System: Dell XPS 1710
Sound H/W: HDA-Intel
Current kernel:

In the /dev/snd directory I see:
    hwC0D0  hwC0D1  pcmC0D0c  pcmC0D0p  pcmC0D1p  timer

The controlC0 device is created in /dev, not in /dev/snd, and the first
rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/90-alsa.rules fails.

In the file /etc/udev/rules.d/40-alsa.rules I see the line:
KERNEL=="controlC[1-9]*",       NAME="snd/%k", MODE="0666"

If I change [1-9] to [0-9] I see the controlC0 device created
in /dev/snd, and the alsa rules run just fine.  I see in /dev/snd:
    controlC0  hwC0D0  hwC0D1  pcmC0D0c  pcmC0D0p  pcmC0D1p  timer

The controlC0 should be in /dev/snd, correct?

Also, none of the sound devices like /dev/audio, dev/dsp, /dev/mixer,
etc., are created.  Now that I have the controlC0 device being created
in (what I hope is) the correct place, where is the creation of the /dev
devices like dsp and audio controlled?  I see lines like
    KERNEL=="audio0",           SYMLINK+="audio", MODE="0666"

in 40-alsa.rules but no /dev/audio (or audio0) device ends up being

Any suggestions would be helpful.


-- Mark C. Allman, PMP
-- Allman Professional Consulting, Inc.
--, 617-947-4263
-- Twitter: allmanpc

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