Re: Advice on what dmsetup/fdisk/lvm does!

2009-10-18 Thread Ian Chapman

On 13/10/09 18:33, Dan Track wrote:

sda and sdb are the same, as there is only one disk but two separate
paths to it, so it shows up twice under different device mappings.

My question now is after restarting mutlipathd, what is the next step?

Do I need to use dmsetup, searching the web I still can't understand
why I need it.

I'm looking to create a logical volume on this disk. Once multipath is
working should I only see one entry in /proc/partitions, instead of
/dev/sda and /dev/sdb?

Posting your configuration file will probably help, but you don't need 
to touch /dev/sda or /dev/sdb. There should be an entry under 
/dev/mapper (eg /dev/mapper/SANVOL) or whatever you called it, which is 
the device you use to create the filesystems, logical volumes, 
partitions etc. You'll still see /dev/sda and /dev/sdb in 
/proc/partitions though.

It's also recommended you exclude lvm (/etc/lvm/lvm.conf) from looking 
at /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, otherwise there's the potential to confuse it.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: Clipboard manager by default in Fedora 11

2009-07-27 Thread Ian Chapman

On 26/07/09 05:06, Julian Aloofi wrote:

I don't think that would count as a feature, and it isn't one. It's
basically a program every system should have (in my opinion).
The Gnome clipboard isn't working great. I often get complaints from new
users I introduce to Fedora that their clipboard content was lost when
they closed Firefox, or something similar.

I'd like to see some consistency between how apps handle clipboard 
content, when

1. The user highlights content and pastes using the middle mouse button
2. The user uses the copy  paste menu options or hot keys.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: simple LDAP for address book?

2009-07-13 Thread Ian Chapman

On 13/07/09 22:39, Tom Horsley wrote:

Anyone know of a simple howto somewhere on the net for
setting up LDAP just to use for a personal address book?
(Preferably some server offered in fedora repos).

I haven't used either of these myself, but they might fit your needs if 
you haven't seen them already.

FWIW, a year or two back I setup an addressbook using Fedora Directory 
Services. I found that there was a lot of variation in what fields 
different applications expected entries to reside. Some applications 
could be configured to use certain fields, others couldn't and required 
some magic trickery on the server side. I could see the advantage for an 
enterprise with thousands of addresses, using a specific set of 
corporate apps pre-configured for LDAP but it was more pain that it was 
worth for a personal addressbook. YMMV of course. :)

Ian Chapman.

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Re: Don't show login names F11

2009-07-07 Thread Ian Chapman

On 06/07/09 23:04, Andrew Gray (Default) wrote:


Does anyone know how to stop showing a list of login names at the logon
screen of F11 Gnome

  Thanks to all involved in producing a great F11 release.

Assuming you're using GDM, this is probably want you want:

gconftool-2 --direct --config-source 
xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --type bool --set 
/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list true

as referenced here:

Ian Chapman.

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Re: How to disable gnome automount feature

2009-06-30 Thread Ian Chapman

On 30/06/09 08:27, Mail Lists wrote:

On 06/29/2009 09:43 AM, Ian Chapman wrote:

On 29/06/09 12:01, Nataraj wrote:

How can I stop the automount of these disks?

Assuming a recent version of Fedora. Go to:

System -  Preferences -  Authorisations

Go down to:

Disks -  Mount a Device

Set the following:

Anyone: No
Console: No
Active Console: No

   Aren't automounting and authorizing mounts 2 completely different things ?

Yes, but you're telling Gnome it's not authorised to automount. What's 
your point?

Ian Chapman.

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Re: How to disable gnome automount feature

2009-06-29 Thread Ian Chapman

On 29/06/09 12:01, Nataraj wrote:

How can I stop the automount of these disks?

Assuming a recent version of Fedora. Go to:

System - Preferences - Authorisations

Go down to:

Disks - Mount a Device

Set the following:

Anyone: No
Console: No
Active Console: No

Ian Chapman.

