Re: How to verify nvidia drivers working

2010-01-08 Thread R. G. Newbury

On Thu, 2010-01-07 at 16:08 +0100, Jan Litwi?ski wrote:

>  G'day steve,
>  * steve  [100107 15:56] wrote:

>  >  I am building a new FC12 system intended for MythTV which needs the
>  >  acceleration provided by the drivers for my nvidia video card.  After 
>  >  the advice here  I think I have 
>  >  installed properly, but I only say that because X  works after the 
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >  Is there some kind of test that will tell me for sure if these drivers are
>  >  functioning properly and providing the video services they?re supposed to?

>  glxgears ?

The default configuration for the nvidia driver displays a splash screen
on startup with the nvidia brand name.  If you see that, you're good.

Also look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log for the name of the driver that loaded.
Also, lsmod should show the nvidia kernel module.

There is a program available at

which will test and spec out your system.

It will give you information such as:


MPEG DECODING (1920x1080): 78 pic/s
VC1 DECODING (1440x1080): 94 pic/s

MIXER WEAVE (1920x1080): 5586 frames/s
MIXER BOB (1920x1080): 8771 fields/s
MIXER TEMPORAL (1920x1080): 2150 fields/s
MIXER TEMPORAL_SPATIAL (1920x1080): 753 fields/s

(That is from a GTX285.)


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Re: Installation plays hardball

2010-01-02 Thread R. G. Newbury

On Sat, 02 Jan 2010 20:10:37 +1030, Tim wrote

>It makes almost no sense to use it on laptops, where you can only have 
> single drive (adding an outboard drive is quite impractical, you'd end

> up with a box of bits all cabled together).  And you face the
> difficulty of finding recovery tools for LVM (I haven't seen any) for
> any repair jobs, but there are widely written about tools for 
rescuing > data from ext3 partitions.

>The only advantage I found for using LVM on my laptop was encryption. 
 > I could have the encompassing LVM volume encrypted, and as many

> partitions as I liked, and only have to unlock the outer container.
> Using various ext3 partitions, I had to type in the password numerous 
> times to boot up the computer.

> If you're the sort that uses one huge partition for everything (and
> that does seem to be the recommendation, these days), *and* you never 
> intend to add a second drive, then LVM is pointless to you.

ONE HUGE PARTITION?  I'd like to know who is crazy enough to recommend 
that, because I would want to stay well away from him. That's *almost* 
as bad as win(spit!).

I always set up my boxen with separate partitions for /boot, /home, 
/tmp, /var and /.
And /var/lib/mysql is a symlink into /home/misc, as is /var/www/html. 
That way if /tmp or /var ever fill from error messages, it is simple to 
clean up and get running again. Also, with /home as a separate 
partition, it is dead simple to install again, or install a new version 
or distro without destroying all your data.
Most installs seem to want to over-write /var too, even if/when you say 
'Don't format', which is why /var/lib/mysql and /var/www/html are 
symlinked elsewhere. (You *DO* want to lose your Nolapro accounting 
setup and accounting data too in one swell foop?).

On this desktop I also have a partition for /usr/local, for all my *own* 
programs and scripts.


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Re: Help: No internet connection

2009-12-15 Thread R. G. Newbury

Simon wrote:
>> > >As for wicd: I used that when working with Ubuntu and was always 

> > happy. So let's give it a try:
> > 
>> > >My, my. What a headache. These thing make me feel kind of lost...
>> > >Simon
> > Sounds like you are actually quite close. Once wired is working, the
> > universe of points of screwup gets a lot smaller!

>My! I sure feel like if I'm doing something wrong:

Not really. Your ifconfig output shows that your machine knows it has 2 
interfaces, and it appears that both are connecting and getting IP 
addresses from the router (unless you have set them both static: you did 
not say. But wired works, so now there is just the wireless setup!

[r...@sangam wicd-]# python install>
Using init file ('/etc/rc.d/init.d/', 'init/redhat/wicd')
Using pid path
Language support for es_CL es_NI zh_TW no sr nl el es_ES ml uk vi he fi
nl_NL ca pt eu eo ka de_DE fr it ko zh_HK lv es bg gl ru_RU fa sk es_VE
de ro da pt_BR fr_CA et kk sl es_AR cs lt ja ru sv hu te ar_EG zh_CN id
tr es_MX pl it_IT es_GT
running install
error: invalid Python installation: unable to open
/usr/lib/python2.6/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)

You are not *doing* anything wrong, but something *IS* wrong.
Check that you have a /usr/lib/python2.6 folder. It should exist, as 
should the config subfolder. Does on my F12 install.

If it does not, then
'yum install python python-devel'
And re-try the wicd install.

The other route is to go back to NetworkManager. It is already installed 
and should work (in its inimitable obscure fashion).

Since you do not have wicd in the way, then:
chkconfig wpa_supplicant on
chkconfig NetworkManager on

Disconnect the wired connection and re-boot. Then 'system-config-network'
and check that the wireless card is properly defined. NM should find the 
wlan0 interface, and connect.

As noted before, this works best if encryption is turned off at this stage.
(I cannot remember if network services are supposed to on, or off. But 
NetworkManager deals with that)

You are almost there!


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Re: Help: No internet connection

2009-12-14 Thread R. G. Newbury

Simon wrote:

> At my brothers place I managed to connect to the internet with no
> > problem. All programmes worked, so I could add all the 

> > programs I needed and install the latest updates.

>Meanwhile, the wired connection works (was it because I manually added
>the DNS???, anyway it works), but the wired connection still doesn't 

I presume you actually meant the *wireless connection stll doesn't work".

>Here's what I get with ifconfig.

>[r...@sangam simon]# ifconfig eth0
>eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1A:6B:CE:85:A7
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   inet6 addr: fe80::21a:6bff:fece:85a7/64 Scope:Link
   RX packets:7852 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:6432 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   RX bytes:6456499 (6.1 MiB)  TX bytes:815876 (796.7 KiB)

We really need the full output of ifconfig. What does 'ifconfig wlan0' 

>And here is what I get with netstat -rn:

>[r...@sangam simon]# netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt
Iface   U 0 0  0
eth0   U 0 0  0
wlan0 UG0 0  0

*This looks fine!* ifconfig should show Up addresses for BOTH 
interfaces. If it does not, then we have one sort of problem. If it 
does, but you cannot connect wirelessly, then it means another sort of 
problem, probably related to security or encryption.

>As for wicd: I used that when working with Ubuntu and was always quite
happy. So let's give it a try:

>My, my. What a headache. These thing make me feel kind of lost...

Yes. It is actually simpler to download the 2 packages from, and make && make install. That avoids the sort of 
conflicts you got.

Please post 'ifconfig wlan0'. Use system-config-network to configure the 
wireless interface. If you get wicd installed, then do a 'chkconfig wicd 
on' and 'service wicd start', then use the desktop icon for wicd-client, 
and configure the wireless card there too.
It usually helps to start by turning OFF all wireless security on the 
router and on the laptop, while you get the rest of it working, then add 
MAC filtering and WPA keys etc. last.

Sounds like you are actually quite close. Once wired is working, the 
universe of points of screwup gets a lot smaller!


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Re: Help: No internet connection

2009-12-14 Thread R. G. Newbury

On Sun, 2009-12-13 at 13:35 -0700, wrote:

At my brothers place I managed to connect to the internet with no
problem. All programmes worked, so I could add all the additional
programs I needed and install the latest updates.

RPM: "Couldn't resolve host"

To mention again: These messages appear immediately, not only after some
seconds like the server doesn't answer...

What strikes me about that list is the ones that don't work are
NetworkManager aware - I wonder if NetworkManager is telling them the
connection is offline.

Check that your router has IP address entries for your ISP's DNS server(s).

Check that you have not forgotten that you turned on access restrictions 
on your router, and in particular that you have not limited the number 
of DHCP addresses which the router can serve out, and that you are not 
over that limit. (Been *there*...real hair-puller!). This is a likely 
possibility given that you got things to work at your brother's house.. 
Maybe he has NO security settings enabled??? Check that DHCP is turned ON.

Check that system-config-network has IP address entries for your ISP's 
DNS server(s) and that the gateway address in on the correct network (ie and not by mistake etc.) You might want to try 
settings a STATIC IP address to avoid DHCP contention errors. This will 
not help if you have MAC address filtering turned ON, at the router.

At a console enter:
'service NetWorkManager stop'
'service wpa_supplicant stop'
'service ip6tables stop'

With a WIRED connection ONLY:
'service iptables restart'
'service network restart'

This should A) stop all the wireless services and things we don't want 
in the way, and B) start ONLY the things we want to see.

'ifconfig eth0'  should show, in the second line something like:
"inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:"
If not, try 'ifup eth0' then 'ifconfig eth0' again.

If you have an address, start with 'ping' (or whatever your 
router's IP address is). That *should* work. Then try 'ping'. 
If that works, then the problem(s) are internal to the configuration of 
the programs you are running (ie proxy settings in Firefox)

If you used a static IP, but cannot ping the router, then it is likely 
the wiring or router setup. If you get no address reported, then the 
network setup is wrong. (This is why a static address is useful for this 

If you get an IP address and can ping the router, but cannot ping 
externally, then it is probably the router's DNS setup. When the wired 
connection works, THEN you can try to set up wireless (and/or revert to 
a DHCP IP scheme).

And if you ARE going to set up wireless then I strongly recommend wicd 
(at as a replacement for NetworkManager. It works 
at least as well as NM, but has a MUCH more transparent setup and 
control structure and can remember/act upon different wireless and wired 
connections, such as you need for a laptop at work and at home. For this 
it helps if you use 'static DHCP' where the router parses the MAC 
address and delivers an address accordingly, triggered by the DHCP 
request from the laptop etc.


