Self introduction Daniele Catanesi

2009-09-17 Thread Daniele Catanesi

Hello all,

my name is Daniele Catanesi and I've been thinking to subscribe to the 
infrastructure list for some time now.

I'm an Italian Network and Systems Engineer with around 9 years of 
experience, I've been using Linux since 1999/2000 as my main Operating 
System and on various infrastructure servers in my actual company, even 
if their/our job is mainly geared toward MS stuff,  with the 
responsibility to administer and keep them up and running.

My main skills are in the networking area even if I feel confident in 
the administration and troubleshooting of Linux based servers, which to 
be totally honest is what I like more.

I already participate in the Fedora project with the Italian L10N team 
localizing packages in my native language and I would like to 
participate in the infrastructure project for two main reasons, the 
first and somehow obvious one is the need to give back to the community, 
the second one is I think there is no better way to help than doing what 
I like which can be a good way to refine my skills.

I have a permanent lab that could be easily used for testing purposes 
and proof of concept (measure twice and cut once) and I would be more 
than glad to use it to benefit the community.

Ok I hope I did not talk too much, I'm going to read the various 
Infrastructure Wiki section the get a better view of the entire process.

Thanks, Daniele.

P.S. Working on the Fedora Project I've already created an account, of 
course, and signed the CLA so I guess I can skip this section. I know 
this could sound silly but I prefer to be sure.

Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-09-17

2009-09-17 Thread Ricky Zhou
19:59  mmcgrath #startmeeting Infrastructure
19:59  zodbot Meeting started Thu Sep 17 19:59:45 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at
19:59  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:59 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:  (Meeting topic: 
19:59  mmcgrath #topic Who's here?
19:59 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Who's here? (Meeting 
topic: Infrastructure)
19:59  * ricky 
19:59  * nirik is in the back. 
19:59  * SmootherFrOgZ is
20:00  * skvidal nods
20:00 -!- notting [n=nott...@redhat/notting] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:00  * collier_s here
20:00  * a-k is here
20:00 -!- sseiersen|Laptop [n=sc...@] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:01  mmcgrath Ok, doesn't look like we have any meeting tickets so we'll 
just get right into it
20:01  mmcgrath #topic FAS accounts and capcha
20:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: FAS accounts and 
capcha (Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:02  mmcgrath One thing I wanted to make known is we recently implemented a 
capcha in FAS.
20:02  mmcgrath by we I mean abadger1999
20:02  mmcgrath the problem was mostly caused from spammers we think.
20:02 -!- RodrigoPadula [n=rodri...@] has quit Saindo
20:02  mmcgrath STill more research to do but as many as 2 in every 3 account 
we have in FAS was created by a spammer.
20:02  mmcgrath or at least someone who didn't verify their email.
20:02  mmcgrath But!  no more :)
20:03  ricky :-)
20:03  smooge here
20:03  mmcgrath we re-consider freeing up those account names as well.  
Something worth discussing.
20:03  mmcgrath they'd not have been in any groups or anything so it might be 
20:03  mmcgrath might not be though, more research required.
20:03  * ricky is all for freeing up accounts that have never been verified (ie 
never logged on)
20:03  mdomsch yo
20:03  mmcgrath mdomsch: hey
20:03  * ianweller rolls in for da lulz
20:04  mmcgrath anyone have any questions or comments on that?
20:04  mdomsch wow, that's crazy
20:04  mmcgrath mdomsch: indeed :)
20:04  notting so, does this screw up all our account/registration growth 
20:05  mmcgrath notting: it does as far as what we have done in the past but 
we can get new stats I think.
20:05  abadger1999 mmcgrath: It'll be interesting if our initial registration 
20:05  mmcgrath abadger1999: I'm almost positive it will.
20:05  ricky Did we ever really assume that # accounts = # of active people?
20:05  mmcgrath ricky: depends on 'we'
20:05  abadger1999 It'll only drop significantly if the accounts are being 
created by a machine.
20:05  mmcgrath I really don't consider a contributor a contributor unless 
they have a fedorapeople account.
20:05  ricky I guess the question is if those specific numbers are usually 
quoted to the press or anything
20:06  ricky Same here - I get my counts from ls /home/fedora | wc -l on :-)
20:06  mmcgrath ricky: some are.  *but* generally we encourage people to use 
'contributor' when siting those numbers.
20:06  abadger1999 People that sign up but never verify email would still get 
through the captcha.
20:06  mmcgrath and we define a contributor as cla_done + one group
20:06  mmcgrath which is the fedorapeople count.
20:06  mmcgrath and that count will stay the same
20:07  mmcgrath So that's really all there is on that.
20:07  mmcgrath One thing I wanted to talk about was with affix
20:08  mmcgrath but I don't see him around right now so we'll wait.
20:08  mmcgrath he's looking for search engines for us.
20:08  mmcgrath Ok, so next topic
20:08  mmcgrath #topic PHX1 to PHX2 move
20:08 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: PHX1 to PHX2 move 
(Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:08  mmcgrath So smooge and I have been working to get the various network 
maps, inventory and other related directions to RH's IT department.
20:09  mmcgrath Much of that stuff is available in gobby.
20:09  smooge makes gobby gravy
20:09  mmcgrath smooge also put some network diagrams up
20:09 -!- sseiersen|Laptop [n=sc...@] has quit Remote closed the 
20:09  mmcgrath It looks like we're going to be moving into 5 racks.
20:09  mmcgrath and spread properly so power isn't an issue.
20:09  mmcgrath we might expand into the 6th rack but I'm not counting on it, 
at least not for November.
20:10  smooge and look at smaller pdu's as we expand
20:10  * Oxf13 
20:10  Oxf13 here
20:10  mmcgrath smooge: yeah, are you a fan of those 1U horizontally mounted 
20:10  smooge mmcgrath, more that I am a fan of PDU's that aren't treated 
like checkbooks :)
20:11  smooge most PDU's have too many plugs for what you can use with modern 
20:11  mmcgrath maybe we should start getting servers with 4PS's in them :)
20:11  mmcgrath then double the PDU's
20:11  mmcgrath oh wait, that's the same as just 

