Re: RFE: Never, ever steal focus.

2010-01-06 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Adam Jackson  wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-01-06 at 11:23 -0600, Serge E. Hallyn wrote:
>> There is no case where I want a new window or popup to take focus.  Makes
>> for an easy algorithm.  (hitting r in mutt is not a problem :)
> There is no case where _you_ want this, sure.

Some people what that.
Many other people want the focus change to happen in a _few_ limited
cases where it makes sense.

Current behaviour fails to accurately predict those cases (no doubt
because, in part, the limited acceptable cases differ from person to
person), and so you get unexpected focus theft. This is bad for

I think most people are actually in (2), in that a focus steal
directly in response to an action by the user an instant ago isn't
usually considered bad.  Detecting that seems impossible (since you
really need to measure intent, did I intend a new window to come up?).
 And even some people don't want that: I always prefer to load URLs in
the background ... click-click-click pipelining up tabs which load in
the background hiding the page load display. Fortunately that works
*fine* for me using my hacked up configuration, /except/ when firefox
pops up an alert box of any kind.

I think people are generally more comfortable with the computer when
it is highly predictable. _Never_ stealing focus wouldn't be optimal
for everyone, but at least it wouldn't be surprising.  If you cant get
it right, at least be predictable.

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 4:01 PM, nodata  wrote:
> I either start typing a password into a dialog then something steals focus
> and the password is in cleartext, or or the other way round: I start typing
> something in one apps, a password dialog pops up, and I end up typing
> non-passwords there. Ugh. Dangerous and not good.
> This must be solvable, not just for password entry.

In the never-steal case you can learn (through trial and error :( ) to
always click before typing a password.  In the (sometimes or always)
focus stealing case you can't even be conditioned to work with it,
unless you consider visceral terror between each keystroke that the
computer will do something unexpected causing you to type

Both fail, one fails in a more predictable way.

If nothing else, a configuration option would be good.  Though I still
hold that the state least likely to continually produce surprise
should pretty much always be the default.

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Adam Jackson  wrote:
> To pick an example from my daily life: Someone pastes a bugzilla URL at
> me on IRC, and I need to go scroll through it to see what they're
> talking about.

Thats pretty much the opposite of how I work. I'd rather the link
loaded in the backround so that my flow isn't interrupted waiting for
it to load.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: RFE: Never, ever steal focus.

2010-01-06 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 10:00 AM, nodata  wrote:
> I'd like to suggest an enhancement for Fedora 13: nothing should ever steal
> focus from the window I am typing in. If I am typing in a shell window, or
> in a word processor, or an e-mail, nothing should ever take keyboard focus
> away from that window.
> Clearly I'm missing something, otherwise we would have this, hence the
> posting to the list :)

Firefox's focus stealing constantly drives me nuts.  Trigger something
to load things in another tab which later pops up some dialog (like an
htauth dialog), then switch to another workspace ... and BAM, you're
in the middle of typing and firefox has stolen focus. Helps if you're
on a slow network so you have time to really get into your work on the
other window before the theft happens.

I had thought this was a consequence some non-standard window manager
configuration I had... it drives me nuts but I've never seemed to be
able to find the cause.

If you'd like to try it out... go to  middle
click the secret stuff link and then quickly (via the keyboard) switch
to another workspace.   (quickly is only required if your network is
fast and the site is fast... I've had firefox steal focus many minutes
after I last interacted with it)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: packaging a static library

2009-12-30 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:05 AM, Ralf Corsepius  wrote:
> On 12/30/2009 07:29 AM, Jon Masters wrote:
>> One presumes that such auditing is expensive, lengthy, and not often to
>> be repeated. Committing to undertaking a full code audit on every update
>> would seem to be a little unreasonable of a request. So I think it's
>> obvious that if they want to use an audited version, there will have to
>> be a separate audited version.
> Well, I disagree: If they want to use "their auditied version", they haven't
> understood how open source works. They qualify as jerks who prefer to use
> proprietary forks instead of "paying back" to "upstream" and the wider
> user-base.

I'm sure any fixes have been contributed back and that any difference
in /functionality/ are inconsequential.  This reality invalidates your
hostile accusation.  On that point— please tone down the rhetoric,
even if "haven't", "jerks", and "proprietary forks" are fair labels
it's rather premature in the conversation to pull them out.  This kind
of name calling shuts down rational thinking.

The concern here has nothing to do with the material functionality or
directly measurable quality of libtommath, but instead it has
everything to do with the color of the bits
(  The audited
version has a quality which is not held by any other version, but the
quality in question is not an aspect of the functionality.  It's the
quality of being assured.   There is nothing incompatible between
assurance and open-source, although assurance is something that few
open source packages bother providing today, partially because
assurance is so costly. Thus the interest in formal methods
(, as they
can theoretically lower the lifetime costs of high assurance.

Crypto/bignum libraries evolve slowly enough that it isn't at all
surprising to see even soft-assurances being seen as more valuable
than improvements to the code.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Mass rebuild for F13?

2009-12-21 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 5:50 AM, Jakub Jelinek  wrote:
> I do not intend to jump to GCC 4.5 for F13, that would mean I and others
> would have to spend almost all our time on that already by now, while there
> is still a lot of work on GCC 4.4 bugfixing.
> GCC 4.4-RH contains several GCC 4.5 new features backported, so I think we
> can leave GCC 4.5 as a new feature to F14.

Has any thought been given to the changes needed to make use of LTO when the
switch to 4.5 is eventually made?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: packages requiring me to reboot...

2009-12-16 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> you're an experienced user? You're comfortable knowing what does and what
> does not require a reboot? Then why are you using PK?
> Disable pk and do the updates directly via yum.
> Bam - no more requests to reboot.

This is a completely bogus rationale but one I commonly hear on this list.

I, and many other fedora users would be quite *capable* of running our
systems with any help of a distribution, we could go and fetch from
source and do all the integration ourselves...

...but we'd actually like to get some work done using our computers
and don't want to burn our lives away playing master-of-my-own-distro,
though we're willing to spend some time contributing to a shared
effort to build a good distribution for many.

In exchange for not having to personally micro-manage things, we're
willing to tolerate some things being configured in violation of our
own preferences or aesthetics, or even a few things being outright
broken, but that doesn't mean that it's not important for it to work

Yes, I'm quite capable of executing some big manual process or
changing packagekit to behave like I want. But every such action has
costs, it takes time and effort which usually has to be repeated every
upgrade. The non-standard configuration carries the risk of triggering
bugs in other system components, breaking the upgrade process, etc.

The gratuitous reboots are harmful to all users.  They diminish a
significant advantage our systems can have compared to alternatives
like Microsoft Windows. They discourage the reporting of bugs in
applications… "System acting weird? Just restart!".  When triggered at
inconvenient times they can cause significant harm by interrupting
people's work.

Yes— users with more expertise are more likely to complain about this,
but thats not reason to dismiss the issue. If there were truly a
disconnect here betweens the needs of the novices and those of the
expert users you could argue favouring the novices, but that just
isn't applicable here.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: x86-64 on i386 (was Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?)

2009-12-14 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Paul Jakma  wrote:
> If I put you in front of 2 identical machines, one running 32bit
> and one 64bit software, would you be able to tell which one was
> which, from the interactive performance of common applications? I'd
> be willing to bet that for the vast majority of applications you
> wouldn't be.