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Re: Installing Fedora-12 from USB

2009-12-07 Thread R. G. Newbury

>Gene Heskett wrote:
>Timothy Murphy wrote:
> >I've been trying to install Fedora-12 from a memory stick
> >to which I have transferred the KDE Live CD
> >using livecd-iso-to-disk .

>I wouldn't mind being able to do something similar myself. I have an 
>8Gb stick with the F12 install iso on it, as a file at the instant, 
and >my dvd writer seems to have turned itself into a write only for 
dvd's >but is still reading cd's ok.  However, this asus bios I have not 
seen >a boot from usb option in its boot menu's.  Any ideas as to how to 

If you have a reasonably recent ASUS mb with an AMi BIOS, setting it to 
boot from USB is rather obscure. You need to plug in the USB stick and 
reboot. The USB device will then show up in the list of hard drives 
under Boot Order (going from memory there, but its on the Boot tab, and 
the second or third entry, iirc). Move the USB HDD entry to the top of 
the list, then save and reboot.

On boot, ISTR that AMI does like Lenovo does, and you can use F12 to 
select the boot device. Even so, it will now boot from the USB stick.

It's rather weird that the 'boot from USB' option does not exist unless 
there is a USB stick plugged in but.


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Re: Looking for an Accounting package recommendation ?!?

2009-10-26 Thread R. G. Newbury

Re: Looking for an Accounting package recommendation ?!?


Open source for linux, web-based interface.
Extremely flexible. Requires some expertise to install and get going 
*securely* as it requires a running apache server on the main database 
machine. Multi-seat by default.


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Re: Installing Windows afterFedora

2009-10-04 Thread R. G. Newbury

 Bill Davidsen wrote:
> > I have managed to go for just under a decade without a Windows
> > machine, but now I need to have such, and I'd like to add it to an
> > existing machine with a large enough partition which was used as work
> > area for a project since shipped. The problem is that while I've put
> > Fedora (and Linux back to SLS and Slackware on 2.2 kernels) on Windows
> > machines, I haven't done it with anything else after, Linux has always
> > been "the last OS you'll ever need" for dual boot.
> >
> > I'm not worried about the grub.conf, but the boot sector could be an
> > issue, I have seen reports that XP with patches and Win7 check the
> > boot sector now (XP at patch level 3). other than having to rewrite
> > the boot sector, is that going to be an issue? Any other things I
> > should know?
> >
>Different people have different reasons for needing a Windows machine.
>They also have different requirements.  I also need a Windows machine
>from time to time.  But, I find dual boot an unnecessary evil since my
>requirements don't include something like game playing.  So, I've found
>running Windows in a virtual machine a better option.  Just wondering 
>if you've considered that option.

You should seriously consider using a virtual WINXP setup. I have one 
program that I MUST run in XP. I gave up on the WIN box, and installed 
it using VirtualBox. Printing was a little weird to set up but works 
nicely to 2 different network connected printers. (reported here if you 
search the archive). I do not need sound, so it is untested but 
everything else works. And boot is waaayyy shorter in the virtual setup. 
Uses only 5Gig of disk space. And no messing with grub and mbr...


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Re: NFS causing slooooow boot

2009-10-01 Thread R. G. Newbury

On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 11:33:00 -0700
Rick Stevens wrote:

> There is.  Read below.

As I point out in another reply, there really isn't any such
option. The "bg" option insists on waiting around to timeout
once before it is willing to background the operation.

There may be a way around this.

Comment out the nfs mount lines in fstab.
Boot will proceed using only the local mounts.

Write a small script file which contains the
command line versions of required 'mount' lines.

Call this script at the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local with a '&' in the call 

The nfs call will run in background and will not return until nfs has 
timed out, but it will be backgrounded throughout, and other boot 
processes (loading X, etc) will continue.

You can test this with a script file containing: 'date', 'mount -a', 
'date', and changing your /etc/fstab to attempt to NFS mount from a 
computer which does not exist (ie, mung the hostname of one of your 
existing machines). You will see from the output that it will take the 
full minute to return.


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Re: combining image files into a pdf

2009-09-24 Thread R. G. Newbury

Subject: Re: combining image files into a pdf
To: "Community assistance, encouragement,  and advice for using
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Thu, 2009-09-24 at 08:14 +1000, David Timms wrote:

Hi, I have image files of type:
- png
- tif  (b/w) - fax like
- jpg
that were produced by my scanner, during scan of a document.

I haven't found a way to (easily) combine those into a pdf. I would like 
to know if Fedora has such software already packaged, or another linux 
app that could perform this ?


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How to kill Kpackagekit update notification

2009-08-22 Thread R. G. Newbury
Kpackagekit persistently pops up notices, overlaying whatever is 
on-screen. Clicking the 'do not notify me' link does not do anything.

How can I kill this?
It's another of the little things I classify as "we're smarter than you 
are, so we are going to force this on you for your own good"...


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Re: Sorting Music by Composer

2009-08-14 Thread R. G. Newbury

Ian Malone wrote

Anyone got any better ideas for a program which will deal with a tree of
 composers, with albums as leaves underneath?

Hasn't been written so far as I know.  The "artist - name" model is so
pervasive in music tagging that everyone who listens to classical
music eventually gives up and puts the 'composer' in the artist tag
and performers (if they care) in the album name.

Yes, I just gave up and set up a Playlist for each Composer in 
RhythmBox, which already treats the composer as the 'Artist', I suppose 
because that is the tree structure I use.

 I quickly read your instructions for Quodlibet. The fact that one has 
to go through such steps is, I think, adequate evidence that the UIi 
needs some re-thinking. But I have already trashed the program. When I 
cannot get a program to do a thing which it clearly must do, but that 5 
or 6 different methods or attempts fail to work, then, 'the fault lies 
not in us'And it's gone! Forever!

Why yes, I do have a low irritation threshold for this sort of thing!

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Re: Sorting Music by Composer

2009-08-12 Thread R. G. Newbury

>> >> Around 07:51pm on Monday, August 10, 2009 (UK time), R. G. Newbury
>> >> scrawled:
>> >>
>>> >>> Does anyone know of a program with the flexibility to set 
things up this

>>> >>> way?
>> >>
>> >> Banshee can sort by composer, or any other tag. Â You will need 
to right

>> >> click on the headings, and add composer as a column. Â Its yum
>> >> installable, too.
>> >>
>> >> Steve
> >
> > Right you are...Unfortunately, it won't handle flac files I 
should have

> > mentioned that.
> >

> I haven't used it in a while, but possibly Quod Libet (should be
> available from add/remove software).

Well I couldn't even get it to recognize any of my music files, much 
less play them.

And I find that RhythmBox has an incredibly obtuse interface. I was 
eventually able to create a Playlist consisting of only one album after 
realizing that the damn thing wants to dump all my music into one list. 
And I still have no idea which magic series of clicks and keypresses got 
it to actually play the music.

I am NOT impressed at the opacity of the interface. Nor am I impressed 
with the requirements of importing and creating a playlist for each 
album. Tedious boring work which computers never get tired of doing..

Anyone got any better ideas for a program which will deal with a tree of 
 composers, with albums as leaves underneath?


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Re: Sorting Music by Composer

2009-08-10 Thread R. G. Newbury

Around 07:51pm on Monday, August 10, 2009 (UK time), R. G. Newbury scrawled:

Does anyone know of a program with the flexibility to set things up this 

Banshee can sort by composer, or any other tag.  You will need to right
click on the headings, and add composer as a column.  Its yum
installable, too.


Right you are...Unfortunately, it won't handle flac files I should 
have mentioned that.


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Sorting Music by Composer

2009-08-10 Thread R. G. Newbury
I have looked at a number of music playing programs (Amarok, Rhythmbox 
etc) but none of them seems to have any capability to handle music 
sorted by the composer's name. I only 'do' classical music so I sort by 
Bach, Handel, Mozart etc. I do NOT care to sort by 'Amsterdam 
Concertgebouw' and 'Vienna Philharmonic'.

Does anyone know of a program with the flexibility to set things up this 


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Re: Why Fedora is for experts only?

2009-07-25 Thread R. G. Newbury wrote:

R. G. Newbury wrote:

>  Even better are the stupid messes where there is NO default setting to
>  change. Google 'kstartupconfig4 error 3' No-one, and I mean no-one knows
>  what causes this, or how to fix it.

It seems somebody at the Fedora Forum had the same problem and solved it:|lang_fr

You might also want to try without the "Solved" keyword. There are more
results and sometimes people forget to add "Solved".

>  It is the lack of documentation which makes Fedora (and Mandriva, and
>  Ubuntu) an OS for experts only.

It could indeed be better but geeks will always come up with the right
keyworks and show you the solution was there, somewhere.

It's easier to find the right keywords when you know the solution :)

I wasn't searching using "Solved" and the only keyword 'kstartupconfig4'

And *that* answer does not work. My home dir was already 'user:user'.
I have also confirmed the chcon context is now 
'unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t:s0' for /home/user

And it doesn't work! Still get the error and no login.


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Re: Why Fedora is for experts only?

2009-07-25 Thread R. G. Newbury

R. G. Newbury wrote:
> >
> > It is the lack of documentation which makes Fedora (and Mandriva, and
> > Ubuntu) an OS for experts only.
> >
>You forgot Windows, OS x, and a few more.


You are right. I did!

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Re: Why Fedora is for experts only?

2009-07-24 Thread R. G. Newbury

On 07/24/2009 06:29 PM, wrote

I'm trying to figure out what our great experts would lose if there was a
pause for choosing the kernel. If they don't like this setting, they
wouldn't have to use vi, just the Administration menu. All it takes is a
few seconds and, thereafter, they would never have to suffer a pause when
they reboot every six month.

