercial
derivatives), RHEL for example is a commercial derivative, it does not
allow *proprietary* derivatives.
You know, is not about the money but about the freedom.

PS: and even LGPL does not allow proprietary derivatives, it allow to be
used in proprietary products.

PPS: cc-by-sa is somewhat alike to GPL in not allowing proprietary

Thanks for the clarifying. Any idea which one(s) of those would fit a cursor
theme best?

GPL seems to be the popular choice. Note that the since every 
contributor involved has to sign the Fedora CLA we can relicense it 
without tracking down every contributor individually if there is a dire 
need later.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Bluecurve style: announcing QSimpleStyle

2007-03-20 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Joachim Frieben wrote:
Bluecurve was done almost entirely by a single person - Garrett LeSage, 
who does not work for Red Hat anymore. Fedora itself has moved to using 
Clearlooks for GNOME and possibly Plastik for KDE in Fedora 7 which is 
the default upstream themes. The Bluecurve icon set has also been 
replace by Echo in the current development tree.

However, the Bluecurve icon theme was and still is the default icon theme for all RHEL versions 
including 5 [supported until *2014*], and therefore certainly deserves some maintenance either by the 
Fedora community or Red Hat its
At least keep symlinks up to date as in the case of Places  CD/DVD 
Creator which used to show the correct Bluecurve icon up to FC5 
but now uses a Tango one even when the Bluecurve icon theme has been 

What RHEL ships is completely irrelevant to fedora-art list. So if you 
want to file bugs in Bluecurve icons for RHEL, you should use Red Hat 
support channels or bugzilla for RHEL as appropriate.  For FC5 it is 
pretty much in a freeze where security bugs are fixed and such cosmetic 
issues wont get much attention so late in the release lifecycle.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Bluecurve style: announcing QSimpleStyle

2007-03-20 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Kelly wrote:
To be entirely honest, IMO the default for KDE should be Klearlooks for the 
widgets at least.  I have a really effective Dekorator theme which makes KDE 
windows look like GNOME/Clearlook windows, too...

If you are serious about this proposal, you should work with the KDE SIG 
and discuss this in the periodical meetings they have. A default theme 
is something that should be taken very seriously since it affects the 
look and feel, quality etc. At the minimum it should atleast be 
available in the Fedora repository. We are very near the feature freeze 
for Fedora 7 too.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: animation

2007-03-20 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Jack Daniels wrote:

Hi there

I saw Fedora 7 default artwork and it was rely great, I couldn’t believe 
then from that start we will have something like that while I was 
looking work on progress for art work on fedora 7.

While I look on that balloon I feel like it moves slowly and I was 
thinking how about to make an animated short clip for promoting Fedora 7.

So what you think if we start an animated clip for Fedora 7 and to make 
more complete marketing campaign before lunching a new version of Fedora?

Good idea. Are you interested in doing this? Perhaps you can coordinate 
in fedora-marketing list.


Ps: Avoid thread hijacking.

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Bluecurve style: announcing QSimpleStyle

2007-03-20 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Kelly wrote:

Uh... you didn't accidentally assume I have = I designed, did you?

I actually did. That sentence is ambiguous to me.

At any rate, I meant in Fedora, because Klearlooks is the KDE equivalent of 
Clearlooks, which is what Fedora is using as default in GNOME.  I notice that 
generally, it does a good job of unifying the appearance of programs (though 
I am mainly a KDE user, I use GTK+ programs as well, so it's nice to have a 
setup like Bluecurve/QtCurve/*looks to keep the programs looking the same).

So the question becomes since you use that theme in KDE and use Fedora, 
are you interested in maintaining the theme package within the Fedora 

We would need to have it packaged and readily available before we test 
and get feedback to decide on a default theme.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Bluecurve style: announcing QSimpleStyle

2007-03-20 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Kelly wrote:

On Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:11 pm Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Kelly wrote:

Uh... you didn't accidentally assume I have = I designed, did you?

I actually did. That sentence is ambiguous to me.

Sorry, my fault.  I didn't word it very well.

At any rate, I meant in Fedora, because Klearlooks is the KDE equivalent
of Clearlooks, which is what Fedora is using as default in GNOME.  I
notice that generally, it does a good job of unifying the appearance of
programs (though I am mainly a KDE user, I use GTK+ programs as well, so
it's nice to have a setup like Bluecurve/QtCurve/*looks to keep the
programs looking the same).