Yet I could tell from the applications where performance is important.
You reject my metric, I reject yours. Something of an impasse.

> time, when email and browser apps start to demand 4GB+, but that time is a
> while away

I enjoyed how in nearly one breath you claim that performance is usually
irrelevant then go on to name an application where performance is quite
visible: A considerable amount of page load time is browser rendering.

(It's also not too hard to make firefox use more than 3GB of virtual
address space, though I admit you do need to work at it a little)

What was the point of this conversation again?

People have demonstrated on this list, with benchmarks, that x86_64 makes a
material performance improvement across a broad swath of applications where
performance matters.

You point out that users don't care about performance in many cases. I do not
disagree but I have no clue how we can qualify or quantify that.

Certainly, when some website posts benchmarks of Fedora vs other distribution
those threads get a lot of discussion but that isn't really evidence.

I also do not know how it is relevant, in context of x86_64, to Fedora as the
use of x86_64 is effectively free. The costs, such as reduced compatibility
with binary browser plugins, are simply not relevant to many people.

You're obviously convinced of your opinion, other people hold the view that
good performance is part of the distribution's core job.

Other than the point that x86_64 also increases security (from greatly
increased address space layout randomization, and reduced PIE cost), I think
we've hit on every point for and against using x86_64 in this thread— yet
I think not a single person has changed their initial view.

I don't see how any resolution is going to come from further discussion.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-12-09 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> and then you have to do that as well for updates. :(

Not if you don't have a separate updates repo, no?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-12-08 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Ralf Corsepius  wrote:
> That's one side, the other side is:
> * Larger demands on RAM (x86_64 is more demanding on memory
>  requirements).

Even if it were a full doubling (which is the absolute worst case
possible), it would only be pushing the effective cost of memory back
roughly 18 months or so. In reality the increase should be much less
than 2x.

> * More packages (rpms) to cope with.

Hmm?  I'm not sure what you're talking about there. It's completely
reasonable to run an exclusively x86_64 system. I don't see why it
implies any more packages.

> * The "faster" is hardly sensible to ordinary users.

You could equally say that the difference in memory consumption is not
relevant to most ordinary users.

Performance matters to everyone at least sometimes, but memory is only
a big issue when you don't have enough. I think very few people
running fedora are all that low on memory.

Fedora has already chosen to make the 32bit builds incompatible with
pre-686 systems for performance gains much smaller than you typically
get from x86_64 vs x86, so it seems that some people think that
performance is pretty important.

Even the most undemanding users care about performance in at least
some areas, for example on any given hardware x86_64 libtheora can
play larger videos than 32-bit. On some hardware x86_64 vs 32bit is
the difference between good and bad 1080p playback.

I think if your position is that most users don't care about
performance and other things (like compatibility) are more important
then you should strongly promote x86_64 Fedora for everyone who can
use it. If x86_64 fedora is widely used by those who can there will be
less pressure to put leading-edge but less compatible features into
the 32bit fedora build.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: memset bugs.

2009-11-27 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 1:26 AM, Roopesh Majeti
> Hi All,
> Iam new to this fedora world.. a small question on the below discussion:
> It is mentioned that having, zero in the third argument is legitimate use
> cases. Can somebody direct me to such a use case, as i feel, giving memset a
> zero, is asking it, not to do anything [ might have side effects, not sure
> from my end, though ].

It's legitimate because the zero may ultimately be derived from macro values
and restructuring the code to avoid the memset depending on defined values
may be non-trivial or even impossible.

John Reiser provided a good example:

Where its not a programming bug the memset(,,0) is harmless: GCC optimizes it
out completely.

A literal zero prior to preprocessing is either a bug, or some kind of dead-
code causing place-holder.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Security testing: need for a security policy, and a security-critical package process

2009-11-23 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Adam Williamson  wrote:
> Having said that - is everyone agreeing that it's fine for each spin SIG
> to be entirely in charge of defining and implementing security policy

Different spins having different security makes sense, especially if the
differences are well documented.

Hopefully the differences are an invitation to do bone-headed things:

If some some spin decided to make every user run as root, ship with no
have password-less accounts, or have insecure services enabled by
default, etc. it
would risk tarnishing the Fedora image and result in Fedora being
banned from networks
even if it really was just the insecure-spin.  I'm sure that everyone
can be trusted
not to do these things, but it may be worth stating explicitly that
security should
be a goal for all spins— only the details of the trade-offs should differ.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Security testing: need for a security policy, and a security-critical package process

2009-11-23 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 6:39 PM, Jesse Keating  wrote:
> Sure, I don't disagree, but I think we can take spots list and use it
> for the 'guest account'.  Then you start picking things off the list as
> you move up the stack to 'university computer lab user (is that really
> much different from guest?)', to 'non-admin user', to 'admin user'.

I tend to think of guest as equal to "kiosk" i.e. the user is expected to
be toxic waste incarnate, with no accountability... and that it is acceptable
to substantially limit a guest in a way which wouldn't be so acceptable for
a regular user. For example, the account could be locked down with MLS so that
regardless of how other users have (mis-)configured their home directory
permissions guest can't touch it (or other user's files in /tmp), or strict
ulimits on guests so they can't OOM the system or forkbomb it.

Users that have named accounts can usually be presumed to have some
accountability: they may be clueless but if they do something malicious you
know who they are. They're also less likely to enjoy bizarre limitations on
their abilities.  I think this generally maps well to the capabilities of
a regular user account on a classic multi-user unix system.

I suppose you could go on to define a kind of power-user role which has,
effectively, all the 'safe' parts of root... the idea being that the user
probably has root on the system in any case, so giving the safe bits
(mostly various system level settings like adjusting the time,
user-application add/remove, system updates, etc) makes things easier and
eliminates transitions to the more dangerous admin account.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: PackageKit policy: background and plans

2009-11-23 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Jesse Keating  wrote:
> This is precisely the dialog that has been removed from F12 and is not
> planned to be returned.

My understanding was that this was removed because collecting the root password
during a user session is insecure because there could be a sniffer or the dialog
could be faked.

If I understand you correctly you are saying that even if this weakness were
addressed (e.g. through whatever means make fast user switching secure) that
the feature would not be re-introduced.  Am I misunderstanding?

If I am not misunderstand, can you point me to the real reason that this feature
was removed?


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: PackageKit policy: background and plans

2009-11-23 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Peter Jones  wrote:
> On 11/23/2009 01:24 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
>> I haven't tried the the fast user switching in fedora... Hopefully it is
>> using some kernel mode secure path to prevent users from stealing each others
>> credentials, if it isn't then one should be established for it. Why not use 
>> the
>> same facility to switch to a system administration desktop, locked down a 
>> bit by
>> default (use SE linux to make various unsafe user tasks like firefox,
>> open office, etc unable to run in this admin context) to discourage
>> casual use.
> Wait, you're arguing for this *instead* of finer-grained elevations of 
> privilege
> governed by policy files which can be locally overridden safely?

I'm arguing for a secure way for users to obtain authoization to
perform administrative
operations instead of elevating them by default, and expecting the
computer operator
to go and hunt down the moving target of security holes in every new
version of Fedora.