What's the name of the guy responsible for this mess? Can you imagine
proselytizing Mac users and having to make sure they understand they will
have to change a default setting, otherwise, they may be locked out of
their system?

Even better are the stupid messes where there is NO default setting to 
change. Google 'kstartupconfig4 error 3' No-one, and I mean no-one knows 
what causes this, or how to fix it. (Well, if there IS a 'great expert' 
who knows this, he's not talking). And what happens when you get this 
error? You cannot log in as a normal user.

So I've been forced to log in as root for well over a month now on this 
laptop. (Quick! Get the smelling salts! A grey-bearded pony-tailed guru 
 just fainted with an attack of the vapours!)
And the problem has existed since I "upgraded" to F11...I suspect it has 
something to do with the fact that the /home partition was retained from 
F10 and that the chcon context might have something to do with it, but 
then, like pulseaudio, chcon has entirely too minimal a set of 
documentation. And I didn't even know chcon existed until a week ago, 
when it turned up as the possible source/answer to a completely 
different question about httpd.

It is the lack of documentation which makes Fedora (and Mandriva, and 
Ubuntu) an OS for experts only.

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Re: F12 networkmanager, anyone else worried by this?

2009-07-24 Thread R. G. Newbury

On 07/24/2009 05:22 PM, wrote:

From: Bill Davidsen
Subject: Re: F12 networkmanager, anyone else worried by this?
>The only things I can reassure you of are that (a) NM will be better, 
>(b) it won't be as better as the developers think it is, and (c) it's 
> unlikely that there will be any better documentation.

You are such an optimist!

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6. Re: When will we ever have an upgrade with sound that just, works ?

2009-07-24 Thread R. G. Newbury

On 07/24/2009 02:06 PM, wrote:

2009/7/24 William Case:

>   From reading the submitted bugs, google reports and postings here
>  PulseAudio often gets blamed for bugs that properly lie elsewhere. On
>  the other hand, the PulseAudio maintainers and gnome gui creators do
>  themselves no favours by refusing to write manuals that start at the
>  ground up for sound newbies who are trying to figure out what is going
>  on with their sound system.  How can someone confidently submit a bug
>  report with the proper data if they have no idea or have a confused
>  concept of what is happening on their machines?

Totally agree with both the points here. I've had a lot of problems
with sound myself and disabling pulseaudio gets it working, however
that doesn't necessarily mean pulse is at fault. In my case I believe
it's the ALSA configuration that is presented to pulse. Bug report

Incidentally you do not*need*  to remove pulseaudio. You can edit
/etc/pulse/client.conf, add a line that says "autospawn = no", then do
"pulseaudio -k". Whilst it may be annoying to have packages installed
that aren't being used, it gets around the dependency issue although I
believe pulseaudio is quite light on dependencies.

The second line of the last paragraph is the single most useful thing I 
have read about pulseaudio! It is NOT apparent in the minimalist 
documention of pulse.
I have been a linux user since FC5. And I have never been able to get 
pulse to work, on ANY motherboard/audio chipset. Since pulse + alsa 
setup is so cryptic and completely undocumented, if there actually are 
any alsa misconfigurations to my Intel HDA audio chips, I will never 
know. So I cannot file bug reports. Instead, I have always used the 
'wooden-stake+silver-bullet+garlic' method: remove everything!

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Re: pulseaudio breaks after update today

2009-07-23 Thread R. G. Newbury

Jack craig wrote:

the cpu use goes through the roof and my audio stream dies.

anyone got a fix to offer? tia, jackc...

This is part of an install script I use for mythtv, to remove pulse and 
revert to alsa alone.

 echo " Remove pulse audio files mythtv does not need"
 echo ""
 echo " Do NOT use 'remove pulseaudio*' as this will remove 

 echo " which will kill gdm and other core programs."
 echo ""
 yum -y remove pulseaudio alsa-plugins-pulseaudio pavucontrol \
   pulseaudio-utils gstreamer-plugins-pulse \
   pulseaudio-core-libs akode-pulseaudio
 rm -rf /etc/pulse
 rm -rf /root/.pulse*
 rm -rf /home/mythtv/.pulse*

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Re: F11 and PulseAudio

2009-07-21 Thread R. G. Newbury

Suvayu Ali wrote:

>  On Tuesday 21 July 2009 01:44 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:

>>  Perhaps everyone would be helped if there was a "signal flow"
>>  diagram showing how pulseaudio, alsa, and the computer audio card
>>  fit together? It would help me ... If such information exists please
>>  point me to it.

>  This might be help.

Yes, that's an interesting diagram but it wants some explanation,
preferably in English. Even so it helps ...

The single problem with pulse is not that it does not work, as it 
clearly can work, but that it is a black box. There is no accessible 
setup, there is no accessible testing mechanism, there is no accessibly 
error message system. If it works, you are fine. If it does not work, 
there is no feedback and no mechanism to help you fix it.

The documentation is risible as a meaningful attempt to explain how the 
system works. It doesn't help matters that the 'authors' (who appear to 
have been the coders) have decided to inflict their own semantics onto 
the user. Source and output are descriptive but we get 'sinks' (What? No 
'taps' or 'shower-heads'?).

And the conf file is not exactly user-friendly either.
My $0.02

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Re: Printing over network from VirtualBox [SOLVED]

2009-06-23 Thread R. G. Newbury

On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 23:57 -0400, R. G. Newbury wrote:
> Has anyone figured out how to create a printer instance to print from a
> VirtualBox WinXP guest (on F10) to a network attached printer?
> The docs did not help, nor did google. One 'answer' stated to enter
> //servername/printers/myprinter as the URI, with the implication that
> servername is the host computer the printer is connected to, and
> 'myprinter' is some descriptor of the actual printer.
> This seems a little disconnected when dealing with a network capable
> printer (all puns intended).
> In F10 my printer is called Netprinter2 and accessed as
> lpd:// (It's an HP3955 MFC). Various combinations of
> this info produced only an error box to the effect that Windows could
> not find a printer...
> Can anyone help?

Recap: Host computer is Fedora 10, guest is Windows XP
The problem is to create a network printer instance inside the guest.

Answering my own question:

There are TWO DIFFERENT routes to getting printing working depending 
upon how the printer is connected to the network: that is, what sort of 
print server it is attached to.
If you can access the server using, follow #1 
below. If you access the server without adding a port, then follow #2.

#1) Attached to a print server using cups/lpd/lpp

Use the 'network printer' option in the Printer Wizard.
For my HP-1320 LaserJet connected using an SMC one-port print server. 
The server interface is and the device URI in 
Fedora (host) is lpd:

The WinXP guest printer uses:
where SCED4C99 is the internal 'name' of the print server.

You end up with a TCPIP port 'named' 
and a printer named 'unknown on http://192...etc. (there seems to be no 
way to name this printer).

#2 Attached to a print server using hplip or some other method.

Do NOT use 'network printer': use 'Local Printer' and create a TCPIP 
port for this printer. Under Fedora this printer shows up as 
'socket:' and the browser interface to the server is 
accessed directly with

Since my HP LaserJet MFC 3055 uses tcpip port 9100, I created a port 
9100 and configured the port settings to 'RAW' (not LPD). You can name 
this printer whatever you want.

In both cases, I was able to install printer specific drivers during the 
course of the printer creation. Luckily, I had downloaded (and 
extracted) the postscript drivers prior to attempting the printer 
creation. I selected 'Have Disk' and then found and selected the 'inf' 
file to start the driver installation.

Then go into the printer setup section of your program, and set up the 
printer as desired.


Along the way, I discovered that you MUST have a floppy disk in the 
floppy drive BEFORE mounting it in Fedora, BEFORE the disk will be 
recognized in the WIN guest. I also discovered that a USB key must be 
mounted first under Fedora too.


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Re: Fedora 11: Finally I can ditch XP

2009-06-21 Thread R. G. Newbury

>> Thanks for your reply.
>> For me, it is easier said than done. If I move to Quicken it is just
>> moving from one closed-source solution to another. And I have not
>> found a way to migrate the Ms-Money data to other OSS apps. I am
>> thinking of writing my own and migrate the data (Ms-Money can export
>> data in the form of reports in XML/CSV format). The only problem is
>> that I do not get time, but one day I will break those shackles too.
>> Vijay

You might want to take a look at nolapro, which is web-based and uses a 
mysql database. It's written for general business use and might be 
overkill for home use. It does a variety of import methods and ISTR that 
CSV is one of them.

Open source and free.


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Re: F11 Liveuser Password

2009-06-20 Thread R. G. Newbury

Dave wrote:
> >
> > *You are right!!* We should rant! And rave! And get *really, really
> > angry!* Quick! Give me the microphone! So that I can yell the *loud,
> > funny words!*
> >
> > No one else has downloaded this and booted this? No one else has
> > complained? In this much time? Really?
> >
> > The Live-CD KDE boots with out a login screen of any kind here. None at
> > all. It boot right to the KDE desktop.
> >
> > Having a bad day are you?   :-)
> >
> > --
>On my desktop, I had this problem with F10, trying to get to rescue the
>system; F11 loaded straight away on my laptop. The difference appears >to
>have been that the /tmp on my desktop had no space... My

I find it hard to believe that a LiveCD would have a problem because 
/tmp on the harddrive was full (although it IS possible that the live 
instance DOES use /tmp...not sure). But in my case, I had attempted to 
install F11, but it barfed during package selection. Rescue-is-possible 
showed me that Ananconda had indeed formatted the /tmp 
was definitely empty in my case. And the LiveKDE disk wanted a password, 
 which the LiveGnome disk did not. And I installed from there.


