Re: [RFA] Font audit results for Fedora 12 (final)

2009-11-23 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
Le lundi 23 novembre 2009 à 13:43 -0500, Neal Becker a écrit :
> What does this mean?
> I received one for libotf.  Neither libotf, nor libotf-devel seem to 
> ship any fonts.

As explained in the text of the message you're received libotf attempts
to access fonts through the core fonts backend which is bad

Nicolas Mailhot

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée
Fedora-fonts-list mailing list

Re: [RFA] Font audit results for Fedora 12 and 2009-11-22 fedora-devel

2009-11-23 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
Le lundi 23 novembre 2009 à 12:54 -0600, Jon Ciesla a écrit :
> I question the taste of this remark.  Was it really necessary to bring 
> this up in such a public forum?

I guess this just reflect frustration in seing xine-ui adding new copies
of the same fonts months after months even though it is explicitely
demanded not to in packaging guidelines and it was pointed multiple
times whenever the script result were posted to this list this past

You're right I should not have posted it this way.

Nicolas Mailhot

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée
Fedora-fonts-list mailing list

[RFA] Font package differences between Fedora 12 and 2009-11-22 Fedora devel

2009-11-23 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
B. Font package changes:
= apanov-heuristica-fonts.rpm (apanov-heuristica-fonts.src.rpm, nim, M)
⇒ apanov-heuristica-fonts.src.rpm, nim, M
− Heuristica, Bold, CFF 
+ Heuristica, Bold, TrueType
− Heuristica, Bold Italic, CFF  
+ Heuristica, Bold Italic, TrueType 
− Heuristica, Italic, CFF   
+ Heuristica, Italic, TrueType  
− Heuristica, Regular, CFF  
+ Heuristica, Regular, TrueType 
+ drehatlas-xaporho-fonts.rpm (drehatlas-xaporho-fonts.src.rpm, adsllc, M)
+ Xaporho, Regular, CFF /usr/share/fonts/drehatlas-xaporho/Xaporho.otf
+ gdouros-aegean-fonts.rpm (gdouros-aegean-fonts.src.rpm, ozamosi, M)
+ Aegean, Regular, TrueType /usr/share/fonts/gdouros-aegean/Aegean.otf
+ gdouros-aegyptus-fonts.rpm (gdouros-aegyptus-fonts.src.rpm, ozamosi, M)
+ Aegyptus, Regular, TrueType   
+ gdouros-akkadian-fonts.rpm (gdouros-akkadian-fonts.src.rpm, ozamosi, M)
+ Akkadian, Regular, TrueType   
+ gdouros-alexander-fonts.rpm (gdouros-alexander-fonts.src.rpm, ozamosi, M)
+ Alexander, Regular, TrueType  
+ gdouros-analecta-fonts.rpm (gdouros-analecta-fonts.src.rpm, ozamosi, M)
+ Analecta, Regular, TrueType   
+ gdouros-musica-fonts.rpm (gdouros-musica-fonts.src.rpm, ozamosi, M)
+ Musica, Regular, TrueType /usr/share/fonts/gdouros-musica/Musica.otf
+ koffice-core.rpm (koffice.src.rpm, awjb)
+ Arev Sans, Bold, TrueType 
+ Arev Sans, Bold Oblique, TrueType 
+ Arev Sans, Oblique, TrueType  
+ Arev Sans, Regular, TrueType  
+ cmex10, Regular, TrueType 
+ msimonson-anonymouspro-fonts.rpm (msimonson-anonymouspro-fonts.src.rpm, 
ozamosi, M)
+ Anonymous Pro, Bold, TrueType 
/usr/share/fonts/msimonson-anonymouspro/Anonymous Pro B.ttf
+ Anonymous Pro, Bold Italic, TrueType  
/usr/share/fonts/msimonson-anonymouspro/Anonymous Pro BI.ttf
+ Anonymous Pro, Italic, TrueType   
/usr/share/fonts/msimonson-anonymouspro/Anonymous Pro I.ttf
+ Anonymous Pro, Regular, TrueType  
/usr/share/fonts/msimonson-anonymouspro/Anonymous Pro.ttf
+ ns-bola-fonts.rpm (ns-bola-fonts.src.rpm, tk009, M)
+ Bola, Regular, TrueType   /usr/share/fonts/ns-bola/bola.ttf
+ ns-tiza-chalk-fonts.rpm (ns-tiza-chalk-fonts.src.rpm, tk009, M)
+ Tiza, Regular, TrueType   /usr/share/fonts/ns-tiza-chalk/tiza_chalk.ttf
= python-reportlab.rpm (python-reportlab.src.rpm, icon)
⇒ python-reportlab.src.rpm, icon
+ Bitstream Vera Sans, Bold, TrueType   
− Bitstream Vera Sans, Bold, TrueType   
+ Bitstream Vera Sans, Bold Oblique, TrueType   
− Bitstream Vera Sans, Bold Oblique, TrueType   
+ Bitstream Vera Sans, Oblique, TrueType
− Bitstream Vera Sans, Oblique, TrueType
+ Bitstream Vera Sans, Roman, TrueType  
− Bitstream Vera Sans, Roman, TrueType  
+ Dark Garden, Regular, Type 1  
− LettErrorRobot, Chrome, Type 1
− Rina, Regular, TrueType   
— scim-doc.rpm (scim.src.rpm , phuang)
− FreeSans, Medium, TrueType
= tuxpaint.rpm (tuxpaint.src.rpm, steve)
⇒ tuxpaint.src.rpm, steve
+ DejaVu Sans, Book, TrueType   
− DejaVu Sans, Condensed, TrueType  
+ SubsetForTuxPaint, , TrueType 
− Su

