Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-22 Thread Robert Moskowitz

Mike Cloaked wrote:

Mike Cloaked wrote:

Frank Cox-2 wrote:

yum install nautilus-open-terminal


Indeed it does work when right clicking to give an option to open a
terminal window though when doing this in f10 it opens a terminal in
~/Desktop by default. 

How can you change the default directory for the terminal window that is
created? (i.e. the home directory or ~/Documents)

Sorry to answer my own question but I found the answer looking back through
the posts on this list from a while ago on a different thread:

Make sure you have gconf-editor installed, if not 'yum install
gconf-editor'.  Once installed run gconf-editor and then go the Apps
section, then look for nautilus-open-terminal.  Put a check mark in
the desktop_opens_home_dir entry.  It will then go back to its old

That works fine(I did log out and back in to make sure of changes

I just added gconf-editor, and now I can right click on the desktop to 
open a terminal window.


Now to go do that to the one FC9 system I am running; suspect it will be 
the same sequence.

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Re: [Usability] Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-22 Thread Mark
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 10:02 PM, Natan Yellin wrote:

 On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 9:56 PM, Mark wrote:

 On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 8:50 PM, Les Mikesell
  Mark wrote:
  To all other ppl. please keep the usability list included since this
  really is something they should be aware of.
  Keep in mind that cross-posting to multiple lists sucks for everyone who
  not a member of all of them because they'll get bounces pointing that
  and there's a fair chance that they won't get moderator approval and

 True. and they are apparently afraid that my idea gets through because
 i have been put on moderation.
 feel free to do whatever you think is right. at this moment i'm sick of

 As far as I can tell, you're disappointed with the way that the Fedora
 community has responded to your opinion. Instead of trying to create a fight
 or drag this issue upstream, why don't you just use another distribution?

Why did you mailed this to me only and not the lists.
O well, i said it in this thread but you probably didn't read it. I
don't blame you.. there are about 250 messages in this thread ^_^

To the subject. I said that i did find ubuntu better then fedora and
that i did use it but i prefer the RPM system and in those
distributions i like fedora the most. My top 2 list is:
1. Fedora
2. Ubuntu

And i keep swapping between those 2. Right now i need fedora because
of a development project and i'm more familiar with rpm then i am with
debs. specially on repairing an RPM issue. repairing a deb issue is a
lot more painful. That's why i use fedora and that's why i don't
switch to another os (for now). I also find rpm to be more flexible to
use then deb but that might be because i didn't do much deb devel
stuff and did rpm devel stuff (rebuilding and making rpms/debs).

The best case for me would be a ubuntu using the rpm structure instead of deb.

btw. lets NOT start flaming about the advantages and disadvantages of
rpm vs deb. i'm well aware of those!

So that's why.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-21 Thread jdow

Gag me with a pitch-fork.
- Original Message - 
From: Mark
To: Development discussions related to Fedora; Community assistance, encouragement,and 
advice for using Fedora.

Sent: Thursday, 2008, December 18 12:56
Subject: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11


The question is simple:
Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

A new window for each folder that i open is so painful!!
1. My taskbar fills up in notime each time i open a new folder
2. New features of nautilus: tabbed browsing! completely useless if
your not using the browser mode
3. Tabbed browsing (files/folders or web) is hot these days
4. It feels so.. old (windows 95? 3.11?)
just to name a few

Cross posted to the devel list because it's for the next fedora
version (currently in development thus the devel list)

Bug report: (wow! i
couldn't find an existing one for this! made one myself)

So, lets vote:

+1 from me

I hope this can be done for Fedora 11 (it's just changing one gconf 

All vote plz


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Frank Murphy
Mark wrote:
 The question is simple:
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

Possibly because the two seconds it takes to set-up by the user is easy
enough to accomplish.

The problem, I see is basically just getting new Gnome users,
to  where the help is:

I think perhaps, a search link on the main page:
may be useful.

akin to:


PS: Deliberately not cross-posted

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mike Cloaked

Frank Cox-2 wrote:
 yum install nautilus-open-terminal

Indeed it does work when right clicking to give an option to open a terminal
window though when doing this in f10 it opens a terminal in ~/Desktop by

How can you change the default directory for the terminal window that is
created? (i.e. the home directory or ~/Documents)
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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mike Cloaked

Mike Cloaked wrote:
 Frank Cox-2 wrote:
 yum install nautilus-open-terminal
 Indeed it does work when right clicking to give an option to open a
 terminal window though when doing this in f10 it opens a terminal in
 ~/Desktop by default. 
 How can you change the default directory for the terminal window that is
 created? (i.e. the home directory or ~/Documents)

Sorry to answer my own question but I found the answer looking back through
the posts on this list from a while ago on a different thread:

Make sure you have gconf-editor installed, if not 'yum install
gconf-editor'.  Once installed run gconf-editor and then go the Apps
section, then look for nautilus-open-terminal.  Put a check mark in
the desktop_opens_home_dir entry.  It will then go back to its old

That works fine(I did log out and back in to make sure of changes

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 9:10 PM, Dimi Paun wrote:
 So what do we get for asking that we see this changed?
  - snide remarks

 In this thread..ive seen snide comments from multiple parties on both
 sides.  I've seen a round in the cycle of existing hostilities.  There
 are no saints here, we are all sinners.  Keeping score of the assumed
 intent of the multitude of emotional comments on one side or the other
 is futile and serves no useful purpose. If you are keeping score of
 snide comments, then you've already given up on a constructive
 discussion.  You have to be able to give everyone the benefit of the
 doubt as to intent. The medium of email is excruciatingly poor at
 communicating irrational emotive discourse. The subtle nuances of body
 language, or vocal and facial ques which regulate the flow of face to
 face conversations are not there to help us read intent with any
 accuracy whatsoever.

  - we are ask to produce numbers nobody can produce

 In this thread, I have not seen the decision makers ask that numbers
 be produced. I see numbers being produced by people to sustain their
 own arguments and getting upset that other are critical of the
 numbers.  The numbers are a false premise, they shouldn't be debated,
 they should be summarily ignored. To debate them gives credibility to
 the idea that accurate numbers are going to impact the design, and no
 one has come forward and promised that in this thread..

  - we are sent on wild goose chances upstream when this
is a packages maintained by RH.

 Yes this has happened in this thread. I have in fact done this myself
 before and I still stand by it.  If this change is going to be made is
 going to be made as part of an upstream discussion around the design
 goals of the default GNOME experience, a discussion broader in scope
 than this one change.

 I think the proponents of change do a disservice to their chosen cause
 in choosing the argumentation they have so far.  Trying to coerce a
 change by hammering away with the blunt instruments of populism.  It's
 not going to work. Coercion is the wrong method and populist arguments
 are the wrong tool.  You have to persuade the decision-makers, and to
 do that you have to understand how they prioritize and think.   The
 art of persuasion is a subtle science. It's brain surgery, not to be
 performed with the hammer or rhetoric or with the pitchforks and
 torches  of populist appeal.   You have to crawl inside the heads of
 the people whose minds you are looking to change, and think like them.

 But hey, these things happen, we can work around them. What's not cool
 is the attitude that it's OK to diss the users. That just sucks the
 fun out of being part of Fedora.

 I think you are reading way to much into the responses of a a very
 long and very heated discussion which this thread is but one chapter.
 The exact same sort of thing could be said about it being uncool to
 diss developers.  There have certainty been posts in this thread which
 could be read as dissing developers.  I think we can all agree that
 its uncool to diss people generally.  I'll go further and say that
 most people are going to screw up and when things get heated are going
 to choose words poorly and end up writing something that is laced with
 too much emotion and will be interpreted as a personal slight or
 attack.  The real trick is figuring out how to make it possible to
 keep those mistakes from invoking another round of emotional responses
 in a self-perpetuating cycle of over-reaction.


Oke, first thing first.
I subscribed to the gnome usability list and added that. this mail is
being send to them as well so therefore i include my original message.

My original message:
On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 9:56 PM, Mark wrote:

 The question is simple:
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

 A new window for each folder that i open is so painful!!
 1. My taskbar fills up in notime each time i open a new folder
 2. New features of nautilus: tabbed browsing! completely useless if
 your not using the browser mode
 3. Tabbed browsing (files/folders or web) is hot these days
 4. It feels so.. old (windows 95? 3.11?)
 just to name a few

 Cross posted to the devel list because it's for the next fedora
 version (currently in development thus the devel list)

 Bug report: (wow! i
 couldn't find an existing one for this! made one myself)

 So, lets vote:

 +1 from me

 I hope this can be done for Fedora 11 (it's just changing one gconf value).
 All vote plz


To the people reading the gnome usability list and see this for the
first time.. look here for the full discussion (about 150 posts):

Now to react on the memory and cpu 

Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
2008/12/20 David Nielsen

 2008/12/20 Mark

 And for this entire issue where i made this thread for in the first
 place. Don't expect me to be silent now. I will be vocal about this.
 fedora has a freedom sign in it's logo so make that a reality!