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Re: F11 Liveuser Password

2009-06-20 Thread R. G. Newbury

David wrote:

On 6/19/2009 4:16 PM, R. G. Newbury wrote:
> > "Kevin J. Cummings" wrote
> >
>> >> R. G. Newbury wrote:
>>> >> > OK, Now I'm really frustrated.
>>> >> > What IS the password for the 'liveuser' user?
>> >>Password?  When the GDM screen comes up, it auto-logins after a 
short wait (less than a minute ISTR).  When inside the environment, I

>> >> can type "su -" and I'm not asked for a password
> >
> > This is the LiveCD-KDE spin. When the login screen comes up it is
> > exactly like a normal KDE login. It NEVER auto-logs.
> > And NO password works.
> > Of course, there is NOTHING in the release notes.
> > Thanks guys  
> >
> > But I repeat myself. This is another example of stupid nanny actions.
> > The damn thing is a LIVECD. It does not NEED a password for the 
user: it

> > creates the user. Kabuki security revisited ( the prior visitation
> > being that root is denied access to install programs through the
> > browser, although a normal user (acting as an abnormal user) is
> > allowed to do the same thing.)

> *You are right!!* We should rant! And rave! And get *really, really
> angry!* Quick! Give me the microphone! So that I can yell the *loud,
> funny words!*

> No one else has downloaded this and booted this? No one else has
> complained? In this much time? Really?

> The Live-CD KDE boots with out a login screen of any kind here. None
> at all. It boot right to the KDE desktop.

> Having a bad day are you?  :-)

Damn straight I was. And yes, I AM right.  But no ranting required, no 
anger, no microphone or bullhorn demanded. You can yell loud funny words 
if you want.

But how weird is that YOU get something different? That's a bit of a 
stupidity all on its own. YOU didn't need a passwordso why did I? I 
would now assume that it was not intentional...but it shouldn't be 
*possible*. No wonder I was frustrated: there WAS no password which 
would work!!

I downloaded the Gnome livecd image and used that insteadAnd yes, it 
 auto-logs and goes to the desktop.


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Re: F11 Liveuser Password

2009-06-19 Thread R. G. Newbury

"Kevin J. Cummings" wrote

> R. G. Newbury wrote:
> > OK, Now I'm really frustrated.
> > What IS the password for the 'liveuser' user?

>Password?  When the GDM screen comes up, it auto-logins after a short
>wait (less than a minute ISTR).  When inside the environment, I can 
>type "su -" and I'm not asked for a password

This is the LiveCD-KDE spin. When the login screen comes up it is 
exactly like a normal KDE login. It NEVER auto-logs.

And NO password works.

> > Of course, there is NOTHING in the release notes.
> > Thanks guys  

But I repeat myself. This is another example of stupid nanny actions. 
The damn thing is a LIVECD. It does not NEED a password for the user: it 
creates the user. Kabuki security revisited ( the prior visitation being 
that root is denied access to install programs through the browser, 
although a normal user (acting as an abnormal user) is allowed to do the 
same thing.)

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F11 Liveuser Password

2009-06-19 Thread R. G. Newbury

OK, Now I'm really frustrated.
What IS the password for the 'liveuser' user?

I have tried liveuser, user, (blank), root, live, and fedora.

Nothing works and I get returned to the login screen.

Of course, there is NOTHING in the release notes.
Thanks guys  

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Re: Configure wireless by hand

2009-06-18 Thread R. G. Newbury

"I've got a little netbook and I've put a copy of Fedora 10 on a USB
stick. If I boot up using runlevel 5, I can use the wireless via
NetworkManager. These netbooks don't have the speediest processors so
I'd like to use runlevel 3 most of the time. I haven't been able to get
the wireless to work that way. How can I configure wireless by hand?"

Before NetworkManager got it's act together in F10, I used the following 
'wifi-config' script to get wireless working (in F6 and F8). You do need 
the /etc/resolv.conf file to point to the correct DNS servers for 
whereever you are. I added the domains for my two main use points 
(office and home) and the nameserver IP's to resolv.conf and chmod'd it 
to 644, so NM does not over-write it.

/etc/resolv.conf looks like this:
domain mydomain
search mydomain
nameserver   # the router as a last gasp try..

My wifi-config script looks like this (substitute your wireless driver 
for 'iwlagn'):

/sbin/ifdown eth0
/sbin/ifdown wlan0
/sbin/modprobe iwlagn disable_hw_scan=1
/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed
/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 key restricted
/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 key 12345678901234567890123456  # WEP
#/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 key 
1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234  #WPA

/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 essid my-site-funny-name   #essid LAST...
# if all else fails try a command like this, too
#/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask
/sbin/ifup wlan0 # bring it up
# and run ifconfig to see what we got

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Printing over network from VirtualBox

2009-06-10 Thread R. G. Newbury
Has anyone figured out how to create a printer instance to print from a 
VirtualBox WinXP guest (on F10) to a network attached printer?

The docs did not help, nor did google. One 'answer' stated to enter 
//servername/printers/myprinter as the URI, with the implication that 
servername is the host computer the printer is connected to, and 
'myprinter' is some descriptor of the actual printer.

This seems a little disconnected when dealing with a network capable 
printer (all puns intended).

In F10 my printer is called Netprinter2 and accessed as 
lpd:// (It's an HP3955 MFC). Various combinations of 
this info produced only an error box to the effect that Windows could 
not find a printer...

Can anyone help?


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Re: Problem with NM and wired /wireless network

2009-05-15 Thread R. G. Newbury

> I have F10 running network manager
> Both wireless and wireless work fine independently, however when
> network cable is plugged in wireless says it is connected (as per
> applet) but cannot access any sites .
> Any idea what is going on here?

You have two network connections activated, quite likely on the same
network, and the traffic isn't sure which way it's supposed to
leave/return to your system?

I have seen something like you describe, possibly the same thing.

If you use the wireless setup at 2 different sites (with different 
ESSID's) then NM knows to change /etc/resolv.conf.
But if you change places, and only plug in the wired connection, the 
wireless side still thinks it is at the 'old' spot and never gets a good 
DNS address.
When this happens, run iwconfig from the command line and it will tell 
you which ESSID is thinks it should be talking to.

In one sense the answer is to run the wired connection with service 
network start in a script which sets the proper DNS for the site, and 
the wireless with NM only. (When I say 'proper DNS' I mean the you run 
script which swaps /etc/resolv.conf.home and /etc/ ass 


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Kstartupconfig4 missing

2009-04-17 Thread R. G. Newbury
Since I changed the hard drive for a larger one, I did a complete 
install of Fedora 10, but saved (and moved) /home.

Now I cannot log in using kde, as in the error above.

I google'd and one reason could be permissions, but
 chown -R whoever:whoever /home/whoever doesn't work, since there is no 
.kde4 folder and no kstartupconfig4 file.



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Re: [Request] Language support packages not installed by default

2009-04-09 Thread R. G. Newbury

Rick Stevens  wrote:
>Beartooth wrote:
> > On Wed, 08 Apr 2009 04:27:45 +0930, Tim wrote:
> >   []
>> >> It's really only the installer that needs to have multi-lingual 
>> >> right from the get-go, to ask you what languages to use.  An 

>> >> system only needs the languages that you actually need.
> >
> >   Good point! All the more reason not to include umpteen bazillion
> > of them as defaults anywhere else.

>Would you communicate that to the Mozilla gang as well? :-)

>Having all those ruddy language packs reinstalled every time Firefox or
>Thunderbird gets updated is OK on my desktops with drives >500GB, but
>they suck up too much space on my Aspire One.  I delete them just to
>have them reappear on every bloody update.  G!

It looks like the actual langpack files are in /usr/lib/firefox-x.y.z. 
You can try deleting them, then 'touch' the filename to create a zero 
byte file, then make the file immutable with 'chattr +i'. That might 
crash the update process, though.
And if it is a major update to firefox, it creates a new firefox-x.y.zz 
folder, so it won't help in that case.


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Importfilter for MS-Works files (*.wps)

2009-03-15 Thread R. G. Newbury

>does somebody know how to process MS-Works files (...wps) by OpenOffice
>or some other tool in F10?

I had a client send me a file in this format. I eventually googled 
something like '.wps to .odt' and found a website which will do a 
translation. You send the file, they email back in the new format. 
Sorry, I didn't keep the URL.


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Re: Problem Deleting Directory & Files

2009-02-12 Thread R. G. Newbury

On 11Feb2009 08:23, Patrick O'Callaghan  wrote:
| On Tue, 2009-02-10 at 21:41 -0700, Kirk wrote:
| > I installed a tarball and then discovered I didn't need it.  I tried to
| > delete the director & files but permission gets denied.  I tried to
| > chmod but it wouldn't work on the files or directory.  I checked the
| > permissions which said I'm not the owner & can't change them.
| If you're not the owner then you must have been superuser when you did
| the installation (or you were logged in as a different user). In any
| case, become that user again using 'su' and proceed.

>On several UNIX platforms it's possible to give files away, and a tar
>unpack quite often preserves the ownerships from inside the tar >archive,
>even as non-root. I'm fairly sure I've had this happen to me on Linux,
>and so it's quite possible he wasn't root during the unpack.

There is another possible reason why that directory could not be 
removed. The 'immutable' bit or the 'undeletable' bit has been  set. Use 
'chattr -R -i -u ' and try again.


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Re: LXDE as default in init 5

2009-02-04 Thread R. G. Newbury

>> I've done this on a F10 system. The .dmrc files does not exist for root
>> >> even
>> >> I chose the session at the login window. So I created 
/root/.dmrc. I log

>> >> out
>> >> and back in and my root session is saved.
>> >> The syntax of the .dmrc doesn't use PREFERRED in it. That's for the
>> >> prefdm file, which you can modify if you like.
>> >> I'm not using prefdm or at all. I'm not changing any other files 

>> >> .dmrc.
> >
> > thats what I mean for one of my last posts.  I checked for the 
.dmrc file
> > and it still doesnt do it.  Are you sure it works, because root 
isnt even in
> > the drop down user list from GDM, thats what seems to be the 
problem.  I

> > have to click "other" so no session info is saved.