So the question becomes since you use that theme in KDE and use Fedora,
are you interested in maintaining the theme package within the Fedora

I would, but I'm not entirely familiar with how to design RPM's.  I usually 
just use checkinstall to make packages if I have to.

If you are interested you just have to read the guidelines and submit a 
draft package for review. Other more experienced packages will review 
and provide feedback. Listen and adopt the package according to that and 
you should be get the package into the repository in a short time. What 
this requires is interest and some amount of time doing maintenance work 
like responding to bug reports and keeping the package updated.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Bluecurve style: announcing QSimpleStyle

2007-03-19 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Ricardo Cruz wrote:

Hello there,

 This message is meant to be directed for Bluecurve developers. If you
guys know of a better address please forward to it.

Bluecurve was done almost entirely by a single person - Garrett LeSage, 
who does not work for Red Hat anymore. Fedora itself has moved to using 
Clearlooks for GNOME and possibly Plastik for KDE in Fedora 7 which is 
the default upstream themes. The Bluecurve icon set has also been 
replace by Echo in the current development tree.

 I have recently started a project for having kde applications rendered
as gtk ones (the inverse of gtk-qt-engine). For that, I have come up
with a middle layer which I have called of QSimpleStyle.
 This framework sits on top of QStyle which it shapes into two methods;
one for drawing primitives of the various elements of a widget, the
other asks for attributes of the said elements.

 More info at:

 It is early work, but the efforts you spent with it are efforts
you save from the maintenance of your style as it is especially
useful for cross-desktop styles. Hope to hear from you.

It is useful to have it in the repository and see if we can get people 
to experiment and be creative with it. Do you want to maintain it in Fedora?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Including artwork from older releases

2007-03-10 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

Rahul Sundaram wrote:


Since the plan is to refresh the desktop theme for every release, we
would invariably have folks who like the artwork in one of the
previous releases better than the current one. Since we already have a
rule about not including version numbers in the current release, can
we continue to including the older themes in subsequent three releases
or something like that?

I have not found the source version for each theme (they are in png
format). I looked the background of the oldest Fedora Core release, it
requires some tweak to remove the old text logo. Maybe Diana has the
original files.

Luya, Paul or anyone else interested in packaging the older artwork from 
FC5 and FC6 for F7?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: preference-desktop-theme icon draft

2007-03-09 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Using the monitor icon, I made a variation to fit
preference-desktop-theme.  Is 4 colors on screen enough or should we
go with 9?

Reminds me of the Windows logo. Can you try a few alternatives?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: artTeam Home Page Mockup

2007-03-02 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

1) Overall does this seem reasonable as a replacement for the existing
art page? Is there anything we're forgetting?

Yes but now we are left with two pages - ArtTeam and Artwork. The 
artwork specifications are also duplicated in two pages.

2) An intentional omission here is any reference to the default artwork.
Does anyone not agree with this?

If the artwork handled by Red Hat Desktop team just specify that. That 
would be more appropriate for folks new to the project to understand who 
owns what.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Red Hat Magazine: The Open Palette

2007-02-28 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Check out Nicu's (with some help from me :) ) Inkscape article that 
just got published to Red Hat Magazine today: 

This syncs up with one of the long term team projects we've been 
discussing recently - FOSS Tools promotion and marketing to show 
what you can do with the tools available in Fedora.

Luya asked for the tutorial to be published on the fedoraproject wiki. 
Unfortunately this is not possible due to license incompatibility with 
RHM, but we can link to it.
This gave me an idea: if there are a number of tutorials authored by 
*project members* and published elsewhere we can create a page in the 
wiki listing them (restricted to tutorials from members to provide an 
I can go ahead to create such a page but don't want to create one 
linking only to my tutorials :p

Red Hat magazine articles fall under a creative commons license after a 
period of time. I have seen the articles being republished verbatim in 
other places.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: new subproject: Hackergotchi Service

2007-02-26 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:
Following Máirín's idea of teams working on various projects I started a 
sub-project with a Short-Order Request Queue, perfectly suited  for 
beginners and new contributors: the Hackergotchi Service -

The intention is to have bloggers from Fedora universe not skilled 
enough/ without free time/ with need from someone more experienced in 
the field to have a place where to request a hackergotchi and receive 
help from one of our team members.

When we will have a redesigned page for the Art Project (we really need 
it, to reflect the new goals and structure) I will list it there, for 
now I announced it in my blog (which should push it in Planet Fedora and 

Cool. Added cross references to


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Including the Right People

2007-02-26 Thread Rahul Sundaram

John Baer wrote:


I would like to make sure as we move forward that everyone that should 
be included is included. We are discussing changing some established 
processes and I would regret if these well intentioned discussions were 
received the wrong way.

