
2008-08-09 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On my FC7 system, ls -a yields 42 files of the form
where the wild card is a number.  For example:

What are these?  Are they evil?


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F8 vs F9

2008-08-12 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
I need to install a few new systems in the next
few weeks.  My requirements are: apache; C++ code
development; netfilter; KDE; openvpn; and above
all, stability.  I have heard a rumor that I might
be better off with F8 than F9.  Is this true?


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Re: F8 vs F9

2008-08-12 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 22:25:31 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:

> Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> I need to install a few new systems in the next few weeks.  My
>> requirements are: apache; C++ code development; netfilter; KDE;
>> openvpn; and above all, stability.  I have heard a rumor that I might
>> be better off with F8 than F9.  Is this true?
> The answer is either "yes", "no", or "maybe".  And you get 10 points for
> asking one of the silliest questions I've seen asked her in quite some
> time.

A long time ago I worked for a very large company whose name
you would recognize and for those who have worked there, whose
name commands respect.  I worked in assembly language on control
systems whose failure could rapidly cost dollars counted in
millions, and potentially be quite dangerous to human life.  On
their control systems, the only operating systems they allowed
were long obsolete, and very well understood.  The idea that
perhaps one should upgrade to the latest system would be met with
an incredulous stare.  (I remember once entering my boss's office
with the question: "Is anything interesting happening?".  He
responded: "God, I hope not!".)

To the others respondents:  Thanks for your helpful comments.
I'll wait for more, especially on KDE and maybe openvpn.
(But, then, my present web server has no GUI at all.)


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PAN Failure -- Help

2008-08-12 Thread MIKE - EMAIL IGNORED
I am talking to you from my laptop (running F8 and
pan-0.132-2.fc8) because my desktop (running F7 and
pan-0.131-1.fc7) suddenly stopped working.  When I
start pan (under KDE), its GUI flashes briefly and
then disappears.  Other things, including Firefox
and Apache seem fine so far.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: PAN Failure -- Help

2008-08-12 Thread MIKE - EMAIL IGNORED
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 20:24:57 -0500, Roger Heflin wrote:

>> I am talking to you from my laptop (running F8 and pan-0.132-2.fc8)
>> because my desktop (running F7 and pan-0.131-1.fc7) suddenly stopped
>> working.  When I start pan (under KDE), its GUI flashes briefly and
>> then disappears.  Other things, including Firefox and Apache seem fine
>> so far.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Mike.
> If you have not already, open a terminal window and try starting it in
> there and see if it will give your an error.
> It puts its config files in ~/.pan2 and there are some things in there
> that could be delete without it being and issue (cache) but others are a
> bit more trouble if you delete them.
> If you don't get an error I would try doing "mv ~/.pan2 ~/.pan2.bad" and
> then start it again and see if it works, if this makes it work, there is
> something in the .pan2 directory that disagrees with it.
>iv=ch   Roger

Thanks for this.

Starting from a command line results in the dump below. Can anything
be discerned from it?  (I deleted the long memory map, which I will
post if anyone thinks it would be useful.)  

I renamed the .pan directory as suggested, and pan then works.
I guess if there is no better suggestion, I'll restore the
.pan directory and start moving out files, starting with the
latest modified (tomorrow at standard -0500).



$ pan
*** glibc detected *** pan: free(): invalid next size (normal): 
0x0a4c07f0 ***
=== Backtrace: =
=== Memory map: 

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Re: PAN Failure -- Help

2008-08-13 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 08:30:29 -0500, Roger Heflin wrote:

> The error is not terribly useful, I doubt there is going to be a better
> suggestion than to try a few files at a time, though you may be able to
> run "strace -o pan.out -f pan" on the command line and see what was the
> last file being accessed by pan and guess which file is the
> troublemaker.
> If you can isolate it down to a single file you might look at that file
> and see if it is obviously wrong.
> Though, It may just be that something in the cache is odd and causing
> the crash.
> Roger

Back on my desktop.  The problem was solved by removing tasks.nzb .
The software created a new one.  The file is a 166 line XML file;
a quick look did not show any problem, but I did not spend much
time on it.  Unless advised otherwise, I intend to discard it.
If anyone wants to see it, please let me know, and I'll post it.

Thanks again,

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Re: F8 vs F9

2008-08-13 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 06:51:15 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:

> Mark Haney wrote:
>> Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> The answer is either "yes", "no", or "maybe".  And you get 10 points
>>> for asking one of the silliest questions I've seen asked her in quite
>>> some time.
>> Why is it silly?
> Basically because it doesn't have enough detail.  It doesn't tell us
> what versions of the particular software you need (feature
> requirements).  Nor, does it go into any details about the rumor.  So,
> that leaves everyone free to determine what the rumor is and base their
> responses on their interpretation.
> Also, the term "stability" is subject to interpretation as well.
> Then there is the life cycle question.  Is Fedora really right for this
> project?  Will the relatively quick release cycles for Fedora and the
> subsequent lack of updates present a problem in the future?
> And on, and on.

On the other hand, it did get the answers I needed (one most unexpected),
and did generate some interesting discussion.  And no one was quite 
offensive enough to get added to my permanently banned authors list
in pan ;) .