 And you remain with the freedom to change the setting manually, create your
 own spin with the setting changed by default. Your freedom however does not
 extend to throwing a hissy fit on the development list because you're
 preference is not the default. We have processes for feature goals and there
 is upstream GNOME to have this debate with, both will get you input on the
 idea without pissing the rest of us off.

 I used to have the browser mode activated out of habit, but now because you
 made it your mission to spam the devel list and attack developers, I have
 changed the setting back and you know what.. I love spatial.

Good for you.

 - David

Then i will, especially for you, explain why i included those 2 other
lists (3 in total now)

fodora-general list
this list is included because this concerns the general fedora public
and to give it a more then just developer attention

fedora-devel list
this list is included because is where features for new fedora
released belong. if you want it or not this thread belongs there as

gnome usability list
it is a setting in nautilus that i want to see with a different
default value and it affects the usability (in a positive way) for
gnome so that's why i included this list

and i had: nautilus list
I first had this list included as well but somewhere it got dropped of
by someone.. don't know who or why and doesn't matter much. changes in
nautilus need to be in that list so this message does belong there as

And if this pisses you off, this really valid discussion, then you
probably just need to pass it.

To all other ppl. please keep the usability list included since this
really is something they should be aware of.

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Re: [Usability] Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 7:49 PM, Olav Vitters wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 07:02:26PM +0100, Mark wrote:
 To the people reading the gnome usability list and see this for the
 first time.. look here for the full discussion (about 150 posts):
 Now on topic.
 Lets do a little rounding up (conclusions how i see them! correct me
 if i'm wrong on any of them)

 1. Somewhere in 2003 or 2004 it is decided for whatever reason to make
 the spatial mode in nautilus and put it as the default mode. To my
 knowledge no research is done if people even wanted that. it just got
 pushed through there throat and they are expected to just take it in
 not spit it out. We are now (and a lot of users back then) spitting
 that decision out and clear that bad taste. Nearly all gnome based

 Please keep it constructive. Above comparison is not. You will likely
 get heated responses because of it (see also below).

 distributions do the same and the people using those distributions
 seems to be happy about the browser mode.

 You provide no basis for that statement.

No basis.. do i need one? Look at Ubuntu and all other distros that
provide gnome and see how much of them use the browser or spatial

 2. I always was under the impression that gnome especially was a
 democracy but it turns out it's under dictatorship and then call it:
 Meritocracy with a dictator like taste.

 Please don't make such loaded comparisons if you want to continue to
 post to a GNOME mailing list. See
 I've read most of the thread on the Fedora mailing list. I am not
 interested in a repeat.

It's just an observation and seems to be true till this moment.

 3. Fedora has a community but when the community starts demanding
 something (use the browser mode as default) then it turns out that the

 A few votes on a mailing list. This has been dismissed already.

 4. There is just ONE person here that decided to make it spatial and
 that one person can't be convinced (Alexander Larson). Just look at

 That is not true.

Then give me a link where that disision is made otherwise i see it as true.

 5. I was about to open a bug report on gnome for this now but it turns
 out there is one already:

 Just general FYI: Discussion is not appreciated on (bgo) bugreports
 (should be done elsewhere, e.g. in a mailing list), so please do not add
 comments about things that have been said before.
 The purpose of a bugreport is to discuss how the bug should be fixed
 (which in above bugreport would just be a config change).

I don't agree on that. i even saw ppl on the gnome bugzilla
(developers!) telling the other users to post it to the mailing
list(s) as well to raise awareness. And i think i did that.

 6. Convincing people.. yea possible but is FOUR (yes 4!) FREAKING
 YEARS not proof enough that there decision was wrong. If that doesn't
 convince them, again mainly or even only Alexander Larson, then they
 can simply not be convinced in this subject.

 Baseless statement. In your mind the decision is wrong. However, you
 even haven't convinced everyone of that fact. This was already mentioned
 on the Fedora mailing list.

Not only in my mind. the majority agrees with me that browser mode
should be the default.
And to give that a base. read this full list and search on google.

 7. This is a conclusion again about the community. A few months ago
 Max Spevack came to my school to hold a presentation about linux,

 I'm not sure what this has to do with Please be

That is true.

 A very good example of the bad community direction is, to name someone
 again, Rahul. He always points you to your mistakes (fine in a way)
 but never adds (not in my experience) something constructive or
 helpful always a link to a wiki of somekind.

 Take that off list (at least for anything

Also true but kinda hard when cross posting.

 And for this entire issue where i made this thread for in the first
 place. Don't expect me to be silent now. I will be vocal about this.
 fedora has a freedom sign in it's logo so make that a reality!

 Suggest to be constructive. Just vocal won't be appreciated.

I have been constructive.
That didn't help much so time to put it in a higher gear.

 What helps: determine what usability thought was behind the spatial
 mode. Then perform multiple real usability studies to show that for an
 unbiased person spatial mode causes more problems than browser mode.

I think the most you could ask of me is what was done to get spatial
in it to begin with.
They didn't seem to conduct a study so i won't do that to revert there
change. Also to conduct a study takes weeks or months and by that time
this discussion is cooled down and put in the fridge. So your actually
asking me to spend months conducting a study to 

Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Jeff Spaleta
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 9:02 AM, Mark wrote:
 To the people reading the gnome usability list and see this for the
 first time.. look here for the full discussion (about 150 posts):

Mark, you need to re-think your strategy of cross-posting from an
already heated discussion into a new list. You are not necessarily
helping your cause by dragging emotionality around across lists.  If
your is goal is to be sensationalistic, you will probably succeed.  If
your goal is to encourage more people in the meritocracy to listen to
you, you are probably failing.  I think you should re-think your
approach a bit, its extremely heavy handed. All you are doing by
keeping this current thread alive is hardening opinion, not changing


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 8:10 PM, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
 2008/12/20 Toshio Kuratomi
 I don't think rpm packages are the right way to do this.  There might be
 some interesting way to extend sabayon to be a configuration package
 tool, though.  That would be highly experimental and  is likely
 something that needs some thought and some work as a separate project
 for a while.

 Doesn't this fall under a possible spin concept?  We are talking about
 config changes.
 Mark's Ultimate Fix the Gnome Desktop Defaults Spin... A Fedora Remix.


1. post a reply or don't post at all
2. keep those other lists included plz!

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 9:02 AM, Mark wrote:
 To the people reading the gnome usability list and see this for the
 first time.. look here for the full discussion (about 150 posts):

 Mark, you need to re-think your strategy of cross-posting from an
 already heated discussion into a new list. You are not necessarily
 helping your cause by dragging emotionality around across lists.  If
 your is goal is to be sensationalistic, you will probably succeed.  If
 your goal is to encourage more people in the meritocracy to listen to
 you, you are probably failing.  I think you should re-think your
 approach a bit, its extremely heavy handed. All you are doing by
 keeping this current thread alive is hardening opinion, not changing


What do you expect of me?
I started nice and what did i get in return: we don't vote here and
there is no other way to get the word out.

To remember how i started:

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 9:56 PM, Mark wrote:

 The question is simple:
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

 A new window for each folder that i open is so painful!!
 1. My taskbar fills up in notime each time i open a new folder
 2. New features of nautilus: tabbed browsing! completely useless if
 your not using the browser mode
 3. Tabbed browsing (files/folders or web) is hot these days
 4. It feels so.. old (windows 95? 3.11?)
 just to name a few

 Cross posted to the devel list because it's for the next fedora
 version (currently in development thus the devel list)

 Bug report: (wow! i
 couldn't find an existing one for this! made one myself)

 So, lets vote:

 +1 from me

 I hope this can be done for Fedora 11 (it's just changing one gconf value).
 All vote plz


I didn't start emotional.. to be honest.. i'm not emotional at all
about this issue. just a little irritated by how easy spatial got in
and how hard it is to get out.

And i seem to be on the moderation list now from gnome's usability..
that's what happens when you try to improve something with the best

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Re: [Usability] Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Olav Vitters
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 08:14:18PM +0100, Mark wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 7:49 PM, Olav Vitters wrote:
  On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 07:02:26PM +0100, Mark wrote:
  To the people reading the gnome usability list and see this for the
  first time.. look here for the full discussion (about 150 posts):
  Now on topic.
  Lets do a little rounding up (conclusions how i see them! correct me
  if i'm wrong on any of them)
  1. Somewhere in 2003 or 2004 it is decided for whatever reason to make
  the spatial mode in nautilus and put it as the default mode. To my
  knowledge no research is done if people even wanted that. it just got
  pushed through there throat and they are expected to just take it in
  not spit it out. We are now (and a lot of users back then) spitting
  that decision out and clear that bad taste. Nearly all gnome based
  Please keep it constructive. Above comparison is not. You will likely
  get heated responses because of it (see also below).
  distributions do the same and the people using those distributions
  seems to be happy about the browser mode.
  You provide no basis for that statement.
 No basis.. do i need one? Look at Ubuntu and all other distros that
 provide gnome and see how much of them use the browser or spatial

people using those distributions seems to be happy about the browser mode

is your interpretation. Just because people use browser mode doesn't
make it better than spatial mode. Nor a distro default means that
everyone agrees.

