Websites Meeting Time

2009-08-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, as I mentioned in the meeting, this is the last week where I will
be able to make websites meetings at the current time.  Here's a
whenisgood with my tentative good times starting from next week:

Please fill it in and hopefully we can find an alternative time that's
good for everybody.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-08-21

2009-08-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
17:00 < ricky> #startmeeting Fedora Websites
17:00 < zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 21 17:00:23 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
ricky. Information about MeetBot at
17:00 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to:  (Meeting topic: 
Fedora Websites)
17:00 < ricky> #topic Who's here?
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Who's here? (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
17:00  * mchua is here!
17:00  * ricky 
17:00  * hiemanshu is here
17:00 < ricky> sijis, nb_, tmz, anybody else who's interested: ping
17:00 < hiemanshu> sijis, onekopaka_away, nb ping
17:00 < ricky> Darn, I always manage to forget some
17:01 < hiemanshu> ricky, your getting better at it :P
17:02 < ricky> OK then
17:02 < ricky> #topic {get,spins}
17:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: 
{get,spins} (Meeting topic: Fedora Websites)
17:02 < ricky> So back to what we were discussing
17:03  * hiemanshu was supposed to work on get.fp.o
17:03 < hiemanshu> i havent got much time off this week
17:03 < ricky> Unfortunately, we can't sit tight and just take feedback until 
the week of the F12 release :-/
17:04 -!- rdieter [] has joined #fedora-websites
17:04 < ricky> I think the "allocate X time for feedback" went a bit out of hand
17:04 < mchua> hey, rdieter!
17:04 < mchua> ricky: you mean the f-a-b discussion?
17:04 < ricky> Yeah
17:05 < mchua> ricky: sorry, I've been out of touch with websites lately and 
don't know what the timeline for both redesigns looks like... how is the 
current discussion affecting that timeline?
17:05 < ricky> I think the comments focus more on get.fp.o than spins.fp.o 
though, so I think we should talk with mizmo to get a close-to-final set of 
mockups and start working on HTML/CSS for that part
17:05 < hiemanshu> ricky, she says the current ones are close to final
17:06 < ricky> mchua: We basically have two months from now to have spins.fp.o 
17:06 < hiemanshu> two months is pretty less from what i see
17:06 < ricky> We may be able to stretch that date if we accept having fewer 
translations for release and having many of them come in after the release
17:07 < mchua> ricky: whoa, that's tight. what's the wiki page (or wherever) 
with dates?
17:07  * mchua hunts
17:07 < ricky>
17:08 < mchua> oh - I hadn't realized that get and spins were there, is that 
"Update Website Content"?
17:08 < ricky> The nice thing about working on spins.fp.o is that it's a 
requirement for get.fp.o and not the other way around
17:08 < ricky> Well...  the 2 months I gave were from now until the string 
17:08 < ricky> There's some flexible time between the two for things like 
17:09  * sijis is here.
17:09 < mchua> ricky: if this isn't the time for me to ask questions about the 
redesign schedule, I can ask them later, but it is something I'm confused about 
from the perspective of figuring out how marketing can help out with the 
17:10 < ricky> It's good to get everybody up to date on dates/requiremets
17:10 < ricky> **requirements
17:11 < ricky> So is there anything else anybody wants to discuss on this?
17:11  * hiemanshu leaves
17:11 < hiemanshu> sorry guys
17:11  * mchua waves at hiemanshu 
17:11 < hiemanshu> I need to leave
17:11 < ricky> mchua: If you see mizmo, mind asking her if we can start 
HTMLifying the latest set of spins mockups?
17:11 < ricky> hiemanshu: See you later, thanks for coming
17:11 < hiemanshu> Bye ricky
17:11 < hiemanshu> and sorry
17:11 -!- hiemanshu is now known as hiemanshu|AFK
17:11 < mchua> ricky: don't think she's in the office today, so might want to 
just send an email to list and cc her
17:11 < ricky> No worries
17:12 < ricky> Cool, will do
17:12 < mchua> ricky: I had a few questions on the get/spins redesign, I can 
splurt them all out here and you can tell me which ones are out of scope for 
this meeting.
17:12 < ricky> Feel free to splurt away
17:12 < mchua> 1. what's the schedule like - what are the milestones for 
various deliverables, and who's responsible and accountable for hitting them?
17:13 < ricky> Maybe we need to get more specific, but right now, all I have 
is: get everything done by 2009-10-20
17:13 < mchua> 2. where is the canonical place for the design discussion 
currently on f-a-b to be held? (f-a-b seems like a strange place to have that 
conversation, maybe here or the design list might be a better choice... but 
that convo has a lot of inertia)
17:13 < mchua> ricky: more specific please :)
17:13 < ricky> That includes spins and get-fedora, parts of which can hopefully 
be done in parallel
17:13 < mchua> ricky: basically, as someone who hasn't been deeply involved in 
the discussions so far, but who is interested in helping out, it's hard for me 
to find out what is going on and wha

(no subject)

How do I change my web address home page, when you type  
I get the fedora test page.
I deleted my landing page and my web site is now one page and the  

Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2009-08-21 Thread Mike McGrath
On Fri, 21 Aug 2009, FRANCOIS & HELEN BIZALION wrote:

> How do I change my web address home page, when you type I get 
> the fedora test page.I deleted my landing
> page and my web site is now one page and the address 


"You may now add content to the directory /var/www/html/. Note that until
you do so, people visiting your website will see this page, and not your
content. To prevent this page from ever being used, follow the
instructions in the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf."


Fedora-websites-list mailing list