This isn't mutually exclusive with finer-grained elevations but would
allow finer grained
elevations to stay out of the default install:  When additional
privileged is needed, the
system prompts you to authenticate via a secure prompt. At that point
if you have the
required credentials you could authorize the activity and, optionally,
permit that account
to perform the same operation in the future.

Obviously this kind of one-off permission granting isn't reasonable in
a large environment,
but large environments are the place where "customize the policy" is a
workable answer
especially when the systems is secure by default and customization can
be applied
selectively at the greatest pain points.

This is a point I think people miss when advancing the position that
it's only to be less
secure for convince sake as you can customize your way out of a
security hole: Customization
has a non-trivial cost. If it didn't we'd all run build our systems
from scratch rather
than using distributions.  To customize you must learn, understand,
and track changes from
version to version. If you're only customizing to make your systems
easier the customization
trade-off is easy to balance: When something annoys you, you learn
about and then customize
only that.  But when you need to customize to get the expected
security behaviour you must
carefully evaluate all the security properties because insecurity is
largely invisible
until its too late.

>> Surely this would be preferable to reducing the security against
>> common casual threats.
> I think you've characterized things backwards here.

Perhaps. I know that in my environment someone running software on my account to
sniff the credentials is less likely than someone sitting at my
computer and twiddling
knobs while I walk away (but not long enough to get away with
rebooting the system).
If they could sit at my account they could start up such a sniffer,
but the sort of
people who would screw with my systems probably wouldn't.

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Krzysztof Halasa  wrote:
> I'm not talking about reducing security. su, sudo are already suid root
> (on most systems at least, especially su). Yes, this is, or at least may
> be, a security risk. Admin entering root's password in insecure session
> to install software is another security risk. That obviously doesn't
> mean I want non-root users to install system software at will.

Though this isn't necessary. A facility to obtain elevated authority could be
provided which eliminates this risk.

> I just say that when it comes to entering the root password (and/or
> installing system software), it should be done in a secure manner,
> preferably not from within user X session (unless the risk = the fact
> of user = root equivalency is explicitly and specifically understood
> and accepted).

Sorry— I thought you were taking the further position that because entering
the password is also a risk, that it's okay to simply give subsets of privileged
to users.  You're correct. It's a risk which should and can be eliminated.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: PackageKit policy: background and plans

2009-11-23 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:37 AM, Krzysztof Halasa  wrote:
> Kevin Kofler  writes:
>>> I never tick those boxes.  I'd like to know how to get rid of them
>>> entirely.
>> Upgrade to F12 (with the latest PackageKit update), there's no such checkbox
>> in F12's PolicyKit.
> This is good.
> Also we should remember that user entering root password in user's
> session makes the user account practically equivalent to root (it can be
> seen as a protection against incidental damage, but not against a real
> attack). The only secure way has to use a fully trusted path from the
> person to the root process - e.g. logging as root (or root-equivalent)
> initially, with a physically secured console (some sysrq-k or
> ctrl-alt-del combo which cannot be remapped or blocked by non-root etc).
> E.g. using su or in most cases sudo etc. makes the non-root account
> equivalent to root. This can be, of course, deemed secure as long as we
> accept and understand this equivalency.

There are many kinds of security threat out there. For example, a few dishonest
people within the fedora project could conspire to backdoor the heck out of
Fedora with a reasonable chance of not getting caught.  Does this fact mean that
we should not bother with signing packages or other security measures?

Likewise, someone could load up some kind of X sniffer that intercepts the root
password when its typed in. Someone could also break into your house
and take apart
your computer. Yet in many environments these threats are insignificant compared
to a co-worker or family member casually twiddling around with the machine.

I haven't tried the the fast user switching in fedora... Hopefully it is
using some kernel mode secure path to prevent users from stealing each others
credentials, if it isn't then one should be established for it. Why not use the
same facility to switch to a system administration desktop, locked down a bit by
default (use SE linux to make various unsafe user tasks like firefox,
open office, etc unable to run in this admin context) to discourage
casual use.

Surely this would be preferable to reducing the security against
common casual threats.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: F12: where did window properties go?

2009-11-21 Thread Gregory Maxwell
2009/11/20 Pádraig Brady :
> Jesse Keating wrote:
>> You're making the assumption that the change was made to save space.  It
>> wasn't.  I can't find the original thread right now, but it's part of a
>> cleanup on configuration tools.  Upstream felt it no longer necessary to
>> expose this
> Wow. Did they get any estimates on the % of users that set this option
> before coming to that decision?
> IMHO the only advantage an overlapping window manager has over
> say a tiling window manager is in conjunction with sloppy focus.

This is completely consistent with what is going on a decade of behaviour
from that particular upstream.   If you don't want your usability removed
in the name of usability, don't use gnome. A quick google on this will find
you dozens of times were that particular complaint fest has been had... it
won't be productive to have it again.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: PackageKit policy: background and plans

2009-11-20 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 12:26 AM, Conrad Meyer  wrote:
> On the contrary. On the typical single user system, it's just as bad if an
> attacker can steal / delete / modify the user's files as it is if the attacker
> can modify / delete system files. Privilege escalation isn't needed to delete
> everything the single user cares about.

Not quite.  For example, it's much easier to fix a system which has only had a
user account compromised, since if you actually trust that its only the user
account you can skip the full reinstall.

This is also assuming a strictly single user system. With features like fast
user switching it wouldn't be inadvisable or especially inconvenient to operate
business and pleasure activities from separate accounts. I don't know anyone
that does this today, but as it becomes easier to do so and if the systems don't
continue to go down the route of giving the local accounts root access then it
may be a practice which becomes common.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Security policy oversight needed?

2009-11-19 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Jesse Keating  wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 12:33 -0500, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
>> ...add what you want, and have PolicyKit pulled in as a dependency.
>> When this discussion came up I tried doing a yum erase PolicyKit on
>> one of my systems and had it offer to remove some 372 package,
>> including xorg-x11-drivers.
> I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.  PolicyKit is an integral
> part of our distribution.  The policies that get loaded into PolicyKit
> can come from different sources though, either a blanket policy package,
> or individual policy files to go along with individual packages.  So in
> your case, while you have PolicyKit installed, you may not have had
> PackageKit, nor the policy that would grant PackageKit to do thing for
> local users.

We obviously must be talking past each other.

I see people complaining that they don't want these non-unixy policies
being silently installed on systems where they are surprising and
where they are configured in invisible ways that skilled unix admins
will fail to discover.

You pointed out that a server install can/should be conducted by
installing a fairly limited set of packages.

I'm trying to point out that installing limited packages doesn't fix
the problem because it is not clear which packages are responsible for
setting (subverting, depending on your outlook) system wide security
policy… except PolicyKit itself, which you can't leave out.

In the past I could simply check to see if a package contained SUID 0
binaries or modified a small number of fairly obvious system config
files and have good confidence that it wasn't changing the root/user
boundary line.

This takes us back to the beginning of the thread where Chris was
calling for auditing, oversight, and accounting for significant
security modifying behaviours.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Security policy oversight needed?

2009-11-19 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Jesse Keating  wrote:
> We have a server spin, and it's boot.iso/netinst.iso.  And no, I am not
> joking.  Servers are installed by starting with the smallest possible
> package set to get the system booted and on the network, then adding the
> specific functionality you want the server to perform, such as http
> server, or mail server.  Nothing more.  It is the very essence of start
> from nothing, add what you want.