  2. I always was under the impression that gnome especially was a
  democracy but it turns out it's under dictatorship and then call it:
  Meritocracy with a dictator like taste.
  Please don't make such loaded comparisons if you want to continue to
  post to a GNOME mailing list. See
  I've read most of the thread on the Fedora mailing list. I am not
  interested in a repeat.
 It's just an observation and seems to be true till this moment.

Whatever you call it, it is not appreciated.

  3. Fedora has a community but when the community starts demanding
  something (use the browser mode as default) then it turns out that the
  A few votes on a mailing list. This has been dismissed already.
  4. There is just ONE person here that decided to make it spatial and
  that one person can't be convinced (Alexander Larson). Just look at
  That is not true.
 Then give me a link where that disision is made otherwise i see it as true.

That is the other way around. You want a change, you do the work.

  5. I was about to open a bug report on gnome for this now but it turns
  out there is one already:
  Just general FYI: Discussion is not appreciated on (bgo) bugreports
  (should be done elsewhere, e.g. in a mailing list), so please do not add
  comments about things that have been said before.
  The purpose of a bugreport is to discuss how the bug should be fixed
  (which in above bugreport would just be a config change).
 I don't agree on that. i even saw ppl on the gnome bugzilla
 (developers!) telling the other users to post it to the mailing
 list(s) as well to raise awareness. And i think i did that.

It does not matter if you agree. I'm advising how to behave on GNOME
Bugzilla as bugmaster of GNOME bugzilla.

You can raise awareness, yes. And finally that can be pointed out on the
bugreport. What I meant is having everyone add loads of 'me too'
comments. It makes the bugreport difficult to read.

  6. Convincing people.. yea possible but is FOUR (yes 4!) FREAKING
  YEARS not proof enough that there decision was wrong. If that doesn't
  convince them, again mainly or even only Alexander Larson, then they
  can simply not be convinced in this subject.
  Baseless statement. In your mind the decision is wrong. However, you
  even haven't convinced everyone of that fact. This was already mentioned
  on the Fedora mailing list.
 Not only in my mind. the majority agrees with me that browser mode
 should be the default.
 And to give that a base. read this full list and search on google.

Only a few people responded to that. On Google, I see enough people how
love spatial mode.

  What helps: determine what usability thought was behind the spatial
  mode. Then perform multiple real usability studies to show that for an
  unbiased person spatial mode causes more problems than browser mode.
 I think the most you could ask of me is what was done to get spatial
 in it to begin with.
 They didn't seem to conduct a study so i won't do that to revert there
 change. Also to conduct a study takes weeks or months and by that time
 this discussion is cooled down and put in the fridge. So your actually
 asking me to spend months conducting a study to just be silent here.
 And so if i did a study what then?

In my 

Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Jeff Spaleta
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:28 AM, Mark wrote:
 What do you expect of me?
 I started nice and what did i get in return: we don't vote here and
 there is no other way to get the word out.

No mark you didn't start nice.  You started out demanding a vote in
order to coerce a change. Demanding a vote is not a nice way to hold a
discussion. Votes in the real world of democratic town meetings and
representative state legislatures, are what happens at the end of
discussions.  Votes stop discussion in the real world.  By starting
this thread with a vote, you implied that discussion was in fact not
what you wanted.


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Les Mikesell

Mark wrote:

To all other ppl. please keep the usability list included since this
really is something they should be aware of.

Keep in mind that cross-posting to multiple lists sucks for everyone who 
is not a member of all of them because they'll get bounces pointing that 
out, and there's a fair chance that they won't get moderator approval 
and ever appear.

  Les Mikesell

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 8:41 PM, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:28 AM, Mark wrote:
 What do you expect of me?
 I started nice and what did i get in return: we don't vote here and
 there is no other way to get the word out.

 No mark you didn't start nice.  You started out demanding a vote in
 order to coerce a change. Demanding a vote is not a nice way to hold a
 discussion. Votes in the real world of democratic town meetings and
 representative state legislatures, are what happens at the end of
 discussions.  Votes stop discussion in the real world.  By starting
 this thread with a vote, you implied that discussion was in fact not
 what you wanted.


Now that you say it like that you might be right.
However my post was not with the intention to demand a vote.. just
to.. vote how you liked it.

Btw your idea of my spin idea might very well be true ^_^ it's just
that it sucks up so much time which i don't want to spend at it.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 8:50 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
 Mark wrote:

 To all other ppl. please keep the usability list included since this
 really is something they should be aware of.

 Keep in mind that cross-posting to multiple lists sucks for everyone who is
 not a member of all of them because they'll get bounces pointing that out,
 and there's a fair chance that they won't get moderator approval and ever

True. and they are apparently afraid that my idea gets through because
i have been put on moderation.
feel free to do whatever you think is right. at this moment i'm sick of gnome.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 8:57 PM, Matthias Clasen wrote:
 On Sat, 2008-12-20 at 20:53 +0100, Mark wrote:

 Btw your idea of my spin idea might very well be true ^_^ it's just
 that it sucks up so much time which i don't want to spend at it.

 Creating a sabayon profile with your favourite changes and storing it
 away in some safe place would take ~10 minutes (including the time to
 install sabayon). The time and energy you have invested in this thread
 by now probably measures in days...

not really.
It requires me to: download sabyon, install it, figure out in detail
how the profile stuff works and if that fits my needs and it's not
using the RPM package system. I might not agree with all of fedora and
might find ubuntu better then fedora but i find RPM so much easyer
then debs if you make want to edit existing rpm's and that's why i
keep coming back to fedora.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

2. I always was under the impression that gnome especially was a
democracy but it turns out it's under dictatorship and then call it:
Meritocracy with a dictator like taste.

No, gnome is not a democracy at all, and does not claim to be. The 
individual module maintainers basically have total control over their 
modules. They can accept or reject patches and ideas. You can call that 
benevolent dictatorship if you like.

Maintainers become maintainers by doing the bulk of the hard coding work.

The Gnome Foundation board is elected, but the foundation does not aim 
to tell what the developers to do. It provides logistics, support, and 

Just dispelling some notions...

Personally, I don't like the spatial view either... or the fact that I 
can't rename a file from within the filechooser...

Some of my patches are accepted. Some are rejected. C'est la vie.

- Mike

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Jeff Spaleta
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Mark wrote:
 Now that you say it like that you might be right.

I'm always right.  That has never been the problem for me. Its just
one of those inherent truths of the universe.
But you know what, its not enough for me to be right all the time.
The skill I've had to learn over time is how to persuade other people,
I'm still learning.  It's a trick you should probably invest some time
thinking about developing.

 However my post was not with the intention to demand a vote.. just
 to.. vote how you liked it.

Yes, your actual intention was probably not the intention people read
into your actions.  The same could be said for people on the other
side.  Noone has figured out how to write a markup language for human
intention...and as a result any passionate discussion degrades
severely as we are wired to read intention but without body language
and vocal ques...we absolutely do it wrong when relying solely on
written language. Even more so with English! If we mandated everyone
encode thought into Lisp we'd be having more constructive discussions
(and less of them). The productivity of the list would be through the

 Btw your idea of my spin idea might very well be true ^_^ it's just
 that it sucks up so much time which i don't want to spend at it.

That's a copout excuse.  You are spending a lot of time right now
beating your head on the brick wall on this issue.  Figuring out a
technical solution in the form of a LiveCD under the umbrella of the
GNOME project might actually be the better argument than what you are
doing now.


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 9:24 PM, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Mark wrote:
 Now that you say it like that you might be right.

 I'm always right.  That has never been the problem for me. Its just
 one of those inherent truths of the universe.

don't get over confidence now

 But you know what, its not enough for me to be right all the time.
 The skill I've had to learn over time is how to persuade other people,
 I'm still learning.  It's a trick you should probably invest some time
 thinking about developing.

... if i sometime want that i will contact you oke?

 However my post was not with the intention to demand a vote.. just
 to.. vote how you liked it.

 Yes, your actual intention was probably not the intention people read
 into your actions.  The same could be said for people on the other
 side.  Noone has figured out how to write a markup language for human
 intention...and as a result any passionate discussion degrades
 severely as we are wired to read intention but without body language
 and vocal ques...we absolutely do it wrong when relying solely on
 written language. Even more so with English! If we mandated everyone
 encode thought into Lisp we'd be having more constructive discussions
 (and less of them). The productivity of the list would be through the

... i think i agree ...

 Btw your idea of my spin idea might very well be true ^_^ it's just
 that it sucks up so much time which i don't want to spend at it.

 That's a copout excuse.  You are spending a lot of time right now
 beating your head on the brick wall on this issue.  Figuring out a
 technical solution in the form of a LiveCD under the umbrella of the
 GNOME project might actually be the better argument than what you are
 doing now.

not an excuse just a fact. besides that fact i just need to use fedora
with a project of mine.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Les Mikesell

Matthias Clasen wrote:

On Sat, 2008-12-20 at 20:53 +0100, Mark wrote:

Btw your idea of my spin idea might very well be true ^_^ it's just
that it sucks up so much time which i don't want to spend at it.

