Re: [fedora-virt] how to active XEN on Fedora 12

2009-12-23 Thread M A Young

On Wed, 23 Dec 2009, Dario Lesca wrote:

Il giorno mar, 22/12/2009 alle 11.05 -0800, Boris Derzhavets ha scritto:

Thank Boris for reply, but I want only use yum install something 

I'm not a guru of Linux, I don't want to do rpmbuild ...;
configure ..., make something ...; ecc.., this is the past.

If for use XEN i must make something ... I will continue to use rpm
-i VMware-server-2.0.2. or another distro that will not need to
build something.

Then: It is possible use XEN in Fedora 12 without rebuild some things?

If you are using xen on Fedora see
In particular there are some pre-built kernels at

You do need to edit your boot loader configuration to use the kernels 
under xen, you want something along the lines of

title fedora xen (version)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/xen.gz
module /boot/vmlinuz.version standard_kernel_options
module /boot/initrd.version.img

Basically it should probably match your existing entries except for the 
additional xen line and kernel/initrd becoming module in the other lines.

Michael Young

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Re: The Phantom Update

2009-12-11 Thread M A Young

On Thu, 10 Dec 2009, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

A tiny orange octogon keeps popping up on my toolbar. Mousing over it brings 
up a tooltip bubble: There is 1 update available.

Clicking on the icon runs gpk-update-viewer, which immediately tells me that 
no updates are available. Closing packagekit brings the orange octogon back.

This has been going on for about three days now.

I had the offer of something like 21388 updates yesterday. The offer ent 
away when I refreshed packagekit ( pkcon refresh ). It might be worth 
crosschecking to see what yum thinks ie. yum check-update

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Re: F12 work around for out of space on /boot for preupgrade?

2009-11-18 Thread M A Young

On Wed, 18 Nov 2009, Steven Stern wrote:

There is an upgrade directory on /boot.  Can I move the upgrade
directory to another partition and link them?  That is, will this work?

  cd /boot
  mv upgrade /tmp/upgrade
  ln -s /tmp/upgrade upgrade

You can move some of the files in that directory, most notably the 
install.img file, but it has to be onto a non-LVM filesystem (LVM seems 
only to be started up after this file is loaded) and you have to edit 
/boot/grub/grub.conf to tell the system where to find it or tell it during 
the boot (it will ask you for the partition and path to the file within 
the partition if it doesn't find it).

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Re: Urgent Help Needed for Boot Problems After Data Restoration

2009-11-18 Thread M A Young

On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) wrote:

After restoring data from a backup image set for a 500GB harddisk to a
1000 GB harddisk, I am unable to boot up my F11 OS. I have already
restored *both* the MBR backup and the dump output from sfdisk.

It isn't that simple. The MBR tells the OS where to find the next boot 
information on the disk and that will most likely have moved so it won't 
find it.

What else is missing? I am stuck at a blinking cursor at the top left
corner of the screen. GRUB is not loading and I am unable to select
any kernel to boot.

Using System Rescue CD, I am able to activate all the logical volumes
and all the volume groups that were restored. I am also able to mount
all the logical volumes and access the restored filesystems.

You need to boot off the rescue disk and reactivate grub from there - 
something like chroot into the disk image and then run grub-install, 
though I forget the exat details.

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Re: misguided flash player warning?

2009-10-30 Thread M A Young

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009, Mike McLean wrote:

After updating Firefox it gave me the You should update Adobe Flash
Player right now. page. However, I already have the latest version
( I don't see anything newer. Am I missing something, or
is Firefox just getting it wrong?

I had time, and about:plugins claimed it was an older version. I fixed it 
by deleting the 
/usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins-wrapped/ file, 
which was enough to prod firefox into recognizing the right version.

Michael Young

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Why does laptop battery show 100% charge

2009-09-17 Thread M A Young

On Wed, 16 Sep 2009, Paolo Galtieri wrote:

This is something that has been driving me crazy over the last several
weeks.  I have my laptop plugged into AC power and has been plugged into AC
power for several days now, but the battery applet shows 97.3% charge.  It
has been showing  100% for several days and never reaches 100%.  The
battery is less than 3 months old.  I'm running F11 with all the latest

I would appreciate any ideas as to why this is the case.  There have been no
power outages so it seems to me there is no reason my battery should show 
100% charge.

In case it makes a difference I'm running wireless on a 3945ABG.  The
processor is a Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200  @ 2.00GHz

This may be down to the bios software. I run my laptop (a Dell Inspiron 
1525) off AC power in both linux (F11 and rawhide) and windows vista and 
the battery charge gradually declines over the months, but the battery 
doesn't charge unless I unplug the AC briefly while the computer in on, 
which prompts the machine to charge the battery fully.

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Re: Fedora 11 GDM - unwanted list of all local users and impossible to customize?

