Re: our meeting today

2009-12-08 Thread Mel Chua

Our meeting today: F13 planning. Let's take all the ideas from:


(and these too)

...and figure out our deliverables and schedule, and where our 
individual plans for the release cycle intersect, and how we're going to 
coordinate our work.

I sat down with John Poelstra yesterday and we came up with what we 
think - and hope - is a drastically simplified way of thinking about the 
schedule that we'd like to run by folks. I'm on a bus from Toronto to 
Boston and will get online and update wiki pages and the like as soon as 
we cross the border and my mobile broadband doesn't cost ridiculous 
amounts per MB, but wanted to give y'all a heads-up now.

See you online this afternoon!


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

[In the news] The State of Fedora: We're Not Just for Fanboys

2009-12-08 Thread Kara Schiltz


The State of Fedora: We're Not Just for Fanboys
Cheap, Easy, and Sustainable
By Sean Michael Kerner

With over 20 million installations, Fedora is among the most world's 
popular Linux distributions. While that kind of success has been due to 
a rapid base of supporters, the distro originally launched by Red Hat as 
a community Linux project is having to bridge the divide between 
targeting a mass audience and keeping hardcore enthusiasts in the fold.

That's no easy task, but for Fedora Project Leader Paul Frields, it's 
key to the distro's continued growth.

"I'm not interested in a shotgun approach where we reach every single 
person on the planet, though that wouldn't be a bad thing," Frields said 
during a session at the FUDCon Fedora conference 
 here this weekend. 
"At Fedora, we're not interested in 'fanboy'-ism. What we're interested 
in is people that want to contribute."

Full article:

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Marketing goals, round 2!

2009-12-08 Thread Robyn Bergeron
F13 Marketing Goals... and beyond!

Greetings marketing friends,

As some of you have probably read, I've been doing some thinking on
not just our specific, measurable goals for F13, but also the
marketing team's wider objectives and mission.  In other words, we may
have this list of fabulous tasks we've brainstormed for F13, but what
are our end goals?

I've come up with an idea I'd like to propose and/or get feedback on.
It may not be the perfect solution, but I think that it might get us
on the path to being more mission-oriented in future releases, if we
(a) decide to go down this route, and (b) decide at the end of F13
that it was a worthwhile effort.

The concept is to organize the tasks we work on around the four
foundations of Fedora - Freedom, Friends, Features, First (please see if you want the big
explanation on all of these things - I know they are each
intentionally easy-to-grasp concepts, but the bigger picture behind
each one is worth reading).  For our team, what this would mean is
that each of our tasks should be focused on furthering one (or more)
of each of these foundations.  Not to pin us in, necessarily - ideas
of all types will fall into one of these categories, generally - but
to make sure we aren't forgetting to focus on anything.

I've written a bit down about each foundation - this is of course just
me brainstorming a bit, I would love to hear more ideas on solidifying
these if other team members think it is a good idea.  (And by
solidifying, I mean into slightly more concise statements :D ) Under
each one, I've listed some of the tasks that might fall into that
category. (The task lists aren't comprehensive - I've just typed
things in here, so don't get mad if your idea isn't here!)

Freedom:  Use FOSS tools as much as possible (or practical) in
production of Marketing materials, and do our best to support
solutions that may work in the future. (Side note: See mizmo's post to
the marketing list on making the fedora video - it wasn't entirely
practical, but bugs were filed, discussions are ongoing, this is GOOD!
And awesome video btw, I know you've heard it already but I'm just
sayin' it again :D.)  Give marketing contributors the freedom and
knowledge to work on projects as they choose.  Practice openness, and
give process more transparency.
- HOWTO's on how to make all Marketing deliverables
- translations and i18n workflow for marketing stuff
- Cross-training of team members for things like Zikula

Friends: Continue to develop and extend not only the Fedora marketing
community, but also the Fedora community in general.
- Grow the number of marketing contributors
- Convert 100 users of non-Fedora distros to Fedora as their primary desktop OS
- Encourage 100 college students to sign up as Fedora contributors and
each contribute at least one thing.
- FUDCon
- Talk up Fedora at at least 20 different LUG meetings worldwide
- Marketing FAD
- RH Summit
- Podcasts

Features: Enhance Fedora's marketing presence with new features, and
ensure that Fedora distro features are highlighted in a timely way.
- Spin Chooser
- Fedora Insight
- Develop a sustainable cycle / schedule of marketing materials.
Developer Interviews, In-depth features, etc.
- Improve cross-team communication between marketing, docs, and QA for
improvements in material

First: Do New Things, and continually come up with New Ideas; review
their effectiveness when they are complete, and don't be afraid to
say, "That didn't work."
- Marketing Kits
- Fedora Print Magazine
- Time-Based Schedule
- Fedora Membership / Fellowship
- Keeping track of new ideas

Like I said - this is a brainstorm, of sorts, so I'd love to hear feedback.



Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Meeting minutes 2009-12-08

2009-12-08 Thread Mel Chua
F13 planning - we know our release deliverables for the F13 cycle and 
what we're going to do between now and Alpha to get up the tools we need 
to make those things more easily. Sweet!

Signing off from the FUDBus,


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Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Marketing FAD 2010 - First Brainstorm

2009-12-08 Thread wonderer
Hy there,

short after todays marketing meeting some came with an the idea that are
crawling around some heads for quite a while: We want to have a
Marketing FAD!

Theme: Fedora Marketing - What is, what will be
* build up our "new" marketing plan for F13 / F14 and work on that
* work and grow our Marketing Team
* have fun

Here are some questions we start to work on:
* Where do we want to have it (location)?
* when (date) ?
* who (attendees) ?
* work schedule (plan) ?
A first throw-in I would say "how about hawaii, first march week 2010,
some hotel around".
For all other things around we have also a wikipage [1] for filling with
suggestions and facts.
Please have a look, add your name to the list if you are interressted or
already say "YES, I want to be there" because
we must know your preferences to plan further on.

[1] =

mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards
Henrik Heigl -

PGP/GnuPG: 8237 D432 0616 D567 DBC6  3FE3 0D52 B374 F468 A5F0

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Fedora Insight: Remaining items

2009-12-08 Thread Pascal Calarco

Hi all --

Simon made excellent progress on Monday resolving most of the errors on 
publictest6 for Fedora Insight.  Xinhua works nicely and I am able to 
submit, decision, and publish articles with the workflow we designed for 

However, we are not ready to launch yet.  We still need to cluster 
individual FWN beats into a single issue.  When I publish items, they 
aren't showing up on the interface yet, as the design needs to get 
synched with the templates that we worked on at FUDCon.  There are a 
number of design tickets open that Mo was working on.  Diana made good 
progress on some of these, and we should get the detail for these 
tickets updated, but there are a number of tickets that we need Mo or 
someone else on the design team to document and work on.

We also did not quite get to the staging server, AFAIK.

Perhaps we could meet on IRC sometime later this week to discuss 
further?  Thanks!

  - pascal

Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Marketing Trac instance - Add F13 milestones to dropdown box?

2009-12-08 Thread Robyn Bergeron
I'm currently going through the marketing wiki stuff looking at what
we need to refresh for the F13 cycle (see today's marketing meeting
notes for more info,

Came across this page -

We should probably - in the spirit of "getting infrastructure ready" -
add F13 milestones for new tickets created, and maybe clean up / move
over to F13 / consider / reconsider outstanding tickets we have.

I don't have access to add F13 milestones (as far as I can see
without, you know, BREAKING THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE) - but I would like to
propose that we (a) get that stuff added (Mel?) and (b) that we take
on sorting through this list at some point in a marketing meeting in
the sort-of near future. (Maybe after the new year?)


Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing FAD 2010 - First Brainstorm

2009-12-08 Thread Robyn Bergeron
I'll add this to the wiki, but just wanted to throw this out there -

I know there is probably (a) a budget of sorts, and (b) budgets for a
lot of us who wouldn't have "corporate sponsorship" from our employer
(ie - students and such) - so while Hawaii does sound absolutely
fabulous, a ticket from Phoenix to Hawaii during that time (which is
spring break here in the US for a lot of folks, meaning travel prices
are higher) is in the $650 range, and from Boston to Hawaii is even
uglier (think more like 800).

So as much as it pains me to say it since it does sound
reeeallly nice...  we should probably consider something, you
know, slightly less exotic in the spirit of allowing more people to
come participate and/or saving that budget for allowing people to come
/ participate in fudcons of the future.  :)

That said: Las Vegas will have somewhat pleasant weather in March
(better than, say, Boston, I'd venture); an abundance of decently
priced hotel rooms, food options galore, conference space galore, a
lovely international airport with cheap transportation, and plenty to
do/see (even for our underage friends!).

Otherwise, I'd suggest a coastal city with a Big Airport for ease of
travel for any international friends we may have; Boston, Atlanta,
Seattle, Vancouver come to mind.

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 3:24 PM, wonderer  wrote:
> Hy there,
> short after todays marketing meeting some came with an the idea that are
> crawling around some heads for quite a while: We want to have a
> Marketing FAD!
> Theme: Fedora Marketing - What is, what will be
> * build up our "new" marketing plan for F13 / F14 and work on that
> * work and grow our Marketing Team
> * have fun
> Here are some questions we start to work on:
> * Where do we want to have it (location)?
> * when (date) ?
> * who (attendees) ?
> * work schedule (plan) ?
> A first throw-in I would say "how about hawaii, first march week 2010,
> some hotel around".
> For all other things around we have also a wikipage [1] for filling with
> suggestions and facts.
> Please have a look, add your name to the list if you are interressted or
> already say "YES, I want to be there" because
> we must know your preferences to plan further on.
> [1] =
> mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards
> Henrik Heigl -
> PGP/GnuPG: 8237 D432 0616 D567 DBC6  3FE3 0D52 B374 F468 A5F0
> --
> Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

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