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cifs WinXP problem

2008-08-30 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
Sorry to trouble you with what may be a Microsoft problem.
On my LAN, I replaced one of my Win2k boxes with a new
WinXP box.  I use cifs to connect with MS boxes from an
FC7 box.  Here is the main part of the start script in
init.d :

case $1 in
  mount -t cifs -o user=administrator%
xxx,noauto,suid,dir_mode=0700,file_mode=0700 //abcd30/base /mnt/base30
  mount -t cifs -o user=administrator%
xxx,noauto,suid,dir_mode=0700,file_mode=0700 //abcd10/mike_local /mnt/

abcd30 is a Win2k box.
abcd10 is the new WinXP box; mike_local is a share name on a directory.

abcd30 connects correctly; for abcd10 I get:

# smb start
mount error 5 = Input/output error
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g.man mount.cifs)

The man page says little of errors.  I note that: ping works fine;
the new box and its shared directory are visible from other Win
boxes; the real passwords are the same on both boxes and have no
inappropriate characters.  I tried shutting down iptables and
ZoneAlarm (with WAN disconnected, of course).

Thanks for your help.

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Re: cifs WinXP problem

2008-08-31 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Sun, 31 Aug 2008 01:37:47 -0400, Robert L Cochran wrote:

> If the Windows XP box has the Windows firewall turned on, are you
> allowing inbound and outbound traffic for cifs? I don't know the port
> numbers off the top of my head, and my knowledge of cifs is smaller than
> a grain of sand.
> Bob Cochran

Windows firewall is off.  The "Security Center" display shows that
ZoneAlarm Pro is on, even after I shut ZoneAlarm down!


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Re: cifs WinXP problem

2008-08-31 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Sun, 31 Aug 2008 11:16:29 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

> Dumb question - is abdc30 in /etc/host, /etc/samba/lmhosts, or
> resolvable in some other way?
> Mikkel

It is defined in /etc/hosts .


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Re: cifs WinXP problem

2008-08-31 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Mon, 01 Sep 2008 03:39:04 +0930, Tim wrote:

> On Sun, 2008-08-31 at 13:14 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> The "Security Center" display shows that ZoneAlarm Pro is on, even
>> after I shut ZoneAlarm down!
> Under some circumstances, shutting zonealarm down would just send the
> interface away.  The firewall would still be up.  How did you shut it
> down?

As an administrator,
on the Z on the bottom bar,
rightClick -> "Shutdown ZoneAlarm Pro"

> It's ages since I played with it, but it used to be that adding your LAN
> IP range, or a specific ethernet adaptor, to a list of "local" interface
> definitions helped to get all sorts of local area networking issues to
> work.

I'll look around,  It wouldn't be a ZoneAlarm thing because I have
the same ZoneAlarm on a Win2k box that shown no problem.


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Re: cifs WinXP problem

2008-08-31 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Sun, 31 Aug 2008 20:47:30 +, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:

> On Sun, 31 Aug 2008 11:16:29 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> [...]
>> Dumb question - is abdc30 in /etc/host, /etc/samba/lmhosts, or
>> resolvable in some other way?
>> Mikkel
> [...]
> It is defined in /etc/hosts .
> Mike.

Googing around, I saw a suggestion to try putting the actual
ip address in place of abcd10 .  It solved the problem.  This is
most peculiar.  It suggests /etc/hosts is not read.  However,
for the Win2k box, abcd30, hosts is read???  There is more to
this than meets the eye.  But it is working.


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Re: cifs WinXP problem

2008-08-31 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Sun, 31 Aug 2008 17:32:46 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

> This is the way it is supposed to be:
> The default order is lmhosts, host, wins, bcast and without any entry in
> the smb.conf file the name resolution methods will be attempted in this
> order.
> Did you double check that the IP address is correct? I don't remember if
> you could "ping abcd10". I guess it is possible that abcd30 is in
> lmhosts, and abcd10 is not, and it is only checking lmhosts. Just a shot
> in the dark - then again, I have made typos more then once when doing
> this.

ping abcd10 works correctly.  Following your comments I also tried
lmhosts -- it didn't work.  I checked spellings; I did remove some
extra tabs from /etc/hosts .  It looks like the order you indicate
isn't happening for the XP box. Very peculiar.  BTW you are saying
"host"; I have "hosts". A typo?


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Re: cifs WinXP problem

2008-08-31 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Sun, 31 Aug 2008 19:42:56 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

> I should have copied the definition from the man page.
> host: Do a standard host name to IP address resolution, using the system
> /etc/hosts , NIS, or DNS lookups.
> Also, lmhosts is /etc/samba/lmhosts, and not /etc/lmhosts. The format is
> almost the same as /etc/hosts:
> localhost
> toshiba
> thinkpad
> mary
> brother
> But it is strange that it works for one host, and not the other.
> Mikkel
Yes, what I am doing conforms to what you say, and it is peculiar.
Since I have it working, I'm going to put it aside for now,
unless someone comes up with a new idea.  Thanks for your help.


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out of available locker entries

2008-09-17 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED

I get:

# rpm -q httpd
rpmdb: Lock table is out of available locker entries
rpmdb: Unknown locker ID: 909
error: db4 error(22) from db->close: Invalid argument
error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Cannot allocate memory (12)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
package httpd is not installed

What is this and what can I do about it?

BTW, httpd is alive and well.

Thanks for your help.

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ntpd sync fails on boot

2009-01-09 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On my FC7 system, on boot up:
   ntpd: Synchronizing with time server:
always fails.  However, after the boot,
if I log on and restart ntpd, the sync
always succeeds.

I note that the time server it uses is
"right next door", on my LAN on the same

Thanks for your suggestions. (Yes I know
FC7 is old; might that be the problem?)