Specifically, I do not know who supports the Fedora forum and/or the 
Fedora gallery but can someone touch base with these individuals. Our 
discussions are not critical of their excellent work and we need their 
help going forward.

Can you describe what kind of help you are looking for in more detail? 
If you just want to upload some pics into the gallery, anybody could 
register and do so.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Including artwork from older releases

2007-02-23 Thread Rahul Sundaram


Since the plan is to refresh the desktop theme for every release, we 
would invariably have folks who like the artwork in one of the previous 
releases better than the current one. Since we already have a rule about 
not including version numbers in the current release, can we continue to 
including the older themes in subsequent three releases or something 
like that?

The only problem with this is that rhgb is not easily themeable but 
hopefully we are getting rid of that soon enough to not worry about it.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Artwork conversations

2007-02-16 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

I dont consider it a step back. In both cases the concepts was drawn 
and worked up a team and Diana Fong did the final work. The difference 
here might that Mola talked over IRC while John Baer didnt. That's 
just different working styles and prefered modes of interaction.

OK, so using unarchived and closed channels is preferred.

We dont have artificially invent issues. It is a completely public 
channel. Archives are available if you want them.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Artwork conversations

2007-02-16 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Uno Engborg wrote:

Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Nicu Buculei wrote:

I dont consider it a step back. In both cases the concepts was drawn 
and worked up a team and Diana Fong did the final work. The 
difference here might that Mola talked over IRC while John Baer 
didnt. That's just different working styles and prefered modes of 

OK, so using unarchived and closed channels is preferred.

We dont have artificially invent issues. It is a completely public 
channel. Archives are available if you want them.

Actually, this is a little more than artificially invented issue.  The 
problem with IRC is that conversations take place in real time.
This is a problem for projects that may have particepants in different 
parts of the world with different time zones.

Sure but that is a completely different issue which in no way makes the 
channel closed. It is not hard to setup bots which automatically 
archives all the conversations in the channel. I suspect there might 
already be public services which do just that.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Artwork conversations

2007-02-15 Thread Rahul Sundaram


Apologies for the long post but this touches a broader topic. So be 
patient and you will reach the see the light or at the end of my email. 
Are we ready? Good.

I had a opportunity to talk to Diana Fong during FUDCon Boston 2007 
after she came up to talk to me about my perspectives and what I was 
trying to accomplish with the mail I send a few weeks back[1]. On 
hindsight that was probably not clear to everyone involved and might 
have been high sounding. So a longer clarification and some views points 

The conversation we had went on for over an hour about Fedora Artwork 
project in general and specifically about getting a larger number of 
contributors involved from the community, the process and the quality 
that we need to maintain. Diana Fong was worried about the quality of 
the artwork being produced but didnt work to throw off people from doing 
the work. I was highlighting that the conversations usually is happening 
on IRC or blogs which the people here in mailing lists are either not 
aware of or not participation due to differences in time zones and the 
process as being important as much as the quality of the work being 
produced. I suggested that if we cant really collaborate on every step, 
she can at the moment be transparent about her working methodology and 
thoughts would be a good first step. I think her recent series of blogs 
The Voodoo That I Do [2] is effective in that and should be 
appreciated. Not everyone knows equally well to work in the community. 
Unlike say packaging where the line of quality vs community 
participation is tilter in favor of the latter, I believe in artwork it 
should be the former that is given a higher priority. We should not 
sacrifice the good results and throw off skilled contributions just 
because they or we havent yet been able to communicate well with the 
community. Having said that, here is more details to consider.

When the original effort to have a focus on better look and feel was 
done by Diana Fong for Fedora Core 5, it was entirely a single person's 
effort. Folks started noticing especially since the artwork happened to 
be rather in the face compared to the traditional and conservative 
artwork which we had in the past. I thought that went pretty good 
overall even though obviously not everyone liked the artwork.  It was 
controversial enough to be talked about inside and external to the 
Fedora community. Reviews invariably pointed it out in a positive 
manner. It was also a nod to the idea that Fedora is approachable to 
everyone and not just the enthusiasts.