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Re: Are there Fedora people using Thunderbird 3Beta2?

2009-06-26 Thread Ian Chapman

On 27/06/09 11:16, Steven W. Orr wrote:

Hash: SHA1

I'd like to get a sense of how stable  (or unstable) it is. Has it crashed?
Have you lost data? Any problems? Is it wonderful?

It seems pretty stable, although having said that, yesterday I 
experienced my first real issue with it. After pulling some mail it was 
sitting in what appeared to be an endless loop eating 100% CPU time. I 
left it as I needed to go out and didn't want to risk losing mail by 
killing it, but suspected I most likely will have to when I got back. 
Came back to find 87,000 messages in my junk folder, the same 3 or 4 
messages repeated over and over. After a bit of a clean up, everything 
appears fine for most part and I didn't lose any mail. I would say it 
feels less responsive than TB2 when doing multiple tasks and there's a 
few oddities that don't make sense. The first one that springs to mind 
is the lack of ability to show the total number of messages in a folder. 
Requires a 3rd party extension which I think is nuts. I've never had it 
segfault or lose mail yet.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: need to change non-existant xorg.conf

2009-06-25 Thread Ian Chapman

On 25/06/09 21:06, Gary Stainburn wrote:

Using xrandr I get the following error message. I have been told that I need
to change the virtual screen size in xorg.conf to fix this.

however, when I went to do this I found that the file does not exist anywhere
on my PC.  Anyone know how I can have a working X/KDE system (I'm using it
now with kmail to write this) without this file.

Modern Xorg doesn't usually need one. It probes the hardware and display 
system to work out what is required and applies a set of defaults. If 
you have additional requirements or need to change any of the behaviour 
then just create /etc/X11/xorg.conf with the required settings and it 
will use it.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: Updates to F10 now put windows partition icons on desktop! [Solved]

2009-06-25 Thread Ian Chapman

On 25/06/09 15:06, Mike Cloaked wrote:

Ian, I had a quick look at the authorisations - you were spot on - there was
indeed an explicit authorisation for me as user set up 14 days ago as
permanent - though I do not remember adding this!  Anyway removing it solved
the problem.

Thanks for  your help and hints - it was useful

No worries Mike. I think I can make a good guess as to where the 
authorisation came from too. When you mount an internal disk by clicking 
on one of the disk icons in the Places menu in Gnome it prompts for 
authorisation (ie the root password). Underneath there is a tick box 
which says something like, remember this authorisation permanently., 
which is enabled by default. If you don't untick it, then it essentially 
creates an explicit policy for you. Anyway, glad it worked. :-)

Ian Chapman.

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Re: Updates to F10 now put windows partition icons on desktop!

2009-06-24 Thread Ian Chapman

On 25/06/09 05:37, Mike Cloaked wrote:

I just updated F10 tonight - and now when I log in I get a recovery partition
icon and a windows OS partition on the gnome desktop - yuch.

Anyone know how to turn this off?

Are they actually being mounted, or is it just the icons? Do a df -h or 
a mount in a shell to see. If they are being mounted, it could be your 
policy settings.

Open up System - Preferences - Authorisations, why it's in this menu 
is beyond me.

Have a look at disks - Mount a system internal device

Implicit Authorisations should read

Anyone: No
Console: No
Active Console: Admin Authentication

See if there's any entry in Explicit Authorisations for your user and if 
so remove it.

If that makes no different, then it could be that the internal disks on 
your system are incorrectly being seen as external devices.

Have a look at Disks - Mount a device

and set it to the same settings as above.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: Broadcom BCM43XX Nightmarte on F11

2009-06-23 Thread Ian Chapman

On 23/06/09 22:16, Christopher A. Williams wrote:

I have a couple of laptops I've been working on that I have not been
able to get WiFi to come up on at all.

Both of them have the Broadcom BC43XX series adapters. One of them is a
Gateway MX6030 laptop equipped with a Broadcom BCM4318 adapter and the
other is a Dell Inspiron e1705 with a BCM4311 adapter.