>I can assure you it works for me, but I have to type in the root >account.
>All other user names show up and I can click one to select it.
>The GDM has changed the way root logins are handled. I don't know
>whether there is a way to make the root account appear at the GDM

Comment out the 4th line of /etc/pam.d/gdm so it reads:
#auth user != root quiet

And log-out. 'Root' is now an acceptable user during the graphical login 
as an 'Other'. (And /root/.dmrc will continue to exist if you use 
it/create it.)



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Re: httpd service is dead

2009-02-01 Thread R. G. Newbury

Simon Tierney wrote:

When I try to edit httpd.conf I get the message "could not save file..."
it doesn't even prompt me for the root password.

My httpd service is dead and I can't resurrect it, what should I do?

Open a terminal
run "su -" (Give root password.)
edit the file with your editor of choice.

Open a terminal
edit the file /etc/pam.d/gdm
Comment out the fourth line so it reads:
#auth user != root quiet

Save, exit.
Switch user to root, or login as root as desired, not as circumscribed 
by others who wish to tell you how to use your own computer.

Of course, use are your own risk: it is *your* computer.


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Re: pdf creation tool?

2009-01-25 Thread R. G. Newbury

Bill Edwards wrote:

On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Bill Davidsen>> wrote:

I would like to convert some old paper documentation to PDF in
case I ever need it. I have the scan software, I can easily create
an image of each page, or save the page in postscript or pdf. What
I don't have is a simple tool which will easily allow me to put
the pages into a single document, and possibly add an index so I
can find things if needed.

Any suggestions? I can certainly live with what I have, I can get
the information back for online reading or hard copy if needed,
but it's ugly.

Bill Davidsen>>

 "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

I have the same problem, but I don't need any fancy indexes or stuff,
so I just save each page of the set as postscript, and then 
concatenate them all together with cat. then ps2pdf and you're done

Bill Edwards

xsane will save scanned pages as pdf, ps, whatever.  Don't know if it
will scan multiple pages to save into one pdf but you can always do the
cat | ps2pdf thing.


Try gscan2pdf which is in the Everything repo for F10 (if not in prior 

Works like a charm, to take a number of tiff or jpg scans, and pack them 
into a pdf.
I use an HP 3055 All-in-One printer/scanner over the network, with 
scanimage to grab tiff's and gscan2pdf to pack them. QED.


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Re: Package Manager Denies Permission to Install

2009-01-24 Thread R. G. Newbury

>> No nuanced and masterfully persuasive oratory can disguise the fact that
>> >>someone has made *and enforced* a decision that *they know better
>> >> than the user* how "THINGS MUST BE DONE" purely because the doing, is
>> >> considered to be 'not best practice'.
>> >>
>> >> In this particular case, the 'best practice' enforcement approaches
>> >> religious fervour in its application. In the particular instance 
>> >> started this thread, PolicyKit nags about being root, and then 

>> >> to allow the installation of an rpm! It does not deny the right to
>> >> download and install the rpm in a consoleIt just denies the 
user the

>> >> advantages of using PackageManager to resolve dependenices directly.
>> >>
>> >> And *exactly* what nuanced extra is added to the equation, by forcing
>> >> the administrator to log out of root, to log in as a user, to do the
>> >> same thing? Especially in a circumstance where the install is 

>> >> desired to be general and not user-local? This position is idiocy.
>> >>
>> >> I don't mind a nag. I DO mind unknown and unaccountable people
>> >> attempting to enforce their quasi-religious beliefs on me (by
>> >> quasi-religious, I mean the attitude which equates doing anything 

>> >> root is akin to giving booze and car-keys to seventeen year old boys:
>> >> instantly and always catastrophically dangerous.) I know using 
root can

>> >> increase the probability of disaster. But I want to be able to decide
>> >> what the limits of my risk tolerance are, not have someone else 
do it.

>> >>
>> >> That argument, the libertarian argumnent is one of the underlying 
>> >> of the free software movement. Let's have it recognized and 
venerated in

>> >> the code!
>> >>
>> >> Geoff
> > My memory is that the designer of PackageManager indicated on the list
> > that running PackageManager as root has security problems that running
> > it as a user and entering the root password does not have. I believed
> > him. Your objection is that it makes you log as a user rather than as
> > root.
> >
> > I believe in the theory that "freedom" derives from the words free doom
> > indicating that everyone has a right to commit suicide in his (or her)
> > own way. I strongly support your committing suicide in any way you
> > desire.
> >
> > Aaron Konstam

>I would like to know why the developer of PackageManager makes a
>distinction between a root and a user login? Cut out extraneous code.
>Make any user enter the root password.
> Kam Leo

That works for me. I don't object to entering my root password to do 
something. I do object to being told that in effect I don't own my own 
box and I therefore cannot do something as root. But I do own the box. 
And if I break it, I will have to fix it.

Someone previously noted that I should fix the code. I would do that, if 
there were any reasonable prospect that my patch would be applied to the 
code base. And since there is no such reasonable prospect, I am not 
going to waste my time doing that.


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Re: fedora-list Digest, Vol 59, Issue 209

2009-01-24 Thread R. G. Newbury

Subject: Re: Package Manager Denies Permission to Install
To: "Community assistance, encouragement,  and advice for using
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Fri, 2009-01-23 at 12:10 -0500, R. G. Newbury wrote:
> > Jeff Spaleta  wrote:
> >  > > Kevin Kofler  wrote:
> >  > > But PolicyKit does not work in a root session:
> >  > >
> >
> >  > Hmm...this is probably worthy of some nuanced and masterfully
> >  > persuasive oratory as to where to strike the balance between 

> >  > for expected use cases and designing a system with flexibility to
> >  > accomedate local needs even when those use cases are not considered
> >  > best practises.  .
> >
> > No nuanced and masterfully persuasive oratory can disguise the fact 

> >someone has made *and enforced* a decision that *they know better
> > than the user* how "THINGS MUST BE DONE" purely because the doing, is
> > considered to be 'not best practice'.
> >
> > In this particular case, the 'best practice' enforcement approaches
> > religious fervour in its application. In the particular instance which
> > started this thread, PolicyKit nags about being root, and then 

> > to allow the installation of an rpm! It does not deny the right to
> > download and install the rpm in a consoleIt just denies the 
user the

> > advantages of using PackageManager to resolve dependenices directly.
> >
> > And *exactly* what nuanced extra is added to the equation, by forcing
> > the administrator to log out of root, to log in as a user, to do the
> > same thing? Especially in a circumstance where the install is actually
> > desired to be general and not user-local? This position is idiocy.
> >
> > I don't mind a nag. I DO mind unknown and unaccountable people
> > attempting to enforce their quasi-religious beliefs on me (by
> > quasi-religious, I mean the attitude which equates doing anything 

> > root is akin to giving booze and car-keys to seventeen year old boys:
> > instantly and always catastrophically dangerous.) I know using root 

> > increase the probability of disaster. But I want to be able to decide
> > what the limits of my risk tolerance are, not have someone else do it.
> >
> > That argument, the libertarian argumnent is one of the underlying 
> > of the free software movement. Let's have it recognized and 
venerated in

> > the code!
> >
> > Geoff
>My memory is that the designer of PackageManager indicated on the list
>that running PackageManager as root has security problems that running
>it as a user and entering the root password does not have. I believed
>him. Your objection is that it makes you log as a user rather than as

No particular instances of 'security problems' were actually indicated, 
so we are left with usual position, that an exploit or breach of a user 
account will do 'less' damage than a breach of a root account. Firstly 
this is based on the unstated assumption that the exploit cannot  be 
escalated. And secondly, this is based on the unstated assumption that 
PackageManager has security problems. If so, it does not actually matter 
 what user runs the program: any exploit could be easily escalated by 
using PackageManager to install a rootkit...

My objection is that he has arrogated to himself the power to determine 
how I can operate my computer. So not all of the "free"'s apply to this 

>I believe in the theory that "freedom" derives from the words free doom
indicating that everyone has a right to commit suicide in his (or her)
own way. I strongly support your committing suicide in any way you

Not quite the real etymology of 'freedom' but if you strongly support my 
desires I hope you will join me in castigating the designer of 


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Re: Package Manager Denies Permission to Install

2009-01-23 Thread R. G. Newbury

Jeff Spaleta  wrote:
> > Kevin Kofler  wrote:
> > But PolicyKit does not work in a root session:
> >

> Hmm...this is probably worthy of some nuanced and masterfully
> persuasive oratory as to where to strike the balance between designing
> for expected use cases and designing a system with flexibility to
> accomedate local needs even when those use cases are not considered
> best practises.  .

No nuanced and masterfully persuasive oratory can disguise the fact that 
  someone has made *and enforced* a decision that *they know better 
than the user* how "THINGS MUST BE DONE" purely because the doing, is 
considered to be 'not best practice'.

In this particular case, the 'best practice' enforcement approaches 
religious fervour in its application. In the particular instance which 
started this thread, PolicyKit nags about being root, and then *refuses* 
to allow the installation of an rpm! It does not deny the right to 
download and install the rpm in a consoleIt just denies the user the 
advantages of using PackageManager to resolve dependenices directly.

And *exactly* what nuanced extra is added to the equation, by forcing 
the administrator to log out of root, to log in as a user, to do the 
same thing? Especially in a circumstance where the install is actually 
desired to be general and not user-local? This position is idiocy.