Re: Self introduction Daniele Catanesi

2009-09-17 Thread Mike McGrath
On Thu, 17 Sep 2009, Daniele Catanesi wrote:

 Hello all,

 my name is Daniele Catanesi and I've been thinking to subscribe to the 
 infrastructure list for some time now.

 I'm an Italian Network and Systems Engineer with around 9 years of 
 experience, I've been using Linux since 1999/2000 as
 my main Operating System and on various infrastructure servers in my actual 
 company, even if their/our job is mainly
 geared toward MS stuff,  with the responsibility to administer and keep them 
 up and running.

 My main skills are in the networking area even if I feel confident in the 
 administration and troubleshooting of Linux
 based servers, which to be totally honest is what I like more.

 I already participate in the Fedora project with the Italian L10N team 
 localizing packages in my native language and I
 would like to participate in the infrastructure project for two main reasons, 
 the first and somehow obvious one is the
 need to give back to the community, the second one is I think there is no 
 better way to help than doing what I like which
 can be a good way to refine my skills.

 I have a permanent lab that could be easily used for testing purposes and 
 proof of concept (measure twice and cut once)
 and I would be more than glad to use it to benefit the community.

 Ok I hope I did not talk too much, I'm going to read the various 
 Infrastructure Wiki section the get a better view of
 the entire process.

 Thanks, Daniele.

 P.S. Working on the Fedora Project I've already created an account, of 
 course, and signed the CLA so I guess I can skip
 this section. I know this could sound silly but I prefer to be sure.

As long as you have an account you're good to go!  I'm happy to hear
you're getting more interested in other areas of Fedora.  We have weekly
meetings that are always good to attend if you can make them:

Once you get through reading the wiki stuff let us know what all you'd be
interested in working on.

Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: Hello, My intro

2009-09-17 Thread Chris Johnson
the below is all still accurate. I got swamped with RL issues earlier this
I'm planning to be around more this fall and would like to help some.
Just wanted to send a bump for this intro

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 8:08 PM, Chris Johnson j.chris.john...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi all,

 I've been lurking on the mailing list for a while and I finally
 registered for my fedora account today (username: chrisj)
 I'm interested in helping out as time permits. I got on irc once
 (lurking again) and haven't really logged in since. I'll try to make a
 few meetings after the holidays
 I'm planning to get my personal test systems setup soon. I just moved
 and still getting things straight at home. Bought a 750GB drive last
 night and will be installing F10 over the weekend. I had been running
 the U... distro and it's time to get back to the fedora/RH rpm way of
 doing things :-)

 I've used RedHat since before Fedora existed (I think 6 was the first
 one). Started as a hobbyist, 2 years. Then got a job as an admin and
 have been doing Linux admin and Cisco networks for the last 5 years.
 My current employer is a  Win shop so I just get to run the DNS,
 email, and network, but the network is 50 remote offices and 3
 different data centers in the midwest. I don't mind the Windows too
 much and can find my way around them, it's also kinda fun to get the
 Linux and MS products to play nice together. I've worked with a lot of
 different linux and OSS software products including: postfix,
 openldap, apache, bind, samba, mailman, pam, built some custom rpm's,
 etc. I use RHEL mostly at work and some fedora and Cent for testing
 (some suse, deb, and slackware in the past). I used to do lots of
 security firewall apliances with various linux distros (I was a big
 fan of LRP when it would fit on a floppy), most of this is now done
 with Cisco in my world. I can shell script pretty well and I've
 written several perl scripts in the last few years (dabbled in php but
 not enough to know it well). I've always been interested in python but
 don't have much if any exp with it. I also don't have much experience
 with SQL/DB or source control.

 I was looking at the FIGs and would be interested in the base sysadmin
 and sysadmin-noc for now while I figure out where everything is and
 what it does. I'm also interested in more info on the sysadmin-tools
 and sysadmin-web FIG.
 So, next just apply for the FIGs, keep lurking, ask some questions,
 show up for IRC meetings?

 Thanks all,
 Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson

Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: Self introduction Daniele Catanesi

2009-09-17 Thread Daniele Catanesi
Il 17/09/2009 23:26, Mike McGrath ha scritto:
 On Thu, 17 Sep 2009, Daniele Catanesi wrote:

 Hello all,

 my name is Daniele Catanesi and I've been thinking to subscribe to the 
 infrastructure list for some time now.

 I'm an Italian Network and Systems Engineer with around 9 years of 
 experience, I've been using Linux since 1999/2000 as
 my main Operating System and on various infrastructure servers in my actual 
 company, even if their/our job is mainly
 geared toward MS stuff,  with the responsibility to administer and keep them 
 up and running.

 My main skills are in the networking area even if I feel confident in the 
 administration and troubleshooting of Linux
 based servers, which to be totally honest is what I like more.

 I already participate in the Fedora project with the Italian L10N team 
 localizing packages in my native language and I
 would like to participate in the infrastructure project for two main 
 reasons, the first and somehow obvious one is the
 need to give back to the community, the second one is I think there is no 
 better way to help than doing what I like which
 can be a good way to refine my skills.

 I have a permanent lab that could be easily used for testing purposes and 
 proof of concept (measure twice and cut once)
 and I would be more than glad to use it to benefit the community.

 Ok I hope I did not talk too much, I'm going to read the various 
 Infrastructure Wiki section the get a better view of
 the entire process.

 Thanks, Daniele.

 P.S. Working on the Fedora Project I've already created an account, of 
 course, and signed the CLA so I guess I can skip
 this section. I know this could sound silly but I prefer to be sure.

 As long as you have an account you're good to go!  I'm happy to hear
 you're getting more interested in other areas of Fedora.  We have weekly
 meetings that are always good to attend if you can make them:

 Once you get through reading the wiki stuff let us know what all you'd be
 interested in working on.


 Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list
Hello Mike,

thanks for the information and reply, I wanted to attend yesterday's
meeting but have been busy with real life (every now and then GF asks
for some time...) but I'm reading meeting's logs right now :)

Once I'll be done with wiki and the rest I'll reply to the mail and let
you know what's more interesting to me (even if I'm keen to do just
anything that is needed).

Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list