...add what you want, and have PolicyKit pulled in as a dependency.

When this discussion came up I tried doing a yum erase PolicyKit on
one of my systems and had it offer to remove some 372 package,
including xorg-x11-drivers.

I don't mind at all that I have to type my administrator password in
to do root privileged things on my desktop or laptop. I don't want the
normal security model to be circumvented in odd ways.

And I really wanted a batteries-not-included server I'd install gentoo.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-11-19 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 9:13 PM, King InuYasha  wrote:
> Except, that could be false advertising. In most cases, where CPU
> computation is not used heavily, 64-bit is actually SLOWER than the 32-bit
> counterpart. Optimizations are narrowing the gap, but it still remains
> true.

You might want to try restating that, because what you're saying
sounds like "In cases where the CPU isn't used, 32bit is faster".
Which isn't sensible.  What I think you're intending to say that
x86_64 is only faster on small tight pure-compute kernels like data
compression or image processing, but I don't believe that is correct
anymore.  The biggest gaps I encounter in x86_64 performance anymore
tend to be due to things like missing optimizations in glibc.

x86_64 supporting 64bit registers is really only a small aspect of the
enhancements. Other important improvements include SSE2 as a mandatory
architectural feature (as well as a number of other things, like
cmov), support for larger processes, improvements to syscall entry,
and a doubling of the registers (also sse registers).  The last of
these is very important because x86 has historically been very
register starved and x86_64 makes it basically reasonable.

The primary downside of x86_64 is that the larger pointers increase
memory usage. You might expect to see some loss in performance from
increased cache footprint, but I don't on the multi-megabyte caches on
the desktop CPUs.

Suggest a benchmark.

Now— On a memory starved system. Thats another matter entirely, you
have my full agreement that 32bit installs are better off if the
alternative is 64bits and swapping. :)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Security policy oversight needed?

2009-11-18 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Mike McGrath  wrote:
> I think that's too subjective though.  I'd be more in favor of a simple,

How is this subjective? At one time it was the norm that you had to
justify a SUID 0 binary. Packagekit is basically allowing the same
thing through other means. It should be subject to at least the same

> broad view of what the user should be able to do without root.  It's
> possible "install packages" would be on that list, it's possible not.
> That way packages could ask themselves "does this break the policy?"  If
> it doesn't, great.  If it does, time for a bug report.
> Better then a review process because then everyone would generally know
> what to expect.

Some kind of review and disclosure should still be required because
security holes can be astonishingly difficult to spot as bugs, yet
utterly trivial to exploit.

The time configuration policy is actually a fantastic example of this:
After it was pointed out that any user could change the time
willy-nilly the complaint was disregarded and denied by many because
the dialog *did* ask for a password, as would be the classic unix
security model expectation. Except… it was asking for the *users*
password rather than a root password— so if you happen to know both
(or if they are the same) you could test it and fail to realize that
it was violating the long-standing expectation.

There is also the significant possibility of policy interaction. A
sufficiently general policy (i.e. one which isn't just the policykit
policy) could possibly permit configurations which are acceptable in
isolation but which are hazardous in practice.

E.g. perhaps one policy permits the install of packages from
pre-configured repos and another policy permits the user to add repos
(to make it easy to navigate them in the package management

(Not the adding packages from existing repos isn't already a terrible
security hole: Unless you have very specific rules about the default
configuration of packages in the repo it's likely that some of the
packages will violate the security expectations when installed)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-11-18 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 1:55 AM, Josephine Tannhäuser
> 2009/11/18, Gregory Maxwell :
>> I noticed that appears to be
>> strongly promoting i386 Fedora over x86_64. Is this intentional or an
>> oversight?
> I think this is a script which reads your currently used architecture
> and provide a dl link. please insert a x86_64 livecd and try it again!

As others have pointed out: this is not so and probably can't produce
reasonable results.

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 1:55 AM, Jeff Garzik  wrote:
> However, if you just want a single "download now" button, 32-bit would get
> you the widest hardware coverage.

Absolutely.  Although it was my understanding that the stated goal was to
encourage everyone on capable hardware to run x86_64, and previous
editions of the download page did seem to do that.

I don't personally have much of a horse in that race beyond the fact that I
argued against dropping support for some older systems in the 32 bit build
based on the position that users on new hardware should be running x86_64.

There is obviously a trade-off in having the simplest possible install vs
getting people the best platform support. Considering the complexity of
the overall install I think the extra work to select an architecture at
download time would be a comparatively small hurdle.

In any case— the trade-off here should be consciously chosen and not the
result of an oversight in the development of the download page.
(Which I think think is generally quite good).

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-11-17 Thread Gregory Maxwell
I noticed that appears to be
strongly promoting i386 Fedora over x86_64. Is this intentional or an

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Buyer Beware: A Major Change in NFS (in Rawhide) is about to happen

2009-10-29 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 1:13 PM, Steve Dickson  wrote:
> On a pre F-12 Server:
>   2) Added the '/ *(ro,fsid=0)' entry to the /etc/exportsfile and
>      reset the exports with 'exportfs -arv' (see exports(5) for details).

*Please* stop recommending this to people.

This is a myopic configuration change which will violate the security
assumptions of almost any system out there.   It's not what
practically anyone wants. Arguably the exports tool should even
prohibit this kind of configuration unless you set some
yes-I-really-intend-to-be-completely-insecure knob, it's certainly not
something that should be recommended as a fix for "help! nfs stopped
working when I upgrade to F13".

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Buyer Beware: A Major Change in NFS is about to happen

2009-09-30 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 9:42 PM, Chris Adams  wrote:
> Once upon a time, Steve Dickson  said:
>> On the server (Which is suggested):
>>    * Add the following entry to the /etc/exports file:
>>      / *(ro,fsid=0) Note: 'fsid=0' is explained in the exports(5) man pages.
> The "suggested solution" is to change your NFS servers (that work just
> fine with other clients today) to export the root filesystem to
> everybody?

Yea— It would be ill-advised to actually recommend this to people.
Someone might actually listen and be rather unhappy that your
suggestion undermined their security assumptions.  (Okay, you can say
someone who doesn't understand what that line does shouldn't be adding
it to their exports; but people will)

If this change in default behavior doesn't go in to F12 does the
correct handling of the pseudo-root go in?  For all the arguments
against accepting the behavior change at a late date, accepting the
server fixes seems far less scary and getting them in ASAP will make
the behavior change less disruptive in the future.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: crypto consolidation status?

2009-09-27 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 1:44 AM, Ken Dreyer  wrote:
> I read the wiki page[1] on Fedora's effort to consolidate all the
> crypto libraries. Quite an ambitious task! FWN [2] reported on the
> rather large discussion back in '07, but I didn't see any resolution.
> Is this still a goal for Fedora? The main wiki page hasn't been edited
> in almost a year (although the scorecard is still being maintained).
> The reason I bring all of this up is that Server Name Indication has
> recently been implemented into httpd's mod_ssl, but SNI is not present
> in mod_nss[3]. If we abandon mod_ssl for mod_nss, we would lose this
> functionality.