I don't mind a nag. I DO mind unknown and unaccountable people 
attempting to enforce their quasi-religious beliefs on me (by 
quasi-religious, I mean the attitude which equates doing anything while 
root is akin to giving booze and car-keys to seventeen year old boys: 
instantly and always catastrophically dangerous.) I know using root can 
increase the probability of disaster. But I want to be able to decide 
what the limits of my risk tolerance are, not have someone else do it.

That argument, the libertarian argumnent is one of the underlying bases 
of the free software movement. Let's have it recognized and venerated in 
the code!


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Re: updateing ARGHH

2009-01-20 Thread R. G. Newbury

Subject: Re: updateing ARGHH.
On Tue, 2009-01-20 at 13:55 -0500, R. G. Newbury wrote:
> > Ok so here's what 'yum' thinks...
> >  > > ffmpeg-libs-0.4.9-0.52.20080908.fc10.i386 : Libraries for ffmpeg
> >  > > Repo: installed
> >  > > Matched from:
> >  > > Other   : Provides-match:
> >  >I'm just not the sharpest tool in the shed I guess 'cuz I'm 

> >
> > I've been ARGGHH'd too. Try a 'rpm --force install 
ffmpeglibs...rpm' etc.

> >
> > This is effectively a re-install of the rpm *and* updates the 

> > (And doesn't attempt, like 'yum remove', to remove every package which
> > depends upon the one being (re)installed,

> no wonder you like to run GUI as root...

I don't run yumex. And yes, I run yum as root. Saves typing.

>It may be common practice for you to use --force or --nodeps in your 
>own package management but it's a whole 'nuther thing to recommend 
your >bad habits to others who might be less skilled or eager to try to 
>repair a damaged set of packages.

I think I have had actually had to use --force about twice in four 
years, in some circumstance where part of a package was messed up but 
the system didn't' know that.

>It was clear that the OP installed rpm's from Axel Thimm's repository
>but does not have it configured so it can't update. The choice is left
>to OP to either remove the packages he got from the other repository 
>and replace them with the packages from rpm-fusion or add atrpms and 
disable rpm-fusion repos. Either way, he doesn't need to do something as 
drastic or potentially as damaging as '--force'

Well, if it is so clear, when didn't you point out that he needed to 
enable rpmfusion and update ffmpeg. It was NOT entirely clear in this 
thread what was enabled and thus available to complete the update. (I'll 
admit it took me a minute to remember that ffmpeg is available at both 
atrpms and rpmfusion and not on fedora repos.) And, of course, if atrpms 
was enabled and rpmfusion not, using any switch with yum and a named 
package would produce only an error result, except in the disastrous 
case that the package exists on both sites. (But even then, the names do 
generally differ enough that you can differentiate them whether you are 
running as root or as user.)

And yes, running update with *anything* other than the fedora repo's 
enabled is extremely dangerous. And running yum with both atrpms and 
rpm-fusion enabled at the same time is playing russian roulette with 5 
chambers filled.

Craig, if you took the time to rethink your desire to jump on comments 
like an attack dog and rephrased them to be personally neutral, you 
might not get called names in response. Your ad-hominem attacks on me 
don't make you look any better, nor any smarter. And to be blunt, I have 
been insulted by better people than you. You comments are petty and not 
even pedantic and not helpful. You do not explain why --force is *so* 
bad. You just want to trash me. That does not help the OP, which is the 
reason he posted in the first place.

Who at least tries to help when he posts.

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Re: updateing ARGHH.

2009-01-20 Thread R. G. Newbury

From: Michael Comperchio 
Subject: Re: updateing ARGHH.

> >
Ok so here's what 'yum' thinks...
> > ffmpeg-libs-0.4.9-0.52.20080908.fc10.i386 : Libraries for ffmpeg
> > Repo: installed
> > Matched from:
> > Other   : Provides-match:
>I'm just not the sharpest tool in the shed I guess 'cuz I'm stumped

I've been ARGGHH'd too. Try a 'rpm --force install ffmpeglibs...rpm' etc.

This is effectively a re-install of the rpm *and* updates the meta-data.
(And doesn't attempt, like 'yum remove', to remove every package which 
depends upon the one being (re)installed,


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Re: Package Manager Denies Permission to Install

2009-01-20 Thread R. G. Newbury

From: Kam Leo 
>> Dickhead wrote
> > Logging in as root is like walking around with a loaded shotgun in 

> > belt with no safety latch. You can't install packages as the root user
> > as it's simply not secure. Just use a normal user login.
> >
>> >> WTF??? Does anyone know where this little bit of insanity is stored
>> >> and how to remove it?
> >
> > It's called PackageKit, and it's not insane. If you're running gtk+ as
> > root, you're already insecure.
> >
> > Richard.

>Regardless of the security rant, the default settings for yum should
>have enabled the Everything repository. Just use yum  to install the
>package. As a bonus yum will also add any dependencies you might have
>missed. Add/Remove Software from the GUI should also be able to do the

Thank you Kam. I have used 'Everything' repo for some years. In this 
case, I was not at a usual repo, but (iirc) at sourceforge and wanted to 
install an rpm.

And Dick. You are not being helpful. Please stop being a dickhead. I am 
a big boy. I happen to know that I am playing in the deep end of the 
pool. I do not need dickheads telling me I have to wear inflatable 
arm-rings to swim in the deep end.

Who is a confirmed apostate from 'root is the root of all evil' 
religion. Or maybe that should be an excommunicate from the religion.


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RE: Package Manager Denies Permission to Install

2009-01-20 Thread R. G. Newbury

From: Richard Hughes 

>I don't think you need to patch gnome-packagekit, just fixing PolicyKit
would do it. You'll still get the nag-dialog, but that's still part of
the design.

> > I wish this kind of stupid arbitrary restrictions just got removed.

>It's up to David upstream to make that call, not me.

And that would be David WHO, exactly? And what is his email address?
Because I, for one, am really tired of this sort of irritant.

It does not stop me from doing what I want to do. It just makes it more 
difficult and time-consuming. It does not actually enhance security in 
any meaningful way. And it disrespects me by implying that I effectively 
do not have the brains to come in out of the rain. And it disrespects 
every person who wrote the GUI code which you implicitly claim is insecure.


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Package Manager Denies Permission to Install

2009-01-19 Thread R. G. Newbury
I was installing F10 to one of my boxes, and needed to install some 
-devel files. I found those on a mirror, in .../Everything/...

Clicking on the link gave the usual 'what do you want to do' message. 
Clicking install raised a warning about installing as root. I clicked 
continueand got a message that I 'didn't have permission to 
continue' (or words to that effect) and my system, having assumed 
god-like powers refused to let me install the file!

WTF??? Does anyone know where this little bit of insanity is stored and 
how to remove it?


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Re: Laptop Keyboard asdf, jkl;, enter disabled on boot up

2008-12-15 Thread R. G. Newbury

On Mon, 2008-12-15 at 00:56 +, g wrote:
> > keep in mind, both of these test could fail, but they did work years
> > ago when i did radio and tv services.

>You must have had a big fridge...   ;-)

>I've got a thermal repair to take care of sometime soon, if I can take
>the equipment out of service long enough to work on, and I'm not 
>looking forward to it.  It's big, heavy, awkward, and the boards 
>concerned are in difficult spots.  And definitely too big to put in 
the >fridge!

You can 'cold-spot' a motherboard etc. with compressed air, etc. A 
compressed air 'cleaner bomb' will do. You might get enough effect just 
by using a hose connected to the back end of a vacumn cleaner, blowing 
on the suspect area.

Of course, any expanding gas will draw heat from the surroundings. So 
you could use a CO2 fire extinguisher or even a butane refill for a 
lighter if you want to live *really* dangerously*. (Of course, the 
Goreacle would have you believe that you are doing more damage to the 
planet using the fire extinguisher than by releasing a more complex 
heavier more carbon carrying gas...but that's a different rant!

I presume that you have disconnected, cleaned and re-connected the 
keyboard cable connector on this laptop?


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Re: OT: mice size Re: asus w5f Intel sound on Fedora 10

2008-12-12 Thread R. G. Newbury

>> >> Yes, there is such a thing as a computer rat - it's a larger computer
>> >> mouse.

Todd Denniston:
> > You would not happen to have the maker and some model names handy
> > would you?

Sorry, no.  I haven't seen one directly, they were used with disabled
kids to make it easier to use a computer.  Computers with mice weren't
being used, yet, when I used to work in that arena.

Check out the Kensington Ezpert Trackball or the slightly smaller 
Kensington Optical Trackball. They are large. Logitech used to produce a 
large trackball unit: I think the ball is actually a billiard ball. Been 
out of production for probably 8 years. Mine is still going strong.


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Re: Root in FC10

2008-12-07 Thread R. G. Newbury

Mikkel Ellertson

> > But it is time to stop playing parent to everyone.
> >
> > Geoff
> >
>Nope - we are not trying to play 'nanny'. If you do not see what
this has to do with security, then I feel sorry for you, and hope
that it is just your home system that you are putting at risk. The
defaults are to protect people that are learning. You could think of
it this way - you child-prof your home when you have small children
because it is hard to learn when learning kills you. How much does a
new user learn when the only fix is to re-install the system? How
much does it cost if your bring down the network at work because you
made a mistake when running as root? Just killing your desktop at
work is going to cost in lost productivity. (Unless you are not
productive at work anyway - then having your system trashed may stop
you from lowering others productivity.)

Of course you are playing nanny! You admit it in your response right 
after you deny it. "The defaults are to protect people that are learning."
That's my point. You are adding the job of nanny under the guise of 
security. That is NOT security.


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Re: Root in FC10

2008-12-06 Thread R. G. Newbury

No - GUIs run as root are not as secure. A bug that would be caught
when running as a user may not be caught when running as root.

A "bug" or a permissions error. Please explain how a BUG could or would 
be treated differently depending on the user?