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Re: ntpd sync fails on boot

2009-01-09 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 11:58:25 -0700, Craig White wrote:

> sounds like an old discussion...
> perhaps ntpd starts before network is up and running - i.e. running
> 'NetworkManager'
> What is output of (as root)
> chkconfig --list NetworkManager
> chkconfig --list network
> Craig

Here is the information you requested as well as some other
relevant information.  As you can see, I am not using
NetworkManager.  The other things appear to start in the
correct order.


# iptables  Start iptables firewall
# chkconfig: 2345 08 92

[root]# chkconfig --list iptables
iptables0:off   1:off   2:on3:on4:on5:on6:off


# network   Bring up/down networking
# chkconfig: 2345 10 90

[root]# chkconfig --list network
network 0:off   1:off   2:on3:on4:on5:on6:off


# ntpd  This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
# ntpd (NTPv4 daemon).
# chkconfig: 35 58 74

[root]# chkconfig --list ntpd
ntpd0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on4:off   5:on6:off


# NetworkManager:   NetworkManager daemon
# chkconfig: - 98 02

[root]# chkconfig --list NetworkManager
NetworkManager  0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off



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Re: ntpd sync fails on boot

2009-01-09 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 13:12:35 -0700, Craig White wrote:

> On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 20:04 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 11:58:25 -0700, Craig White wrote:

> yeah - not a NetworkManager issue at all.
> # cat /etc/ntp/step-tickers
> # List of servers used for initial synchronization.
> What do you have there?
> Craig

[root]# cat /etc/ntp/step-tickers

Not much.  What you see is the name of the
local ntp server (among other things).  It
is correctly defined in /etc/hosts .


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Re: ntpd sync fails on boot

2009-01-09 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 14:49:34 -0700, Craig White wrote:

> On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 21:42 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 13:12:35 -0700, Craig White wrote:
>> > On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 20:04 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> >> On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 11:58:25 -0700, Craig White wrote:
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> [...]
>> > 
>> > yeah - not a NetworkManager issue at all.
>> > 
>> > # cat /etc/ntp/step-tickers
>> > # List of servers used for initial synchronization.
>> > 
>> > What do you have there?
>> > 
>> > Craig
>> [root]# cat /etc/ntp/step-tickers
>> mbrc21
>> Not much.  What you see is the name of the local ntp server (among
>> other things).  It is correctly defined in /etc/hosts .
> that's likely to be the problem though...
> is mbrc21 listed by itself in /etc/hosts?
> You might want to temporarily put in the actual IP Address instead
> Craig

mbrc21 is on a line with other names.  I put in the IP
address as you suggested.  It didn't help.


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Re: ntpd sync fails on boot

2009-01-09 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 15:21:42 -0500, Todd Denniston wrote:

> any ntpd messages in /var/log/messages during boot? If ntpd detects what
> the problem is, it often gives a clue there.
> do you see any messages on boot where network is being delayed?
> Is it only the ntpdate failing or is ntpd also not finding hosts on
> boot? if only ntpdate, then I would suspect the /etc/ntp/ntpservers or
> /etc/ntp/step-tickers to have a bad name. if it is both ntpdate and ntpd
> failing, then I would suspect some problem with DNS, but that usually
> leaves traces in /var/log/messages.
> --
> Todd Denniston
> Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane) Harnessing the
> Power of Technology for the Warfighter

Here are some excerpts from /var/log/messages:

This is a failure on boot:

Jan  9 17:30:24 mbrc32 automount[2112]: lookup_read_master: lookup
(nisplus): couldn't locat nis+ table auto.master
Jan  9 17:30:25 mbrc32 nscd: 2137 Access Vector Cache (AVC) started
Jan  9 17:30:25 mbrc32 hpiod: 1.7.4a accepting connections at 2208...
Jan  9 17:30:26 mbrc32 ntpdate[2223]: sendto(mbrc21): Operation not 
Jan  9 17:30:27 mbrc32 setroubleshoot:  SELinux is preventing the /
usr/sbin/nscd from using potentially mislabeled files (/etc/hosts).  
For complete SELinux messages. r
un sealert -l d4747998-8ff4-4f42-8688-a3671216
Jan  9 17:30:27 mbrc32 ntpdate[2223]: sendto(mbrc21): Operation not 
Jan  9 17:30:29 mbrc32 last message repeated 2 times
Jan  9 17:30:30 mbrc32 ntpdate[2223]: no server suitable for 
synchronization found
Jan  9 17:30:30 mbrc32 ntpd[2228]: ntpd 4.2@1.1495-o Thu Jun 21 
10:53:04 UTC 2007 (1)

Ihis is a successful command line restart of ntp:

Jan  9 17:31:34 mbrc32 setroubleshoot:  SELinux is preventing /usr/
sbin/openvpn (openvpn_t) "write" to /etc/openvpn/openvpn-status.log 
(openvpn_etc_t).  For complete SELinux messages. run sealert -l 
Jan  9 17:31:42 mbrc32 setroubleshoot:  SELinux is preventing the /
usr/sbin/nscd from using potentially mislabeled files (/etc/hosts).  
For complete SELinux messages. run sealert -l d4747998-8ff4-4f42-8688-
Jan  9 17:32:47 mbrc32 ntpd[2229]: ntpd exiting on signal 15
Jan  9 17:32:47 mbrc32 ntpdate[3264]: step time server 
offset 0.110985 sec
Jan  9 17:32:47 mbrc32 ntpd[3266]: ntpd 4.2@1.1495-o Thu Jun 21 
10:53:04 UTC 2007 (1)
Jan  9 17:32:47 mbrc32 ntpd[3267]: precision = 1.000 usec
Jan  9 17:32:47 mbrc32 ntpd[3267]: Listening on interface #0 wildcard, Disabled

Could selinux be interfering even though
/etc/selinux/config (comments removed):

When I first looked at messages per your suggestion, it looked
like openvpn might be related to the problem.  I therefore
changed /etc/init.d/openvpn so openvpn would start after ntpd.
No difference.



