Websites Meeting Reminder

2009-07-31 Thread Darren VanBuren
I'm reminding all of y'all that there's a Websites Meeting in about 10
hours (17:00 GMT).

It'll be in #fedora-websites, and if ricky is going to be at the FESco
meeting, I'm going to try to be the chair, so don't be rowdy. ;)


Darren L. VanBuren

Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Websites Meeting Reminder

2009-07-31 Thread Máirín Duffy
On Thu, 2009-07-30 at 23:19 -0700, Darren VanBuren wrote:
 I'm reminding all of y'all that there's a Websites Meeting in about 10
 hours (17:00 GMT).
 It'll be in #fedora-websites, and if ricky is going to be at the FESco
 meeting, I'm going to try to be the chair, so don't be rowdy. ;)

Hey, I'm likely going to be unable to make the meeting, but there seemed
to be a lot of interest in the get.fpo mockup in-progress so here's what
I have so far, it's not anywhere near finished though.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-07-31

2009-07-31 Thread Ricky Zhou
17:00  ricky #startmeeting Fedora Websites
17:00  onekopaka k
17:00  zodbot Meeting started Fri Jul 31 17:00:05 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
ricky. Information about MeetBot at
17:00  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to:  (Meeting topic: 
Fedora Websites)
17:00  ricky #topic Who's here?
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Who's here? (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
17:00  * nb 
17:00  * stickster  
17:00  * onekopaka 
17:00  * ricky 
17:00 -!- mizmo [n=du...@nat/redhat/x-xjvducmcqyezityp] has quit Sláinte 
17:00  * hiemanshu is here
17:00  ricky ianweller_away, mchua, any-interested-advisory-board-people: ping
17:01  hiemanshu onekopaka: nb ?
17:01  onekopaka ricky: ianweller_away sent mail to the list saying he's gone.
17:01  ricky onekopaka: Oh, which list
17:01  onekopaka ricky: mizmo is also not here (hence her quiting the irc 
17:01  onekopaka ricky: f-w-l
17:01  * hiemanshu dint get any
17:02  ricky All right then.
17:02  ricky #topic get-fedora redesign
17:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: get-fedora redesign 
(Meeting topic: Fedora Websites)
17:02  ricky #link 
- stickster's email about that
17:02  * hiemanshu doesnt like what mizmo did to the mockup
17:02  onekopaka #link
17:03  ricky So mizmo posted a unfinished mockup today - I think we should 
hold back the comments until it's actually done, since it could still be 
changing a lot as she works on it
17:03  hiemanshu onekopaka: that mockup in my idea is _BAD_
17:03  hiemanshu ricky: where are the other options? x86_64
17:03  stickster Critiques of in-progress works can be helpful
17:03  hiemanshu mainly thats what we spoke of
17:03  stickster hiemanshu: Can you be a bit more specific please?
17:03  onekopaka hiemanshu: I know, I figured that you would say that.
17:04  ricky stickster: Well, I'm saying this based on what mizmo said last 
meeting about not wanting to post her unfinished mockup
17:04  stickster ricky: OK, understandable
17:04  hiemanshu stickster: the main reason we wanted a new look because we 
wanted people to be able to find pages easy
17:04  stickster I think the thing to remember about this design is that it's 
going to be in accordance with the requirements that are being developed on FAB
17:04  ricky So did everybody see the stickster's email?
17:05  stickster Board meeting notes from yesterday are also good reading
17:05  * onekopaka looks at taht now.
17:05  hiemanshu ricky: not really, will read it after the meeting
17:05  onekopaka that*
17:05  stickster
17:05  ricky Basically, there was some disagreement about the target audience 
requirements for the page in the past, which led to the page being messy with 
our attempts to please everybody
17:05  onekopaka links = pain when using irssi
17:05 -!- caillon [] has joined 
17:06  ricky So the board has made the call of exactly who this page will be 
targetted at, so that there will be no question about those requirements
17:06  stickster There's a thread on FAB about this now, as a matter of fact.
17:06  hiemanshu ricky: is there a meeting log?
17:06  ricky Of course, how that gets implemented and for example, how the 
page targetted at people that know what they want is presented is still up to us
17:07  ricky hiemanshu: It wasn't an IRC meeting, so there's no log, but 
there are minutes posted on fedora-advisory-board
17:07  onekopaka ricky: a phone meeting?
17:07  ricky #link 
board meeting minutes
17:07  hiemanshu ricky: hmmm, i wanted to read it out so i can have a proper 
idea what people really think
17:08  ricky hiemanshu: The summary of what a lot of people think is that the 
original design of the get-fedora page got derailed by trying to please 
17:08  * hiemanshu agrees
17:08  onekopaka especially with KDE.
17:08  stickster ricky: And in addition, we don't have a good enough 
presentation for the many custom spins that are done every cycle.
17:08  ricky For example the random inconsistent buttons on the left side 
that links to different arches/desktop environments
17:09  ricky Ah, yes - one big part that I left out is a redesign of
17:09  hiemanshu ricky: a cleaner look like what other Distros have (Gentoo  
Debian) would be better
17:09  stickster The Board wants two redesigns to happen. One will be a clear 
route to a single default spin that is the landing place for people who are new 
to Fedora or Linux in general.
17:09  stickster The second is a better showcase for all spins