2009-08-31 Thread M A Young

On Mon, 31 Aug 2009, jaivuk wrote:

Hello guys,

I did not use gdm for some time and now I'm not happy how it looks in Fedora
First of all - the list of local users is unacceptable from security
reasons. Even if it supports such an  option - how it can be the default

Having the user list on by default makes sense for a home PC that is only 
going to be used by one or two users, and where security is less 
important. There is a disable_user_list gconf option, see

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Re: HDA Intel sound card problem

2009-08-16 Thread M A Young

On Sun, 16 Aug 2009, dariusz rojewski wrote:

 But I don't use pulseaudio server (to use pavucontrol pulseaudio daemon
must be turned on (yeah?)). I'll try to find similiar tool for alsa and i'll
report the result. (does anyone know such tool?) :) anyway it could be
helpful hint. thanks.

Try right clicking the sound applet and selecting preferences. From what I 
remember of Fedora 10 this gives you a collection of sliders, only some of 
which are actually shown. I think there was some slider I had to add and 
turn up to get sound to work, though I don't remember the details now (or 
even whether it was actually Fedora 10, it might have been 9).

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Re: Does Iced Tea Web Start work on Fedora 10? What about Fedora 11?

2009-07-13 Thread M A Young

On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, Deepak Bhole wrote:

Now the question is whether it is possible to install the openjdk 32
bit java plugin in a 64 bit OS...

Unfortunately, that is not possible at this time.

I would have thought the it was possible, if you manually downloaded 
java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin- and 
java-1.6.0-openjdk- from i386 Fedora 
updates and then did a yum localinstall java*rpm . Those packages would 
probably clash with their x86_64 versions, but if they weren't installed I 
would have thought it would work in the same way that most i586 
applications would work on x86_64.

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Re: any ETA on improved ATI drivers?

2009-07-04 Thread M A Young

On Sat, 4 Jul 2009, Sharpe, Sam J wrote:

I have the same with the radeon driver. Occasionally both screens go
black for a second or two, then come back as if nothing had happened.
I assumed it was either a flaky card or flaky driver as it affected
both monitors equally - now I think it's definitely the driver ;o)

I get a blanking screen occasionally and I don't have an ATI or Radeon 
video card, so I think it is more general than that.

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Re: Non-root USB-mount: How to?

2009-06-28 Thread M A Young

On Sun, 28 Jun 2009, Hiisi wrote:

Dear Fedora-Folks!
I have FC11 system, running in a text mode most of the time. I would like to 
mount USB-flash under ordinary user (not root only). Here is my /etc/fstab:

You could try using the gnome-mount command.

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Re: older releases

2009-06-27 Thread M A Young

On Sat, 27 Jun 2009, mattias wrote:

where to get older fedora-releases e.g 5 4 3 etc

The really old stuff is at
But it is unsupported, and possibly contains unfixed and exploitable 
security holes that have been discovered since support ended.

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Re: Error running Maple 7 on Fedora 10

2009-06-22 Thread M A Young

On Mon, 22 Jun 2009, William M. Quarles wrote:

Did you read the error message that I had posted? The files that cannot be 
found are from glibc-2.9-3, yet they are installed.

Two thoughts;

1) try setenforce 0 - selinux can sometimes cause things not to work in 
unexpected ways if you aren't looking for this sort of permission problem. 
setenforce 1 or a reboot will reenable it (if it was on in the first 

2) does it make any difference if you install the glibc-devel package 
(some applications look for .so files rather than more versioned 

2a) if you are on an x86_64 machine and maple isn't also x86_64, do you 
have the glibc.i386 (or i686?) package installed?

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Re: F11 XKB troubles

2009-06-22 Thread M A Young

On Mon, 22 Jun 2009, Beartooth TpBkR wrote:

One one machine, I keep getting half a dozen popups that all
say :

Error activating XKB configuration.
It can happen under various circumstances:
- a bug in libxklavier library
- a bug in X server (xkbcomp, xmodmap utilities)
- X server with incompatible libxkbfile implementation

X server version data:
The X.Org Foundation

If you report this situation as a bug, please include:
- The result of xprop -root | grep XKB
- The result of gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd

I had that on an install created from a Fedora 11 beta live CD. In the end 
I got rid of it by renaming .gconf and letting it create a fresh .gconf 
(as it was a test install I didn't care what other settings I lost).

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Re: Yum not working after upgrade

2009-06-20 Thread M A Young

On Sat, 20 Jun 2009, Colin Paul Adams wrote:

Yum is not working after I upgraded from F10 to F11.

yum update

gives me:

here was a problem importing one of the Python modules
required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:

  No module named yum

Please install a package which provides this module, or
verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the
current version of Python, which is:
2.6 (r26:66714, Mar 17 2009, 11:44:14)
[GCC 4.4.0 20090313 (Red Hat 4.4.0-0.26)]

If you cannot solve this problem yourself, please go to
the yum faq at:

rpm -q yum gives me:


so it looks like it wasn't upgraded.

How am I supposed to fix this by hand?

Get the F11 updates version of yum from your favourite mirror

or from koji
then upgrade to that version using rpm eg.
rpm -Fvh yum-3.2.23-3.fc11.noarch.rpm
This might ask for more packages, so if necessary download them and add 
them to the end of the rpm command until the install works. then try

yum update

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Re: OpenJDK / IcedTea is ###p

2009-06-12 Thread M A Young

On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, Kevin Kofler wrote:

Fernando Cassia wrote:

Works fine (in Firefox) with java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin-
Also works fine with the F11 one according to Rahul Sundaram.