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Re: ntpd sync fails on boot

2009-01-09 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 16:38:23 -0700, Craig White wrote:

> On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 23:04 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:

> 1 - you're using mbrc32 in /etc/ntp/step-tickers but in
> /etc/ntp.conf

No, mbrc32 ( is the machine that I am
rebooting and has the problem.
mdrc21 ( is the time server.

> 2 - You really need to relabel your disk for selinux...
> as root...
> # fixfiles onboot
> # shutdown now -r

Ok, I'll do it.
Do you think that this will help even though
selinux should not really doing anything?

> Go to lunch...rebooting/relabeling could take a while

I have already had supper at -0500.

> Craig


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Re: ntpd sync fails on boot

2009-01-09 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 23:57:02 +, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:

> On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 16:38:23 -0700, Craig White wrote:
>> as root...
>> # fixfiles onboot
>> # shutdown now -r

fixfiles onreboot is not available on my fixfiles.
I did: fixfiles restore
and then rebooted.  It cleaned up the log some,
but the failure persists.

boot messages excerpt:

Jan  9 19:12:16 mbrc32 hpiod: 1.7.4a accepting connections at 2208...
Jan  9 19:12:17 mbrc32 ntpdate[2220]: sendto(mbrc21): Operation not 
Jan  9 19:12:20 mbrc32 last message repeated 3 times
Jan  9 19:12:21 mbrc32 ntpdate[2220]: no server suitable for 
synchronization found
Jan  9 19:12:21 mbrc32 ntpd[2223]: ntpd 4.2@1.1495-o Thu Jun 21 
10:53:04 UTC 2007 (1)
Jan  9 19:12:21 mbrc32 ntpd[2224]: precision = 1.000 usec
Jan  9 19:12:21 mbrc32 ntpd[2224]: Listening on interface #0 wildcard, Disabled
Jan  9 19:12:21 mbrc32 ntpd[2224]: Listening on interface #1 
wildcard, ::#123 Disabled
Jan  9 19:12:21 mbrc32 ntpd[2224]: Listening on interface #2 lo, ::1#123 
Jan  9 19:12:21 mbrc32 ntpd[2224]: Listening on interface #3 eth0, 
fe80::20e:a6ff:fe82:ab1c#123 Enabled
Jan  9 19:12:21 mbrc32 ntpd[2224]: Listening on interface #4 lo, Enabled
Jan  9 19:12:21 mbrc32 ntpd[2224]: Listening on interface #5 eth0, Enabled
Jan  9 19:12:21 mbrc32 ntpd[2224]: kernel time sync status 0040
Jan  9 19:12:21 mbrc32 ntpd[2224]: frequency initialized 184.463 PPM 
from /var/lib/ntp/drift
Jan  9 19:12:22 mbrc32 kernel: tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6


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Re: ntpd sync fails on boot

2009-01-09 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
My time server is a CentOS 5 box and gets its
time from tock.usno.navy.mil .  I just rebooted
it to see if its ntpd could sync on boot.  It
did it, although it took about half a dramatic


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Re: ntpd sync fails on boot

2009-01-09 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 17:51:48 -0700, Craig White wrote:

> I would recommend that you take DNS & /etc/hosts out of this equation by
> changing mbrc21 with the ip address but beyond that - I simply don't
> know
> Craig

I did that and it didn't help.  Maybe I should think
of upgrading the system.


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Re: ntpd sync fails on boot

2009-01-09 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 17:05:42 -0800, Rick Stevens wrote:

> Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 23:57:02 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>>> On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 16:38:23 -0700, Craig White wrote:
>> [...]
>>>> as root...
>>>> # fixfiles onboot
>>>> # shutdown now -r
>> [...]
>> fixfiles onreboot is not available on my fixfiles.
> "fixfiles onboot" not "fixfiles onreboot"
>> I did: fixfiles restore
>> and then rebooted.  It cleaned up the log some, but the failure
>> persists.
>> boot messages excerpt:
>> Jan  9 19:12:16 mbrc32 hpiod: 1.7.4a accepting connections at 2208...
>> Jan  9 19:12:17 mbrc32 ntpdate[2220]: sendto(mbrc21): Operation not
>> permitted
> The fact that you can start it once you're logged in really states that
> the network is not running before at boot which is a classic NM thing. I
> know this was discussed earlier in the thread, but are you REALLY sure
> the network is up?
> When you boot up and BEFORE you log into the GUI, can you log in as root
> on a text console (press CTRL-ALT-F2 and log in as root) and do an
> "ifconfig" to verify eth0 is up and has an IP on it?  If not, then as
> the MythBusters would say, "THERE'S your problem!" and you either will
> have to always start ntpd after you log in or abandon NM and go back to
> the older network startup mechanism.  Don't try to use both... they
> don't play nice with each other.
> To go back to the GUI, press ALT-F1.
> -- -
> Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer  ri...@nerd.com - -
> AIM/Skype: therps2ICQ: 22643734Yahoo: origrps2 - -  
>  - -
>  Never eat anything larger than your head  -
> --

I always boot to level 3, and for all these tests,
logged on as root.  (My initial experience with
computers long predates GUI's of any kind; I
consider them a necessary evil.) I tried your
ifconfig suggestion, and eth0 is just fine, (as
are the tap devices for openvpn).  This is not a
surprise, since immediately after boot I can
restart ntpd and get a rapid sync. Of course, I
can't be sure the network is up during the boot when
ntpd tries to sync.  It should be according to the
order of things.  I suppose I could create a fake
demon file in init.d and run ifconfig during the
boot?  What do you think?