[RFA] Font test result differences between Fedora 12 and 2009-11-22 devel

2009-11-23 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
A. Test result changes:

P#   t1  t2  t3  t4  t5  t6  t7  t8   t9  t10  t11  t12  t13  t14
1‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧1   ‧‧‧1‧
2‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   -10  ‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
35   ‧   5   ‧   5   1   5   ‧5   55455
4‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
5‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
6‧   ‧   ‧   -1  ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
75   -1  -1  ‧   1   ‧   -1  ‧-1  -1   -1   ‧-1   -6
8‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   4   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
9‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
10   ‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
11   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧-1  ‧‧‧‧‧
12   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   -1  ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
13   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧1   ‧‧11‧
14   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧1   ‧‧‧1‧
15   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧1   ‧‧‧1‧
16   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧11‧
17   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧11‧
18   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧1‧
19   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧4   ‧‧‧4‧
20   -1  ‧   -1  ‧   -1  ‧   ‧   ‧-1  ‧-1   ‧-1   ‧
21   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   1   1   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
22   ‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
23   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   -2   ‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
24   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧25
25   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧1   ‧‧‧‧‧
26   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
27   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧1   ‧‧‧1‧
28   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧1   ‧‧‧1‧
29   ‧   2   2   ‧   1   ‧   2   ‧2   2212‧
30   ‧   ‧   ‧   -1  ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧
31   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1
Balance  9   1   5   2   12  2   6   -12  15  65818   25

P#  Maintainer   RPM   SRPM
1   adsllc   drehatlas-xaporho-fonts   drehatlas-xaporho-fonts
2   akahlphp-ZendFramework php-ZendFramework-tests
3   awjb koffice   koffice-core
4   chkr xskat xskat
5   dougslandzbar  zbar
6   hedayat  rcssmonitor   rcssmonitor
7   icon python-reportlab  python-reportlab
8   jnovytexlive-texmf texlive-texmf-fonts
9   lyosnorezel  darkgarden-fonts  darkgarden-fonts
10  nbecker  libotflibotf
11  nim  apanov-heuristica-fonts   apanov-heuristica-fonts
12  nim  dejavu-fonts  dejavu-sans-fonts
13  ozamosi  gdouros-aegean-fonts  gdouros-aegean-fonts
14  ozamosi  gdouros-aegyptus-fontsgdouros-aegyptus-fonts
15  ozamosi  gdouros-akkadian-fontsgdouros-akkadian-fonts
16  ozamosi  gdouros-alexander-fonts   gdouros-alexander-fonts
17  ozamosi  gdouros-analecta-fontsgdouros-analecta-fonts
18  ozamosi  gdouros-musica-fonts  gdouros-musica-fonts
19  ozamosi  msimonson-anonymouspro-fonts  msimonson-anonymouspro-fonts
20  phuang   scim  scim-doc
21  rdieter  lyx   lyx-cmex10-fonts
22  roma xpaintxpaint
23  s4504kr  stellariumstellarium
24  stevetuxpaint  tuxpaint
25  tagohsazanami-fontssazanami-gothic-fonts
26  tagohvlgothic-fontsvlgothic-fonts
27  tk009ns-bola-fonts ns-bola-fonts
28  tk009ns-tiza-chalk-fonts   ns-tiza-chalk-fonts
29  wart wormuxwormux-data
30  xgl-maintxorg-x11-apps xorg-x11-apps
31  xulchris pygamepygame