It doesn't entirely work for me, I get a pink background but the pixels 
that should presumably make up the text are scattered fairly randomly at 
that horizontal level because I have a rendering bug.

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Re: Anyone got F11 NIS working?

2009-06-09 Thread M A Young

On Tue, 9 Jun 2009, Tom Horsley wrote:

I installed some fedora 11 virtual machines at work today,
and tried to configure them to use NIS logins, and the ypbind
service always times out when it tries to start.

All the config files I can think of to look at are identical
on my F10 vms and F11 vms, but NIS just don't work on F11
(for me :-). Anyone installed F11 and gotten NIS to work?

I put in a bug about it:

Both selinux and firewall are disabled on these machines, so
they shouldn't be the source of the problem.

It works for me, though I have the workaround

still active, which might have an effect.

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Re: update to F11 with yum

2009-06-04 Thread M A Young

On Thu, 4 Jun 2009, Alan Evans wrote:

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 7:36 AM, Kevin Kofler wrote:

Alan Evans wrote:

I have a small number of 32-bit packages on my desktop. If I try to
remove, for example, glibc.i686, then it tries to take
basesystem.noarch with it as a dependency!

You must be missing some x86_64 package(s) then.

Actually, not that either. A closer examination of yum output reveals:

   removing basesystem-10.0-1.noarch. It is not required by anything else.

This is being tagged for removal by the remove-with-leaves plugin. So
I'm guessing that something in the dependency resolution stage calls
out for needing basesystem, but nothing else on my system technically
requires it. Should I consider that a bug?

Have you got two basesystem packages installed? The F11 basesystem package 
is basesystem-10.0-2.noarch.rpm.

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RE: Upgrade FC3 to FC10

2009-06-03 Thread M A Young

On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Moessbauer, David wrote:

Yes, we need applications to work in new OS too.

Would CentOS4 address following security concerns:
1. Disable Executive Stack - IE: kernel must support NX feature
2. Linux Kernel Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability that affects
kernels prior to

CentOS 4 is a clone of Red Hat's RHEL4 minus the trademarked stuff (like 
the Red Hat name and Red Hat specific icons)

Jussi Lehtola wrote:

I suggest you update to CentOS 4 ( ), which is
largely based on Fedora Core 3 so the update should be quite painless.
You should even be able to do the update with yum.

You might have to tidy up a lot after a yum update (or indeed any other 
update from FC3 to CentOS 4), because some packages in a fully patched 
version of FC3 (eg. the kernel) will have a higher version number than 
Centos 4, since in RHEL security patches are often backported to the 
original version of the software in the distribution rather than using the 
later version that includes the fix.

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Re: ?!

2009-06-02 Thread M A Young

On Tue, 2 Jun 2009, Germán Racca wrote:

kstartupconfig4: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

It looks like kstartupconfig4 wasn't updated. Fedora 11 has, 
not You need to look for an updated version, or whatever 
package has replaced it.

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Re: Kernel update broke my system.

2009-05-29 Thread M A Young

On Fri, 29 May 2009, Wendell Nichols wrote:

While I was conducting a web meeting with a number of people yesterday my 
keyboard stopped working.  Thats the second time its happened and I was 
forced to reboot!  Imagine my acute frustration that because of a kernel 
update the boot loader failed and I was left with a blinking cursor!  While 
10 people patiently waited on the phone I had to boot the installer and go 
through the change boot loader part of an os upgrade.  Luckly that worked 
and I was back in business in about 15 minutes.
I suspect that all my raving about the stability of linux over windows is now 
the source of some humor in my company and the 3 other companies represented 
on the call

The kernel update that got me was:  kernel-
ackkptewee :-)

I suspect the problem here is that when you last updated the OS grub 
wasn't updated properly, meaning that the boot sector part of grub was 
looking for the stage2 file at one location of the disk but this was now 
blank space from the filesystem point of view. From then on, whenever you 
updated your kernel, or did something else in the /boot filesytem, you ran 
the risk of overwriting this data and killing grub.

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Re: Can't update F9

2009-05-11 Thread M A Young

On Mon, 11 May 2009, Alan Evans wrote:

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, it did not help. Actually, that
package you pointed to was already installed. I forced rpm to update
it anyway. But the behavior didn't change. Yum just cycles through
every URL it can trying to download
huge-hex-number-primary.sqlite.bz2 then reports [Error -3] Error
performing checksum Trying other mirror. Repeat indefinitely.

It sounds like yum or one of its dependencies is broken (or missing). You 
could always try updating yum to the F10 version via rpm, and seeing if 
updating it, or any of its dependencies fixes your yum problem. You could 
also try updating the fedora-release package and rpm to the F10 

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Re: Bad Key ID, Trying to Update Fedora 11 Beta

2009-05-08 Thread M A Young

On Thu, 7 May 2009, Marc Ferguson wrote:

I'm having a problem updating my beta copy of Fedora 11. I've got about 500+
packages ready to be updated, but I'm running into an error.  Can someone
help me figure this out?  Thanks.

Read the release notes, and in particular

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Re: rkhunter found this...