Is this even a fair and reasonable goal unless the NSS upstream is
really interested in becoming a superset of the functionality offered
by the other crypto libraries?  (I don't know for surethat NSS' goal
is not to— but I think thats unlikely. It's hard to even start a
comparison because NSS doesn't appear to have developer documentation
covering low level cryptographic functions)

Is it reasonable when other package upstreams may not find the
licensing of NSS to be acceptable (i.e. an upstream which is 100% BSD
for it and all its dependencies), or would prefer not to use NSS for
stylistic reasons— Would fedora carry patches for these applications
in perpetuity?

It's not even clear to me what exactly some of these goals mean i.e.
"Get a cert using Firefox, use it in SSH" when ssh doesn't (normally)
use X.509 certificates.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: GCC var-tracking-assignments: testing and bug reports appreciated

2009-09-09 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 11:53 PM, Michel Alexandre Salim
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 9:46 PM, Alexandre Oliva  wrote:
>> Jakub built gcc-4.4.1-10 earlier today, with a new feature that
>> generates much better debug information in optimized programs.
>> The feature has been under development for a couple of years, and it's
>> recently been accepted into GCC, for GCC 4.5.  We've backported it for
>> Fedora 12.
>> I'd appreciate if you Cc: me on any bug reports you hit that might be
>> related with this new feature (GCC internal compiler errors, verify_ssa
>> failures, crashes, etc).
> This bug affects LLVM on ppc:

I don't see a more recent pass in Koji. Did you try compiling with
-fno-var-tracking-assignments  does it help?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Minitube - youtube for your desktop, still a little early in development

2009-09-03 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Adam Miller wrote:
> Hey all,
>    I packaged up this app I stumbled upon called minitube
> ( but it seems a bit unstable and I
> don't really want to toss it up to a package review until its stable
> enough to be shipped but I wanted to mention it to see if anyone might
> find a use for it, would help testing and submitting bugs upstream,
> etc.

What would be the point of packaging something which can not operate
without codecs that fedora can not and should not ship?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Empathy default in F12?

2009-08-17 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Mathieu Bridon
(bochecha) wrote:
>> I understand the urge to ship empathy because it's included in gnome
>> -- but let's be honest: if the two clients were judged side-by-side
>> and rated, there's not a chance in hell empathy would win. : )
> ... and yet some of us definitely prefer it to Pidgin. :)
> I'm not sure the default apps should be chosen by popularity. Each
> spin is produced by a team. This team has a vision of what they want
> their spin to be like, and they choose the default apps according to
> this vision. If you want to participate in the choice of the default

I don't think anyone is calling for a vote here. (Though if there were
one… I think the outcome would be obvious).

The kind of non-trivial feature gaps that have been raised are exactly
the sort of criteria which should influence in a decision, regardless
of popularity.

Vision is grand. I hope that software which meets peoples needs, and
software which protects people's confidentiality is part of the shared
fedora vision.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Empathy default in F12?

2009-08-17 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-08-16 at 18:02 -0400, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
>> But since other people may not care about that (i.e. Empathy
>> developers mock people who want confidentiality, i.e.
>> ),  I thought I'd see if I
>> had any other concerns.
> Given that this was an April's Fool, I don't really see what the problem
> is here...
> You'll have to find another source to prove that the upstream don't
> actually care about OTR support.

Do I? It was an aside. It is indisputable that the functionality does
not currently exist, and is not planned.

The official FAQ[1] states that they only intend to support
protocol-native encryption. This position neglects the large base of
users that have no interest in switching IM networks and who are
completely satisfied by auto-negotiating overlay encryption.


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Empathy default in F12?

2009-08-16 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 3:40 AM, Rahul
Sundaram wrote:
> On 08/16/2009 01:05 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
>> The F12 feature still indicates the switch to Empathy as a default IM
>> client in Fedora.
>> However, the talk page for the feature
>> ( raises material
>> concerns that the switch to Empathy would result in an insufficiently
>> justified loss of functionality.
>> Where does this currently stand?
> My understanding is that Empathy is still planned to be the default.
> What specific concerns do you have?

For me? It doesn't support OTR. Which is basically a non-starer for
me. Thanks to the robust support in whatever client is popular in OSX
plus pidgin on windows every single one of my contacts is OTR-enabled.
 Pushing people back to eavesdropping vulnerable IM is arguably
unethical and not something that I'm going to do.

But since other people may not care about that (i.e. Empathy
developers mock people who want confidentiality, i.e. ),  I thought I'd see if I
had any other concerns.

Testing rawhide I found that it doesn't appear to have file transfer,
which isn't a feature I use much but I know its important to other


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Empathy default in F12?

2009-08-16 Thread Gregory Maxwell
The F12 feature still indicates the switch to Empathy as a default IM
client in Fedora.

However, the talk page for the feature
( raises material
concerns that the switch to Empathy would result in an insufficiently
justified loss of functionality.

Where does this currently stand?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Lower Process Capabilities

2009-08-15 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Stephen Smalley wrote:
> If you want something more akin to privilege bracketing within a
> program, then a closer analog in SELinux would be setcon(3) to switch to
> a more restricted domain.  But in general our goal is to enforce
> security goals at the system level and not depend on the correctness of
> the application to shed privilege.

But then, of course, we depend on the correctness of the system to
deny privileges.  Considering the number of users that disable SELinux
entirely— this surely can't be counted on.

And the historic number of applications which fail to shed privilege
(to the limited extents possible) shows that depending on the
application also isn't a complete solution.

It seems to me that the approaches could be complimentary— It would be
very nice if applications could drop any SELinux controlled privileged
at runtime, either temporarily or permanently.  This would not replace
the system level protection but would supplement it by remaining
active even if the wider protection were partially disabled, by
offering finer granularity, and by giving developers a greater
opportunity to participate in the use of SELinux (perhaps resulting in
more applications being structured in SELinux friendly ways).

Capabilities are agreed to be far too coarse, and they only subset
root when we really want to subset user permissions too. SELinux
provides many nice hooks. Developers would like to right software that
remains as secure as possible even if a user has goofed up the file
permissions.  Is there no possible improvement here?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: License change for ghostscript

2009-08-05 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:32 PM, Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Tom spot Callaway  said:
>> On 08/05/2009 02:38 PM, Jussi Lehtola wrote:
>> >Apropos, what's the license in case a GPL package links against OpenSSL?
>> >GPL with exceptions or what? Or is it even allowed?
>> So, in this specific case, I'm still arguing with Red Hat Legal, and we
>> have not determined our final stance.
> This brings up something I've wondered: if you program to an API where
> there are multiple implementations, is your program a derived work of
> one of them, the other, or both?

So— you make the matter a lot harder to discuss by taking about "your
program (being) a derived work".

The whole notion of the linking boundary creating a derived work is
unnecessary for copyleft, and trying to apply it adds more confusion
than clarity.

Here is a conceptual framework for analyzing the issue which is pretty
robust against corner cases like the multiple APIs:

The licenses of pagkage X is only relevant when you are
using/distributing package X and can only set the conditions under
which you may use/distribute it.  However, the license can stipulate
nearly arbitrary conditions: "Can only make copies of this on
tuesday", "This license is void for copies placed on physical media
which have been stored within 15 feet of a microsoft product", "Only
valid for use by women named 'Bob'", etc.  None of these should be
understood as effecting things outside of the software in any kind of
direct way: The license hasn't required you to get a sex and name
change, but rather said you can't use the software unless you do.