I don't know what you mean by "older network startup
mechanism".  Is this something I should try?  In
case this is relevant, I do not start NetworkManager.

[root]# fixfiles onboot
Usage: /sbin/fixfiles [-l logfile ] [-o outputfile ] { check | restore|[-
F] relabel } [[dir] ... ]
Usage: /sbin/fixfiles -R rpmpackage[,rpmpackage...] -C 
PREVIOUS_FILECONTEXT [-l logfile ] [-o outputfile ] { check | restore }

This may be because my FC7 is old.  As suggested in
other posts, it may be time to upgrade.  Still, it
would be interesting to figure out what the problems
is (if it could be done with only moderate effort). 


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Re: ntpd sync fails on boot

2009-01-10 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 15:28:40 +1030, Tim wrote:

> On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 18:43 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> On my FC7 system, on boot up:
>>ntpd: Synchronizing with time server:
>> always fails.  However, after the boot, if I log on and restart ntpd,
>> the sync always succeeds.
> I also always had that problem on my Fedora 7 installations.  NTPD would
> try to start before the network was up (or fully up) and never recover.
> I ran a script that would start up NTPD quite late in the boot process.

Here is my workaround, which works:

#  01/10/09
# chkconfig: 3 99 1
# description: restarts ntpd
# Source function library.

case $1 in
  /etc/init.d/ntpd restart
  sleep 5

   echo "Usage: $DAEMON {start|stop|restart|condrestart|reload|status}"
   exit 1

exit 0

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hardware test

2009-01-21 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
Can someone recommend software to test my
hardware?  ASUS motherboard, 1G ram, 80G
hard drive.  Nothing on the box is to be


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FC7: Kernel panic on boot

2009-01-23 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
Lately, when booting FC7, I often get some hex
numbers followed by something like::

  "Kernel Panic - not syncing. Attempted
  to kill the idle task."

A reboot usually succeeds.  Any suggestions?


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C++ noshowbase ignored

2009-02-03 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
In FC7, the line"

   cout << "a = 0x" << setfill('0') << hex << noshowbase <<
 setw(8) << a << dec << setfill(' ') << endl;

results in:

a = 0x0x91a1218

Is there something I can do about this?


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Re: C++ noshowbase ignored

2009-02-03 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Tue, 03 Feb 2009 18:46:49 -0500, Todd Denniston wrote:

> Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote, On 02/03/2009 02:47 PM:
>> In FC7, the line"
>> ...
>>cout << "a = 0x" << setfill('0') << hex << noshowbase <<
>>  setw(8) << a << dec << setfill(' ') << endl;
>> ...
>> results in:
>> a = 0x0x91a1218
>> Is there something I can do about this?
> Mr. Obvious asked, "how 'bout changing the code like so:" ...
> cout << "a = " << setfill('0') << hex << noshowbase <<
>   setw(8) << a << dec << setfill(' ') << endl;
> ...
> or for more pain
> http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/sc22/wg21/docs/lwg-defects.html#183 cout <<
> resetiosflags(ios_base::showbase) 

Mr. Clearly Stated replied, "the code presented is
merely a model to show the problem; the real code
with the problem is much more complex."


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Re: C++ noshowbase ignored

2009-02-03 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Tue, 03 Feb 2009 12:10:17 -0800, Ulrich Drepper wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> Is there something I can do about this?
> Use an actually supported version of the compiler and runtime.  Later
> versions (at least F9) don't have this problem.

Upgrading would be a problem for now.  Is there any
other solution?


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domain name registry with mail hops

2009-08-03 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
Any recommendations for a domain name registry
service that will also forward e-mail?  Speedy
and reliable forwarding is a virtue.


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run bash script on a MAC?

2008-09-30 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On my FC7 box I wrote a bash script that my daughter
wants to run on her MAC.  I know nothing of the MAC.
Would this work?  BTW, the script is essentially a
for loop that renames files.

Thanks for your help.

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automatic ssh agent

2008-10-08 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
Could you please remind me of the name of
the file that creates an ssh agent on


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Slow Second Access to Internet

2008-10-28 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
In my FC7, using Firefox, if for example, I access
www.google.com, I get an essentially instantaneous
response.  If I then close the browser, reopen it,
and again try to access google, there is a long
delay, perhaps a minute before I get the response.
(I note that my browser is set to delete all
private on closing.)  During this delay, the
browser reports that it is looking up the URL.
If I then wait a few minutes I can repeat the
whole scenario.

I suspect that something similar may be happening
with my Pan news reader.

Any suggestions?