t1. Error: fonts in arch packages
t2. Warning: bad font naming
t3. Warning: fonts in packages that do not respect font naming conventions
t4. Warning: core fonts use
t5. Error: font faces duplicated by different packages
t6. Error: exact font duplication
t7. Error: packages that mix different font families
t8. Warning: font linking
t9. Warning: fonts that do not pass fontlint sanity checks
t10. Error: fonts in packages that contain non-font data
t11. Error: fonts deployed outside /usr/share/fonts
t12. Suggestion: fonts with partial unicode block coverage
t13. Suggestion: fonts with partial script coverage
t14. Error: rpmlint

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement

[RFA] Font test result differences between Fedora 11 and Fedora 12

2009-11-23 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
A. Test result changes:

P#   t1   t2  t3  t4  t5  t6   t7  t8   t9   t10  t11  t12  t13  t14  t15  
t16  t17  t18
1‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   5‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
2‧‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
3‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1‧‧‧
41‧   1   ‧   ‧   1‧   ‧‧‧-2   1‧11
5‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1‧‧‧
6‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1‧‧‧
7‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1‧‧‧
8‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1‧‧‧
9‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1‧‧‧
10   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧2‧‧‧
11   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1‧‧‧
12   ‧‧   ‧   -1  ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
13   -5   ‧   -5  ‧   ‧   -5   ‧   -1   -5   ‧‧-5   ‧-5   -5   
-4   -5   -5
14   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
15   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧4‧‧‧‧44
16   -1   ‧   -1  ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧1-1   ‧-1   -1   
‧-1   ‧
17   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1‧‧‧
18   -1   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
19   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧1‧
20   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧1‧
21   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧-1   ‧‧‧
22   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
23   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
24   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
25   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
26   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   -1  ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
27   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   -1   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
28   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧2‧‧‧‧‧‧
29   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
30   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   -1  ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
31   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   -1  ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
32   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
33   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1‧‧‧
34   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1‧‧‧
35   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
36   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   -4   ‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
37   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   1   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
38   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧3‧‧‧‧
39   ‧‧   27  ‧   ‧   ‧7   27   27   ‧‧27   20   27   27   
‧27   ‧
40   1‧   1   ‧   ‧   1‧   1‧‧‧‧‧11
41   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1‧‧‧
42   -2   -1  -2  ‧   ‧   -1   ‧   ‧‧‧‧-2   -2   -2   -2   
‧-2   -2
43   ‧1   ‧   ‧   ‧   1‧   ‧‧‧‧22‧‧
44   ‧‧   1   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧1‧11
45   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧3‧‧‧‧
46   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
-2   -2   ‧
47   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
48   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   -1   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
49   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   -15  ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
50   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   -3  ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
51   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   2   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
52   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧4‧‧‧
53   ‧‧   ‧   ‧   ‧   ‧‧   ‧‧‧‧4‧‧‧