2009-03-27 Thread M A Young

On Thu, 26 Mar 2009, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:

The clue I left was:
# more /dev/nul
nsdc: no patch necessary.

For fun,  I looked at: /etc/init.d/nsd and there was code
in two places that had: 2%1 (a stderr redirect?) and I suspected
it was intended to be: 21?  I was not sure the % was
something I have seen before - this does not exists in the
entire /etc/init.d directory except for nsd!  Bug

The first question you should be asking is if this is a genuine file from 
a genuine package. If it is, and if it hasn't been editted then you 
certainly should submit a bug report. But you should keep in mind the 
possibility that rkhunter is complaining because there really is a root 
kit on your system masquerading as something else.

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Re: Unable to upgrade from FC9 to FC10

2009-03-25 Thread M A Young

On Wed, 25 Mar 2009, James Allsopp wrote:

cat /etc/fedora-release shows Fedora release 10 (Cambridge)

but when I hit
yum upgrade

It says the system is up to date, but a uname -r shows it's using

Any help would be most appreciated.

Try  yum clean all  first.

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Re: Evolution throwing away emails for one of my accounts ?

2009-03-10 Thread M A Young

On Tue, 10 Mar 2009, Linuxguy123 wrote:

How would I verify that Evolution isn't throwing away some of my
emails ?

The simple way would be to check the emails by another means. I have seen 
evolution lose and forget about large blocks of emails, but viewing them 
by alternate means show that they really are still there.

It just means that evolutions indexes are messed up.

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Re: FC10, Virtualization , Windows XP

2009-03-04 Thread M A Young

On Wed, 4 Mar 2009, Tom Horsley wrote:

On Wed, 04 Mar 2009 19:09:04 -0500
Jim wrote:

what is the best Virtualization program for FC10, to run Windows XP in.
I understand because my AMD Athlon doesn't have a svm feature I can't
run KVM, and VM Ware is slow ?

Anything you use will be slow without the hardware virtualization
support - they all have the same problem.

But they aren't all as slow as vmware, nor is hardware virtualization 
required for a faster solution, for example Xen does very well without 
needing hardware support. However, due to the current development stage, 
xen isn't a practical solution for Fedora 10 (upstream development is 
usable is some circumstances but yet suitable for a wider audience), but 
might be ready during the lifetime of Fedora 11, or for Fedora 12.

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Re: Fedora 8 upgrade to 9 missing dependency problem

2009-02-21 Thread M A Young

On Sat, 21 Feb 2009, Langdon Stevenson wrote:

Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package 
php-mysql-5.2.6-2.fc8.i386 (installed)
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package 
6:kdebase-3.5.10-2.fc8.i386 (updates-newkey)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.8.8) is needed by package 
foomatic-3.0.2-67.fc8.i386 (installed)
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package 
qt4-x11-4.4.3-1.fc8.i386 (installed)
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package 
libpurple-2.5.2-1.fc8.i386 (installed)
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package 
6:kdebase-3.5.10-2.fc8.i386 (updates-newkey)

These are the ones you really need to understand. They aren't necessarily 
the problem themselves, but could indicate that some package doesn't have 
an update patch and is requiring the old version. I am however confused by 
the line

Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package
6:kdebase-3.5.10-2.fc8.i386 (updates-newkey)
which suggests you are still looking at a Fedora 8 updates-newkey, and not 
a Fedora 9 one.

I also notice that kdebase in version 4 not 3 in Fedora 9, and version 3 
libraries are provided by the kdebase3 package. You could try

yum install kdebase3
and see what happens.

An alternate approach is to use preupgrade.

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Re: Fedora 10 and UK keyboard layout

2009-02-20 Thread M A Young

On Wed, 24 Sep 2008, Marcelo M. Garcia wrote:

During the installation of Fedora 10 I choose UK for the keyboard
layout, but I when I log in gnome is using American layout.

If I add the UK in System-Preferences-Hardware-Keyboard it seems to
not make difference. I make it the default, but again, the layout is

You can force it to use a UK keyboard with the section
Section InputDevice
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  kbd
Option  XkbModel pc105
Option  XkbLayout gb
in /etc/X11/xorg.conf

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Re: FreeCAD-0.7.1779 and Fedora10

2009-02-09 Thread M A Young

On Mon, 9 Feb 2009, Joachim Backes wrote:

Dear community,

I'm trying to compile FreeCAD on F10, and having problems with the
./configure run:

checking for Qt = 4.1... configure: error: Cannot find Qt meta object
compiler (moc), bye...

This configure error appears despite qt4 is installed: moc is in

Do you have the appropriate -devel package installed?

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Re: fedora 9 / 10 and flashplayer 9 /10

2009-01-26 Thread M A Young

On Sun, 25 Jan 2009, Craig White wrote:

rpm -ivh \

and then...

yum install flash-plugin libflashsupport

No, you do not want to install libflashsupport for Flash 10, and indeed it 
can cause problems if you do. Flash 9 audio support had problems with 
recent linux releases such as Fedora 9, which is why libflashsupport was 
shipped with Fedora 9, since Flash 9 was the current version at that 
point. These issues are resolved in Flash 10 so libflashsupport is no 
longer necessary, and as the libflashsupport package in Fedora 9 is based 
on Flash 9 code it can cause problems when used with Flash 10.