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Re: Slow Second Access to Internet

2008-10-28 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Tue, 28 Oct 2008 09:11:50 -0700, Peter Langfelder wrote:

> It seems your DNS lookup is intermittently slow. I'd log into the
> router/web gateway ( in your browser or so) and run the DNS
> lookup diagnostic test - if it is shows similar behaviour, you will know
> it's a problem with your internet provider. I used to see such problems
> in the past and IIRC they always cleared up upon talking to the
> provider.
> Peter

I actually have two routers, and in neither could I
find the DNS test you mention.  However, on the same
LAN I have three MSWin boxes, two XP and one 2k, and
none of these have exhibited the same problem.  Does
this not rule out the provider?


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Re: Slow Second Access to Internet

2008-10-28 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Tue, 28 Oct 2008 14:05:03 -0400, Mark Haney wrote:

> Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:

> Does this happen with any other browsers?  I know Pan can be really
> sluggish at times, so I tend to discount that app as far as network
> reaction times go.
> Does opera or Konqueror do that?  I haven't seen this problem in FF on
> my Fedora boxes.

Well I am not conversant with Konqueror, but I tried it.
The first few tries were very slow, but now it takes only
a few seconds -- still, not as fast as Firefox.  Repetition
does not slow Konqueror, but them I don't know how to get
it to delete its data.

The most interesting finding is this.  After having been away
from the box for a few hours, I tried Konqueror a few times
as described above.  I then tried Firefox.  It was
instantaneous on the first try.  On subsequent tries it was
very slow, as previously described.  In other words, it
seems that the DNS queries of Konqueror do not interact
with those of Firefox.

FWIW, I also tried "dig www.google.com".  Repeated digs
all respond immediately.

In summery, it appears at this time that the repeated DNS
problem (if it is really that) is isolated to Firefox.
Most peculiar.

Thanks for your thoughts.

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Re: Slow Second Access to Internet

2008-10-28 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Tue, 28 Oct 2008 11:55:29 -0500, George Yanos wrote:

> For once, a reason not to ignore mail from the guy named e-mail ignored.

Thanks for your appreciation.  Of course, I have several
e-mail addresses.  The yahoo address is used only for
newsgroups.  Every few weeks I log on and delete all of
the large number of messages without looking at them.
This, of course, substantially reduces the spam I get
at my other e-mail addresses.


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Re: Slow Second Access to Internet

2008-10-31 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Fri, 31 Oct 2008 14:49:46 -0400, Jerry Feldman wrote:

> On 10/28/2008 08:19 PM, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> In summery, it appears at this time that the repeated DNS problem (if
>> it is really that) is isolated to Firefox.
> A couple of things first.
> There is a daemon, nscd that causes DNS to cache locally. Additionally,
> is your Linux system using a static IP, and if so, how does it have DNS
> configured, through the router or locally. Then on Windows, bring up a
> comand prompt and run "ipconfig /all", and look at the name servers.
> If nscd is not running, manually start it:"sudo service nscd start" You
> could also start it with the system service menu also.
> Also, your name servers are in /etc/resolv.conf
> This list should be similar to your Windows ones. It is possible that
> your primary name server could be offline, or far away. Since your
> Windows systems do not exhibit this problem, it is probably something
> unique to the way you have F9 configured.
> You also might be able to use ping to trouble shoot the problem.
> Remember, with firefox, and other browsers you are possibly hitting a
> number of different web servers so that by not caching DNS locally, it
> is costing you.
> --
> Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Boston Linux and Unix
> PGP key id: 537C5846
> PGP Key fingerprint: 3D1B 8377 A3C0 A5F2 ECBB  CA3B 4607 4319 537C 5846

Thanks for this; starting nscd solved the problem.  Firefox is
now fine, and I may have also improved pan, but I'll have to
wait for a weekday daytime (at -0500) to be sure, because at
other times there is less of a problem.

FYI, My name server primary is set to my router which, in turn,
is set to nameservers from my provider (Verizon). The secondary
is also set to one provided by Verizon.  Also my WAN and all my
LAN IP addresses are static.


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Re: Slow Second Access to Internet

2008-10-31 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Fri, 31 Oct 2008 16:24:30 -0700, Nifty Fedora Mitch wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 02:49:46PM -0400, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> Good stuff.

Yes, it solved the problem

> If it is 'only' Firefox look at the network setup of both. It is common
> for ISPs and even wireless hot spots to insert a caching server or proxy
> in the mix.
> Check your broswer setup
> Mozilla-->edit-->preferences-->network-->connection-->Settings--
> There are four choices in mozilla Compare and contrast -- take notes
> prior to changing anything.
> --
>   T o m  M i t c h e l l
>   Found me a new hat, now what?

FYI, the Linux Firefox is set to "Direct connection to the Internet",
and on WinXP, it is "No Proxy", which I guess is the same thing.

Thanks for your help.

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Apache 443 already in use

2009-07-21 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
I am trying to bring up an https server on my
Fedora 7 (I know its old) which has been successfully
running an http server for a long time.  It complained
that port 443 was already in use.  On a whim, I
commented out:
and to my surprise, it all appeared to work correctly.
So maybe I shouldn't be surprised since when I tried
to add the LoadModule line for mod_ssh it said it was
already loaded.

So what's happening?

Thanks for your illumination.

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httpd fails after boot

2009-07-23 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On my Fedora 7 (I know its old) I have been upgrading
my httpd.config, including adding some Includes and
RewriteCond(ENV:...).  I just noticed that after a
boot, the web server fails.  This can be corrected
with:   /etc/init.d/httpd restart
which returns OK on both the stop and start.
I note also that on boot, starting httpd reports OK.
The environment variable it uses is defined in
/etc/bashrc .

Thanks for your suggestions.


