Re: is system-config-keyboard still necessary?

2006-03-06 Thread Chris Lumens
> On my system with system-config-keyboard-1.2.7-1.1
> If I run in Gnome the System --> Administration --> Keyboard tool, it
> gives absolutely nothing: only an empty window with title "Keyboard" and
> inside a keyboard-key icon with the text "select the appropriate
> keyboard for the system".

This was a bug in firstboot (strangely enough) that's fixed in Rawhide

- Chris

Re: FC5 kickstart i386 and x86_64

2006-03-23 Thread Chris Lumens
> I've downloaded FC5 for i386 and x86_64.  I do netboot kickstart
> installs.  With FC3 and FC4, and previous I think, If I didn't have a
> network stanza in the kickstart config file it would just bypass
> configuring the interfaces and just use the one that was selected during
> the boot process.  With FC5 it asks to configure all the interfaces.  If
> I add a single network line to the config file it bypasses the interface
> configuration again and configures on the interface in the config file.
> My machines don't all use the same interface for network connectivity,
> and I liked the way it worked before.  Any suggestions would be
> appreciated.  Yes I have RTMF.

Kickstart got a major overhaul for FC5, so it's likely I have
accidentally dropped some behavior that was present in earlier versions.
In general, the way we do things is that kickstart asks for any missing
information so in this case, asking for the networking is consistent
with that policy.  However if it's a regression from earlier versions,
file a bug against anaconda and I'll take a look at it.

- Chris

Re: Anaconda: good work!

2006-03-23 Thread Chris Lumens
> I have to agree that the new installer is very nice.
> But despite this I really wish you will apply some bugfixes
> to anaconda and release it in updates. This of course does
> not help with FC5, but it will help those who use anaconda
> to make new distros or respins such as I plan to do (either
> official or unofficial).
> The complete lack of updates to anaconda in FC4 bugged me,
> but I was too late in the cycle to make you reconsider.
> This time around I hope you will atleast take obvious
> bugfixes and maintain the FC5 anaconda atleast for a
> little while. I'm not asking for new features, only fixes.

We can't really do this easily.  Making a new anaconda means making new
first and second stage images, which means making new CD and DVD images,
which means a huge headache for mirrors and for keeping track of all
these versions of images floating around.

One thing we can look into is the possibility of providing an
updates.img from time to time that rolls up fixes, but this has its own
set of problems.  Doing something like that will make debugging in the
future much harder because we'll have to ask people what updates they
might be using in their installation when they report bugs.  I can just
see all sorts of problems resulting from that.

The installer is special.

- Chris

Re: Announcing Fedora Activity Day - Fedora Development Cycle 2009

2009-06-03 Thread Chris Lumens
> > An earlier freeze would have just frozen the work unfinished.  The
> > rewrite was a massive undertaking and we knew it was going to take
> > longer than the release cycle to finish.  Freezing earlier wouldn't have
> > helped.
> Then it should have been done in a work branch and targeted for a later
> release.

Which, of course, it was.  But there's no substitute for real-world
testing.  We do not have nearly the variety of hardware setups, existing
partition layouts, or unusual requirements here that users do.  At some
point, we really do just have to let the new code loose on everyone and
get the broad testing that's supposed to be one of the hallmarks of free

- Chris

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Announcing Fedora Activity Day - Fedora Development Cycle 2009

2009-06-03 Thread Chris Lumens
> It might have helped to find the problem earlier -- I for example got
> the impression that a lot of people had problems with the storage
> rewrite and thus aborted their tests with Alpha or Beta.

There was no storage rewrite in the Alpha, so this isn't the case there.
For the beta, you are correct.

- Chris

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: The death of rhpl

2009-07-30 Thread Chris Lumens
> * rhpl.exception -> Chris Lumens has split out a new package python-meh
>   which includes the exception handling capabilities from rhpl with the
>   added support for filing to bugzilla like anaconda does 

Yeah, I invite anyone who's maintaining a python project with a GUI to
investigate using python-meh.  With this, you get an exception handling
dialog that'll be consistent across programs and offers the ability to
save tracebacks straight into bugzilla.

And it should be fairly easy to get started with, too.

It's the same thing we've had in anaconda for a long time now, just
broken out for everyone.  If you have any questions, feel free to mail

- Chris

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Anaconda multiple Ethernet cards question

2009-09-21 Thread Chris Lumens
> Today while installing F11 from DVD, I noticed something : if one has
> multiple Ethernet cards in his/her computer, if booting with 'asknetwork',
> when it comes to configuring the network you are greeted with eth0 :  address> and below eth1 : . I think it would be niftier if the
> identification string of the card was printed also (eg VIA Rhine III) so
> people would know what card to choose and how.

If you've got two network cards of the same kind, they're going to have
the same description.  Also the UI is constrained to something like <70
characters there so there's not really all that much we can display

- Chris

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: F12 media-less installer totally broken

2009-10-22 Thread Chris Lumens
> - Put the iso on a ntfs partition
> - Put the vmlinuz+initrd.img in F11's grub .. and boot into the installer,
> pointing it to install from HDD
> - The installer cannot pickup the iso

Yeah this probably won't work because of the NTFSness, but what's the
exact error message?  What does the log on tty3 look like?

> - As an alternate I copied the iso to a server, and NFS shared its folder
> - I reboot the installer, point it to nfs .. again it fails to start
> anaconda

What's the exact error message?  What's the log on tty3 look like?

> - Third trial .. on that server I loop mount the iso on /opt and NFS share
> that
> - Boot installer, it tried to mount server:/opt/images (which fails!) (only
> /opt is shared)

What, like you're not exporting the subtree?  You need to do that -
anaconda needs to access /images/install.img to be able to
proceed.  Again, what's the log on tty3 look like?

> - Fourth trial: I expand the iso image completely on disk into a new
> directory, boot into the installer pointing it at that
> - Installer finally picks up, anaconda starts .. I click next a few times,
> partition and format my disk, then an error message mentions "cannot load
> image #1, please insert the CD and try again" ... arrgh

Yet again, what do the log files look like?  Show me /tmp/anaconda.log,
/tmp/storage.log, and /tmp/syslog.

- Chris

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: F12 install stops at screen switch (language select)

2009-11-24 Thread Chris Lumens
> BTW it looks like the "nomodeset" parameter is missing in the list of
> boot options at these two places:

That's because it's not an anaconda option.

- Chris

fedora-devel-list mailing list