Fedora Core 6 artwork turned out to be even better with the concepts 
drawn by Maureen Duffy, the 3D blender work done Mola and the final 
polishing from Diana Fong. We managed to work as a team, incorporate 
feedback from various circles such as the artwork being too dark 
initially etc. Other than the long term discussions about the trademark 
protection required in the logo vs the need for creativity, I think 
there is agreement that the quality of the artwork in general has been 
good to exceptional. What was not defined and to some extend still 
causing confusion [3] is the process. We had to rush through kind of in 
the last minute with Fedora Core 6 and here we are now worrying whether 
we can do artwork effectively as a community today. I would say that is 
pretty difficult and we would have to learn by trial and error a few 
things and I have some ideas that could help here.

1) Expect to jump through hurdles  :   This shouldnt need much 
explanation but pretty much everytime we have initiated new projects, 
there has been periods of confusion and general mess before we started 
being effective. It is pretty much a established trend that I would be 
surprised we had it all figured out right from the start anywhere. It 
happened with with Fedora in general. Fedora Extras, Fedora 
Documentation and now with Fedora Ambassadors and Artwork projects but 
artwork is rather unique on its own for a number of reasons.

It is very subjective, people tend to take criticisms rather personally. 
We are reluctant to tell people that their artwork is crappy because we 
dont want to give off the impression that we arent appreciating their 
interest or contributions in general and more important we dont have a 
established history of caring about good look and feel and creating 
artwork via the community in general. Every time we had good artwork 
anywhere in the Free software world, it has been done through single 
individuals or by a small focused team. Tiger in GNOME. Crystal SVG 
icons in KDE or closer to home Fedora Artwork in previous releases. The 
other end happens to be troublesome [4]. Some would argue that this is 
indeed true of Free software development in general but I wont go into 
that now. In general, we will figure out the process and if we can make 
it work over time. We might realise sometime later that this just isnt 
working and shut it down 

Re: Artwork conversations

2007-02-15 Thread Rahul Sundaram

John Baer wrote:.

If Fedora is going to be open source then Fedora needs to embrace open
source. The fact Diana was crafting Fedora final artwork off line with
no communication to the team is not open source. It has nothing to do
with polish or talent and has everything to do with equality, integrity,
inclusion, and teamwork. 

Things definitely need to improve there.

I read the slashdot article on Ubuntu and don't attempt to legitimize
Fedora's mistakes with theirs. IMO Mark Shuttleworth does open source
better than anyone and that is why Ubuntu is so popular, but on this
issue he got it completely wrong. If Mark had the time and skill I
believe he would craft the artwork of Ubuntu as the Ubuntu art team had
some of the best talent available. Go to their wiki today and search on
art. I only see one “feisty” page. Go to launchpad and search on art or
“feisty”. Compare that with the effort of “dapper”. These are not the
foot steps Fedora wants to follow.

I wouldnt calling installing proprietary drivers by default and building 
proprietary infrastructure as doing open source better than anyone else. 
Popularity has usually nothing in common with principles. The example 
was that there are similarities elsewhere in the Linux distribution 
world and such issues are not unique to Fedora. It is not a 
justification, otherwise everybody would be repeating the same mistakes 
but one of the moments where we need to take a step back and look at the 
big picture.

Ok, so how do you make it work? 

Being more explicit about the process and expectations would make it 
better. The less we have to assume and make guesses, the better it is.

Use the tools of love, equality, integrity, inclusion, and teamwork to
empower team members. I believe we are all mature enough to know our
limits but that does not mean we can not contribute in a meaningful way.
If the bar has to be high, define clearly what high means.

I would doubt we can clearly define in black and white terms at what 
point we can draw that line but I understand your point neverthless. Ask 
questions. Get answers before you spend time on something. Over a few 
releases, we would have enough answers and understanding on how things 

2. Everyone needs to be working with the same information. Although
Diana's artwork guide was very helpful I noticed her artwork does not
conform to the guide. I'm not saying her art won't work but plainly
things changed and we were not kept in the loop. This is not a talent
issue this is a Fedora's commitment to the team issue.

If there are variations from the guide, point them out. Either the 
guidelines or the artwork would need to be fixed in that case.

3. Publish a schedule which clearly defines what is due and when. The
Ubuntu schedule ( notes
the deadlines for artwork as well as upstream projects. IMO this can be
vastly improved but it is way more than what we were given. At this
moment I honestly do not know when artwork will make it into the mix.
I'm guessing RC2 or RC3?

Our schedule is described in 
My expectation would be the first cut in Test 2 for artwork and more 
polish by Test 3. Atleast that is what I suggested when the discussions 
happened earlier.