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Re: Upgrading to F10 without DVD

2009-01-25 Thread M A Young

On Sun, 25 Jan 2009, Oliver Ruebenacker wrote:

 I burned a F10 Live CD, but then found out that you can not upgrade,
only install.

A live CD install essentially just takes a copy of the live CD image and 
installs it on a disk, so naturally you can't use that method to upgrade.

But since this is only running anaconda behind the scenes it ought to be 
possible to run anaconda with different options to do an upgrade using 
network based repositories to supply the packages. It won't give you any 
advantages over the netinst.iso image, but it ought to work.

preupgrade is probably easier though if you have enough free diskspace. 
You run preupgrade and it prepares the upgrade for you, downloading the 
relevant packages and building them into a mini-repository so that you can 
install them after a reboot. It helps though if you have something like 
130M free on whatever partition contains /boot as some have had trouble 
with the alternative it uses if this space isn't free.

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Re: Extract .rar files

2009-01-17 Thread M A Young

On Sat, 17 Jan 2009, Adil Drissi wrote:

Do you know about any tool that I can use for extracting .rar files?

You can install the unrar package from a third party repository such as I imagine Fedora doesn't have it because of patent or 
license issues.

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Re: preupgrade question

2009-01-16 Thread M A Young

On Fri, 16 Jan 2009, Craig White wrote:

I wouldn't say that you are going to have trouble...what does happen is
that it will attempt to download a bootable image which requires a wired
internet connection with dhcp so the network adaptor will configure
itself, obtain DNS and download the necessary boot image before
continuing on.

I think that is only the case if you don't have enough space in /boot to 
put the images there when preupgrade is run and if /boot is actually part 
of the / filesystem then that is unlikely to be a problem.

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Re: Tomcat Admin application

2009-01-14 Thread M A Young

On Wed, 14 Jan 2009, Seann Clark wrote:

I don't know where I am missing something, and since this is a rather crash 
course in solving a problem with tomcat itself in my deployment (it rather 
likes to make everything go to http://localhost/ instead of like it should) which I am looking for better 
insight into the server that is a little less cryptic than xml files 
scattered everywhere in the distribution, and me not having a clue where to 

Do you have the tomcat5-admin-webapps package installed? I believe that is 
the one that provides the admin package, so is the first thing to check if 
you haven't already done so.

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Re: Flash player with Fedora 9

2009-01-06 Thread M A Young

On Tue, 6 Jan 2009, Anne Wilson wrote:

F9 required an extra package to be installed - IIRC it is called
libflashsupport (could have a hyphen in there somewhere?)

Flash 9 (not Fedora 9) required that extra package to get sound working. 
Flash 10 doesn't need it, and indeed its presence can interfere with the 
working of Flash 10, so with Flash 10 you should remove this package, eg.

rpm -e libflashsupport

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Re: flash-plugin installed and not available

2008-12-22 Thread M A Young

On Mon, 22 Dec 2008, William Case wrote:

I am not getting any sound with my flash plugin.

When I follow the advice from:

I get the following message from yum:
Package flash-plugin- installed and not available

It means you didn't set up the adobe yum repository as instructed in the 
previous stage, but as you do have the flash-plugin that won't be the 
cause of your problems. But I would recommend that you start again with 
that advice and make sure you haven't omitted anything else.

If you have libflashsupport installed then remove it, eg.
rpm -e libflashsupport
because that was for flash 9 it can potentially interfere with flash 10

Of course it might not be a flash problem at all. I suggest you check your 
sound is functioning correctly by going to system - preferences - 
hardware - sound and make sure it is set up sensibly and the tests all 

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Re: F9 and up: XDMCP support?

2008-12-22 Thread M A Young

On Mon, 22 Dec 2008, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:

I have been waiting for awhile, understood that XDMCP support
was to be added in at some time, but yet, it is not still there?

Fedora 9 works for me. I have not tried Fedora 10.

Michael Young

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Re: FC9 - recent upgrade breaks NFS

2008-12-12 Thread M A Young

On Fri, 12 Dec 2008, Steve Searle wrote:

I have got exactly the same situation, with rpcbind not starting and NFS
mounts failing.  Switiching selinux to permissive has resolved the
problem, however relabelin and switching back to enforcing has returned
the problem.

The new rpcbind and the current selinux-policy packages are incompatible. 
I suggest you downgrade rpcbind, or wait until the selinux update appears.

Michael Young

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Re: Problem with xorg-x11-drv-i810 on Fedora 10

2008-12-01 Thread M A Young

On Mon, 1 Dec 2008, Jason Dickerson wrote:

Section ServerLayout
    Identifier Default Layout
    Screen  0  Screen0 0 0

Section Monitor
    Identifier   LCD Panel
    VendorName   IBM
    ModelName    X30 1024x768
    Option        dpms

Section Monitor
    Identifier   External Panel
    VendorName   Monitor Vendor
    ModelName    Generic Monitor
    Option        dpms

Section Device
    Identifier  Intel i830M
    Driver  intel
    VendorName  Intel
    BoardName   Intel Corporation 82830 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]
    BusID   PCI:0:2:0
    Option        monitor-LVDS LCD Panel
    Option        monitor-VGA External Panel

Section Screen
    Identifier Screen0
    Device Intel i830M
    Monitor    LCD Panel
    DefaultDepth 24
    SubSection Display
        Viewport   0 0
        Depth 24
        Virtual   1024 768

Section DRI
    Group    0
    Mode 0666

If anyone can help, I would really appreciate it! 