Creating a sabayon profile with your favourite changes and storing it
away in some safe place would take ~10 minutes (including the time to
install sabayon). The time and energy you have invested in this thread
by now probably measures in days...

Does sabayon allow publishing a profile so people could share their choices?

  Les Mikesell

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Les Mikesell

Jeff Spaleta wrote:

That's a copout excuse.  You are spending a lot of time right now
beating your head on the brick wall on this issue.  Figuring out a
technical solution in the form of a LiveCD under the umbrella of the
GNOME project might actually be the better argument than what you are
doing now.

Is there a fixed policy on how fedora must relate to upstream packages? 
 That is, do you have a requirement to take every default that the 
upstream has (themes, etc.)?  Or can any packager make any whimsical 
change he wants at any time?  Or something in between?

  Les Mikesell

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
 Mark wrote:

 2. I always was under the impression that gnome especially was a
 democracy but it turns out it's under dictatorship and then call it:
 Meritocracy with a dictator like taste.

 I have yet to see any Free and open source project work like a democracy.
 There might be some democratic aspects to portions of the projects but
 generally, who does the work gets to decide how things are done.  If Linus,
 says no, it doesn't get into the Linux kernel. Period.  No voting either.
 You have the full freedom to fork and convince others to adopt it but then
 again, that would require actual work to be done.

 3. Fedora has a community but when the community starts demanding
 something (use the browser mode as default) then it turns out that the
 actual fedora community, the ones that are helping to make fedora
 better, are just a hand full of people.

 A entire distribution full of free and open source software is given to you
 at no cost with the all the freedom to modify and redistribute the result.
 I think it is more appropriate , to do less of demanding and more of
 engaging in a discussion. People don't like being forced but they generally
 prefer more participation.

 What i or any other community member says is simply being ignored. WE,
 the community want this feature to change and i'm not going to be
 silent about it!

 A community is inclusive of all its participants, developers and users
 included.  Finding consensus in a diverse community is a hard thing.  As
 seen in this thread, there is no one opinion that is representative of a
 community.  In Fedora, developers engage in a discussion or a debate,
  sometimes a heated one but voting isn't a real discussion. It doesn't show
 WHY people are for or against something which makes it much more harder to
 make a decision either way.  The why is important, perhaps more important
 than gross number count. If you don't agree to me, you don't listen to the
 community is a often repeated thing but isn't a valid statement.

 A very good example of the bad community direction is, to name someone
 again, Rahul. He always points you to your mistakes (fine in a way)
 but never adds (not in my experience) something constructive or
 helpful always a link to a wiki of somekind.

 Even in my first mail I did point out other things you could have done to be
 more effective. I try to be helpful and give you more references instead of
 repeating the same things over and over again. That is one of the reasons, I
 prefer to document things when questions come up frequently on something or
 the other.  I am pretty sure, that is more helpful than your approach but
 you seem to have penchant to convert this into a emotional personal fight
 instead of just a technical debate.

 And for this entire issue where i made this thread for in the firste
 place. Don't expect me to be silent now. I will be vocal about this.
 fedora has a freedom sign

 Being vocal  (and cross posting to increasing more mailing lists) doesn't
 really change anything. Freedom is not anarchy. There are always rules about
 how things are done within any community.
 You do have the full freedom given by the project to do your own thing. I
 even encourage you to do it. If you are really successful, that would be a
 valid statement of your own viewpoints and will help others reconsider their
 current opinions as well.  The current strategy doesn't seem to work very


For the first time ever i fully agree on what you said and didn't find
your post annoying to read.
Just one thing about my tactic.. i have none.. i have no preset plan
of how i'm going to do this. i just do it when i'm writing my next
response and till now that got me far (not talking about mailing lists
now but life in general). I tend to do the right thing when i just do
it without planning anything or considering every possible outcome. I
think i am indeed getting done a part of what i hoped and that's
raising awareness that this option in nautilus should be changed and
that the majority of any linux related community is in favor of it. I
don't have hard numbers to back that up but there are no hard numbers
on community users so don't ask the impossible of me.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 9:38 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
 Jeff Spaleta wrote:

 That's a copout excuse.  You are spending a lot of time right now
 beating your head on the brick wall on this issue.  Figuring out a
 technical solution in the form of a LiveCD under the umbrella of the
 GNOME project might actually be the better argument than what you are
 doing now.

 Is there a fixed policy on how fedora must relate to upstream packages?
  That is, do you have a requirement to take every default that the upstream
 has (themes, etc.)?  Or can any packager make any whimsical change he wants
 at any time?  Or something in between?

  Les Mikesell

What they all said so far is that it either has to be done upstream or
the package maintainer has to do it by making a patch. In this
nautilus case that's the same person. (i won't name him this time
because they also say that won't help the discussion ^_^)

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:10 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
 Mark wrote:

 think i am indeed getting done a part of what i hoped and that's
 raising awareness that this option in nautilus should be changed and
 that the majority of any linux related community is in favor of it. I
 don't have hard numbers to back that up but there are no hard numbers
 on community users so don't ask the impossible of me

 You are being self contradictory. If you don't have any hard numbers, you
 cannot actually claim a majority at all and yes, finding hard numbers is
 difficult if not impossible and doesn't really translate into usability
 anyway. I wouldn't blame you for this.  The real problem is that we haven't
 yet figured out a good community centric approach to usability though many
 different people are trying. Even in cases, where there some acclaimed
 usability tests behind a particular change, many Linux users still felt the
 changes were all wrong. One example is the Slab menu or the new KDE 4
 default menu. In the end, all that you have accomplished is to note again,
 that the Linux community has strong and sometimes deeply conflicting view
 points and aren't afraid to express them but I think,  most of us are
 already aware of that.


To be completely off topic -- the discussion about browser mode seems
over anyway -- the kde 4 menu does suck. besides that it's buggy it's
not intuitive although it might be better if the existing bugs are
fixed. The only thing it is is looking better then what was the
classic menu.

I will see if the bug (talking about the spatial vs browser mode now)
that is targeted for gnome 2.24 is really gonna get in thus meaning
that browser mode is enabled by default again. The link is in one of
my previous posts.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Noel Zeng
Mark markg85 at writes:

 The question is simple:
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

Hi all,

I decided to set up a poll in Fedora Forum - - vote there guys!


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:16 PM, Noel Zeng wrote:
 Mark markg85 at writes:


 The question is simple:
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

 Hi all,

 I decided to set up a poll in Fedora Forum - - vote there guys!


At this moment there are 10 votes already. all in favor of the browser mode.
I, of cause, voted as well ^_^

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Ed Greshko
Mark wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:16 PM, Noel Zeng wrote:
 Mark markg85 at writes:


 The question is simple:
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.
 Hi all,

 I decided to set up a poll in Fedora Forum - - vote there guys!


 At this moment there are 10 votes already. all in favor of the browser mode.
 I, of cause, voted as well ^_^


I hope you realized this type of poll is totally unscientific and

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Temlakos

Ed Greshko wrote:

Mark wrote:

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:16 PM, Noel Zeng wrote:

Mark markg85 at writes:



The question is simple:
Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

Hi all,

I decided to set up a poll in Fedora Forum - - vote there guys!



At this moment there are 10 votes already. all in favor of the browser mode.
I, of cause, voted as well ^_^



I hope you realized this type of poll is totally unscientific and


Well, scientific or not, I never use Nautilus in any mode other than 
browser mode. I do this by checking the check-off box in the Behavior 
options that says Always use browser mode.

For the life of me, I cannot understand the thinking of the inventors, 
or the adherents, of the so-called spatial  mode. Why force a user to 
open a window for every single folder as one opens one subfolder after 
another? Now I can understand, up to a point, wanting this as an 
option--say, to be able to move a file from one folder to another. 
(Although I hope everyone realizes that trying to use Nautilus after 
executing the command known as su gives a hiccup, and if logging-in a 
root is no longer to be allowed, that could get to be a serious 
problem.) But if all one wants to do is open a file-management window 
and then open a file with an associated application, one might have to 
close ten windows in the desktop if spatial mode has been in operation.

For that reason I never use spatial mode. If I want to open two file 
browser windows, then that's exactly what I do.

It occurs to me that the development and user communities cannot seem to 
make up their collective minds whether they want to encourage their 
users to use xterm (or even log in on Runlevel 3) exclusively for all 
file-management tasks, or to use a graphic desktop. And if you're going 
to encourage the latter, then it hardly serves the purpose to make a key 
graphical applet, namely your file manager, difficult or even annoying 
to use.


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Kevin Kofler
Les Mikesell wrote:
 Is there a fixed policy on how fedora must relate to upstream packages?
   That is, do you have a requirement to take every default that the
 upstream has (themes, etc.)?  Or can any packager make any whimsical
 change he wants at any time?  Or something in between?

The packager can make changes.

But in the case of the Fedora GNOME packages, upstream and packagers are
mostly the same people.

Kevin Kofler

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Kevin Kofler
Mark wrote:
 To be completely off topic -- the discussion about browser mode seems
 over anyway -- the kde 4 menu does suck. besides that it's buggy it's
 not intuitive although it might be better if the existing bugs are
 fixed. The only thing it is is looking better then what was the
 classic menu.