Not only should Fedora be able to provide us with a release schedule for
version 7, but a schedule for version 8. I realize things change but the
process is the same.

No. We dont intend to provide release schedules for the next release 
before the current release is done. It depends on each other and we dont 
really plan for two releases at a time.

Finally Rahul here are the disappointments. 

1. It is obvious the intent from the very beginning was to have Diana
produce the final artwork. Why wasn't that stated plainly and clearly?

 ... because that might not have been the intent? What is obvious is 
that you spend time on doing things with some expectations which could 
have easily been avoided. That is a pretty big screwup on leadership. 
Apologies for that.

Will that always be the case? 

I would say we need to determine that based on the quality and polish of 
the artwork produced. It the community can produce the artwork that can 
directly get into the distribution, I see no reason to stop that.

What is the intent for “echo”?

It has been discussed in the list extensively. The intent is to provide 
more icons and see if it can be set as the default for the general 
release if it works out well.

What about

artwork for the doc team?

What about them?

 2. I do not know what tools Diana uses to create her images but many

professional artists use Adobe on Apple or similar product on Windows. I
have had this discussion with Diana and agree it's not the end of the
world if the images for Fedora come from one of these platforms, but
wouldn't it be nice if Fedora made a statement with it's head held high
and showed the world what can be 

Where are we?

2007-01-26 Thread Rahul Sundaram


Should we have IRC weekly meetings to discuss changes and monitor 
progress in #fedora-art channel? I can lead that discussion for a while 
if that is useful.

Otherwise, I have some questions:

* Have we decided a default theme for the different spins in Fedora 7 
release. The desktop spin for Fedora 7 is scheduled to be released soon 
and we are pretty much on the conceptual stage now. Before we put a 
theme into the distribution, we would probably need much more polish. 

* How much more work does it to make the Echo icon theme complete in 
some form? Does echo work with KDE, XFCE etc and can be the KDE or 
applications written in a non-GTK toolkit work with echo properly? Is 
that planned to be done for the general release of Fedora 7?

* Do we want a unified look and feel between GNOME and KDE? There are 
themes like Qtcurve we might adopt.

KDE folks are looking at installing gtk-qt-engine and kmenu-gnome for 
the KDE spin in Fedora 7. Do we intend to install the engine and the 
complimentary GNOME menu extended for the Desktop spin?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Branding Wallpaper

2007-01-23 Thread Rahul Sundaram

John Baer wrote:

Nicu wrote:

I think this is excessive and unneeded branding: both for Fedora and
Desktop Environment. 


Would your preference be no GDM/KDE branding but keep the fedora
branding. Or... would you prefer all branding removed?

Limited or subtle Fedora branding that aligns itself well with the 
overall theme is ok. KDE/GNOME branding is complete overkill to be there 
by default.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: GDM Splash Screen Question

2007-01-03 Thread Rahul Sundaram

David Zeuthen wrote:

Yeah. IIRC, it started becoming really slow (as opposed to just slow)
when we added SCIM; probably worth profiling / filing bugs. 

The non-live CD versions start a whole lot of daemons that not many 
people will use. We enable the smart card daemon by default for every 
installation for example. We should completely eradicate that problem by 
the next release. It is silly.

For example, for English and most European locales input methods are not
needed at all so we should be smart about things and don't automatically
load it. However, for e.g. Chinese and many others locales it's
fundamentally needed so it needs to be on the live CD at least as long
as we have one live CD for all territories. 

That might change though; e.g. we might have separate ones for;
Americas/Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, India, Asia/Pacific or some
other way of breaking it down.

Yes. That would be good. It might be useful have a discussion around the 
roadmap and reasonable schedules for the new features for the live cd 
that people have been wanting. Installation to hard disk, gui for the 
derivates, easy rebranding etc. Look at merging pilgrim and pungi perhaps.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [FC7 theme proposal] Flying High with Fedora 7 - Round 2

2006-12-13 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Do we like this artwork straight/clean/clear? Maybe we could play around 
with a more painterly touch or textures?

E.g., while I stared at this too long when I made it and it's probably 
overkill, something like: 

(it's a little oversaturated for sure; it needs to be tuned down) I was 
kind of going for a grainy-film look. The balloon idea made me think of 
the Smashing Pumkins 'tonight, tonight' music video [1] which had that 
kind of novel quality to it so I wanted to see how it'd look here.