Try adding the line
Option NoAccel yes
to the Device section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
A lot of people are having trouble with that graphics driver in Fedora 10.

Michael Young-- 
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Re: Unable to install F10 with kickstart

2008-12-01 Thread M A Young

On Mon, 1 Dec 2008, Mike Cloaked wrote:

Need more input from someone else now perhaps?

If it is any help the grub line used by preupgrade (including a 
kickstart file) looks like

kernel /upgrade/vmlinuz preupgrade 

(UUIDs blanked out becuase I am paranoid)

Michael Young

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Re: Yum F9 -- F10, still old F9 packages

2008-11-30 Thread M A Young

On Sun, 30 Nov 2008, Colin Brace wrote:

Now I have enabled the rpmfusion repos, but I can't upgrade the relevent
packages from that repo as there is a dependency problem with the F9 version
of avidemux installed: an older x264 library. When I try to delete avidemux
using RPM, the latter hangs every time, and I have to kill it in a second

If rpm is hanging, you could have a locked RPM database. The simplest way 
to cure that is to reboot.

Michael Young

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Re: F9-F10 preupgrade worked, but repos point to F9

2008-11-28 Thread M A Young

On Fri, 28 Nov 2008, Ted Roche wrote:

Hi, folks:

I used the preupgrade (after doing a yum update preupgrade to get the
1.0 version) to upgrade F9 to F10 on my ThinkPad T61 and all appears
to be running quite well. However, when I went to try out the new
NetBeans feature, I couldn't find it listed. Checking the Software
Sources options in the Package Manager for GNOME, I see that I'm still
pointing to the F9 repositories.  I know I could just hack the
/etc/yum.repos.d files, but is there a more correct way to switch to
the new repositories?

What does rpm -q fedora-release give? If two are listed get rid of the 
fedora 9 one, eg. rpm -e fedora-release-9-5.transition

Michael Young

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Re: Does the Fedpra Python 2.5 comew with IDLE.

2008-11-28 Thread M A Young

On Fri, 28 Nov 2008, Aaron Konstam wrote:

This is probably a stupid question but I can't find IDLE in the Python
installed on Fedora (at least p through Python-2.5.

yum install python-tools

Michael Young

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Re: Still have fc9 packages after upgrade to Fedora 10

2008-11-28 Thread M A Young

On Fri, 28 Nov 2008, Doctor Who wrote:

After upgrading to Fedora 10 final from one of the earlier RCs using
preupgrade, I noticed after running 'rpm -qa | grep fc9 \ wc -l' that
i have 366 fc9 packages still installed.  I've run yumex,
'yum-complete-transaction', and 'package-cleanup --cleandupes' but
these packages are not updating.

I only have Fedora 10 repos enabled.

Any idea on why and how to get these packages updated?

It is normal to have some packages with fc9 versions as part of Fedora 10 
because some are distributed as part of Fedora 10, presumably because they 
haven't been updated since the last Fedora 9 version. You can check for 
packages that aren't available from your current set of repositories by 

yum list extras

Michael Young

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Re: Still have fc9 packages after upgrade to Fedora 10

2008-11-28 Thread M A Young

On Fri, 28 Nov 2008, Doctor Who wrote:

So yumex, for example, has no fc10 package right now?  The latest
version is a fc9 package?

Essentially yes. The Fedora 10 yumex package is identical to a Fedora 9 
yumex package (though the rpms will differ slightly because they will be 
signed by different keys).

Michael Young

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Re: yum update on a Live USB Stick

2008-11-27 Thread M A Young

On Thu, 27 Nov 2008, Daniel Kirsten wrote:

I transfered the  F10-i686-Live-KDE.iso  to a  2GB USB-Stick (vfat) as
described on

The stick booted well, but when I tried  make   yum update , yum crashed.
I got tons of ext3-related error messages, altough the stick has a vfat file
After the crash,  I was no longer able to access the stick and dmesg,
shutdown, ...  did not work.

Is it generally impossible to make yum update on a live medium, or did
it fail due to hardware problems?

The liveCD is basically a read-only file system. On top of that you can 
ask for an overlay file on the USB stick when you install it to USB, 
otherwise I think you get a memory overlay and changes are written to the 
overlay rather than the original read-only image. You are probably getting 
the ext3 errors once the overlay space has been used up.
Probably you don't have space to apply all available updates, but you will 
probably succeed in applying a few selected updates as required.

Michael Young

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Re: Preupgrade negatives -

2008-11-26 Thread M A Young

On Tue, 25 Nov 2008, Claude Jones wrote:

The other weird thing is that it said it couldn't download the
install image or something in /boot due to insufficient space; I
uninstalled all but the current kernel and I'm showing nearly 70
mB of space in /boot; so, I'm not sure what's up with that

It was trying to pull down the so called stage2 file install.img which is 
something like 109Mb.

