Re: MPEG video under Fedora 9

2008-06-28 Thread John Munn
There does seem to be confusion in multimedia in Fedora, but, that is 
because there are a lot of choices for players.  The second issue is 
that Fedora insists on packaging only free software.  So, after you 
select you player(s) you need to download the non-free codecs among 
which is mpg video and mp3 audio, etc.

I am successfully using xine, kaffein and vlc media players to play mpg 
 wmv, etc movies.  Also, flash movies in the browser (Youtube, et 
al).   I've used RH linux  Fedora since RH 5.2.  Currently in FC 9  
FireFox 3 I do not have the browser plugins working properly for wmv  
mpg and I believe the problem lies with FireFox (haven't had time to 
debug it yet).  I've never been thrilled with totem and haven't spent 
the time to get it working right.

You can down load (using yum or your choice) the players from the normal 
repositories.  You need to get the mpg codecs and other non-free codecs 
from livna repository or other third party.  You can get many for 
mplayer from .  Get xine 
codecs from livna.


Timothy Murphy wrote:

Craig White wrote:


Could some kind soul state as briefly and clearly as possible
what is required to play a .mpg video file under Fedora 9/KDE/Firefox?

On my laptop I see from System Settings=Advanced=File Associations
that I am given a choice for mpeg video files of
GXine Video Player
Gnome MPlayer
Movie Player

As a sample .mpg file I've taken
/usr/share/apps/k3b/extra/k3bphotosvcd.mpg .

do you have any third party repositories installed? Livna? Other?

Yes. I have livna.repo enabled -
but no others, except fedora-update .


follow this thread from a few days ago...

especially Rahul's answer...

I read this, or rather the article
which it pointed to, but did not find it much help.

It seemed to be all about totem, which appears to be the application
called Movie Player in the f=Applications=Multimedia menu .

[Why it doesn't say that Movie Player means totem
I can't imagine - to me it just seems part
of the utter chaos that constitutes Fedora Multimedia.]

In any case, I installed totem-xine as suggested
and gave the command totem-backend -b xine.
Then I ran Movie Player and open the file I mentioned
but all I saw was a meaningless mess of lines.

So I would ask again - has anyone successfully played an MPEG video
under Fedora-9?
If so, could you tell me what application you used,
and (if possible) any special codecs you installed.

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Re: BOINC again !?

2008-06-27 Thread John Munn

You need to open the ports in your firewall (iptables).


William Case wrote:


I am having newbie problems with boinc, ports and SELinux -- I think.

Networks and SELinux are two subjects I have put off learning to any
rudimentary depth.  So here goes.

I can get Boinc to connect to the World Community Grid immediately after
first download and install.  (I have removed it and re-installed to test
this).  But after a reboot I can no longer connect to any of the project

I went to the WCG forum and explained my problem.  The response was --
open ports 80 and 443.

'netstat' does not list 80 or 443 as present, i.e, as active.
SELinux is in permissible mode.
SELinux gives the following for those two ports.
http_port_t tcp s0 80
http_port_t tcp s0 443

So ... where do I go from here?


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Re: F9/KDE4: Can't access screen resolution changes after software install

2008-06-27 Thread John Munn
I had a similar problem after trying a new video driver - resolution 
stuck as 600 x 800 and not able to change to a higher resolution from 
the display setting utility in kde. 

To get your x settings back you can shut down x with telinit 3, then 
log in as root at the command line (not an xterm).  Next you run Xorg 
--configure which will generate a new xorg.conf file in the current 
directory which you must copy to /etc/X11/xorg.conf  (see man 
Xorg).  Finally restart x by telinit 5.

If you still need to reset your kde settings rename the .kde directory 
in your home and then re login ensuring you specify a kde session.


Don Levey wrote:
Based upon a mention in Linux Journal, I installed the Penumbra: Black 
Plague demo yesterday on my laptop:

Acer TravelMate 4202WLMi
Inten Centrino Duo 1.66GHz
Intel GMA950, 1280x800
Fedora 9 x86
(hpl.log attached)

At the end of the installation, there were no errors, though it seemed 
to restart X on my machine. After logging in again, I tried starting 
the demo just to see that it was working. When I exited it, I found 
that my desktop had been changed to 800x600. I had hoped that 
restarting X would reset my settings, but that didn't help.  Nor did 
changing the settings in the game itself.

I am unable to reconfigure my desktop at all. While the correct 
(1280x800) resolution is visible as a selection in System Settings, 
the Apply/Save button is not enabled. This appears to be a specific 
problem in KDE; I can restart X and use another environment (Gnome) at 
the correct resolution.  Likewise ICEwm; in ICEwm I can even start and 
run the game without issue and return to my proper desktop size.

What is particularly odd is that when logging in via KDE it *starts 
up* in the correct resolution, but eventually changes. What happened 
to my machine, and how do I get it back? It's probably just a 
configuration change in one file, but I don't know which one.

Thanks in advance,

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