So if you create a piece of software that can equally link to X or Y,
and you never use/distribute X yourself  you are simply not within
reach of X's licensing terms.  If someone else takes your software and
X then sticks them on a CD, then they are obligated to follow X's
license, which may include terms that make depends about the licensing
of other software— ... software that links to it... software on the
same media  software in the same building ... software that starts
with the same letter.  Doesn't matter. Whatever the conditions are,
they are the conditions for using X.  If you can't simultaneously
satisfy the requirements of X and the requirements of some other
software package you'll have to stop distributing one or the other or
risk litigation from whomevers requirements you're violating.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: openssh-blacklist - careless waste of space.

2009-08-01 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Steve Grubb wrote:
> On Friday 31 July 2009 04:42:12 am Frank Murphy wrote:
>> I think what is meant, it that the app is useless, without either
>> web\media input. Which the user should not have to do to take full
>> advantage of it.
> I think this is a bit like virus definitions.

It's more akin to a bad password list.

> 800Mb is excessive to ship in a
> package. I think the definitions could be created by a script, but will take
> some time to generate. Maybe adding a generator for people not connected would
> let them recreate the content?
> But a 800Mb package is bigger than the livecd.


Openssh-blacklist is a list of bad keys that could have been generated
by the debian lack of entropy bug.

In it should be a couple of text files: A DSA key file, and an RSA key
file for each of a couple common key sizes.  Each file should have
100k lines or so with just a fingerprint on them.. all in all it
should just be a couple of mbytes.

It looks like that distribution also includes the full public and
private keyparts for the bad keys in addition to the fingerprints.
That isn't needed for bad key screening— that additional info is only
really needed by attackers.

After the vulnerability I screened the accounts on my systems and
found a couple of these bad keys just from giving my ubuntu/debian
running friends access to rsync data, so this is a risk for fedora
users too.

Not only should this install without requiring a live internet
connection but these, or at least a subset with the most common key
sizes, should really be part of the default ssh install along with the
feature in SSH that causes it to refuse to use these keys.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Firewall rules using SELinux context (Was Re: RFE: FireKit)

2009-07-24 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 5:49 PM, Roland McGrath wrote:
> So I think most of us in this discussion probably don't actually understand
> SECMARK.  I sure didn't.  I think I might now, sort of.  The SELinux policy
> just says contexts, and it doesn't say anything about the port numbers.
> The point of SECMARK is that you write port-matching rules that are what
> sets the context on those packets.  You have to write those rules by hand
> (or somehow) or else there just aren't ever any packets anywhere that are
> marked with the right context so they match the SELinux policy for what the
> given daemon is allowed to see.
> So I think what one really wants is just a better level of admin/packaging
> coordination.  That is, you would really like to write in one place both
> the SELinux policy and the port numbers (i.e. iptables matching rules) you

Not just port numbers.

For example.  I might want to confine CUPS to only speak to localhost
and;;, so that if
something running as cups_t is compromised it can only talk to my
print servers and not phone home or get messages from an external
botnet controller.

I think SECMARK can do this, but I think that it would require me to
change the SE linux policy to only allow cups_t to touch cups marked
packets.   I think this would be much easier to administer as pure
firewall rules, i.e.

-S --dctx cups_t -j ACCEPT
--dctx cups_t -j REJECT

--sctx cups_t -D -j ACCEPT
--sctx cups_t -j REJECT

As far as I can tell the only way to get the same general behavior
from SECMARK is it to make the SELINUX policy require the marking then
have a bunch of marking rules.  Then your apps break if the firewall
is not activated. I consider this a bootstrapping problem.

I'm also not sure how you could achieve multiple contexts being
permitted to access a particular set of traffic using secmark  nor can
I figure out how you could accomplish the output side.

fedora-devel-list mailing list


2009-07-07 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Adam Jackson wrote:
> So, if Frobnitz Inc. distributed Mono, and then filed suit against
> Microsoft for infringing one of Frobnitz' patents in the Microsoft C#
> implementation, they would lose the right to distribute Mono [1].
> In other words, it's a MAD agreement.  You're not even agreeing that any

Sadly most MAD agreements are also uni-lateral disarmament agreements.
They are only really mutual when the participants are true peers and
otherwise magnify existing power imbalances between the parties.

Try this alternative scenario: Over time Frobnitz amasses a large
portfolio of patents which it places in trust to help defend its free
software business.  Frobnitz scrupulously avoids encumbered technoligy
without irrevocable free software compatible licenses, but it does
rely heavily on technology available under terms like the ones under
discussion.  Later Microsoft initiates spurious patent litigation
against Frobnitz which will ultimately fail but cost frobnitz millions
in the process (perhaps as part of an attempted takeover).  Normally
Frobnitz would use its defensive portfolio to discourage this sort of
attack, but unfortunately this option has been eliminated because any
patent litigation would result in the revocation of permission for
several pieces of technology which it is openly and publicly
practicing, depends on for compatibility, etc.

If Frobnitz doesn't think the MAD-covered patents are valid or
applicable and that it could quickly and cheaply fight them, then it
doesn't matter much, but in that case it didn't really need the MAD
grant at all. If they are valid then frobnitz would be better off if
they retained the flexibility of

So to sometimes these 'MAD' terms are just 'AD', nothing much mutual about them.

Of course, if you aren't the sort that would keep a patent stockpile
for defense, the distinction is moot. But, it's still naive to look at
that kind of 'MAD' grant as a cure-all.

[speaking for no one but himself]

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Time for 2.6.30 in F-11?

2009-07-04 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 6:40 AM, Bojan Smojver wrote:
> Now that .1 is out, is there anything in particular stopping F-11 from
> having this kernel?

Worth mentioning— .30 makes a non-backwards-compatible BTRFS format change.

So if you go .30 on a BTRFS system you can't go back.

(though, I suppose that can be seen an argument for getting Fedora to
.30 sooner)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Changing the default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12 (#2)

2009-06-23 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 4:19 PM, Clemens Eisserer wrote:
>> 1) Optimizing for P4 is ... messy
>> 2) If you're using C2D, etc., you can already use the 64-bit distro.
> So why not stay with generic, where most users would benefit.
> Sure I could use 64-bit, as could all the others using 32-bit on
> 64-bit capable CPUs (I guess 50% of all fedora-x86 users).

Fedora x86_64 is the solution for good performance for those systems.
The difference between 32bit mode and 64bit mode dwarfs all the little
compiler tweaks we could discuss.

Optimizing for atom makes sense because it's the most modern hardware
which doesn't have a higher performing alternative than the 32bit

Moreover, as an in-order core it atom should gain more from
optimization than most cpus and generally optimizations for atom are
harmless or even beneficial for other CPUs, while optimization for
highly out of order CPUs can be devastating for in-order cores. As you
can see in Bill's post upthread optimizing for atom is mildly
beneficial even to P4.

Amusingly, on my own code at least -mtune=atom produces significantly
faster code than -mtune=geode on my geode LX.

P4 is pretty much a lost cause. The move to i686 from i586 itself will
make P4 slower, while helping most everything else by about the same
margin that it hurt p4. Optimizing for P4 will probably hurt
everything, certainly atom.