[RFA] Font package differences between Fedora 11 and Fedora 12

2009-11-23 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
B. Font package changes:
= GraphicsMagick-perl.rpm (GraphicsMagick.src.rpm, ixs)
⇒ GraphicsMagick.src.rpm, ixs
+ ArtBrush, Medium, TrueType
− ArtBrush, Medium, TrueType
= ImageMagick-perl.rpm (ImageMagick.src.rpm, jwrdegoede)
⇒ ImageMagick.src.rpm, jwrdegoede
+ Tuffy, Regular, TrueType  
− Tuffy, Regular, TrueType  
+ adf-accanthis-2-fonts.rpm (adf-accanthis-fonts.src.rpm, nim, M)
+ Accanthis ADF Std No2, Bold, CFF  
+ Accanthis ADF Std No2, Bold Italic, CFF   
+ Accanthis ADF Std No2, Italic, CFF
+ Accanthis ADF Std No2, Regular, CFF   
+ adf-accanthis-3-fonts.rpm (adf-accanthis-fonts.src.rpm, nim, M)
+ Accanthis ADF Std No3, Bold, CFF  
+ Accanthis ADF Std No3, Bold Italic, CFF   
+ Accanthis ADF Std No3, Italic, CFF
+ Accanthis ADF Std No3, Regular, CFF   
+ adf-accanthis-fonts.rpm (adf-accanthis-fonts.src.rpm, nim, M)
+ Accanthis ADF Std, Bold, CFF  
+ Accanthis ADF Std, Bold Italic, CFF   
+ Accanthis ADF Std, Italic, CFF
+ Accanthis ADF Std, Regular, CFF   
+ adf-tribun-fonts.rpm (adf-tribun-fonts.src.rpm, nim, M)
+ Tribun ADF Std Cond, Bold, TrueType   
+ Tribun ADF Std Cond, Bold Italic, TrueType
+ Tribun ADF Std Cond, Italic, TrueType 
+ Tribun ADF Std Cond, Regular, TrueType
+ Tribun ADF Std Med, Bold, TrueType
+ Tribun ADF Std Med, Bold Italic, TrueType 
+ Tribun ADF Std Med, Italic, TrueType  
+ Tribun ADF Std Med, Medium, TrueType  
+ Tribun ADF Std, Bold, TrueType
+ Tribun ADF Std, Bold Italic, TrueType 
+ Tribun ADF Std, Italic, TrueType  
+ Tribun ADF Std, Regular, TrueType 
+ apa-new-athena-unicode-fonts.rpm (apa-new-athena-unicode-fonts.src.rpm, 
ankursinha, M)
+ New Athena Unicode, Regular, TrueType 
= apanov-edrip-fonts.rpm (apanov-edrip-fonts.src.rpm, nim, M)
⇒ apanov-edrip-fonts.src.rpm, nim, M
+ Edrip, Bold Italic, TrueType  
− Edrip, BoldItalic, TrueType   
= apanov-heuristica-fonts.rpm (apanov-heuristica-fonts.src.rpm, nim, M)
⇒ apanov-heuristica-fonts.src.rpm, nim, M
+ Heuristica, Bold Italic, CFF  
− Heuristica, BoldItalic, CFF   
+ bitmap-cjk-fonts.rpm (bitmap-fonts.src.rpm, pnemade, M)
+ Fangsong ti, Regular, PCF /usr/share/fonts/bitmap/fangsongti16.pcf
+ Fangsong ti, Regular, PCF /usr/share/fonts/bitmap/fangsongti24.pcf
= bitmap-fonts.rpm (bitmap-fonts.src.rpm, pnemade)
⇒ bitmap-fonts.src.rpm, pnemade, M
+ Console, Regular, PCF /usr/share/fonts/bitmap/console8x16.pcf
− Console, Regular, PCF /usr/share/fonts/bitmap-fonts/console8x16.pcf
+ Fixed, Regular, PCF   /usr/share/fonts/bitmap/console9x15.pcf
− Fixed, Regular, PCF   /usr/share/fonts/bitmap-fonts/console9x15.pcf
+ LucidaTypewriter, Sans, PCF   /usr/share/fonts/bitmap/lutRS08.pcf
+ LucidaTypewriter, Sans, PCF   /usr/share/fonts/bitmap/lutRS10.pcf
+ LucidaTypewriter, Sans, PCF   /usr/share/fonts/bitmap/lutRS12.pcf
+ LucidaTypewriter, Sans, PCF 

Re: [RFA] Font audit results for Fedora 12 (final)

2009-11-23 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
(sorry, this one is for devel)

Nicolas Mailhot

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée
Fedora-fonts-list mailing list

[RFA] Font audit results for Fedora 12 and 2009-11-22 fedora-devel

2009-11-23 Thread Nicolas Mailhot

With a little delay here are the font audit results for Fedora 12 and
2009-11-22 fedora-devel. I think I've taken into account all the
feedback I received since last run. More feedback is of course welcome
(except for the file size computation, I know it's broken, was not worth
re-doing a 7h test run to fix it).

Seeing some numbers go down would be nice.

Individual packagers should have received their personalized
notification some hours ago (some in duplicate, the first relay host I
used blacklisted me as a spammer sometime in the middle of the run so I
had to restart everything, sorry about that, will try to improve).

Some people asked me why I didn't go the bugzilla route: look at the
numbers, there's no way I can write a script smart enough to manage
hundreds of bugs with different states. And doing it manually alone
would be a nightmare.

Special mention goes to jussilehtola for xine-ui: not only he
managed to add 27 font files not packaged according to Fedora guidelines
during the F-12 cycle, but 14 are copies of the same font.


Nicolas Mailhot

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée
Fedora-fonts-list mailing list