The more code you have running as root, the greater the chance of
running into problems. 

This is illogical and not relevant to the point which you are attempting 
to make. The vast majority of user, including myself, do not write the 
code we run. And the exploit rate in code has nothing to do with the 
amount of code you have running. Lots of code is basically impervious to 
external exploit while being run, because it does not talk to or 
interact with the external world.

If you are referring to the underlying OS, it ALWAYS runs as whatever, 
often as root. A 'root' user doesn't to my understanding run 'more' code 
than a user does...and in any event, all of that code is still there to 
be exploited whichever user is running on top of it (if that code is 
capable of being exploited at all).

Then again, it is a lot easier to shoot

yourself in the foot running as root using the GUI. How may times
have we seen someone on the list that changed permissions, or
deleted the wrong file, and needs help to get the system running again.

THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SECURITY. You are just trying to play 
'nanny'. The saying is: "To err is human". We are ALL human. Get over it 
and stop trying to tie people's hands just because you will not be there 
to hold them. AND this has nothing to do with logging in as root. Any 
user, who through ignorance or stupidity (or both) changes permissions 
or deletes the wrong file, is NOT interacting with "security" when he 
does those things. He is using the OS, which does *exactly* what he 
tells it to do, whether or not that is what he thought he wanted it to 
do. And the only PROPER response to that, after the fact, is to explain 
what he did (fix the ignorance bit: "ignorant" from "does not know") and 
hope that he remembers it (you cannot fix the stupid bit). Oh,  and say, 
Don't do that again.

Sorta like your mother probably did many times when you were a child. 
But it is time to stop playing parent to everyone.


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Re: Root in FC-10

2008-12-06 Thread R. G. Newbury

Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

>After all, we do not want to see Linux systems that are as insecure
>as Windows systems are by default. Running as root all the tine
>defeats most of the security of a Linux system.


Well how *exactly* does running *as root* defeat *most* of the security 
of a linux system. Sorry but that is BS.
Virtually any exploitable point allows an escalation by way of further 
exploit. If and only if, it is possible to ensure (to 100%) that no 
exploit can be escalated to provide root level privileges, is it 
reasonable and logical to claim that not using root, is "safer" than 
using root. It has never been explained to my satisfaction how the 
supposed 'sandbox' of being user in fact adds any extra security to the 


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Re: root in FC 10

2008-12-05 Thread R. G. Newbury

From: Robert Moskowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Already done that. Just chirping in again about why someone relatively
>sane would want to log in as root...

Because he's actually, you know, SANE and does not get an attack of the 
vapours and go all weak-kneed at the thought of actually doing something 
while logged in as root.

The fervour with which the "don't ever use root" religionists propogate 
their faith just pisses me off.

There are places and times for using root and there are places and times 
for not being root. Don't let your damn religion obscure that fact.


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Re: Mysql problems (wont restart)

2008-11-22 Thread R. G. Newbury

>I have a mysql database (in MythTV) that has been running
>several months uninterrupted.>

>I had to take this machine down, and now on the reboot the
>database wont restart.

>Is there any program out there to try to clean up whatever the
>problems with the database are, and get this thing restarted
>without having to start from scratch (and loose all the data in
>the database)?

Start by reading the Mythtv Documentation on the mythtv wiki. You could 
then check other areas of the wiki. Finally, seach the mythtv email list 
archive at gossamerthreads.
This problem has been dealt with many many times there. In almost every 
case, it is a configuration problem. There is no simple 'program' to fix 
things. The cause must be deduced from a step by step examination.

You say 'the database wont restart'. This is unclear: does the server 
not start, or does the client not connect or does the client fail to 
open the database etc. The answers are there, but you will have to do 
some work to narrow down the problem.

Whatever you do. do NOT attempt to create a new mythconverg database. 
That is almost guaranteed to destroy the one thing you wish to keep. If 
you shut down the system cleanly, it is still there. You have merely 
(metaphorically) locked the keys in the car along with your wallet. You 
just need to get another key.


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Re: Automatic Feed Scanner

2008-11-22 Thread R. G. Newbury

On Sat, 2008-11-22 at 15:28 -0200, Newton wrote:

Dear Friends :
I'll present an Automatic Scanning Management Document Project, and I 
would like to know if yours, with Automatic Feed Scanner experience, 
could be point a really good functional model ! I tried SANE, but I want 
experience ! For my personal, I tried models, without success 

If your scsnner is on a network, scanimage needs to be told where to 
find it. It will then control the ADF (document feeder). And the printer 
should be on a fixed IP address. Here is my script: runs great with an 
HP3055 Multifunction printer. And the output tif's are easily fed to 
gscan2pdf to create a pdf file if you need to.

Here is my script:
# ADF Scan for counted pages

# set the IP address of the scanner

export hpaio=hpaio:/net/HP_LaserJet_3055?ip=

if  [ "$1" = "" ] || [ "$2" = "" ] || [ "$3" = "" ] || [ "$4" = "" ] || 
[ "$5" = "" ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--h" ] || [ "$1" = 
"--help" ] ;

 echo -e "  ** Missing Command Parameters ** \n"
 echo -e "  This script takes five parameters:\n"
 echo -e "  1 The pathname of the folder in which to store the scans."
 echo -e "  2 The preliminary portion of the file name."
 echo -e "  3 The starting number portion of the file name."
 echo -e "  4 The number of scans to take."
 echo -e "  5 The increment of the number portion."
 echo -e "  scanner /tmp/scans/ testA 1 5 1  scans and saves 5 
pages \n"
 echo -e "  Use Increment= -2 to step downwards when scanning 

cd $1
 echo -e "  Please wait while scanning commences...\n"
# letter is -y 280, legal is -y 355 in the next line
scanimage --device-name=$hpaio --format=tif --mode lineart --resolution 
150 -x 216 -y 280 -v --batch=$2%d.tif --batch-start=$3 --batch-count=$4 


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Re: Vampire Instance of Kaffiene becomes Kaf-fiend

2008-11-07 Thread R. G. Newbury

R. G. Newbury wrote:

> > I tried to play something with Kaffeine, then used File->Quit to 

> > it. IT KEEPS COMING BACK!  When I boot the machine (Thinkpad T40 Fedora
> > 8) I get an instance of Kaffeine. (I have on occasion also gotten an
> > instance of Firefox). This is with clean shutdowns, not forced 

> >
> > Where is this information stored, and how do I stop it?

>If you're using kde, session information is stored in
>nuke/edit that to suit.

Thanks, I've now done that.


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Vampire Instance of Kaffiene becomes Kaf-fiend

2008-11-07 Thread R. G. Newbury
I tried to play something with Kaffeine, then used File->Quit to dismiss 
it. IT KEEPS COMING BACK!  When I boot the machine (Thinkpad T40 Fedora 
8) I get an instance of Kaffeine. (I have on occasion also gotten an 
instance of Firefox). This is with clean shutdowns, not forced power-down.

Where is this information stored, and how do I stop it?


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Re: OT: find command permissions: how to exclude dir?

2008-10-29 Thread R. G. Newbury

Message: 4
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 19:10:28 -0400
From: Todd Denniston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT: find command permissions: how to exclude dir?
To: "Community assistance, encouragement,  and advice for using
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Patrick O'Callaghan wrote, On 10/29/2008 07:04 PM:

(Does anyone else think .gvfs is a PITA?)

This problem got me a while ago, and discussed here.

The problem is the mount permissions/capabilities of the mount point. 
Try re-mounting with 'rw, exec, suid,' and you will probably find that 
'find' finds what you would like found (sorry!... Could not resist).

mount with '-defaults' is quite restrictedeven root cannot execute 
commands. You will have to dive into the depths of 'man find' to 
findetc. etc.


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Re: Firefox not opening from Thunderbird links: error, launching default action command

2008-10-29 Thread R. G. Newbury

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 6:25 PM, R. G. Newbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Firefox 3 was hanging on certain websites. I downgraded to Fedora 
2.0.17. Now when I click on a link in a Thunderbird email I get a box 
with the error message:

> >
> > Error showing url: There was an error launching the default action 
command associated with this location.

>this might help,
>look at the thread titled "cannot follow hyperlinks in thunderbird"

Thanks! That was the needed pointer. The script at 
/usr/lib/thunderbird- calls gconftool-2 to get a key 
/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/command   which pointed to 
/usr/lib/firefox/firefox as the executable.

Unfortunately my downgrade to version 2 replaced the /usr/lib/firefox 
folder with /usr/lib/firefox- and the reference failed.

Creation of a symlink solved the problem.


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Firefox not opening from Thunderbird links: error launching default action command

2008-10-28 Thread R. G. Newbury
Firefox 3 was hanging on certain websites. I downgraded to Fedora 2.0.17 
. Now when I click on a link in a Thunderbird email I get a box with the 
 error message:

Error showing url: There was an error launching the default action 
command associated with this location.

Can anyone tell me how/where to fix the 'default action command'?


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Re: "Permissions Denied" error as root: SOLVED

2008-08-26 Thread R. G. Newbury

R. G. Newbury wrote:
To recap, attempting to run a script, as root, with permissions 755 
produced a 'Permissions denied' error.

The problem was that the partition was mounted with 'users,defaults' 
options, and 'users' implies 'noexec' and overrides 'defaults' (which 
implies 'exec'),

Changing the line in fstab to 'defaults' and quick 'umount' and 'mount' 
fixed the problem.

Weird bit is that I was logged in as root..WHICH WAS MISLEADING. When 
'nonexec' is set, ALL users are denied execution privileges. (This is 
most useful for security purposes in denying the use of programs on for 
example a USB stick from compromising the system.

So, besides checking the permissions on a file, and the parent 
directories, you have to check how the partition was mounted.
This will catch you when you are playing with something on a 'spare' 

Or when you change the fstab without realizing the implications!