Atom systems are frequently battery powered, so improvements there can
also to increased battery life.  P4, OTOH, already requires a locally
installed atomic power plant so energy isn't an issue there.


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Changing the default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12 (#2)

2009-06-17 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Given the loud feedback, I've updated the proposal at:
> The revised proposal:
> - Build all packages for i686 (this requires cmov)
> - Optimize for Atom
> Why?
> - We don't really support i586 in any meaningful matter
> - OLPC still works with base i686
> - We are likely doing a mass rebuild for F-12 anyways, might as well switch
>  while we're doing it
> - Atom is the only currently produced 32-bit x86 chip of note; optimize
>  for what's currently available
> If you want numbers, I did some benchmarking of code [1] with various
> build options on a variety of processors, with the F-11 gcc code. All
> of these results are relative to a F-11 baseline of "-march=i586
> -mtune=generic".
>                P4 2.4Ghz       Athlon 3400+    Core2Duo E6850  Atom N270
> march=i686/     -1.1%           +2.0%           +0.9%           +0.6%
>  mtune=generic
> march=i586/     +0.3%           -0.3%           -0.2%           +1.3%
>  mtune=atom
> march=i686/     -1.5%           +1.2%           +0.5%           +1.7%
>  mtune=atom

If there is a mass rebuild…


-Os on the x86 build?
-O3 on x86_64?

(Back in 2007 I would have screamed loudly that the auto-vectorizer
produces broken code; but today it appears to work fine.)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Changing the default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12

2009-06-16 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Steven M. Parrish wrote:
> I would instead propose that instead of killing off i586 that instead we make
> i686+SSE2 a new primary arch.  This will allow us to not only optimize Fedora
> for i686+SSE2 but still maintain a viable arch i586 for not only the XO-1.0
> but also for the many older but still usable machines that would otherwise be
> excluded from using Fedora.

IMO the 32bit atom is the only remaining major x86 (32bit) arch worth
optimizing for...  P4 stinks (and, in fact, the addition of CMOV will
very likely slow P4 down anyways)... Since ATOM is in-order it's a
pretty distinct optimization target compared to other modern 32bit
x86, though it doesn't seem like gcc is especially good at targeting
it yet.

Perhaps this particular proposal should just be left for another
release cycle or two, and see what interest is like then.  It would be
unfortunate to spawn a whole new architecture when it may turn out to
be uninteresting in a release or two.

(It would also be another incentive for people not to move their
x86_64 systems to an x86_64 build… which isn't something we should be

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Changing the default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12

2009-06-16 Thread Gregory Maxwell
2009/6/16 梁穗隆 :
> So I suggest that Fedora 12 change 32-bit x86 arch to i686+SSE, not
> i686+SSE2.

Before someone picks up this particular suggestion and runs with it:

SSE is not complete enough to replace x87. You don't get the kind of
gain from SSE only that you can get from SSE2.  The primary
application for SSE without SSE2 is hand optimized code… stuff that
already does runtime detection.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Changing the default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12

2009-06-15 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Gregory Maxwell ( said:
>> I doubt having consistently lower FP precision is anything many users
>> are asking for. The few that do can usually take care of themselves.
> And yet you say we should push them all to x86_64, which has
> the same lower precision?

You misunderstand me.
I don't think people care. Code that depends on the order of FPU
register spills on it is broken.
I'm saying it's not a feature. It's neutral. Or nearly so.

>> > - More clearly delineates our support set of targets, sticking true
>> >  to forwards innovation, not necessarily legacy support
>> If thats the case why maintain x86 at all?
> Because it's 58% of our userbase (source: F11 torrent stats.)

The relevant break down is what percentage is x86 no sse2 vs x86 no
x86_64 vs x86 w/ x86_64.

>> Take your answer and now apply it to why fedora should maintain
>> support for x86 CPUs without SSE2.
> Because that's significantly less of our userbase. I'd love to have
> harder numbers, but we're still talking about a set of CPUs that
> (outside of corner cases like the Geode and C3) ceased production
> anywhere from 4 (Athlon) to 6 (P3) to 10 (P2) years ago.

'outside'. Please don't just dismiss these recent systems, they are a
real issue.

I have low power x86 which I purchased *recently* (geode box for audio
conferencing, this year; and a via box from ~two years ago) without
SSE2. Most of my systems are x86_64, but what is x86 is not sse
capable. Anything of mine that needed performance became x86_64 a long
time ago.

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 6:04 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
>> It would probably be most interesting to perform that test on the
>> x86-only ATOM, since I can see CMOV being a bigger win on an in-order
>> CPU.
>> (I can't personally protest: I think all the x86 stuff I have has CMOV).
> Last time I profiled it (using the bits of openbench that actually worked),
> i586 -> i686 was an improvement of 1% (Core2Duo) to 2% (Atom). Athlon64 was
> essentially equal.
> SPECCPU results showed similar.

That sounds about right to me.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Changing the default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12

2009-06-15 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Jerry James wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
>> Not that it matters for Fedora, but I doubt many people are paying
>> $whatever_the_price_of_RHEL_is to run on a 6, 7, 10-year old machine. And
>> RHEL 5 only supports (base) i686 or greater already.
> You know, I haven't seen anybody object to the "i686" part yet.  All
> of the objections, as far as I have noticed, have been to the "+ SSE2"
> part.

I didn't raise that point because it was beaten pretty thoroughly in
the past thread.

The i686 vs i586 difference is cmov.

Is dropping hardware worth this instruction? I suggested some
benchmarking and demonstrated that it's a very small improvement for
Theora. I'm not sure if anyone got around to testing freetype,
firefox, or any of the other couple CPU heavy desktop apps.

It would probably be most interesting to perform that test on the
x86-only ATOM, since I can see CMOV being a bigger win on an in-order

(I can't personally protest: I think all the x86 stuff I have has CMOV).

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Changing the default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12

2009-06-15 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> - Faster and more consistent FP math by using SSE2 registers

I doubt having consistently lower FP precision is anything many users
are asking for. The few that do can usually take care of themselves.

> - Allows for autovectorization by GCC where necessary

Autovectorization is seldom effective, alas.
SSE2 is part of the x86_64 basic arch.

> - More clearly delineates our support set of targets, sticking true
>  to forwards innovation, not necessarily legacy support

If thats the case why maintain x86 at all?

Take your answer and now apply it to why fedora should maintain
support for x86 CPUs without SSE2.

In my case, this change would eliminate all of my x86 (not _64)
systems save one pentium 4 box which is boxed up and turned off
because its such a waste of power.

The benefit of constraining x86 to SSE2 enabled chips is fairly small.
The benefit of dropping x86 entirely would be much much greater. Of
course, the cost is much greater too, but I believe that the latter
still maintains the better cost/benefit ratio.

Though I don't think either should be done.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Phoronix] Ubuntu 9.04 vs. Fedora 11 Performance

2009-06-12 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Rahul
Sundaram wrote:
> On 06/12/2009 06:42 PM, Kyle McMartin wrote:
>> It's almost certainly attributable to the default install using audit.
>> Roland and various others have done a lot of work improving things, but
>> there is always going to be a per-syscall overhead to this kind of
>> thing. A few extra usec a syscall adds up after a few hundred thousand
>> calls...
> Is there a benefit to running audit by default? Is it worth the cost?