Despite that fact that Broadcom are arseholes when it comes to Linux 
I've found the adaptors work pretty damn well, thanks to the guys who've 
meticulously worked to provide the kernel drives. I would guess that 
you're missing the required firmware? It isn't distributed with Fedora 
for legal reasons. Have a look here, particularly the section about 
firmware installation:

This has worked perfectly for me, for both BCM4306 and BCM4311. If you 
try this, I would make sure broadcom-wl is uninstalled.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: modprobe warnings

2009-06-23 Thread Ian Chapman

On 24/06/09 00:49, Beartooth TpBkR wrote:

One machine always gives me warnings during boot, saying that
modprobe.conf is deprecated, and that all conf files belong into [sic] /

Do I simply become root and run mv /etc/modprobe.conf /etc/
modprobe.d?? (Or the equivalent using drag--drop, with modprobe.d open
to receive it??)

Yep, pretty much.

If it's that simple, why doesn't the software just do it?

Good question. Could be a number of reasons really, no clean upgrade 
route through rpm, high visibility that it'll be deprecated, users 
wondering where they /etc/modprobe.conf file disappeared to etc.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: NetworkManager and extra options in /etc/resolv.conf

2009-06-18 Thread Ian Chapman

On 18/06/09 18:31, Tarjei Knapstad wrote:

Due to local network setup I need to add a line to /etc/resolv.conf
(options single-request), otherwise I lose two out of three DNS
lookups. Is there any way to make NM add this line when writing
/etc/resolv.conf? (other than hacking the code and explicitly adding
it for every network I connect to through DHCP)

Not sure if NetworkManager uses dhclient underneath, but if it does then 
you can probably use dhclient.conf(5), which lets you override, add 
local settings etc.

Alternatively, from the NetworkManager man page:

   NetworkManager will execute scripts in the 
  directory in alphabetical order in response to network 

It should be fairly trivial to add a script here which is executed 
automatically when NetworkManager brings an interface online to 
append/insert additional lines into /etc/resolv.conf

Ian Chapman.

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HP DV7-1005TX

2009-02-08 Thread Ian Chapman

Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone here as the HP DV7-1005TX laptop? If so, do you 
have sound working without the irqpoll kernel option? Thanks.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: adding apps problem

2008-07-09 Thread Ian Chapman

Robert Holtzman wrote:

System - Administration - Add/Remove Software
selected a group

The group was not found
comps categories could not be loaded

Any ideas, help, pointers, docs, web sites or anything else Where I can 
get some information?

This is something that Add/Remove should be able to take care of itself 
IMHO but anyway doing:

yum grouplist

beforehand should sort you out.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: Thunderbird and junkmail

2008-07-04 Thread Ian Chapman

Richard England wrote:

Here I have set 'When I mark 
messages as junk, move them to the accounts junk folder'.  I also have 
Mark messages determined to be junk as read  set.

Yep, I have identical settings to you here for all my accounts.

- Enable adaptive junk mail controls for this account
- Do not mark mail as junk if the sender is in: Personal Address Book
- Trust junk mail headers set by: SpamPal
- Move new junk messages to:
   Junk folder on : my account
- Automatically delete junk mail older than 7 days.

Yep, I have all of these set for each account except Trust junk mail 
headers and automatically delete is set to 14 days.

Of course there are settings here you may wish to modify but this has 
been working for me for some time. I would verify that both sets of 
settings are as you wish them to be.

Thanks Richard, as far as I can see it just looks like an esoteric bug 
which I have no idea how it's been triggered. The annoying thing is it 
used to work perfectly up until about two weeks ago when it just 
stopped, simultaneously for all accounts and it's been slowly driving me 
nuts ever since. :-) Thanks for the help.

Ian Chapman.