Well, I can only suggest that you talk to us on #fedora-kde and try to
gather feedback in some sensible way (but a ML vote is not a good way to do
so, as you have seen - we really don't need another flamewar like this
one!). That's assuming KDE 4's classic menu implementation is good enough
for you: if it also fails to meet your expectations, then actual coding
work is needed! We can't just use the original Kicker menu, it doesn't work
in KDE 4.

Please keep in mind that many people do like the new Kickoff menu, and that
we did hold a kind of vote among KDE maintainers and the result was 3-2 for
Kickoff (and for the record, I voted for the classic menu, I hate Kickoff).
We also tried to gather user feedback but didn't get all that much of it,
maybe because it was too early and KDE 4 wasn't widely used yet (it was
before the Fedora 9 release, so it was only in Rawhide).

Also keep in mind that changing the menu style is just 2 clicks
(right-click, Switch to Classic menu style), KDE upstream made it easily
accessible because they know there are differing strong preferences. (If
the default is switched to Classic, the people who want Kickoff will
complain, we can't make everyone happy.)

Oh, and if you want to participate in our decision making, the best way is
to join the KDE SIG and help with KDE packaging. :-)

Kevin Kofler

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Mark
On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 3:21 AM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
 Mark wrote:
 To be completely off topic -- the discussion about browser mode seems
 over anyway -- the kde 4 menu does suck. besides that it's buggy it's
 not intuitive although it might be better if the existing bugs are
 fixed. The only thing it is is looking better then what was the
 classic menu.

 Well, I can only suggest that you talk to us on #fedora-kde and try to
 gather feedback in some sensible way (but a ML vote is not a good way to do
 so, as you have seen - we really don't need another flamewar like this
 one!). That's assuming KDE 4's classic menu implementation is good enough
 for you: if it also fails to meet your expectations, then actual coding
 work is needed! We can't just use the original Kicker menu, it doesn't work
 in KDE 4.

 Please keep in mind that many people do like the new Kickoff menu, and that
 we did hold a kind of vote among KDE maintainers and the result was 3-2 for
 Kickoff (and for the record, I voted for the classic menu, I hate Kickoff).
 We also tried to gather user feedback but didn't get all that much of it,
 maybe because it was too early and KDE 4 wasn't widely used yet (it was
 before the Fedora 9 release, so it was only in Rawhide).

 Also keep in mind that changing the menu style is just 2 clicks
 (right-click, Switch to Classic menu style), KDE upstream made it easily
 accessible because they know there are differing strong preferences. (If
 the default is switched to Classic, the people who want Kickoff will
 complain, we can't make everyone happy.)

 Oh, and if you want to participate in our decision making, the best way is
 to join the KDE SIG and help with KDE packaging. :-)

Kevin Kofler

Lol calm down on getting yourself safe lol.

I have just tried KDE 4 for a few hours and it's still not stable
enough for me to use.
so don't worry that i'm gonna make a new vote on this ML to get the
original menu back because i won't do that when i'm not using it. Ask
me again when KDE 4 is stable enough to use and doesn't crash when you
set you desktop to folder mode and does indeed remember the setting
and... and... and... there is so much that feels unstable but it's
really looking wonderful already.

And f.y.i. there is no menu in existence that i like ^_^ i did saw a
few mockups but nothing resembles what i would like to see. Not even
vista's! the one in windows 7 is getting closer though but that's only
because the theme there fully fits the panel.

So this is a flame war?... then i don't understand why. it's just
expressing facts and opinion to a few that don't want to listen

On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 3:31 AM, Horst H. von Brand wrote:
 Mark wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 9:24 PM, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
  On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Mark wrote:


  Btw your idea of my spin idea might very well be true ^_^ it's just
  that it sucks up so much time which i don't want to spend at it.

  That's a copout excuse.  You are spending a lot of time right now
  beating your head on the brick wall on this issue.  Figuring out a
  technical solution in the form of a LiveCD under the umbrella of the
  GNOME project might actually be the better argument than what you are
  doing now.

 not an excuse just a fact. besides that fact i just need to use fedora
 with a project of mine.

 Yes, it is an excuse. If you want something done, do it yourself.

Just when i'm calm down again you come here and post that line.
i absolutely HATE those lines the most in the entire open source world!
i've seen that so many times.. if you don't like it, make it
yourself! it's open so your free to do so it's such a lame excuse of
YOU to get rid of me the fast way. Most people are not even capable of
making it! i am not but am going in that direction to make it. (for
the wise guys: i don't mean remaking gnome but learning c++ and
actually now struggling with QT).

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Kevin Kofler
Tim wrote:
 KDE's even worse - whacking great big menu, needs a search function to
 find things because it's two awkward to use as a menu.  A gazillion and
 one configuration options that you fiddle with rather than actually use
 the computer.

Right-click, switch to Classic style menu. 2 clicks.

And please read:
We're not completely closed to changes in default settings.

Kevin Kofler

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Noel Zeng
Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at writes:

 I hope you realized this type of poll is totally unscientific and

Unscientific and meaningless? How so? I bet you didn't even read the poll.

I kept my personal opinion out of my poll question and my post. Neutral and fair
descriptions are given to each of the modes. The illustrative screenshots are
not biased: in fact, I deliberately didn't use a deeply nested directory to show
that Spatial mode makes a mess with millions of windows! 

Although not all Fedora users are affiliated with Fedora Forum, a wide range, if
not all of Fedora users are represented in FF. This is evident from the range of
questions asked in the forum: ranging from Linux newb *Fedora 10 install
problem* to problems with chkrootkit. I believe that Fedora Forum is the place
to ask the question, and the answer will be representative of the wider Fedora
community. (which favours change, 20 for and 1 against at the moment)

And BTW, why hasn't any opponent to change addressed these good points?
*That most new Fedora users migrated from Windows, which shows folders like a
browser. To help them adjust, avoid confusion and therefore increasing the
chance of them stay using Fedora, isn't it better to give them by default
familiar interface and ways of doing things?
*That spatial mode leaves behind tons of windows, inconvenient for users. And I
know you can use Shift-Doubleclick or simply change it browser mode, but why on
earth would most of Fedora users have to suffer this inconvenience simply
because the powers that be happened to like it?
*That the only supposed advantage is that it mimics real life, therefore more
intuitive. Hell, it's annoying to open a packet within a packet within a packet
on a real life desktop, where a pile of rubbish is left on it,so why repeat that
in the virtual world? Here's a video that illustrates my point - I'm using it
out of context, but


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Ed Greshko
Noel Zeng wrote:
 Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at writes:


 I hope you realized this type of poll is totally unscientific and


 Unscientific and meaningless? How so? I bet you didn't even read the poll.
Doesn't matter

It is only a poll of those people who have decided to respond.No
better than the various CNN online polls an those types.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Noel Zeng
Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at writes:

 Doesn't matter
 It is only a poll of those people who have decided to respond.No
 better than the various CNN online polls an those types.

So according to you, there won't be a way of determining whether people like
something or not? Because, if one comes up with poll results that are contrary
to your preferences, you can just dismiss it with a oh some people didn't
respond. I believe that those who responded are representative of the Fedora
community, per reason in previous post. Your comments don't seem to be
constructive here, considering the above, and also the fact that you didn't even
bother to look at the poll that you're dismissing.


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Ed Greshko
Noel Zeng wrote:
 Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at writes:

 Doesn't matter

 It is only a poll of those people who have decided to respond.No
 better than the various CNN online polls an those types.

 So according to you, there won't be a way of determining whether people like
 something or not? Because, if one comes up with poll results that are contrary
 to your preferences, you can just dismiss it with a oh some people didn't
 respond. I believe that those who responded are representative of the Fedora
 community, per reason in previous post. Your comments don't seem to be
 constructive here, considering the above, and also the fact that you didn't 
 bother to look at the poll that you're dismissing.

It isn't the content of the pollit is the polling methodology.  

But, never mind.   I'm glad important things are decided by these polls.

- Outside! What's it like? - Well -- It's sort of big (Truckers)

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Antonio Olivares
--- On Sat, 12/20/08, Noel Zeng wrote:

 From: Noel Zeng
 Subject: Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11
 Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 9:04 PM
 Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at writes:
  Doesn't matter
  It is only a poll of those people who have decided to
  better than the various CNN online polls an those
 So according to you, there won't be a way of
 determining whether people like
 something or not? Because, if one comes up with poll
 results that are contrary
 to your preferences, you can just dismiss it with a
 oh some people didn't
 respond. I believe that those who responded are
 representative of the Fedora
 community, per reason in previous post. Your comments
 don't seem to be
 constructive here, considering the above, and also the fact
 that you didn't even
 bother to look at the poll that you're dismissing.

I like the browser view +1, but regarding the poll.  What I believe Ed refers 
to is the fact that the poll will not make the developers change their minds, 
although many people would hope that it does, I like browser mode myself and I 
always change it.  But who knows with these things.