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Re: httpd fails after boot

2009-07-23 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 16:25:48 +, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:

> On my Fedora 7 (I know its old) I have been upgrading my httpd.config,
> including adding some Includes and RewriteCond(ENV:...).  I just noticed
> that after a boot, the web server fails.  This can be corrected with:  
> /etc/init.d/httpd restart
> which returns OK on both the stop and start. I note also that on boot,
> starting httpd reports OK. The environment variable it uses is defined
> in /etc/bashrc .
> Thanks for your suggestions.
> Mike.

I just examined the Rewrite log and I found that it does
not recognize the environment variable.  I have S85httpd
at levels 3 and 5.  Where do the environment variables
/etc/bashrc get set?


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Re: httpd fails after boot

2009-07-23 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 17:00:33 +, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 16:25:48 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
> I just examined the Rewrite log and I found that it does not recognize
> the environment variable.  I have S85httpd at levels 3 and 5.  Where do
> the environment variables /etc/bashrc get set?
> Thanks,
> Mike.

I just added a work around by setting the environment variable
inside httpd.config with a RewriteRule.  Since I need the
same environment variable in bash scripts, I am stuck with
defining the same variable in two places -- definitely bad

Any suggestions?


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Re: httpd fails after boot

2009-07-23 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 20:38:45 +0100, Sharpe, Sam J wrote:

>> I just examined the Rewrite log and I found that it does not recognize
>> the environment variable.  I have S85httpd at levels 3 and 5.  Where do
>> the environment variables /etc/bashrc get set?
> I don't think they ever do.
> I believe that on boot, the commands are not run as /etc/init.d/blah,
> they are run as "/sbin/service start blah" - and that's why your
> environment variables don't work. From 'man service':
>service  runs  a  System V init script in as predictable
>environment as possible, removing most environment variables and
>with current  working directory set to /.
> --
> Sam

Then I could imagine adding to .bashrc some lines that
scan httpd.config for RewriteRule lines that set environment
variables and export them from .bashrc .  Seems like a
hard way to do things.  Any better suggestions?


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Re: httpd fails after boot

2009-07-23 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 21:59:44 +0100, Sharpe, Sam J wrote:

> If you look at /etc/init.d/httpd, you will see:
> if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/httpd ]; then
> . /etc/sysconfig/httpd
> fi
> So the initialisation script sources that file. If you want to set
> Environment variables that are available when Apache starts, it would
> make sense to try adding those variables to /etc/sysconfig/httpd - it
> might do what you want for minimal effort...
> --
> Sam

If that would work, then I could just as well export
the variable from /etc/init.d/httpd .  I just tried
that and the web server started, but the variable
was not available in the bash shell, so I am still
stuck with setting it in two places.


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Re: httpd fails after boot

2009-07-23 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 16:40:50 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

> Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 21:59:44 +0100, Sharpe, Sam J wrote:
>> [...]
>>> If you look at /etc/init.d/httpd, you will see:
>>> if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/httpd ]; then
>>> . /etc/sysconfig/httpd
>>> fi
>>> So the initialisation script sources that file. If you want to set
>>> Environment variables that are available when Apache starts, it would
>>> make sense to try adding those variables to /etc/sysconfig/httpd - it
>>> might do what you want for minimal effort...
>> If that would work, then I could just as well export the variable from
>> /etc/init.d/httpd .  I just tried that and the web server started, but
>> the variable was not available in the bash shell, so I am still stuck
>> with setting it in two places.
> What does /etc/sysconfig/httpd look like? Is it possible that you are
> using the wrong format? You do not really want to change the
> /etc/init.d/httpd scipt, as an update will probably kill the changes.
> Mikkel

It is only comments, but in any case, as mentioned above,
it will not meet the requirement of having the variable
defined in exactly one place.


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Re: httpd fails after boot

2009-07-23 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 18:04:08 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

> Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
>> Ah - now I understand. He could always sounds /etc/sysconfig/httpd from
>> the config for the shell. If he wants it for all users, then two small
>> scripts in /etc/profile.d for sh and c type shells. (http.sh and
>> http.sch maybe?)
>> I would borrow the code from /etc/httpd...
>> Mikkel
> Oops - from /etc/init.d/httpd

I don't understand what you are suggesting.  If
instead of "sounds" you write "scan", you might
mean what I suggested earlier on this thread.
I hoped there would be a better way. BTW, I need
only the bash shell.


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Re: httpd fails after boot

2009-07-23 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 17:04:31 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

> Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 16:40:50 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
>>> What does /etc/sysconfig/httpd look like? Is it possible that you are
>>> using the wrong format? You do not really want to change the
>>> /etc/init.d/httpd scipt, as an update will probably kill the changes.
>> It is only comments, but in any case, as mentioned above, it will not
>> meet the requirement of having the variable defined in exactly one
>> place.
> This is true. But trying to put it in .bashrc does not do that either. I
> am not sure that putting it in .bashrc would work. I believe that
> setting environmental variables is what /etc/sysconfig/httpd is for.
> Mikkel

If you read the rest of the thread you will see that
.bashrc and /etc/bashrc do not work, and you will
see why.


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Re: httpd fails after boot

2009-07-23 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 19:09:01 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

> If you put the variables you need in /etc/sysconfig/httpd, you could
> then source that file anywhere else you need the same variables set. If
> you just need it for one user, you could add something like this to
> .bashrc. If you need it for all users, put it in /etc/profile.d in a
> file .sh (Taken from /etc/init.d/httpd).
> if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/httpd ]; then
> . /etc/sysconfig/httpd
> fi
> Would that do what you want?
> Mikkel

I could source it any place bash commands work.  However
as far as I know, I could not do it in httpd.config .
Please let me know if there is a way to do this.