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Thunderbird and junkmail

2008-07-03 Thread Ian Chapman

Hi All,

Does anybody have any idea why I can't get thunderbird to automatically 
move junk mail that arrives in my inbox, into the Junk folder? This used 
to work but for some reason it no longer is. It detects the junk, marks 
it as read but doesn't move it. If I manually mark a message as junk it 
does move it.
In the account settings I also have move new junk messages to junk 
folder selected.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: Thunderbird and junkmail

2008-07-03 Thread Ian Chapman

Richard England wrote:

Does anybody have any idea why I can't get thunderbird to 
automatically move junk mail that ...

OS version?

Fedora 9

Thunderbird version?

Settings you have in place (filters)?

Yes I have filters in place but only for one account which sorts out the 
various mailing lists into sub folders, however all email accounts are 
affected the same way. According to the manual, junk mail filtering is 
done after the normal message filtering. The spam is being left in the 
inbox albeit marked as such and marked as read. Just for some reason 
thunderbird won't move it to the junk folder automatically.

Ian Chapman.

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Gnash and youtube

2008-07-02 Thread Ian Chapman


Is gnash in F9 actually supposed to work with sites like youtube? It 
worked for me in F8 but I cannot get it to work in F9, despite having 
all the codecs installed including those from livna. Just curious if 
anyone has it working and what they did, particularly from PPC users. It 
works with flash in general just not with video streaming for some reason.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: Gnash question regarding

2008-06-16 Thread Ian Chapman

Antonio Olivares wrote:

Is there some setting that can be modified so CPU behaves normally while 
playing Penalty_Fever, or just forget about playing it with Gnash?

Well as someone who uses Gnash on a PPC laptop because it's really the 
only solution it's just simply very CPU intensive compared to Adobe's 
flash. I think it's largely in part because Adobe employ some kind of 
just-in-time compilation to speed things up.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: Any hope of KDE 3.5 in F10?

2008-06-15 Thread Ian Chapman

Joonas Sarajärvi wrote:

KDE 4.1 will be incomplete and not suitable for most users.

Software is rarely complete, but I find even KDE 4.0 very usable,
though far from perfect.

I found KDE 4.0 a real disappointment, especially when I was really 
looking forward to using it. I think it's currently lacking a lot of 
what I liked about KDE 3.5.x.

I find Dolphin to be actually much better for file management
than any Konqueror version I have ever tried. It's probably
just a matter of preference.

Yes I think the previous problem with konqueror was the bewildering 
range of options and views, many of which weren't that practical, 
Dolphin fairs much better in that respect.

I think the new menu is great.

Seriously? I think it's just god awful. I find it slow to navigate 
through and just plain awkward to use, I'm thankful they've left the 
option in to switch to the classic menu system.

I usually don't want to browser for
the application I am looking for in nested menus. The new menu
lets me just type a few letters and have me launch the program
instantly, of use the favorites feature.

Doesn't seem too different from the old menus, frequently used apps etc 
were stored at the top of the menu, and well I could always type a 
program by name from konsole but then I had all my favourite apps on my 
taskbar for one-click launching which sadly appears missing from KDE 4.

Ian Chapman.

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Re: Any hope of KDE 3.5 in F10?

2008-06-15 Thread Ian Chapman

Kevin Kofler wrote:

KDE 4.0 is incomplete and not suitable for most users.

Not true, it is completely usable.

Usability is more subjective than simply true or false. Sure KDE 4 is 
usable, but lacks a lot of the usability I liked in KDE 3.5.x.

Ian Chapman.

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Fedora 9 PPC DVD wont boot

2008-06-01 Thread Ian Chapman

Hi All,

Has anyone successfully booted the install DVD or install CDs on a 
Powermac G4 laptop? No matter what I do, the mac insists they are not 
bootable. I had no such issues with earlier versions of Fedora on the 
same machine. I've tried the DVDs, the CDs, using the boot.iso all with 
the same effect. The sha1sums match the ISOs and they were burnt with 
k3b on a PC. The same mac is quite happy booting from say the MacOS X 
installation DVD. Any ideas??

Ian Chapman.

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