Michael Young

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Re: F10 yum tries to install F9 rpms

2008-11-26 Thread M A Young

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Paul Smith wrote:

I have just upgraded from F9 to F10. However, when I run 'yum update',
it tries to install F9 rpms. Can I do something to avoid this problem?

yum clean all
then try yum update again. I am guessing you have old metadata in your yum 

Michael Young

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Re: F9 - F10 Upgrade Left only GRUB prompt

2008-11-26 Thread M A Young

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Richard England wrote:

I used preupgrade (1.0.0-1.fc9.noarch) to upgrade a Dell Latitude laptop from 
F9 to F10. Every thing seemed to go fine but on reboot I'm getting only a 
GRUB prompt.

If you get a grub prompt, that means it can't find the grub.conf 
configuration file (or possibly that that file is corrupt). You could try 
something like

configfile (hd0,0)/grub/grub.conf
configfile (hd0,0)/boot/grub/grub.conf
and see if you can find it manually - tab completion is very useful in 
telling you if you are looking in the right place. help will list the 
available commands, and you can read a file via cat. Incidentally 
(hd0,0) is the first partition of the first disk, probably sda1

Michael Young

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Re: F10 yum tries to install F9 rpms

2008-11-26 Thread M A Young

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Paul Smith wrote:

# dir  /etc/yum.repos.d/
adobe-linux-i386.repo   pptp.repo
CRAN.repo   remi.repo
fedora-rawhide.repo rpmfusion-free.repo
fedora.repo rpmfusion-free-updates.repo
fedora-updates-newkey.repo  rpmfusion-free-updates-testing.repo
fedora-updates.repo rpmfusion-nonfree-rawhide.repo
fedora-updates-testing-newkey.repo  rpmfusion-nonfree.repo
fedora-updates-testing.repo rpmfusion-nonfree-updates.repo
freshrpms.repo  rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-testing.repo
google.repo texlive.repo

You shouldn't have the newkey repositories - they were for F8 or F9 only 
to work around a possibly compromised signing key - is the old 
fedora-release package still installed, or are they files no longer owned 
by a package?

rpm -qf /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates-newkey.repo
will tell you if an rpm still claims the file.

Michael Young

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RE: Fedora 10 and Xen (at this point)?

2008-10-31 Thread M A Young

On Fri, 31 Oct 2008, Joseph L. Casale wrote:

Why even have F10 xen rpm's if it's not
available as a dom0 architecture?

It is still domU only, so those are for DomU.

Except you don't need the xen packages inside a domU host, just a xen 
enabled kernel (which for F10 is the ordinary kernel). I would have said 
they are there for when Dom0 starts working again, and that might occur 
within F10 if the Dom0 hooks are in 2.6.28 and F10 is updated to that 
kernel, which is certainly possible during the lifetime of F10.

Michael Young

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Re: Fedora 10 and Xen (at this point)?

2008-10-30 Thread M A Young

On Thu, 30 Oct 2008, Kevin Martin wrote:

What is the status of XEN and Fedora 10 at this point?  The website shows a last update
date of 7/30/08.

It is still domU only. It might be in Fedora 11 depending on when the 
upstream kernel gets PvopsDom0 support (maybe in 2.6.28).

Michael Young

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Re: How to install Fedora 9 without DVD drive (but I have usb)

2008-10-18 Thread M A Young

On Sat, 18 Oct 2008, Vijay Gill wrote:

I have been trying to find a way to install fedora 9 without a DVD
drive but all of the existing solutions seem to be for upto Fedora 8
only. I am running my server on FC6 and would like to upgrade to
Fedora 9 which must be pretty stable by now.

You can put the F9 live CD onto a USB key, then install from that. If you 
are feeling brave you can install the Fedora 9 fedora-release package 
and do a yum upgrade - it is not supported but it might work.

Michael Young

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Re: Wow.

2008-10-07 Thread M A Young

On Tue, 7 Oct 2008, Kevin Kofler wrote:

Alan Evans ame.fedora at writes:

It's just that in this case, I didn't expect updating subversion to
pull in a new version of openoffice! And sendmail???

If packages A and B both depend on library L and if Rawhide has a newer version
of L with a different soname major version (the number which indicates which
versions of a library are binary-compatible with each other), then you cannot
update package A without updating B, even if A and B are otherwise completely
unrelated (because updating A drags in L which drags in the updated B because
the newer L is no longer compatible with the old B - dependencies work both
ways in this case). If L is a core system library, there can be a lot of
packages like B.

In this case the dependency is I have been experimenting 
with getting Fedora 10 beta OpenOffice 3 onto Fedora 9, and found that I 
needed about 30 rawhide packages in addition to the OO3 ones (which would 
have been much more except I pulled in the compat-db to put back, but by creating a db47 package to provide to 
Fedora 9 this dropped to 6 or 7 such packages.