What percentage of users do you think need even a small fraction of
the raw http transaction rate fedora can provide?

Obviously people do run a lot of CPU heavy CGIs, but since those
generally spend time processing rather than just making syscalls they
won't be as impacted as this.

Anyone needing to handle thousands of small HTTP transactions
per-second is doing something fairly specialized.  They should be
quite capable of performing whatever performance tweaks are required.

For everyone else, and even many of the high performance shops, even a
modest security gain is 'worth the cost' of a pretty substantial loss
in peak http request rate. Even for small users the 'cost' of dealing
with even one security breach in, say, 10 years would easily pay for a
second CPU in the few cases where serving thousands of requests per
second is material.

Obviously you want to extract as much performance as possible, and
don't want to take a loss for no gain.  But if after fixing any bugs
Fedora is slower because of a security feature then that needs to be
touted as a *benefit* of fedora. From a marketing perspective people
are more likely to believe advantages when you couple them with a
negative in any case:

"Furthermore, Fedora is more secure than other alternatives. Features
like X, Y, and Z make Fedora robust against even unforeseen attacks.
These features do result in a performance hit, for example 5,000 HTTP
requests per second vs 10,000, the impact is negligible on normal
workloads. Since some of the worlds largest websites only do 60,000
req/sec[1] (and have hundreds of servers), we think your time and
security should take precedence. Of course, these security features
can be disabled if your requirements dictate."


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: the end of life for flash player (HTML5)

2009-06-08 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Ben Boeckel wrote:
> Nokia argued against it for patent worries. Probably worried
> that if it did get done, some patent troll would come out of
> the woodwork with some obscure patent and sue all OGG the
> distributors.

If you're going to play the numbers the MPEG codecs have a far worse
track record of attracting litigation from trolls.

The argument was actually more nuanced than that. It's more along the
lines of "We're already committed to shipping H.264 and taking
whatever surprise litigation risk there exists from that; even if the
risk of negative surprises with Ogg/Theora is lower it would still be
an addition to the risk we're already assuming, even evaluating the
risks of alternatives has a cost to us, so the adoption of anything as
a baseline other than what we're already using is not in our

Which isn't an insane argument, but it does have a simple solution:
Sufficient market adoption will justify those costs.

It's also positive that the only companies who have taken a clear
public position against adopting Ogg/Theora as a baseline are
companies whom receive payments for the use of MPEG-LA licensed
technology. Those who merely pay to play are still shipping Theora.

> Apple's biggest complaint was that hardware decoders for Theora
> were far and few between (despite there being specs for it).
> Their excuse was that H.264 has hardware implementations in
> current hardware and handhelds don't have the power to do the
> decoding in software.

This isn't a correct knock in any case: Typical mobile devices (er,
like the iphone) implement H.264 using the regular SIMD instruction
sets of pretty boring general purpose CPUs or fairly common off the
shelf DSPs (I.e. the c64x on TI OMAP). The existing handhelds very
much do have the power to decode Theora in software, at least if
someone would bother adding neon versions of the assembly optimized
parts.  (Although even my anaemic openmoko can *decode* Theora in real
time with a totally unoptimized implementation; though display has
bandwidth problems; most modern handhelds have far more horsepower.)

Direct "hardware" support for non-trivial parts of the decode is
something that seems to have been largely abandoned in the late 90s
after everyone realized that this stuff changes too fast for economic
silicon implementation.  When people say hardware support these days
usually mean "carefully optimized versions for my embedded processor"
or possibly "use of hardware overlay and colorspace conversion" which
works equally well for Theora.

That said, there is a synthesizable VHDL implementation the back half
of the the Theora decoder available:  (most of the rest of the
decode process is more easily and effectively done on a general
purpose CPU).  So it's not even "there exists a spec" it's "there
exists a hardware design needing only integration and manufacture".
But as I said, generally true hardware implementation isn't done for
decoders anymore. Even the $0.10 vorbis player on a chip is just
software on a tiny DSP.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: the end of life for flash player (HTML5)

2009-06-08 Thread Gregory Maxwell
2009/6/8 Kelly Miller :
> Thanks to Apple, that isn't going to be happening.  Apple's pushing for the
> required default video codec to be the aforementioned nonfree MPEG4/H.264
> codec, and they don't seem to care whether it can be shipped by anybody
> else.

Perhaps pedantry but for the sake of accuracy:

Some of the patent holders in the MPEG-LA patent pool (Apple and
Nokia) pushed hard for there to be no royalty-free baseline
recommended in the standard. I'm not aware of anyone, Apple included,
pushing for H.264 in the standard since the adoption of an encumbered
format as formal formal default is simply a complete non-starter.

What Apple has done is ship systems which can only play H.264 using
the video tag out of the box. You could accurately accuse Apple of
pushing for H.264 as a defacto standard, but not a "required default".

For desktop Safari usage Ogg/Theora+Vorbis support can be added by
installing the XiphQT codec package. While requiring an install was
unfortunate flash itself is an existence proof that required
installations don't make wide adoption impossible.  The apple desktops
also have decent Java support and websites can fall back to java
playback. (Theoretically Flash playback of Ogg/Theora is also possible
now; but the intersection of Flash gurus and free software developers
is nearly the empty set)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: the end of life for flash player (HTML5)

2009-06-04 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Kevin Kofler  wrote:
> the way there though. It's NOT good that they're hardcoding a browser check
> for only Firefox though,

Don't worry, plenty of people have pointed out that it isn't the way to go.
HTML 5 video provides the right tools for querying for support for not
only the video tag itself but for supported codecs.

Some of that wasn't there in the earlier firefox betas, which probably
encouraged the use of simple useragent based checking.  It's there

> the latest Arora which does support HTML 5 video
> is not recognized, that's broken!)

The string "video" doesn't occur anywhere in the current Arora git.
Can you point me to more information?

In testing I find that a couple of problems:
(1) it appears the it doesn't begin until it has completely
transferred the file(?)
(2) audio plays but video does not
(3) seeking does nothing

Here is a simple example that queries the browser for support, and if
HTML 5 video isn't supported it falls back to using the Java player:


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Why not to create Fedora-us and Fedora-non-us branches?

2009-05-27 Thread Gregory Maxwell
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Frank Murphy  wrote:
> Bill Nottingham wrote:
>> Peter Lemenkov ( said:  ... what exactly are you trying
>> to accomplish?
>> Make it legal to ship MP3 code? Sorry, those are patented in Europe as
>> well.
> Patents are *currently* illegal in Europe, (though they may be granted).
> The patents offices being self-funding and all that.
> "Article 52"

Codec patents are generally not 'software patents' in the common
patent-speak meaning of the words.

A typical (well written) codec patent will make little or no mention
of computer software. Instead they speak of specific useful
transformations of information in mechanical terms as well as machine
embodiments. This puts them largely outside of the domain of what is
normally discussed in the content of "software patents" (which, have
recently been written abstractly without any real reference to any
machine or mechanical process).

The bulk of codec patent holders are European companies (I.e.
Fraunhofer, Nokia, etc).  The collection of royalties for codecs is a
multi-billion dollar a year industry.  There are many well funded
companies spending considerable amounts of money licensing codecs,
even on products which they only intend to market in Europe.  On that
basis, I think it's safe to conclude that there is more to the
situation than you are suggesting.

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