It reminds me of testing.  There is too much testing going on in schools.  
School districts benchmarking the kids too much.  In my opinion, the numbers 
might not mean much, they are just benchmarks.  They just have to pass a 
Statewide exam and in the end the other numbers were meaningless.  That in 
testing, here with respect to the stats collected, some people might just 
believe why would developers care about what the end users want?, Just like a 
restaurant where it said:

This is not Burger King!  You get it my way or you don't get the dammn thing! 

While it is good in some ways to have these polls, in the end the decision is 
still left to the developers.  Will they cave in to what the users want?  
This is the big question here.

My $0.02 




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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Noel Zeng
Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at writes:

 It isn't the content of the pollit is the polling methodology.  
 But, never mind.   I'm glad important things are decided by these polls.

I stand by my poll. You haven't addressed my points about the methodology, as
stated in my first post.

I have never said that polls should be the way of deciding things. I'm saying
that the wider Fedora community's input is important, and the developers should
take the input into account. I thought this poll would clarify where the wider
community stands on the issue.

I hope that developers won't play the I'm-the-boss card in the end and say
that, well, too bad, this is a meritocracy. It may be so, but how the community
wants things is important as well.


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Ed Greshko
Noel Zeng wrote:
 Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at writes:

 It isn't the content of the pollit is the polling methodology.  

 But, never mind.   I'm glad important things are decided by these polls.

 I stand by my poll. You haven't addressed my points about the methodology, as
 stated in my first post.

And other more reliable sources
 I have never said that polls should be the way of deciding things. I'm saying
 that the wider Fedora community's input is important, and the developers 
 take the input into account. I thought this poll would clarify where the wider
 community stands on the issue.

 I hope that developers won't play the I'm-the-boss card in the end and say
 that, well, too bad, this is a meritocracy. It may be so, but how the 
 wants things is important as well.



The last time I saw him he was walking down Lover's Lane holding his own
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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Noel Zeng
Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at writes:

OK, you may argue that there is not enough proof to show that the poll is
reflective of normal users, but the other reasons for change are compelling
enough, methinks.

It is also a difficult ask for a scientific survey, since it costs a lot of $$,
and is near impossible. How would you go about having a random selection of
GNOME users when we don't have a list of people who use GNOME and their contact


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Tim
On Sun, 2008-12-21 at 04:46 +, Noel Zeng wrote:
 That spatial mode leaves behind tons of windows, inconvenient for
 users. And I know you can use Shift-Doubleclick or simply change it
 browser mode, but why on earth would most of Fedora users have to
 suffer this inconvenience simply because the powers that be happened
 to like it?

In general, when one clicks into a directory, they want to see something
inside it (i.e. they're looking for *a* *file*).  There's no additional
inference that says they need the prior directory/directories to remain
open at the same time.  I'd say it's far more likely that they don't,
particularly if they're drilling down through several directories.  It's
more practical to use a hotkey to make your new directory open in a new
window, on demand, rather than by default.

You wonder if people making these decisions actually make any
observations about how others use computers.

[...@localhost ~]$ uname -r

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
read messages from the public lists.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-20 Thread Kevin Kofler
Noel Zeng wrote:
 *That spatial mode leaves behind tons of windows, inconvenient for users.
 And I know you can use Shift-Doubleclick or simply change it browser mode,
 but why on earth would most of Fedora users have to suffer this
 inconvenience simply because the powers that be happened to like it?

And more importantly, how are they supposed to figure out the hidden combo
in the first place? It's not intuitive.

Kevin Kofler

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-19 Thread Richard Hughes
On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 21:56 +0100, Mark wrote:
 Cross posted to the devel list because it's for the next fedora
 version (currently in development thus the devel list)

Please don't cross post like this. Decisions like this don't come from
people doing +1 or -1 on mailing lists, sorry.


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-19 Thread Matej Cepl
[Followup-To: header set to gmane.linux.redhat.fedora.devel.]
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora 

Read three 
times and only then continue in writing messages to this thread.  


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-19 Thread Gilboa Davara
On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 21:56 +0100, Mark wrote:
 The question is simple:
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.
 A new window for each folder that i open is so painful!!
 1. My taskbar fills up in notime each time i open a new folder
 2. New features of nautilus: tabbed browsing! completely useless if
 your not using the browser mode
 3. Tabbed browsing (files/folders or web) is hot these days
 4. It feels so.. old (windows 95? 3.11?)
 just to name a few
 Cross posted to the devel list because it's for the next fedora
 version (currently in development thus the devel list)
 Bug report: (wow! i
 couldn't find an existing one for this! made one myself)
 So, lets vote:
 +1 from me
 I hope this can be done for Fedora 11 (it's just changing one gconf value).
 All vote plz

I'm not a GNOME user - but my wife and a number of my co-workers are -
and all of them are using GNOME in non-spatial mode. (Browser mode)

- Gilboa

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-19 Thread dexter
2008/12/19 Kevin Kofler
 Matthias Clasen wrote:
 We don't do votes on things like this.

 If only there was a GNOME SIG with community involvement, where all the
 maintainers of GNOME and closely-related packages (also implying: if GNOME
 packages actually _had_ community comaintainers...) were represented, with
 public meetings also followed by triagers, documentation writers and
 interested users, that would be a good place to hold a vote (among the
 maintainers), also showing some transparency and providing an incentive to
 get involved. Now where did I get this idea from? ;-)

Kevin Kofler

SILENCE! lest the people rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs.

Hey mark build it how you want it put it in a repo and the people will
come, then start a UNLEASH GNOME CAMPAIGN


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-19 Thread Mark
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 1:24 PM, dexter wrote:
 2008/12/19 Kevin Kofler
 Matthias Clasen wrote:
 We don't do votes on things like this.

 If only there was a GNOME SIG with community involvement, where all the
 maintainers of GNOME and closely-related packages (also implying: if GNOME
 packages actually _had_ community comaintainers...) were represented, with
 public meetings also followed by triagers, documentation writers and
 interested users, that would be a good place to hold a vote (among the
 maintainers), also showing some transparency and providing an incentive to
 get involved. Now where did I get this idea from? ;-)

Kevin Kofler

 SILENCE! lest the people rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs.

 Hey mark build it how you want it put it in a repo and the people will
 come, then start a UNLEASH GNOME CAMPAIGN


I probably could but that would need a lot of patching ^_^
and i don't see why i would waste my time on that, a system where i disagree on.

btw. i never understood why Linus Torvalds was so opposed to Gnome.
i'm beginning to understand why.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-19 Thread Tom Horsley
On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 12:24:43 +
dexter wrote:

 SILENCE! lest the people rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs.
 Hey mark build it how you want it put it in a repo and the people will
 come, then start a UNLEASH GNOME CAMPAIGN

Shucks, I already took back what was mine. I don't use GNOME or KDE.
All my desktop are belong to me

Actually, just looking at that page, I see I need to update it. I've
found some more de-gnoming tricks since I wrote it, and solved my
unsolved problem (or at least a subset of it), and have gone ahead
and moved to fedora 10 (skipping 9).

I do wish someone (with more energy than me :-) would create a
branch of GNOME (maybe call it GNOT) and start ripping out
stoopid decisions. Then we'd see which version of GNOME became
more popular.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-19 Thread Mark
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:
 On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 12:24:43 +
 dexter wrote:

 SILENCE! lest the people rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs.

 Hey mark build it how you want it put it in a repo and the people will
 come, then start a UNLEASH GNOME CAMPAIGN

 Shucks, I already took back what was mine. I don't use GNOME or KDE.
 All my desktop are belong to me

 Actually, just looking at that page, I see I need to update it. I've
 found some more de-gnoming tricks since I wrote it, and solved my
 unsolved problem (or at least a subset of it), and have gone ahead
 and moved to fedora 10 (skipping 9).

 I do wish someone (with more energy than me :-) would create a
 branch of GNOME (maybe call it GNOT) and start ripping out
 stoopid decisions. Then we'd see which version of GNOME became
 more popular.

nice ^_^
Want to resurrect project genome (the original gnome fork) with me?

Serious now. a gnome fork with some of the decisions gnome made
reverted might get popular.
O well, the best thing to do if something like this will ever be done
would probably to go to the ubuntu brainstorm site, look at all the
ideas that have been supplied by the users, go to other forums, blogs,
mockups, mailing lists to ask what should be in and.. make it.

A big issue in gnome is that you can't get rid of nautilus easily.
nautilus does more then just browsing files.. it maintains the entire
desktop (background and icons)... it's quite nested in the gnome stuff
(design flaw? there are probably reasons to say it is and it isn't).
So. installing another file manager won't work the way you did expect
it to work.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-19 Thread Kevin Kofler
Mark wrote:
 nice ^_^
 Want to resurrect project genome (the original gnome fork) with me?

It was actually called goneme, as in Gone: Me, not genome. :-)

Kevin Kofler

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-19 Thread Robert Locke
On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 21:56 +0100, Mark wrote:
 The question is simple:
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

Hate voting, but -1

Try using Shift-DoubleClick the next time you open a window while in
Spatial Mode.  There are lots of other tricks apparently, but that one
keeps my window count low


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-19 Thread Tim
On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 21:56 +0100, Mark wrote:
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

That used to be the default, long ago, then some twerp decided that we
needed a desktop full of Windows, like Amiga Workbench 1986, Windows 3,
etc.  Don't people learn from other's historical mistakes?