Michael Young

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Re: NFS statd fails to start

2008-09-07 Thread M A Young

On Sun, 7 Sep 2008, Paul Smith wrote:

host=mypc type=AVC msg=audit(1220780572.503:49): avc:  denied  { read
} for  pid=4150 comm=rpcbind name=services dev=dm-0 ino=11649032
tcontext=unconfined_u:object_r:rpm_script_tmp_t:s0 tclass=file

host=mypc type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1220780572.503:49): arch=4003
syscall=5 success=no exit=-13 a0=30ef06 a1=8 a2=1b6 a3=8
items=0 ppid=4149 pid=4150 auid=500 uid=32 gid=0 euid=32 suid=32
fsuid=32 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=1 comm=rpcbind
exe=/sbin/rpcbind subj=unconfined_u:system_r:rpcbind_t:s0 key=(null)

Try ls -i /etc/services and see if the inode matches. If so try restorecon 
/etc/services (ls -lZ will show the selinux settings for the 
file/directory if you want to see the before and after settings).

Michael Young

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Re: Last kernel Update ( breaks wlan (iwl4965)

2008-07-27 Thread M A Young

On Sun, 27 Jul 2008, Bjoern Schiessle wrote:


since my kernel upgrade from to my wlan nic stopped working.

I had the similar problem. It seems the GUI package manager failed to 
update the iwl4965-firmware package, but doing a yum update fixed it.

Michael Young

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Re: Last kernel Update ( breaks wlan (iwl4965)

2008-07-27 Thread M A Young

On Sun, 27 Jul 2008, Björn Persson wrote:

I guess the firmware package hadn't yet reached the mirror you used when you
upgraded the kernel. Later, when you ran yum update, the firmware package was
there, or maybe Yum chose another mirror.

The problem is that the iwl4965 firmware package was out about a week 
before the kernel package appeared, so if the kernel was on a mirror, 
the firmware package would be on that mirror as well. I think it is 
actually a bug in PackageKit.

Michael Young-- 
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Re: Handlihng a .rar file

2008-07-19 Thread M A Young

On Sat, 19 Jul 2008, Anne Wilson wrote:

I've been sent a .rar file that I need to open.  Neither ark nor
archive-manager will open it, even if I rename it to .zip.  Does anyone know
a package that can handle this, or must I ask for it to be sent differently?

I don't think Fedora supports rar because of licensing/patent issues, but 
you can get packages from other repositories, for example has an unrar package available.

Michael Young

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Re: Problems with IPW3545 and latest kernel

2008-07-04 Thread M A Young

On Fri, 4 Jul 2008, Fulko Hew wrote:

Which Bugzilla # would that be?  I tried searching for 3945, and I can't 
find/recognize the appropriate entry.  

I think you want bug 453390. One of the posters there has identified the 
problem, so it shouldn't be too long before it is fixed.

Michael Young-- 
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Re: intel3945 WLAN and Siemens ADSL Modem

2008-06-26 Thread M A Young

On Fri, 27 Jun 2008, d das wrote:

I have one 'Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection
(rev 02)' card (quoted from `lspci`) in my Lenovo laptop. And my
Siemens ADSL modem has a Wireless network facility. But, though I set
the network up according to the modem manual, I am not being able to
get the wlan0 up.

'service network start' is giving me a message like this:

Bringing up interface wlan0:  Error for wireless request Set Mode (8B06) :
   SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.
SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device

Do you have the iwl3945-firmware package installed?

Michael Young

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Re: recent kernel upgrades damage mbr

2008-06-17 Thread M A Young

On Tue, 17 Jun 2008, Maurizio Marini wrote:

I would advice any list member that it is in the wild a issue regarding grub
and mbr.

I don't know if this is relevant, but F8 grub (unless the latest update 
has been written to the boot sector) can't cope with filesystems created 
on F9 because of the inode size change. So it is definitely a good idea to 
upgrade grub if you are upgrading.

Michael Young

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Re: Cannot compile matplotlib on FC8: error: pygtk/pygtk.h: No such file or directory

2008-06-15 Thread M A Young

On Sun, 15 Jun 2008, M. Fioretti wrote:

I'm trying to build and install matplotlib on Fedora 8, x86_64.

That is doing it the hard way. The easy way is
yum install python-matplotlib

If you still want to build it, why not look at the spec file for the 
source RPM for the above package, as that will tell you how the rpm was 

Michael Young

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Re: FW: US-CERT Technical Cyber Security Alert TA06-075A -- Adobe Macromedia Flash Products Multiple Vulnerabilities

2006-03-19 Thread M A Young
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006, David Eisenstein wrote:

 Although I don't believe that Fedora or Fedora Legacy provides any version
 of Macromedia's Flash Player to our end users (as it's proprietary), end
 users may still decide to download and install this free plugin ... so it
 is good to know about this.  I believe Flash is able to be used both with
 Firefox and Mozilla.  Perhaps KDE's Konqueror also can use Flash.
 Someone who knows for sure about Konqueror, can you respond on the list
 and let us know?
Yes, if you are using flash in mozilla or firefox, probably KDS Konqueror
as well, you almost certainly need to upgrade. For mozilla or firefox,
just type about:plugins in the title bar to see if you have flash
installed - 7.0 r63 is the fixed version.

Michael Young

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