But I could do it in /etc/init.d/httpd .  I suppose that
there I source /etc/bashrc or /root/.bashrc .  I have no
problem modifying /etc/init.d/httpd .  I keep my changes
backed up and anything an update does is examined
carefully.  I had to change it anyway to change - 85 15 to
35 85 15 .  The working day is now ending at -0400.
Tomorrow I will try to source /root/.bashrc .  I wonder
what problems I'll generate.


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Re: httpd fails after boot

2009-07-24 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 20:26:34 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

> Well, /etc/init.d/httpd already sources /etc/sysconfig/httpd if there is
> one. I would think it would be better to source /etc/sysconfig/httpd in
> /root/.bashrc rather then sourcing /root/.bashrc in /etc/init.d/httpd .
> Mikkel
> --

I just created a new special purpose, properly named file
which I source from /root/.bashrc and from /etc/init.d/httpd .
All is well.  Thanks for your help.


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dig: single line

2009-03-11 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
Is there a way to get dig to return at most
one line?  For example (on FC7), :

   #dig +short +search +nomultiline www.ieee.org

is not exactly "nomultiline".


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Re: dig: single line

2009-03-11 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:30:00 +1030, Tim wrote:

> On Wed, 2009-03-11 at 22:18 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> Is there a way to get dig to return at most one line?  For example (on
>> FC7), :
>>#dig +short +search +nomultiline www.ieee.org a165.g.akamai.net.
>> is not exactly "nomultiline".
> I don't think nomultiline does what you think it does.  I suspect, from
> reading the man file, it's about individual records that have multiline
> outputs, not whole query answers that do.  e.g. If a single record, like
> the "a165.g.akamai.net" data, had more information directly associated
> with it.
> But, whatever it actually means, you could tag the following onto the
> end of your command line:  |head -n 1

I reread the man page, and I agree that +nomultiline is not what I
want. The head suggestion won't work, because in the above example,
it is the second line I want.

Failing a better suggestion, I'll just have to parse the output.
Perhaps I will test each line with inet_aton until I get one that
works.  I was hoping to avoid that.


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Re: dig: single line

2009-03-11 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 19:31:34 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

> On Wed, 2009-03-11 at 23:32 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> The head suggestion won't work, because in the above example, it is the
>> second line I want.
> A trivial excercise for old Shell hands, e.g.
> program | head -n 2 | tail -n 1
> or
> program | sed -n 2p
> poc

Yes, but the dig command sometimes returns the result
on the first line, and sometimes on the second, so
it is necessary to test what you get.


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Re: dig: single line

2009-03-11 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 19:46:53 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

> On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 00:13 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 19:31:34 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> > On Wed, 2009-03-11 at 23:32 +, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> >> The head suggestion won't work, because in the above example, it is
>> >> the second line I want.
>> > 
>> > A trivial excercise for old Shell hands, e.g.
>> > 
>> > program | head -n 2 | tail -n 1
>> > 
>> > or
>> > 
>> > program | sed -n 2p
>> > 
>> > poc
>> Yes, but the dig command sometimes returns the result on the first
>> line, and sometimes on the second, so it is necessary to test what you
>> get.
> You haven't so far said which of the lines you are interested in.
> Perhaps you can use grep on a pattern.
> poc

How about:

   grep "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]"

Can it be done more concisely?  Still, one of
the numbers might exceed 255 ... unlikely.


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Re: dig: single line

2009-03-11 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 00:35:03 +, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 19:46:53 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 00:13 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>>> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 19:31:34 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>>> > On Wed, 2009-03-11 at 23:32 +, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>>> >> The head suggestion won't work, because in the above example, it is
>>> >> the second line I want.
>>> > 
>>> > A trivial excercise for old Shell hands, e.g.
>>> > 
>>> > program | head -n 2 | tail -n 1
>>> > 
>>> > or
>>> > 
>>> > program | sed -n 2p
>>> > 
>>> > poc
>>> Yes, but the dig command sometimes returns the result on the first
>>> line, and sometimes on the second, so it is necessary to test what you
>>> get.
>> You haven't so far said which of the lines you are interested in.
>> Perhaps you can use grep on a pattern.
>> poc
> How about:
>grep "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]"
> ?
> Can it be done more concisely?  Still, one of the numbers might exceed
> 255 ... unlikely.
> Mike.

I forgot the final + .


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Re: dig: single line

2009-03-11 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 11:58:28 +1030, Tim wrote:

> On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 00:13 +0000, Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> Yes, but the dig command sometimes returns the result on the first
>> line, and sometimes on the second, so it is necessary to test what you
>> get.
> Perhaps you should say what sort of information you want, and make a
> different type of dig query.  Looking at what you've said, I'm
> *guessing* you want A records, not CNAMEs.

Yes, I need the IP address so I can make a TCP/IP connection.


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Re: dig: single line

2009-03-13 Thread Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED
On Fri, 13 Mar 2009 15:01:44 +, Bill Crawford wrote:

> On Thursday 12 March 2009 01:46:09 Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED wrote:
>> Yes, I need the IP address so I can make a TCP/IP connection.
> Just out of curiosity, how are making the connection? Most applications
> can take a hostname for the address to connect to ...

It is a complex home-grown application in C++.

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