A desktop full of windows is a mess, requiring you to shuffle them all
around, or do keyboard tricks so that new windows close off the prior
window.  Soon users get tired of having to drill through dozens of
windows, so they dump all their files in the parent window.  Or they
can't find what they want, because they get lost in the maze.  Icon
views don't show you important file details.  Icon view windows only
work if you've got about eight files in the directory, more than that,
and you're keyhole viewing the contents.

Likewise for desktops full of icons—all randomly arranged (they're
certainly not logically arranged by function), and hidden underneath the
windows you're using.

For the last several releases, each time I install I have to configure
the stupidity out of them.

KDE's even worse - whacking great big menu, needs a search function to
find things because it's two awkward to use as a menu.  A gazillion and
one configuration options that you fiddle with rather than actually use
the computer.

[...@localhost ~]$ uname -r

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
read messages from the public lists.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-19 Thread Les Mikesell

Mark wrote:

btw. i never understood why Linus Torvalds was so opposed to Gnome.
i'm beginning to understand why.

How much less RAM would your system need if everything shared one window 
toolkit?  And how much better could it be if all development had focused 
on just one?

  Les Miksell

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-19 Thread Mark
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 9:48 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
 Mark wrote:

 btw. i never understood why Linus Torvalds was so opposed to Gnome.
 i'm beginning to understand why.

 How much less RAM would your system need if everything shared one window
 toolkit?  And how much better could it be if all development had focused on
 just one?

  Les Miksell

Multiple toolkits is horrible but some desire it. there is no stopping
in that unless all but one change to a license that simply isn't for
linux (or closed source).
And the biggest ram eaters and cpu eaters are all those python scripts
that keep being pushed in more and more distros (you get the point)

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Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Mark

The question is simple:
Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

A new window for each folder that i open is so painful!!
1. My taskbar fills up in notime each time i open a new folder
2. New features of nautilus: tabbed browsing! completely useless if
your not using the browser mode
3. Tabbed browsing (files/folders or web) is hot these days
4. It feels so.. old (windows 95? 3.11?)
just to name a few

Cross posted to the devel list because it's for the next fedora
version (currently in development thus the devel list)

Bug report: (wow! i
couldn't find an existing one for this! made one myself)

So, lets vote:

+1 from me

I hope this can be done for Fedora 11 (it's just changing one gconf value).
All vote plz


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Mark wrote:


The question is simple:
Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

I hope this can be done for Fedora 11 (it's just changing one gconf value).
All vote plz

What's next? Voting on ssh configuration options?

Mindless +1 and =1 will yield to nothing but number pushing and not a 
serious debate.

I vote that we don't vote on configuration changes and let the upstream 
developers and package maintainers decide.  Voting on every 
configuration change, we would obvious not be getting anywhere.  The 
decision will be an upstream change or in other circumstances, the 
maintainer of the software in question. If the maintainers want to do a 
survey, they can on their own or ask for help if needed.


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Mark
On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:10 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
 Mark wrote:


 The question is simple:
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

 I hope this can be done for Fedora 11 (it's just changing one gconf
 All vote plz

 What's next? Voting on ssh configuration options?

 Mindless +1 and =1 will yield to nothing but number pushing and not a
 serious debate.

 I vote that we don't vote on configuration changes and let the upstream
 developers and package maintainers decide.  Voting on every configuration
 change, we would obvious not be getting anywhere.  The decision will be an
 upstream change or in other circumstances, the maintainer of the software in
 question. If the maintainers want to do a survey, they can on their own or
 ask for help if needed.


Sorry, Rahul, i disagree with this. I try to get through the redhat
and fedora devs that we, the users (about 5 now if i count right),
just want to see this changed!
Redhat is eager to change things when they might get in trouble if
they have it in.. like codec support. You guys are killing out more
then enough in other packages to save your own asses and you tell us
that you want to follow upstream.. i agree on that with CODE changes.
i disagree on that with config changes! config things are just the the
values set by the creators that they think are best to use. That
doesn't make them THE best settings out there. Don't be so freaking
hard on config changes! And if it must change upstream then do so!
redhad is the lead dev of both fedora and gnome so everything
regarding this config setting is in redhats hands.

Or do you want me to submit a bug report to suggest that config
changes should be allowed in fedora! but code changes shouldn't
(unless it could possibly end up in patent lawsuits)

I am just trying to get a clear signal out that there is something in
fedora that the people using fedora want to see different

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Dimi Paun wrote:

On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 02:40 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:

I vote that we don't vote on configuration changes and let the
developers and package maintainers decide.  Voting on every 
configuration change, we would obvious not be getting anywhere.  The 
decision will be an upstream change or in other circumstances, the 
maintainer of the software in question. If the maintainers want to do

a survey, they can on their own or ask for help if needed.

This makes lots of sense -- to be consistent, I suggest we remove
all Fedora-related artwork that diverges from upstream. Including
the desktop background images too.

Branding doesn't really have anything to do with configuration changes.
I suggest that you read

For artwork and branding, Fedora is essentially upstream for many things 
like Nodoka theme. To be consistent, the decision on which artwork to 
pick among the many competing proposals is left to the artwork team and 
not by a random vote in a mail cross posted to fedora-devel and 
fedora-list either. You are confusing completely different things.


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Mark wrote:

Redhat is eager to change things when they might get in trouble if
they have it in.. like codec support.  You guys are killing out more
then enough in other packages to save your own asses and you tell us
that you want to follow upstream.. 

If a software is not included at all in Fedora, then there is no 
modification and upstream is preserved as it is. For many others like in 
the case of gstreamer, the extra codecs or functionality is separated 
cleanly as plugins and we don't have to modify anything but only pick 
and choose, what we can include. Only as a last resort, is something 
patched and that is because it is the only legal choice at that point. 
It is still a unfortunate divergence and adds a ongoing  maintenance 
overhead for the package maintainers. Adding more pain to the problem 
doesn't make sense.


i agree on that with CODE changes.

i disagree on that with config changes! config things are just the the
values set by the creators that they think are best to use. That
doesn't make them THE best settings out there. Don't be so freaking
hard on config changes! 

Code and configuration cannot be easily separated like this and changes 
always have a associated cost. Atleast in one package I maintain, a very 
small and simple configuration change resulted in a potential security 
hole (only in rawhide for a short while but still ..)

I am just trying to get a clear signal out that there is something in
fedora that the people using fedora want to see different

It doesn't seem the right path to doing that, to me.


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Michael Semcheski
I feel of two minds about this issue.

First, I'm glad you brought it up, because I didn't know browse mode
was so different.  I think its far more to my liking than the open a
folder mode used in all of the Places apps.

But on the other hand, I sort of wish you hadn't, because I'm even
more sick of a bunch of windows opening, and there's no easy way to
force an open window into browse mode, or to set the default to browse
mode.  Ignorance was not quite bliss, but now...

Anyway, I'm not one who believes that voting is the best way to solve
all issues.  But I did want my  to voice my opinion on the issue of
browser view in nautilus.


On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:56 PM, Mark wrote:

 The question is simple:
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

 A new window for each folder that i open is so painful!!
 1. My taskbar fills up in notime each time i open a new folder
 2. New features of nautilus: tabbed browsing! completely useless if
 your not using the browser mode
 3. Tabbed browsing (files/folders or web) is hot these days
 4. It feels so.. old (windows 95? 3.11?)
 just to name a few

 Cross posted to the devel list because it's for the next fedora
 version (currently in development thus the devel list)

 Bug report: (wow! i
 couldn't find an existing one for this! made one myself)

 So, lets vote:

 +1 from me

 I hope this can be done for Fedora 11 (it's just changing one gconf value).
 All vote plz


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Armin Moradi
You can change the configuration in no time, but for me, the default works good!


Character is a muscle

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Robert Moskowitz

Mark wrote:


The question is simple:
Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

A new window for each folder that i open is so painful!!

The first thing I do with a new install, or new userid, is to change 
Nautilus so that it gives a list instead of icons, does not open a new 
window with every click, but goes to the new directory in the current 
window. Show tree instead of places on the left, and give me shift-Del.

Perhaps I am an oldtimer. On my few XP systems, the first thing I do 
there is change to the 'classic view'.

I also miss a feature I have on my Centos 5 systems: I can right click 
on the desktop and hit 't' to open a terminal window. I don't have to 
put a terminal window laucher on the panel if I don't want to. I need 
LOTS of terminal windows to make it through the day

1. My taskbar fills up in notime each time i open a new folder
2. New features of nautilus: tabbed browsing! completely useless if
your not using the browser mode
3. Tabbed browsing (files/folders or web) is hot these days
4. It feels so.. old (windows 95? 3.11?)
just to name a few

Cross posted to the devel list because it's for the next fedora
version (currently in development thus the devel list)

Bug report: (wow! i
couldn't find an existing one for this! made one myself)

So, lets vote:

+1 from me

I hope this can be done for Fedora 11 (it's just changing one gconf value).
All vote plz



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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Robert Moskowitz

Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Mark wrote:


The question is simple:
Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

I hope this can be done for Fedora 11 (it's just changing one gconf 

All vote plz

What's next? Voting on ssh configuration options?