I am not sure whether end users would see that as a particular style or 
just a poor quality image. Kind of like when my grandfather told me to 
properly iron my crumbled look shirt.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: FC7 Theme Round 1 is over, let's start round 2!

2006-12-07 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Leo wrote:

On FRI, 8 DEC 2006, Máirín Duffy wrote:

Okay, so round 1 is officially over. The list that Nicu so helpfully
compiled (thanks!!) is the official list of theme candidates for
FC7. I linked to all of them from the FC7 Theme page as well:

Those are great pictures! Thanks everyone.

One thing that confuses me for a long time is the fact that the art
team is rather concentrated on creating those wallpaper-like
pictures. I am not saying it is not important. They are critical
elements of a consistent-looking theme. But what about the gtk2 and
metacity themes, and the icon theme? Particularly the icon theme, it
is overdue for a change.

Window manager theme was discussed a few weeks at 
We just need to pick that up and polish it more.

The Fedora development tree aka 'rawhide' already has a new icon theme. 


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: New Fedora GTK Theme

2006-11-12 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

I'm Andrea Cimitan (aka Cimi), a gnome themer from Italy. :)
Probably you had known my name in, there I'm Cimi86, and
I've created a lot of themes like Murrine GTK2 Cairo Engine
(, and Candido Themes.

Cimi, thank you for starting this discussion.

Yep. Always nice to have upstream developers collaborate with us. Thanks.

I don't think that this is a matter of the 'art team making a decision 
though. This is a matter of there being absolutely no process. There 
isn't any defined process to get artwork  themes into the distribution 
right now. This is a very old problem so let's just trailblaze through it.

Its not quite a problem really. Ping the when the artwork 
team agrees on something. This will probably go through the desktop team 
for their input too primarily at the code level. It helps to actually 
have this packaged already in Fedora Extras before proposing it for 
Fedora Core.

It seems quite reasonable to at least include this theme engine in the 
distro via Extras if not in Core, as long as someone is willing to 
maintain the package. Would either you or Leo be willing to maintain it? 
If so, you may want to ask someone like Jesse Keating or Rahul about the 
process of getting it into the distribution.

A fedora-list discussion suggest that there are people interested in 
doing this. Since we have a general policy on staying close to upstream, 
it would be nice if upstream people are involved in the packaging 
efforts too. It helps in user - developer interactions. If you are not 
interested in packaging this, you can set bugzilla preferences to be 
automatically CC'ed on all bugs for that particular component. This is 
what upstream Gaim developers do for example.

Where the art team comes in I believe is picking out a default theme for 
Murrine. Can you suggest some nice ones, Leo or Cimi? We haven't decided 
on a theme/style for FC7 yet but once we do I think that'd be the 
appropriate time to specify the colors for the theme.

Does anyone oppose moving to the Murrine engine?

Well, one question. How can we intelligently comment on a engine without 
looking at the code? If the themes are completely customizable which 
apparently is the case here, how do we understand the value of a 
particular engine over another by merely looking at screenshots?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: New Fedora GTK Theme

2006-11-12 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

Le samedi 11 novembre 2006 à 18:02 -0500, Máirín Duffy a écrit :

Hi Andrea, you've posted on the right list, but most themers seem to
insist on using fedora-art-list instead, so I'm pushing it there
No, fedora-art-list *is* the appropriate list. fedora-desktop-list is 
more aimed towards development discussions (although in practice its 
less focused.)

I still think it's not ;) as theming involves usability and other
concerns, not just pretty colours (that's why I don't like evaluating on
screenshots only BTW)

The Fedora artwork team in concerned about usability too. So calling the 
work merely pretty colors is waving off the interaction designers who 
are involved here.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Official Fedora Core 6 media labels

2006-10-16 Thread Rahul Sundaram


I believe duffy's version got the most votes. So I am declaring this as 

We need a official one for consistent branding and I selected one 
because the Fedora Bible author contacted me and wanted us to pick one. 
So there it is.



Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Official Fedora Core 6 media labels

2006-10-16 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

Le Lun 16 octobre 2006 10:18, Rahul Sundaram a écrit :


I believe duffy's version got the most votes. So I am declaring this as

But it seems duffy only did the insert, what matching round CD/DVD label
are people supposed to use?

Having access to the source (I believe Máirín used Inkscape, so SVG), 
the other graphics are trivial to be produced.
Note: on the wiki we don't have sources for any of the proposals and the 
PNGs are very low quality (unusable).

Duffy's proposal has the links to the Inkscape SVG file. If you can 
produce the other variants that we need, lets do that.


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