Thanks to all for the pointers, which gave the solution.


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Re: "Permission Denied" error for root user when perms are 0775?

2008-08-25 Thread R. G. Newbury

From: Dave Feustel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Check the permissions of all the directories in the path leading to the
>executable generating the 'permission denied' message.

Been there, done that. Thought of that very early on. The /bin directory 
 is 755 as usual, as is the executable. Everything in /bin is 755 
except for links which are all (always) 777.


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Re: "Permission denied" error for root user when perms are 0775?

2008-08-25 Thread R. G. Newbury

From: Stuart Sears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[ edited for relevance ]
> > Thanks to both of you. Good pointers.
> > The drive is a partition on the same spindle, mounted '-t ext3 

> > /keep', BUT /etc/fstab has the partition as 'users,defaults' it IS
> > possible that 'defaults' = 'noexec'...easily tested: thank you.

nope, it's not 'defaults', it's 'users':
from the mount manpage:

users - Allow every user to mount and unmount the file system. This
option implies the options noexec, nosuid, and nodev (unless overridden
by subsequent options, as in the option line users,exec,dev,suid).

IIRC 'user' has the same problems.

Thank you, that is the likely answer. 'Defaults' allows 'exec', but you 
have to read further down in the options to see that 'user' or 'users' 
implies 'noexec'.

Thank you, thank you. Easy to test/check and I now think that could be 
the actual problem.And the fedora recovery environment uses a 
different set of defaults, which would explain why I could run the 
configure script at /mnt/sysimage/keep/mythtv, but NOT as root at 

What it does NOT explain, however, is why I could not run the script 
EVEN THOUGH I WAS ROOT!. It would explain the failure of my attempts as 
user mythtv. But it does *feel* like progress. (Since if this is 
correct, I should be able to run the script as a user, using sudo...)

Fingers crossed.


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Re: "Permission denied" error for root user when perms are 0775?

2008-08-25 Thread R. G. Newbury


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Message: 1
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 07:16:58 -0500
From: Thomas Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "Permission Denied" error for root user when perms are
To: For users of Fedora 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

R. G. Newbury wrote:

Weird problem.
I downloaded an svn version of mythtv, cd'd to the folder, and tried to 
run './configure --help', Got a 'Permission Denied' error.

I am root and the permissions were and are 0775...chmod changes nothing, 
even trying 0777.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on? The directory is on a 'rw' 
partition, since I just downloaded to it, using a script. But the 
configure script itself will not run. I changed the first line from:

#!/bin/shto #!/bin/bash  > no change.

And bash *is* in /bin and executable, owned by root.

I'm stumped

What is the partition?  Is it a remote drive mounted locally?  Is it a 
USB drive - they are typically mounted noexec?  What does /bin/mount 
tell you?

Could it be an SELinux denial?  What does /var/log/audit/audit.log tell 

Anything in /var/log/messages?

>i've had a similar problem when trying to delete a file, then it was to
>do with extended attributes.

>can't remember how i got around it, but looked the details up in man 
>for attrib from memory!


Thanks to both of you. Good pointers.
The drive is a partition on the same spindle, mounted '-t ext3 /dev/sda5 
/keep', BUT /etc/fstab has the partition as 'users,defaults' it IS 
possible that 'defaults' = 'noexec'...easily tested: thank you.

However, that would mean that (see my second post) the Fedora recovery 
environment uses a different 'default'...hpossible I guess, as 
it is mounting stuff which you are intended to use/play with...why not 
execute as well...

As to extended attribs...I cannot see there are any, or why there would 
be, as there weren't any before this last re-install...

But I will check that.


Otherwise, I need to use trace or dump or what?


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Re: "Permission Denied" error for root user when perms are 0775?

2008-08-25 Thread R. G. Newbury

From: "R. G. Newbury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "Permission Denied" error for root user when perms are 0775?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

>Weird problem.
>I downloaded an svn version of mythtv, cd'd to the folder, and tried to
>run './configure --help', Got a 'Permission Denied' error.

>I am root and the permissions were and are 0775...chmod changes 
>nothing,  even trying 0777.

>Does anyone have any idea what is going on? The directory is on a 'rw'
>partition, since I just downloaded to it, using a script. But the
>configure script itself will not run. I changed the first line from:
>#!/bin/shto #!/bin/bash  > no change.

More data points. I don't think this has anything to do with the 
'configure' script. It's an error in what bash is running. There is 
something wrong with the libraries, I think.

Backing up a little. This is a brand new install of Fedora 8. I ended up 
wiping everything from the prior setup, which had become messed up 
sometime in the 70 days mythtv was up.
Re-formatted and installed everything, including taking 4 hours for the 
'yum update' and loading the mythtv dependencies. Then a new svn of 
mythtv. But bash will not run the configure script.

I tried using the fedora recovery route and THIS IS WEIRD! If I ran 
'./mnt/sysimage/keep/mythtv/configure --help' IT RAN. So the bash + 
libraries of the recovery environment, ARE DIFFERENT than the installed 
versions. It is almost as if the installed 'root' login is not a 
privileged user. (Makes no difference if I try a different session, with 
the 'mythtv' user. It IS something in bash or the libraries it calls.

SO How do I track down what is wrong? On a quick pass, all of the 
libraries appear to have the same (correct???) permissions. If there a 
trace or something which can find the breakdown? (Google isn't too 
useful at this level).

More data. Selinux is disabled. For this, the firewall was disabled. 
Booted into run-level 5, using a terminal, kernel is new, updated to 
2.6.25-??? 69...latest. As noted, this is a brand new bare-metal (well, 
the metal that counts) install.


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"Permission Denied" error for root user when perms are 0775?

2008-08-25 Thread R. G. Newbury

Weird problem.
I downloaded an svn version of mythtv, cd'd to the folder, and tried to 
run './configure --help', Got a 'Permission Denied' error.

I am root and the permissions were and are 0775...chmod changes nothing, 
even trying 0777.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on? The directory is on a 'rw' 
partition, since I just downloaded to it, using a script. But the 
configure script itself will not run. I changed the first line from:

#!/bin/shto #!/bin/bash  > no change.

And bash *is* in /bin and executable, owned by root.

I'm stumped


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OT: Audio Feedback Problem on Thinkpad T40

2008-07-23 Thread R. G. Newbury
Booted my Thinkpad T40 this morning and it immediately started a high 
pitched feedback squeal. The volume controls do nothing and of course 
there is nothing in the BIOS section to even attempt to control or 
change the behaviour. Interestingly, it also seems to affect CPU usage: 
the machine is very slow in responding to inputs, but top shows nothing 
out of the ordinary.

Anyone have any thoughts about what is going on?


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Re: Seems I have some real problems

2008-06-17 Thread R. G. Newbury

Message: 13
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 17:35:11 -0700
From: "Daniel B. Thurman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Seems I have some real problems
To: For users of Fedora 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

> Ugh.  I just removed all the livna stuff from my F8 and it appears
that I cannot install MythTV nor all of the other stuff I got from
livna.  Seems I cannot get everything I want from a single source

>This is the list that I removed from livna:

>When I tried to install MythTV, I got:

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] dant]# yum install mythtv
>Loading "priorities" plugin
>primary.xml.gz100% |=| 182 kB
>atrpms: ## 716/716
>Setting up Install Process
>Parsing package install arguments

--> Running transaction check
---> Package libdc1394.i386 0:2.0.2-1.fc8 set to be updated
---> Package mythvideo.i386 0:0.21-190.fc8 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: transcode >= 0.6.8 for package: mythvideo
---> Package mytharchive.i386 0:0.21-190.fc8 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: transcode >= 1.0.2 for package: mytharchive
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
>Error: Missing Dependency: transcode >= 1.0.2 is needed by package
>Error: Missing Dependency: transcode >= 0.6.8 is needed by package 

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] dant]# yum install transcode
>Loading "priorities" plugin
>Setting up Install Process
>Parsing package install arguments
>No package transcode available.
>Nothing to do

>Hmm  I could not install transcode that the above is seeking as a

>What gives?

You actually did not need to remove EVERYTHING which was sourced from 
livna. There are a number of packages which are only available there, 
but the majority of the things needed by mythtv are built by Axel and 
available on atrpms...including the mythtv metapackage. It is intriguing 
that the transcode dependency failed as transcode 1.0.5 is available on 

Are you sure you had atrpms enabled on that last try?...

If you go to:

you will see a long script which I wrote for myself some time ago and 
posted on the wiki. It's intended for a 'bare-metal' level install.

Just copy and paste the whole thing into a file and chmod the file to 
make it executable.

Note that first ou need the Fedora 'Everything'
repo enabled and the atrpms and livna repos available and enabled in 
your yum.repos.d directory. After you have updated against Fedora 
Everything, you run the script and it steps through  moving the unwanted 
.repo files out of sight and installing (with yum) the packages which we 
want from atrpms. It then swaps atrpms for livna and picks up the 
remaining required packages. (And I am not sure that all of them are 
listed as there are some myth plugins I have never tried to use and thus 
never built).

This script does not install mythtv. I use SVN and compile myth 
separately. But when the script finishes you should be able to just 
enable atrpms and run 'yum install mythtv'.

Note that these lists do not include xine-non-free and other livna 
packages which you had installed but removed.

I suggest that you then browse to atrpms and individually select and 
install (with yum) any other non-myth packages you need, disable or move 
the atrpms.repo file, enable livna and then do the same: you should be 
down to only about a half dozen pacakges or so at that point which you 
can individually install with livna enabled.

Remember to disable BOTH atrpms and livna. Thereafter use --enable-repo 
on the yum command line and NEVER EVER use 'yum update' with either 
enabled.. That's just asking for the trouble you are now in


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