Mindless +1 and =1 will yield to nothing but number pushing and not a 
serious debate.

I vote that we don't vote on configuration changes and let the 
upstream developers and package maintainers decide. Voting on every 
configuration change, we would obvious not be getting anywhere. The 
decision will be an upstream change or in other circumstances, the 
maintainer of the software in question. If the maintainers want to do 
a survey, they can on their own or ask for help if needed. 

Once you use a package a lot on a number of platforms, you develop your 
own 'profile' that you change to as your 'second step' (after install/ID 

I remember with IKEv2 in the IETF the debates to my cipher-suites to 
ensure that only 'safe' combinations were used (matching security 
strengths). The debates amoung a few hundred security wizards and a 
bunch of vendors was mind-numbing.

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Michael Semcheski
On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 4:56 PM, Armin Moradi wrote:
 You can change the configuration in no time, but for me, the default works 

Ahh -- Under Preferences - Behavior - Always open in browser
windows checkbox.  Sneaky, but I did find it.  That was easier than I
first thought.

I still feel that's the better default option, but I'm glad to know
its easier to set than I thought.


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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Frank Cox
On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 16:59:34 -0500
Robert Moskowitz wrote:

 I also miss a feature I have on my Centos 5 systems: I can right click 
 on the desktop and hit 't' to open a terminal window. I don't have to 
 put a terminal window laucher on the panel if I don't want to. I need 
 LOTS of terminal windows to make it through the day

yum install nautilus-open-terminal

MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Melville Sask ~

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Leland C. Scott
Every version of Fedora I've installed I switch to the Browser view for 
Nautilus. Opening a new window each time you open another folder makes a 
mess out of the desktop and then try to keep track of which window is the 
one(s) you want! If I want another window I simply start Nautilus opening a 
window, the one I want.

I also use MS Windows and I turn that annoying behavior off there too.

The option to switch to or from the Browser view should be a setting you can 
set through the setup preferences in Nautilus without having to get the 
Gnome config utility, load it and hunt for the option to change this 

Leland C. Scott

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread max bianco
On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:56 PM, Mark wrote:

 The question is simple:
 Lets use the browser view of nautilus in the next fedora release.

 A new window for each folder that i open is so painful!!

That's the default which I don't like either but it can be changed
rather easily to a browser view.

 1. My taskbar fills up in notime each time i open a new folder
 2. New features of nautilus: tabbed browsing! completely useless if
 your not using the browser mode
 3. Tabbed browsing (files/folders or web) is hot these days
 4. It feels so.. old (windows 95? 3.11?)
I agree with you here...

 just to name a few

 Cross posted to the devel list because it's for the next fedora
 version (currently in development thus the devel list)

 Bug report: (wow! i
 couldn't find an existing one for this! made one myself)

That's how you do it. Good luck. I hope this doesn't turn into a flame fest.

Any fool can know. The point is to understand.

-Albert Einstein

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Frank Cox
On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 18:05:43 -0500
Leland C. Scott wrote:

 The option to switch to or from the Browser view should be a setting you can 
 set through the setup preferences in Nautilus without having to get the 
 Gnome config utility, load it and hunt for the option to change this 

It is.

MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Melville Sask ~

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Mark
On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:49 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
 Mark wrote:

 Redhat is eager to change things when they might get in trouble if
 they have it in.. like codec support.  You guys are killing out more
 then enough in other packages to save your own asses and you tell us
 that you want to follow upstream..

 If a software is not included at all in Fedora, then there is no
 modification and upstream is preserved as it is. For many others like in the
 case of gstreamer, the extra codecs or functionality is separated cleanly as
 plugins and we don't have to modify anything but only pick and choose, what
 we can include. Only as a last resort, is something patched and that is
 because it is the only legal choice at that point. It is still a unfortunate
 divergence and adds a ongoing  maintenance overhead for the package
 maintainers. Adding more pain to the problem doesn't make sense.


 i agree on that with CODE changes.

 i disagree on that with config changes! config things are just the the
 values set by the creators that they think are best to use. That
 doesn't make them THE best settings out there. Don't be so freaking
 hard on config changes!

 Code and configuration cannot be easily separated like this and changes
 always have a associated cost. Atleast in one package I maintain, a very
 small and simple configuration change resulted in a potential security hole
 (only in rawhide for a short while but still ..)

 I am just trying to get a clear signal out that there is something in
 fedora that the people using fedora want to see different

 It doesn't seem the right path to doing that, to me.


I just can't resist to comment on you just to BREAK your arguments
that settings have to be made upstream as well.

Oke. I browsed through the fedora cvs for a few minutes looking for
firefox because i know a setting got in there a while ago to fix
That something was that the scrolling was going slow in firefox when
compositing was enabled. which is especially notable in gmail in long

Now that firefox issue never got resolved on fedora but the value:
general.smoothScroll was set to true while the upstream was false!
and that setting just lets firefox scroll with less lines per scroll.
the issue that firefox scrolls slow when compositing is enabled is
still valid.. still not fixed..
and that conf value is still set to true! while upstream is still
FALSE! that setting got through relatively fast (mather of hours or
days.. don't remember exactly) and the proof is here:

Now that's just one thing you guys changed in firefox. there is a lot
more that got changed in firefox and isn't changed upstream! just go
through the firefox files on the fedora CVS.
So your argument that confis settings will have to be applied upstream
is hereby smashed to the ground because other packages don't keep that
same deal.
Other packages get config setting changes so WHY are you making such a
hard deal of nautilus?

O and don't believe that you guys don't patch the hell out of
packages? look at apache, look at php, look at mysql, look at kde...
look at nearly EVERY package that is in fedora.
And those patches are the hard ones!

Then for the fedora bookmarks in firefox.. those are relatively easy
to add but to we want them? are those requested by the users? NO! are
those done anyway? YES!
are those upstream? NO! are those in fedora? YES!

And to your latest post here:
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 12:06 AM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
 Suren Karapetyan wrote:

 Not in this case.
 Here we can easily separate a default checkbox from code change.

 Nothing is as easy as it looks. You have to patch software,  patch
 documentation, patch translations and test them. All deviations from
 upstream carry risks. Then there would be differences between upstream and
 some distributions. Users who have to deal with multiple distributions have
 to deal with these differences.

 If there is a change required, talk within the upstream community or have a
 real discussion with the package maintainers and try to convince them
 instead of pointless voting in the development mailing list (which is far
 from representative of a regular user base, would make them feel forced). If
 the maintainers have agreed to a vote, then fine. If not, it makes no
 difference and just wastes time.  Don't do it. It just provides false hope
 and leads to more disappointment. Not worth it, for a easily changed


Oh men, i'm so starting to hate you.
your reasons are broken and smashed to the ground by what i said
above! get fedora in line with what you say or don't say a thing!

So.. you want us/me to contact the maintainers of nautilus. So be it!
Will do so in my next post

Sorry for the mad post but i'm just getting 

Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Kevin Kofler
Matthias Clasen wrote:
 We don't do votes on things like this.

If only there was a GNOME SIG with community involvement, where all the
maintainers of GNOME and closely-related packages (also implying: if GNOME
packages actually _had_ community comaintainers...) were represented, with
public meetings also followed by triagers, documentation writers and
interested users, that would be a good place to hold a vote (among the
maintainers), also showing some transparency and providing an incentive to
get involved. Now where did I get this idea from? ;-)

Kevin Kofler

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Kevin Kofler
Mark wrote:
 i agree on that with CODE changes. i disagree on that with config changes!
 config things are just the the values set by the creators that they think
 are best to use. That doesn't make them THE best settings out there. Don't
 be so freaking hard on config changes!

+1, customizing configuration is really not a big deal at all. Many of our
default configurations are customized in some way.

 Or do you want me to submit a bug report to suggest that config
 changes should be allowed in fedora! but code changes shouldn't
 (unless it could possibly end up in patent lawsuits)

-1, code changes are allowed and should remain so. We already have the
WhyUpstream page providing some guidance on what kind of changes are
reasonable. How to actually handle this should be the maintainer's call, it
really depends on the package, and also on the nature of the individual
change (e.g. making some program work with PulseAudio is definitely worth

Kevin Kofler

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Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

2008-12-18 Thread Matthew Saltzman
On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 17:20 -0600, Michael Cronenworth wrote:
  Original Message 
 Subject: Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11
 From: Mark
 To: Development discussions related to Fedora
 CC: Community assistance, encouragement, and advice for using Fedora.
 Date: 12/18/2008 05:14 PM
  Sorry for the mad post but i'm just getting kinda frustrated by one person 
 The traditional, top two trouble makers in both lists are Rahul and Les. 
 I'm surprised Les hasn't shown up in this thread yet. He must have not 
 checked his email yet.

The traditional top *three* troublemakers are...

Oh, never mind...

Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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