Re: FC6 guests

2008-01-08 Thread Jared Smith
On Tue, 2008-01-08 at 11:55 -0600, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
> This can go away as I've got a permanent system (asterisk1) 99% ready.

Cool beans, Jeff!  Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

-Jared Smith

Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Self Introduction

2008-02-12 Thread Jared Smith
Hi!  I'm Jared Smith, and I'm finally getting around to introducing
myself.  I've been a long-time lurker on the IRC channel and the mailing

OK, so what do you need to know about me?  Let's see... I've been using
Linux professionally for about ten years now, and was using various
flavors of UNIX before that.  I managed over 6500 Linux boxes at a
previous employer, and racked a fair number of those myself.  I've
pretty much "been there, done that, and still have the scars to prove
it" when it comes to managing IT infrastructure and data centers.

I'm also big into VoIP (and even co-authored an O'Reilly book on
Asterisk), so I'm hoping to help out jcollie and mmcgrath in that area
as well.  I'm currently working for Digium (the company behind Asterisk)
as their Community Relations Manager and lead trainer.

I've also done quite a bit of database work (mostly PostgreSQL) and some
programming in various languages.

Anyhoo, enough about me... 

-Jared Smith (jsmith on IRC)

Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: Asterisk and Town Hall meeting

2008-03-18 Thread Jared Smith
On Tue, 2008-03-18 at 08:42 -0500, Mike McGrath wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Mar 2008, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> > The Fedora Board should be doing another "town hall" style meeting on
> > Tuesday April 1.  (No fooling.)  In March we postponed plans until then
> > to use Asterisk and Gstreamer to provide some sort of listening
> > capability for community members.
> >
> > (1) How is that going?
> Blocking on manpower, proof of concept seemed good though.

I'm happy to help out with this where I can, but I don't want to step on
jcollie's toes, as he's done an excellent job so far.

> > (3) If not, how can we schedule so as not to crunch the team around the
> > F9 release timetable?
> >
> Depends on how much of a priority it is.  I can help get asterisk in
> better shape for the town hall style meetings but it will be at the
> expense of the wiki migration.  jcollie is the main contact (volunteer)
> on that and $DAYJOB prevents him from working on it full time (as dayjobs
> will do :)
> Dennis, what say you about looking in to getting this up and going?  I'm
> not sure what your schedule looks like.

Is there a ticket listing the things that still need to be done?  Are
there parts I can help with?


Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: F10?

2008-05-21 Thread Jared Smith
On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 23:44 -0400, Ricky Zhou wrote:
>  * Asterisk coolness?

I'm almost always available and willing to help out with Asterisk
stuff... Let me know if/when you need any help, and I'd be willing to
put in some time to add all kinds of Asterisk coolness.  


Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: Asterisk Status / Future Plans

2008-06-20 Thread Jared Smith
On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 12:54 -0500, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
> 1) Everything we currently use is fully puppetized (or at least I hope
> so).  That includes a cron job that syncs user information from FAS at
> 10 and 40 minutes after the hour.

This appears to be working very well.

> 2) There are two conferences set up sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and

Do we have numeric extensions that map to these conference rooms?  Not
everyone is able to dial a SIP URI, so adding numeric equivalents is an
important thing to consider.

> 3) Dialling in from the DID numbers work, and the directory appears to
> be working.
> Future plans/ideas:
> 1) Need content on to help folks set up
> clients. Max has a done a good job of getting the boilerplate ready so
> now we need to do the hard work of writing the content.

I can help with some of that.

> 2) Better system for provisioning conferences.  Some of the
> requirements I have in mind are:
>   a) password protected conferences for things like the Fedora
> Advisory Board meetings
>   b) a way to stream audio using flumotion to a larger listen-only
> audience (for the town-hall meetings)

I've done this before with ICES, but it shouldn't be too hard to get
working with flumotion.  Didn't we already have this working (at least
duct-taped together) before?

>   c) an easy way to provision "normal" conference rooms for other groups

What about letting people create their own dynamic conference rooms as

-Jared Smith

Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: LAST FTF (FedoraTalk FAD) IRC Prep meeting :: 2009-10-20 @ 19:00 UTC (3 PM EDT/12 PM PDT)

2009-10-20 Thread Jared Smith
On Mon, 2009-10-19 at 17:07 -0700, John Poelstra wrote:
> Time: 3 PM EDT (19:00 UTC)
> Date: 2009-10-20
> Location: #fedora-fad

I'll be there!

> We'll be meeting one last time tomorrow in #fedora-fad to discuss our 
> progress and things we need to be thinking about for Friday's 
> kickoff--wow, can you believe we're doing this thing for real starting 
> on Friday?!

I can't wait!

> Also, check out Bruno's excellent detailed steps on setting up asterisk.

I'm also happy to help walk people through setting up Asterisk.  Grab me
on IRC -- my nick is "jsmith".


Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list